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Author Topic: Our Salvation: It Is Written  (Read 258202 times)


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Re: Our Salvation: Halfway To Sheol
« Reply #1965 on: January 22, 2017, 05:56:20 am »

"That's what friends are for! I still have legs to catch things with, so help me out a little."

Grab his neck or waist or something with my legs and hang like a cape or something on him.

"Up and out to the surface we go! By the way, I didn't hear you introducing yourself."
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Our Salvation: Halfway To Sheol
« Reply #1966 on: January 22, 2017, 03:40:20 pm »

"Well, the language barrier is nothing a good REVELATION can't take care of."
Repeat question and communicate desire to enter town in a hopefully more enlightening manner.
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


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Re: Our Salvation: Halfway To Sheol
« Reply #1967 on: January 23, 2017, 08:14:49 am »

"Fantastic," I say. "We also want a minder, right? The head minder girl seems pretty good at what she does. She also doesn't like me much, but I think she should still cooperate if we appeal to her ego and her curiosity."

I look around the room. "But first we have to leave here. The only obvious exits I've seen on this floor are some windows, but hopefully there's something a little gentler. This lair has to have some sort of escape hatch, right? I wouldn't build a lair without one." I begin searching the alchemy lab for hidden exits.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1968 on: January 23, 2017, 01:40:41 pm »

"Vault of Heavens? You guys a merc group or something? 'Cause honestly that sounds like the name of a bandit group from this one game I used to play. Anyway, sure, I'll just go get my friend, he'd probably appreciate the food. Wait here."

Go get Alphonse and see if he can walk/limp with his new walking stick. If not, I'll just carry him back to ... Mustachio or whatever his nickname was. Then presumably it's go to meet the Captain or whoever!

Mercenaries, the man laughs, good god no! Merchants! And the Vault of Heavens herself, she is a beauty of a vessel. But why prattle on? Come and see - the village is more than ready to welcome you, and they do intend to have one last feast before heading back. After all, there were plenty of profits made!

Yes, you say, you'll be back in a moment. You head back inside and look at Alphonse. You hand him the cane, which he examines in bewilderment. Buckle up, Alphonse, you're heading into the village! His eyes go wide. Do you really have to do that he'd really like to stay here actually on second thought that's probably not a great idea sure he'll follow you right away and stay within sight at all times. That's the spirit, you guess. He limps after you as you walk out, and Big Dipper looks him over with a critical eye. Doesn't he know this man?

[Have We Met: 3]

One of the occupiers, wasn't he? A collaborator? Fallen on hard times then? Er yes sir you could definitely say that is a thing that has happened in a great many ways, Alphonse replies nervously. Become a trader as well then, Dipper inquires, and Alphonse shrugs noncommittally, er there's been something of a change in management and such very nasty business not really at liberty to speak about that presently he'll have to forgive him. Dipper laughs - such is the way of revolutions and their children. Oh well. Come along! Hornsweir awaits!

You travel between the deserted farms, and as the three of you move you see occasional shadows in the hedgerows and moving between trees, following you from afar. You mention this to Dipper, who seems unperturbed. Don't mind them, he chuckles, they're just shy. You notice the town is a little more active - there's even what you could consider a bustle emanating from beyond the gate, which begins to open well in advance of your approach as several sleepy-looking heads poke out from above the sharpened wooden palisade.

It's not uncommon for villages to have a main artery, so to speak, but Hornsweir has something better described as a spine - a single thoroughfare from the gate to the docks, where a square opens up and you see in the distance the origin point of the mast that towers over most of the structures - a sleek bronze longboat, gleaming darkly in the early morning sun, attended by crowds of dark-skinned sailors with the occasional locals mixed in, filtering in and out of the boat and into the streets of the village, which boasts more broken windows and open doors than you would expect of a vibrant riverside community. An inn by the gate stands unmolested and roaring with the last of a long night's festivities, a drunken local-looking fellow falling out of a third floor window and flopping on the ground, getting up seemingly unharmed and stumbling back in through the door.

