Hello, HandofCreation0 here. Off and on DF player.
I usually only post here when I ever encounter strange and unusual things in Dwarf Fortress. And today was no exception.
Started out a new fortress, everything going smoothly, got plenty of booze, food and crafting going on, even got some smithing, albeit my civilization did not have coal for coke, a shame that is, when a named Giant Lion crept forth from the wilderness to cause havoc. My losses were few, only a few hens and a goat amongst my losses, my armored military dwarves cutting it down.
I get the corpses to a refuse stockpile, ready for butchering and what not, when suddenly I get a message on my screen: "Intruders! Drive them Away!" (or something like that), my dwarven Mason, who just happened to pass by the Stockpile (who was a Legendary Mason no less after a fey mood) Decided to reveal himself as a Necromancer and started raising the hen corpses as thralls! No more than a few ticks later, ANOTHER "Intruders! Drive them Away!" message. My Ranger Dwarf who was in the area ALSO revealed himself to be a Necromancer, and raised the other hens and the mangled body of the Giant Lion. My Military had a harder time cutting it and the hens down a second time, lost two of my dwarves, and the two Dwarven Necromancers managed to get away in the fighting, skedaddling off the map and into the wilds.
Anyone else had this experience or something similar?