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Author Topic: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth  (Read 11295 times)

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2008, 08:37:00 pm »

23rd Malachite, 1051
Jusk finally returned, bringing with him the corpse of the giant eagle that frightened Bricktop three days ago.  Watson was rather put out at this one-upmanship and sulks around the tunnels.  However, Surath was not as concerned about this as she might have otherwise have been.

"There are no kobolds, no caves, no neighbors other than the ones in the chasm."  Jusk told her.

"Well, that's that much less to worry about." she replied, relieved.  

Although, she thought, it was probably an indication of the lack of adamantine.  All of the tales she'd heard associated with its discovery contained horrors that would strike terror into the most seasoned, battle-hardened dwarf if even a tenth were true.  This area was comparatively very quiet.

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2008, 11:03:00 pm »

25th Malachite, 1051
Surath had been helping with the construction of the Trade Depot, discussing the merits of various locations with Korbin, when Viktoria came panting up.  In her hand, she held a small nugget, silvery in color.

"Galena!" She panted.

"Galena!" At least with both silver and gold, perhaps this outpost wouldn't be as hopeless as it had been believed nearly six months ago, Surath thought.  Neither metal was as precious as adamantine, or as useful as steel, but they would do for a beginning.

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2008, 11:25:00 pm »

17th Limestone, 1051
Jusk imparted the news when he arrived with his latest kill.
"There is a caravan coming from the south, from the Mountainhomes."

"Armok be praised.  The Queen has not forgotten us."  As the days had gone by since the beginning of autumn, each one without a caravan, Surath had begun to despair.  But now, she had hope that they might be able to prevail upon the liaison to make a good enough report to the Queen that she, at least, might be able to leave this wasteland.

Meanwhile, she commanded that all dwarves drop their current jobs and move the trade goods that Kroma had so carefully fashioned to the newly completed Depot in expectation of the traders.

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2008, 11:31:00 pm »

Are there any specific requests for what I should try to obtain from the caravan/liaison?  The caravan brought booze, various leathers, meats, and cloths, metal bars, some dimple cup seeds, some cheese and an anvil.
If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2008, 12:44:00 am »


I have to admit, Surath has shown her worth today. She's got a really good eye for craftsmanship, being able to tell which of my pieces would get top value, and which ones were mildly blemished. She drives a hard bargain, and got us lots of goodies from the caravan.

We were each supposed to make a list of things we wanted. Here's what I asked for:
A proper wooden instrument I can learn to play
Some sugar so I can experiment with baking
Ropes for leashing the dogs (or at least some cloth to make rope from)
As much food variety as possible (no turtles!)
A haircomb made of some lovely metal, like gold
A pet goat
Some onyx, microcline, or realgar for me to work with

I really feel like we're going to make this place fantastic!



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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2008, 01:43:00 am »

Since no one else has requested one, I'll take first immigrant!

I'll take a miner if you get one.  Otherwise, I'd like these labors/skills:

Mining (even without a pick- you'll get more eventually)
Pump Operating (Dwarven excercise machine- great for stat training) (Can be turned off when legendary)
Engraving (More great stat training- seeing a theme?)

Also, he'll take a turn at bookkeeping if available.

He'll volunteer for the military when these are maxed out.  He can be your beefy maceman.

HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2008, 07:27:00 am »

I'd put it all into meat and booze to guarantee we make it through the first year. by then the farms should be producing enough to keep us going as long as necessary. other than food and drink i cant see anything there that we need right now. i suppose it would be just leather/cloth for rope.


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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2008, 08:17:00 am »

Viktoria overheard the suggestion of more booze, and heartily agreed. Soo tasty!
"A bracelet would make me feel pretty, so I would like one of them if I may!"
With that, she skipped back to the mine, hoping to find more pretty, shiny rocks.
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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2008, 08:49:00 am »

As somebody who has failed on a desert map before, let me be the first to say that you should prioritize booze because otherwise food will steal all your barrels and you will be left with nothing to drink/.
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Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2008, 09:46:00 am »

All of the dwarves were in agreement as far as needed supplies from this caravan.  Booze, of course, was first on the list (like that had ever been in doubt!).  Surath also bought out the entire consignment of meats, and also noticed some forgotten plump helmets in the corner, which she promptly added to the trade as well.  Although some of the dwarves were beginning to grumble about too many plump helmets, they did make some very good drinks.  

In answer to Kroma's request, she took some of the cloth as well.  Kroma was right, the war dogs always following her around made work harder for the others, and left the entranceway undefended.  Ropes would be necessary.

Some leather was also traded for, as you never knew when it might be needed.