Big Dipper, comes a sudden shout from a nearby rooftop, back from his morning skulk already! You look up - atop a house that was no doubt once well-appointed before several people applied considerable skills to making it otherwise stands a tall, rather elderly woman with a veritable mane of white hair that a comb seems to have never quite tamed. She balances on the gable on one foot, lifting her other foot to about eye level slowly before lowering it again. And he's brought a handsome stranger as well! Her voice, though grandmotherly and spoken in very much an indoor tone, carries through the noise perfectly. Behind her, balancing with a variable degree of incompetence and inversely proportional mortal fear, are three young women in slightly more piratical garb.

Great Rainbow, Dipper bows, he has taken the liberty of inviting these strangers to the Captain's table tonight. They are to be treated well. Oh, she says as she crosses her legs, places her hands behind her back and puffs up her chest, does he think her to be some kind of thug? She gently steps off the roof and floats three floors down to the ground, sashaying your way with a very pleased expression. She flutters her elaborately painted eyelashes and you feel a tingling in the back of your skull.

[Intriguing Thoughts: 2]

She stops in front of you and curtsies - third mate Rainbow at your service, sir. You seem like an altogether spicier find than the usual fare, she says as she offers a well-manicured hand. Dipper steps back a little, frowning discreetly.

((And again Thomas stumbles into power he doesn't believe in.  This game is great.))

While one part of him wanted to stop and see what in the world these people thought they were doing, another part was rather enjoying this newfound singing ability.  As a compromise, he turned to the ranger and attempted to signal a question as to if they should stop.

Ask the ranger non-verbally if we should stop.  Stop he does.  If stopping, greet the newcomers.

You look at the ranger. He does not look back. You decide to keep singing in spite of the worm-riders' protestations, and inhale briefly before starting off another verse, same as the first!


[Word: 1]

The worms start to undulate as they continue to emerge, their long tails emerging from the ground at points diametrically opposed. The earth shakes, and you feel twenty-seven hearts beating to the same rhythm, your own included. You begin to lose yourself in the song, and start to undulate yourself despite the movement coming off as distinctly improper to you. The worms emerge fully from the ground, each several thousand feet long in total. For a moment you feel terribly insignificant in the face of these veritable Empire State Buildings of the annelid world, and you notice Claire fall silent as they begin to wind together, their bodies intertwining as they start to block out the morning sun. One of the riders falls down next to you, groaning in pain as he rolls on his side. People continue to rain down, and then the worms close in around you in the most incredibly well-coordinated group hug you've ever seen.

[The Worm God: 2]

You continue to sing for as long as the ranger does, and he draws a large knife as you see a little trail of saliva run down from the corner of his mouth. As all goes dark you see him leap into the mass of worm-flesh, and Claire hugs you from the side and closes her eyes as panic overtakes her.

The next few moments are ones of sliding flesh and many, many hairs running over you as you feel yourself drawn into a massive ball of seduced worms, your sense of direction utterly confounded as everything becomes earthy-smelling, clammy wormskin sliding all around, forcing you into a dark alcove between segments, damp from head to toe, Claire helplessly hanging on to you as she tries not to move in the face of all this. You try not to as well, as you figure it'll be a little simpler this way. There is a lot of motion and a lot of slime, and you can discern little else for the time being in the interests of keeping as much of this out of your eyes as possible.

Everything comes to a sort of equilibrium in a matter of minutes, and the rampant motion of the worms starts to oscillate, settling into a pattern of sliding gently back and forth. Beyond the sounds of friction between them, and muffled groans from further on, you hear only silence for a few moments more before Claire starts to say something, her face buried into your neck. A little hard to make out amid the general worminess, but you think it's something to the effect of whether you have any ideas on how to get out of this.

"That's what friends are for! I still have legs to catch things with, so help me out a little."

Grab his neck or waist or something with my legs and hang like a cape or something on him.

"Up and out to the surface we go! By the way, I didn't hear you introducing yourself."

You hold onto the fellow's back with your one and a half legs as you instruct him to fly! Fly and take him back to the surface, back where things began to make sense! Onward, loyal friend! Whatever his name is!

Say, what is his name, you wonder of him. He looks back. Oh, uh, Earnest. Yeah, Earnest. You shrug - very well then, Earnest, to the surface! And Earnest spreads his wings as you hang onto his back (well, more like off his back) and float gently behind him as he takes flight, his eyes darting every which way to check if anyone can see, and up into the dark you go. He flies as you would expect, with precipitous dives and sudden turns, seemingly a little disoriented by your presence. You occasionally see others like him flit past, diving out of darkness briefly before they see you and retreat back in mostly. Some watch, however. And quite a few follow. A procession begins to form as followers swarm behind you, chittering to themselves as you are dragged in front of them, looking to each other with their compound eyes, their heads twisting rapidly back and forth, antennae twitching.

