[spoiler=shoals]basically same colour scheme as you guys
1. Get used to waking up at 8AM before mid-August. And by that, i mean getting up at 8AM without my bowels being cranky as hell.Alarm clock rings at 10AM every day now, although i don't necessarily get up when it does so. :v
3. Make a MAXIMUM EFFORT arting.Fucking
DING. I feel good about myself now. :v
4. get a jobWell, have gotten my first explicit rejection, so that's a start i guess?
5. Make some sort of animation that's a bit longer than 4 frames (this also kind of ties in with the above MAXIMUM EFFORT arting because i have a hard time putting serious effort into anything)Fuckin' hard to get hold of a good animation program that doesn't cost a gorillion dollars, but i have been practicing.
6. Draw something EVERY time i'm in the "i want to art but anxiety is evilllllll" mojo. Doesn't have to be big, just SOMETHING.Mmm, goot progress.
7. Link my deviantArt page to someone i know in meatspace, possibly my brother. (o boy this one's a scary thought)NYET.
8. TRY MUSICstill not yet
9. Bit of a vague one but TRAIN TO SPEAK SLOWER AND MORE CLEARLY. I stumble over my words way too frequently, and it's annoying as hell.Not actively, but eh.
10. Earn enough dosh to afford folk high school without resorting to Parental Loan(tm).Kind of making negative progress here due to the lack of income. :v
11. Be rid of the pain in my arms.Getting better, slowly.
12. get used to not being on the loo for half an hour every timeHave pooped in as little time as 15 minutes, but it varies a lot. :U