From the caravan, Surath requested more booze and lots of wood.  After all, if Viktoria were ever to put her glassmaking skills to use, she would need fuel for the glass furnace.  Kroma had requested, among other things, a pet goat, and Surath tried, but was uncertain of her success as the liaison hemmed and hawed and wouldn't commit.

When Viktoria asked Surath for a bracelet, Surath replied, "Ask Kroma to make you one, unless you want a specific material that we don't have?"

And to Kroma's request for a wooden instrument, "This is a dwarven caravan, with a dwarven liaison!  What self-respecting dwarf would make anything out of wood!  Do you think we're some kind of new-fangled Elf!?"

But when the liaison listed the Queen's requirements for the next export, Surath was in such a deep shock she could barely speak.  The Queen wanted fish.  Fish!  From a desert outpost with not a drop of water, and she wanted fish.  Surath decided not to ask for permission to return to the Mountainhomes, since the Queen clearly did not hold her in any favor.  First the banishment to this hellhole, now requests for impossible things.  For the fish were only beginning. She also wanted booze.  According to the liaison, she insisted on booze.

"But we need every drop of alcohol we can find here!  Without we will (literally) die!"

The liaison just shrugged his shoulders and said the Queen wanted booze.

When Surath recounted the meeting to the other dwarves, Viktoria said, "We should thank Armok for small favors.  At least she did not ask for wood."

But the dwarves were in agreement that the Queen, who had never set food outside the Mountainhomes, clearly had not a clue of the realities of life in a small, struggling outpost.

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2008, 09:50:00 am »

@Toaster:  What do you want to call your dwarf?

For anyone else who wants to claim an immigrant when they eventually arrive, please include in your request:
Name (if not you'll get the randomly assigned name that comes with the dwarf)
List of skills/jobs you want your dwarf to perform (I'll do my best to match dwarves)
Gender (but I may not be able to match this one)

Thanks for reading, and thanks to those who've already joined, your dwarven comments are making this fun to write!

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2008, 10:00:00 am »

19th Sandstone, 1051
Surath, taking a look at the stocks, was alarmed to realize that they were very inaccurate.  She promptly went to Watson, as he was currently doing duty as a mason, asked that he build her a throne.  When he asked what kind, she replied, "Any kind, it doesn't matter what kind.  I need someplace where I can sit down and get these appallingly out-of-date records back up to date.  I have no idea how much booze we really have!"  Which, to a dwarf, was frightening.

The throne was produced in very short order and place in a corner near the stockpiles, so that Surath wouldn't spend as much time running back and forth between them and her new 'office'.

From the moment on Surath could always be seen, either sitting on her throne, writing madly, or running around counting things.  Occasionally she would mutter seemingly random numbers, or things like "what a disgrace!"

The other dwarves, who were also concerned about the amount of remaining booze, left her alone unless it was urgent.

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2008, 10:31:00 am »

16th Moonstone, 1051
Excerpt from Watson's journal:
Another kobold thief showed up, but it wasn't worth bothering Surath about since I and Korbin took care of it, with a little help from Kroma's dogs.  I will never understand what they think to steal, as the only items of value are barrels of booze, and no kobold has ever been known to steal those.

[ January 26, 2008: Message edited by: Dame de la Licorne ]

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur


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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #43 on: January 26, 2008, 11:25:00 am »

This story is quite good so far.  :)

For your sake I hope you don't share Suraths view of kobolds...

So says Armok, God of blood.

Dame de la Licorne

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Re: Cursemountains, the hunt for wealth
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2008, 11:31:00 am »

23 Obsidian, 1051
The mining out of the workshop area was nearly done when Bricktop noticed an odd sparkle in the stone he was mining.  He very carefully loosened a sample and moved close to the torches to examine it more closely.  Viktoria had been mining a short distance away and, curious, came over.

"Rock crystal."  Said Bricktop, handing it to her.

She took the fragment, handling it as reverently as any other dwarf would have adamantine.  "Rock crystal,"  she breathed.  "I have to tell Surath!"


Surath looked up from her records in annoyance when Viktoria called her name.

"We've found rock crystal!"

"And I imagine you're about to tell me why the discovery of yet another gem is so important?"

Viktoria looked at her as if at the dumbest dwarf ever encountered.  "Rock crystal," she said in the manner used with a small child, "is used in the making of crystal glass.  The most expensive and valuable glass."

Surath sighed. "I will add it to the records."  And then, before Viktoria could go, added, "Pray remember that I have no training as a glassmaker, so cannot be expected to know every step of the process."

Viktoria grinned.  "Sorry!"  But nothing could dampen her spirits after finding such a crucial ingredient.

[ January 26, 2008: Message edited by: Dame de la Licorne ]

If software was real world, then it'd be something equivalent of hitting a nail with a hammer and having a building collapse on the other side of town.

Don't worry people, sometimes -moments occur
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