You feel warmer, and progressively claustrophobic as you are taken further and further, and soon the people following behind you are legion, their many eyes settling upon you as you come to a stop in a place that burns with blue, pulsing fire, creatures of a vast variety of changing shapes cartwheeling along the edges, transforming constantly to fit into spaces as they gather round in force. You see, but do not feel a ceiling - and neither do you sense a floor. You simply hang there on Earnest's back as he settles into place.

He was brought here, a stern voice remarks. Indeed he was, Earnest replies. He ate half. Half an apple, one voice asks. Half the basket, Earnest returns. You hear the gentle noise of chitinous heads nodding in what might be approval.

[The Tree of Knowledge: 6]

He has endurance, a smaller, girlish creature says. He also can be astute, Earnest replies. This is doubtful, an oddly familiar sound comes from right above you, and briefly you think you have seen a face. One of his tricks, presumably. No true sign of worthiness. You sense Earnest shrink back a little. Tricks would not work, he says experimentally before a smidgen of doubt creeps into his voice, would they?

A vigorous argument seems to break out. They would, some voices say, and to assume they wouldn't is folly. They would not, others dissent, and to immediately assume they would is to defeat yourself before the battle has begun. You feel them mingle together, ebbing and flowing around your body like a patch of surf.

"Well, the language barrier is nothing a good REVELATION can't take care of."
Repeat question and communicate desire to enter town in a hopefully more enlightening manner.

You face the town and let your eye gape at them as you shout the Word.


[Word: 5]

You split the night with a sudden flash of inspiration, your eye growing vast and dreadfully incandescent as you step confidently onto the bog, the waters retreating around you, scrambling and clawing themselves to be out of your way. The bottom of the bog is like bubbling tar, and it burns under your feet as you walk forward and toward the town, where you see it continue below the water line - under it lie yet more people - thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, an aggregation of lost souls holding on to the town above them for dear life as they are dragged through the bog.

You are soon next to them, and most scramble away under your gaze, retreating deeper, causing the town above to lean gently in your direction. But soon many more flow back into place, intrigued - perhaps even hopeful. They clutch on to you, and you know better than to fear them. Clambering over each other they pile on, lifting you and your companion up as they compose a single, crawling tower of bog-eaten boneless flesh which you ascend like a living escalator to the foot of the stone wall and rise further as the foundation of the town itself welcomes you.

You look one of the creatures on the walls, its full and intense yellow eyes in contrast with its malnourished body lending it the look of an aye-aye. It groans quietly as it tilts its head and offers you a hand - you take it and with seemingly no effort at all it lifts you above its head, placing you at the top of the wall where a grand assembly of ghouls stand around you. You sense that they have nothing for you, and with a wave of your hand effectively dispel them every which way down the roofs and into the darkened alleys below, leaving but one grinning creature as the rest scatter, a tall, hunched figure that resembles the giant on the road - standing nearly upright it handily towers over you, and it takes care to bow very low indeed to make its position clear, its elaborate yellow alderman's robe catching a great deal of dust and damp on the terrace he greets you from. You walk up a ramp along the gutted ruins of a tavern laid atop an ancient cathedral, the rickety wooden planks connecting roofs bending under your step. One of the ruined walls swoons at a glance from you, and collapses into an alley upon no doubt quite a few scurrying creatures if the gurgling is any indication.

You walk up to the alderman and greet him politely, your companion nodding in rhythm to your words in what seems like holy ecstasy. The alderman raises his head, featureless but for one solitary hole that opens into an undulating mouth full of lamprey teeth. A growl escapes him and resolves into terribly polite words - greetings, wonderbringer. How can this fair township serve your needs?

"Fantastic," I say. "We also want a minder, right? The head minder girl seems pretty good at what she does. She also doesn't like me much, but I think she should still cooperate if we appeal to her ego and her curiosity."

