Chapter 7: As it turns out, Axedipped is a Pretty Strange PlaceJournal of Asmel, 19 Granite, 1002We have finished with the access tunnel to the first cavern level. The basic design is simple: the outer bridge will stay raised most of the time. If we need to get inside for some reason, the dwarf will travel to the vestibule. Another dwarf in the dining hall will then raise the inner bridge and lower the outer one using the levers already in place. That way we can have full access to the caverns without exposing the fortress itself to the dangers within them.
We have also finished the hospital and jails. I’ve asked any of the others if they want to be sheriff, but so far we have no takers. Apparently, since we don’t have any nobles who will arbitrarily decide to imprison civilians, the others don’t see a point. I think it’s the principle of the thing, though. Also, we have created a clothing workshop level in case we all live long enough to need new clothes.
Military Report of PscyhoAngel, 23 Granite, 1002Scouting Report:The lowest area of Axedipped that has regular dwarven activity is on level -20. There reside the temporary forges until we can acquire more permanent accommodations near the magma sea. The remainder of the fortress functions happens closer to the surface.
Twenty-four levels below that reside the demons, drawn to the closest area they can possibly get to escape into the surface world. The level is also our entrance to the first cavern layer.
The entrance to the bulk of the old fortress is on level -62. The demons prevented us from exploring any farther, so we do not know the extent of the area.
Kivish’s body lies on level -69, where it fell after a dust attack crashed him into a wall on the side of the spiral staircase. The area also shows signs of fungus, indicating another cavern layer.
Level -89 shows more rooms. We believe this area to be the old noble quarters of the fortress, and it is therefore smaller, with a few large bedrooms and some old statues. It is unknown if demons reside in this area.
Finally, on level -105 lies the ancient forges of Axedipped. These magma forges allow for direct access to the magma sea.
For an unknown reason, a single demon remains near these forges, on level -98. While every other demons we know of has taken residence level -44, this one remains.
Analysis:The demons residing on level -98 proves that not every demon will swarm. It is possible that some remain, either in the primary fortress or the noble quarters. The remaining, for unknown reasons, were content to stay in the primary fortress until the beginning of last year. Whether that shows strategy or simply erratic changes in behavior are unkown.
Course of Action:It is inadvisable to attempt to retake either the primary fortress or the noble quarters at this moment. More scouting information must be gathered in order to provide knowledge of these areas, or at the very least, the visible demons must be dealt with.
The area we know the most about is the lower forge area. We know the entire layout of the area and know of its surroundings (one ankylosaurid devil). Additionally, any attempt to pierce the magma sea from another angle will result in the demons swarming through the sea and into the fortress from there. For that reason it is advisable that this area is the first primary target to control.
I suggest a new staircase to be built, one that bypasses the primary fortress and the noble quarters completely. Instead, the staircase should lead straight to the old forges. Once there, we will decide how to safely take control of the area.
It is likely that this staircase will pierce both remaining cavern layers. This will guarantee delays as we attempt to build around and explore these areas. The process will most likely take many months, but once finished, we should control all three cavern layers, the ancient forges, and the magma sea.
Journal of Asmel, 25 Granite, 1002We have struck the second cavern layer. Based on what we can see, this cavern has much less change in elevation than the previous one. Already, the detour staircase has been dug and the breach has been closed. For now we will worry less about exploration and more about getting to the lower forges.
Journal of Asmel, 1 Slate, 1002We have stuck the third cavern layer. I’m surprised at how close the area is to the second layer, but perhaps even more surprising is what the cavern looks like:
The land is completely void of water, and isn’t even muddied. No plant life lives there, and no animals are to be found. It also is incredibly small, with only the area pictured above as the actual cavern. Also, if you look closely, you can see adamantine walls. It’s tempting, but too risky. We wall it off and continue downwards.
Journal of Asmel, 2 Slate, 1002Umm…Uh…
I check the records, and it indeed says that we have discovered three cavern layers over the past few days. These three, combined with the one we discovered earlier, mean that there are four cavern layers. This has me incredibly confused.
Not helping is that some areas of both the third and fourth cavern layers have a wall made out of rock that we had never seen before. We, the greatest geological experts in the world, have no idea what the rock is. For now, we have dubbed it ‘Unknown Material’. Yeah…We’re not very good at coming up with names.
Journal of Asmel, 13 Slate, 1002Five days ago, we reached the forge level. We have spent the last couple of days digging out a new room and planning our next move.
The walls for the new room are being dug. For some reason, they are dug out already smoothed. I asked Degel and the miners, and they said that they did nothing different to these walls than to previous ones. For some reason, they’re just smooth.
Between four caverns, the unkown material, and now this, I don’t actually know what’s going on anymore.
OOC: Yeah, this is probably the weirdest fortress I’ve ever played in (well, weirdest natural fortress, there are others that I have made weird). We’ll see what happens in the future.
Also, it’s possible that the new update will happen tomorrow. If that’s true, I may put this fortress on hold for a little bit as I mess around with the new version. Fear not, though, this story will end, one way or another.