I look around the room. "But first we have to leave here. The only obvious exits I've seen on this floor are some windows, but hopefully there's something a little gentler. This lair has to have some sort of escape hatch, right? I wouldn't build a lair without one." I begin searching the alchemy lab for hidden exits.

Oh, so you know her personally! That makes this easier! Well, assuming you can find her.

And, the doctor looks around, this doesn't look very much like a lair as such. More of a den. Not very well-hidden either. More than anything it reminds her of a reinvented closet. The lack of windows certainly says as much to her. All credit to Ms. Augusta, however, she appears to have made the best of what she had. Whatever this thing she's made really is, of course.

[Emergency Exits: 5]

You appreciate the speculation, you mention as you check the walls, but could she help you search as well? Oh right, yes! She's somewhat unsure about exits, mind you, but it would be a very poor manor if it didn't have a secret passage or two. Probably not in here, of course, since this place is wall-to-wall workbenches and cabinets.

You pause and look around as something occurs to you - you don't really see any kind of bin in this room, or even a bucket. But what does catch your eye, however, is a floorboard jutting out a little near one of the desks - unobtrusive, but upon a closer look undeniably artificial. You step up to the workbench, placing your hands on it. So you're working here, and you've just done a bit of work on... poisoning something, you guess, and then you have some leftovers, so you put your foot here and press on the board - well no, seems a little stuck, you give it a swift kick and voila! A panel pops open on the ground, revealing an oddly elaborate little tunnel leading downward into darkness. It seems like it'd be fairly unpleasant to fall down through. And the smell that starts wafting up it is one of corpses - assuredly many of them, in fact.

On the bright side, the doctor says, it might not just be a hole that they dumped undesirable corpses into.

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« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 01:45:55 pm by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1969 on: January 23, 2017, 03:39:46 pm »

"Ah.  We might have to cut our way out of here," Thomas attempted to say.  It was quite close in here, and Claire was probably quite uncomfortable pushed in close like that.

Is there any wiggling out of here?  If not, there's cutting out with the sword.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1970 on: January 23, 2017, 04:13:25 pm »

"Jack Daniels," I reply as I shake her hand. "Spicy's not exactly the adjective I've seen used to describe me, but it fits just fine. I take it you're a minder of some sort? I felt that thought probe thingy you did."

Introductions! Introduce Alphonse to the lot of them also.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 06:16:05 pm by Xantalos »
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1971 on: January 25, 2017, 07:26:44 am »

"Well that's welcoming."

I grab a bar of soap (or any nearby object that won't shatter), drop it down the hole, and listen to attempt to discern how deep the hole is.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 01:27:47 pm by penguinofhonor »


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1972 on: January 25, 2017, 11:57:19 am »

"Hey, Earnest. Buddy. Pal. Friend. I said to surface. As in up, above ground, under sky. Not in big cave with pyre. Unless this is in route to above, then it's fine.

And hey, rest of you! Don't talk like I'm not here listening!

What was in that basket, by the way?"
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1973 on: January 25, 2017, 02:53:07 pm »

Return the bow.
"Thank you for your kind welcome. I myself desire simply to learn about this place, but first, I'm bringing this mummy from the watchman; It needs to be repaired and registered. How might I go about doing so?"
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1974 on: January 26, 2017, 09:34:02 am »

"Ah.  We might have to cut our way out of here," Thomas attempted to say.  It was quite close in here, and Claire was probably quite uncomfortable pushed in close like that.

Is there any wiggling out of here?  If not, there's cutting out with the sword.

There are worse places to be trapped in than an overwhelming mass of wiggling slimy flesh, Claire mumbles into your neck as she tries to navigate into a less compromising position. And the worms are hardly the worst possible thing either.

You consider wiggling out, and get the feeling that it would be possible. Though the wiggle in question would be the work of miles, and that's assuming you can keep your direction straight and nothing moves too much. Figuring those to be unsafe assumptions, you draw the sword.

Now, you're not sure how exactly you do that. Or where you draw it from. You don't imagine you have the range of movement to draw much of anything. Despite these objections, however, you feel the sword in your hand. And one can't help but appreciate your timing. There appears to be a lot of material in one's vicinity. One might be forgiven for thinking it would be spoiled by such treatment.

[The One They Fear: 1]

You would not think being trapped in a writhing planetoid of wormflesh would be conducive to much in the way of seeing things. But you do see the sword like a strip of overcast sky, arching above your head and over to your other side, and winding on and on in mysterious ways as you will it to run wild and free. It spins up with an absence of sound at first, taking a second as it senses the material around it and moves to encompass it. Claire instinctively clutches you harder. You feel like there is something pulling at her, violently. A whirlwind rises in your ears in place of the slimy friction of the worms, accompanied by brief, far-off screams that start and stop in short order. Your vision fills with gray in spite of your eyes being closed. For a moment it feels like you are swimming in a sea of mercury.

It is a process of minutes as warmth leaves you and a mass of air comes rushing in, and as the wind dies down and you open your eyes. The worms are not here, and all you see is an empty field for about a mile around, just bare earth cleansed of grass, brush and all other life, interrupted by the occasional crater. Your hand is outstretched, and from it you see a vast tower of gray reach to the heavens briefly, and suddenly collapse in the space of a millisecond, feeling like lightning striking into your hand as it coalesces back into your sword. With a practiced motion you sheathe it, and the vibration in your hand spreads to the rest of your body. You buckle and fall to the ground all at once.

[Holding On: 6]

Claire appears to have experienced something similar, having relaxed her death grip on you and fallen off to the side, looking up to the sky with her eyes wide open and breathing heavily.

This did leave one feeling rather replete, if you do not mind one saying. If there were perhaps regrets to be felt in not achieving one's purpose upon your meeting, very few can now be said to remain.

"Jack Daniels," I reply as I shake her hand. "Spicy's not exactly the adjective I've seen used to describe me, but it fits just fine. I take it you're a minder of some sort? I felt that thought probe thingy you did."

Introductions! Introduce Alphonse to the lot of them also.

She gives your hand a rather firm grip with an encouraging smile and unblinking eyes that stare into yours resolutely. A thought probe would be something of an overstatement, she chuckles. More of a tap. Getting a sense of the shape of things within and without. You've got a lovely mind, Mr. Daniels, has anyone ever told you that? Like a blasted heath, running wild and strange above an undercurrent of the deeply supernatural. A warm, ticklish feeling wanders over you as she takes you in. You decide to speak before she's quite done.

Right, you say, that over there is your friend. Yes, Rainbow says, Alphonse - a clerk from Anglefork, stoat collaborator, formerly. He does appear to fear you quite deeply, Mr. Daniels, but not like you would an adversary. More like you would the forest at night, or a temple's inner sanctum. Fascinating, she says as Alphonse begins to cautiously extend a hand but draws it back when she loses interest in him almost immediately.

Perhaps she should return to her students, Dipper says in a less than subtle tone. Rainbow looks up at them, one of the girls on the verge of falling from the rooftop as she seems to be leaning to observe the happenings below. She snaps her fingers and their spines go straight, eyes forward. Not that the snap is strictly necessary, you hear her pointedly think in your direction. Dipper, she turns to the fourth mate and claps her hands together, perhaps you should show Alphonse to the doctor. He appears to be injured. She'll attend to you - after all, he is no ordinary guest by any means. Dipper looks at Alphonse disapprovingly, and then both Alphonse and he look to you as the minder's eyes exude a sense of pulling rank.

"Well that's welcoming."

I grab a bar of soap (or any nearby object that won't shatter), drop it down the hole, and listen to attempt to discern how deep the hole is.

[Listening In The Dark: 3]

You drop a fragrant bar of elk soap down the hole, and listen for a noise. It's not quite what you would expect. It sounds not very far off, and seems to have been a soft landing. It's certainly not a bottomless pit, though you would expect it goes down to at least the ground floor, and more likely than not deeper. The good news, you suppose, is that it's not a 200 foot drop or anything like that.

That does sound rather navigable, the doctor says as she's knelt down next to you, listening in the same way. Hope dropping down there won't ruin her dress, she just got it and she has to say that it's rather comfortable. Perhaps you could make a rope out of bedsheets or all those silken dresses or something of that nature? Just in case there is no way out, that is. The dress is something of a secondary concern next to that.

"Hey, Earnest. Buddy. Pal. Friend. I said to surface. As in up, above ground, under sky. Not in big cave with pyre. Unless this is in route to above, then it's fine.

And hey, rest of you! Don't talk like I'm not here listening!

What was in that basket, by the way?"

[On The Wave: 4]

Er, in due time, Earnest replies and flaps his manifold wings at the audience as you call out to them. You feel a thousand eyes drill into you at once, and their insect stares leave you feeling like a bowl of aspic as the atmosphere coalesces around you. A questioning is in order.

A smile of a hundred teeth with shining eyes orbiting around it show themselves above you. A voice booms through the chittering of the space you have found yourself in - explain yourself, surfacer! How is a little lost rabbit to find his way to the sun, a smaller voice chimes in. And did you have to eat so many of the apples, they don't grow on trees you know, another voice openly laughs.

Return the bow.
"Thank you for your kind welcome. I myself desire simply to learn about this place, but first, I'm bringing this mummy from the watchman; It needs to be repaired and registered. How might I go about doing so?"

A foundling, the alderman growls, the watchman is always slow to deliver these things. His enormous hand travels behind you easily, and the mummy notices it far too late for its scrambling attempt to get away from it to have any real effect. It tries to shift but the alderman grabs it by the throat and wrenches it off you with uncaring ease. He looks it over, and places its hand into his mouth, chewing on it horribly yet thoughtfully for a few seconds.

Yes, he says after the mummy's hand emerges from his mouth a ruined mess, no bones and much damage. Hard to fish these things out in time to preserve much of them these days. He'll have something done with him in short order. He stands up to fully twice your height and peels the helmet off the creature's head, then balls the rest of him up like an old sock and shoves him into an enormous pocket on his robe. Holding it up between a sausagelike thumb and forefinger, he grunts. Cornerstone design, done in edge-metal from the looks of it. Handy for insulation. He hands it to you - only fair you should keep it for your effort, wonderbringer. Might help keep your light shaded with that visor, unless you'd care to disturb the citizenry further. Goodness knows they could use the excitement. He will handle the paperwork, never fear.

Now, what would you care to see first? The arena, perhaps? He had the committee of elders throw together something of a concert. Fortuitously, as it turns out. Or the "market district", he air-quotes, the overseers would very much appreciate some business being steered their way. Oh! You could watch him work, perhaps, today he'll be doing a tour of the dungeon. Have to make sure they aren't slacking off there. The tavern, he looks back at the way you came, that's unfortunately fallen apart a tad in recent years. Should get to ordering that reconstructed and getting a labor force together. Could do that at the dungeon, come to think of it, he rubs his profound lack of chin and rumbles deeply.

Perhaps you'd like to make an address to the people, wonderbringer? That ought to motivate them. Especially if you can do that godlike thing again. He dares say they haven't been as impressed in aeons, and morale is a perpetual issue. He could no doubt have the overseers corral them into some kind of enclosure. Just need to get his emergency horn and it'll probably be done then and there.

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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1975 on: January 26, 2017, 01:06:00 pm »

A neat trick, really.  Pretty sure they use a curtain for that.  "Well, that's that problem taken care of.  Wonder where the ranger went?   Oh, Mister Ranger sir!"

Hunt for the ranger; see where he went.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1976 on: January 26, 2017, 02:40:34 pm »

((I am not sure how the text turned orange there. I'm forced to assume Daniels was idly reminiscing about Doritos at the time.))

Daniels shrugs. "Hey, listen to the lady. Not like I really know how to fix your ankle.

So, Rainbow. I know you probably wanna do mindery things with me, but what's all this about a captain? Where's he? Or she, I shouldn't discriminate."
Sig! Onol
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1977 on: January 26, 2017, 02:51:25 pm »

((A little meta-universe crossover with Alan?))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1978 on: January 26, 2017, 02:58:33 pm »

((I'm not sure I want to contemplate the results of my RTD characters, who have all been of exceedingly unsound mind, morals, or both, meeting each other.
Actually that sounds hilarious.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Our Salvation: Leaps of Faith
« Reply #1979 on: January 26, 2017, 03:21:31 pm »

"Oh, er, I think I'll watch you work, if you don't mind. That should be interesting.
... You mentioned 'edge-metal'? May I ask what that is? I consider myself fairly well-versed in materials but I can't say I've heard of it before."

Put on the helmet, then let's see what this place is like. Even if I don't like the sound of this 'dungeon'.
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.
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