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Author Topic: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)  (Read 5452 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2015, 06:41:39 pm »

Journal of TheCheeseMaker

15 Granite, 100

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We arrived at the location today.  It’s…pretty much exactly what I was expecting.  Almost all the plant life is dry and withered.  There aren’t very many trees for wood, and what little there is will most likely be clear cut in order to provoke the elves into an attack.  You know, because fighting the elves has worked out for us so much in the past.

Regardless, there is one very important flaw in the area, one that could kill us all.

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A waterfall exists on the site.  Such an evil contraption will (will!) kill dwarves if it is not dealt with very, very soon.  I remember my father telling me the tale of a group of dwarves who tried to live near a waterfall, and, well…

We must prevent that here.  Anyway, when we asked our resident hippie expedition leader what we should do first, he began a long tirade about the evils of war and revenge, and how that it’s better we die here than become violence-craving monsters.

So we asked Gwolfski what to do next.  I realize that she’s not a very hard worker, and that she’s not skilled at anything, but she is still a competent military leader and generally knows what she’s talking about.  She told us to wait and she would consider what to do.  In the meantime, we are just to go about our business.  I believe that Gwolfski can lead us competently, if she put her mind to it.

20 Granite, 100

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Alright!  FIVE DAYS IS LONG ENOUGH!  I’ve had it with these idiots.  Normally I wouldn’t mind so much, but there are rumors of a necromancer tower nearby, and I don’t exactly want to watch everyone being eaten by a zombie (I wouldn’t die, of course, because I’m invincible, apparently).

I ordered brendsmalls and Alath to begin mining, then I ordered Gwolfski and Rakust to begin military training.  I will help with the mining, and the other two dwarves will do odd jobs, for the time being.  As of right now, I am in charge of Tanglestaves.

26 Granite, 100

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We strike hematite in the side of a cliff.  That’s good, because when we get attacked, steel should at least stave off the inevitability of our ultimate destruction (for some reason, living through four losing wars and attacks from various monsters has not left me that optimistic).

Meanwhile, Gwolfski and Rakust have formed a squad called The Abbysal Stakes.  You know what? It’s a better name than Tanglestaves, so I’m going to let it go.

4 Slate, 100

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The waterfall has claimed its first victim.  A poor, innocent stingray was swimming through the river when, suddently, the waterfall came out of nowhere.  The stingray fell and literally exploded into multiple pieces on impact with the ground.  If we don’t work quickly, a similar fate will befall the dwarves here too.  I will not rest until we are safe from that freak of nature.

1 Felsite, 10

Spoiler: I will not rest. (click to show/hide)

When I was sleeping, I had a nightmare.  Normally I forget what happens in my dreams, but the one I had recently was clear as the noonday sun.  This was less a dream, though, and more a memory.  I was in Faintedsteel.  By this point there were only about thirty-five of us left in the entire kingdom.  The wars had claimed the rest.

Some people think the dwarves unwise to build their entire fortresses connected to the caverns.  Most dwarves think the others are ridiculous.  I mean, every once in a while a giant monster comes and eats a few people, but that’s an acceptable risk compared to all the rewards of having an open cavern fortress.  Rewards like…

You know, maybe it is a little stupid.  Either way, a forgotten beast showed up at the entrance and, without saying anything, started killing.  Some humans and goblins grabbed weapons and began to fight the monster, but not the dwarves.  There were only seven dwarves left in the entire fortress, so we found each other to decide what to do.

After a short debate, we decided the best course of action was to fully embrace the values of our goblin overlords, and we ran away, leaving everyone else to die.  On the way, we ran into a goblin named Adil Diamondclouds, and the eight of us abandoned the fortress, the last stronghold of the Razors of Calm, the last barrier between the survival and destruction of the kingdom.  It died with those we left behind.

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Should I have stayed behind and helped to fight?  Maybe, but I was too busy not dying to do that.

18 Felsite, 100

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We have finished digging out each of the basic workshop layers, as well as some farms and a basic stockpile room.  I want every single fortress function underground as soon as possible.  That way if the necromancers attack we can completely seal ourselves off from the surface.

1 Hematite, 100

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Summer has arrived.  I’ve taken a break from mining and instead have begun working with architecture and mechanisms.  I want to be able to build a bridge which will easily cut off the fortress from the aboveground world.

25 Malachite, 100

Haha!  It took two months of intense labor, me ignoring the functioning of the rest of the fortress, and a few minor mental breakdowns, but guess what?  The bridge over the waterfall is completed.

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No longer will the evil forces of nature be able to destroy us.  We, the dwarves of Tanglestaves, are the masters of nature, the rulers of earth, the greatest race to ever live!  Dwarves: 1; Insentient, Inanimate River Formation: 0.

28 Malachite, 100

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It’s possible that I ate something that I shouldn’t of, after the victory celebration.  Maybe somebody snuck a hallucinogen into the plump helmet I was eating, or something, because whenever I count the number of dwarves around me, I see eight others, not six.  I’m probably hallucinating, or something.

1 Galena, 100

Alright, it’s possible I’m not hallucinating.  When one of the unfamiliar dwarves came to me to ask for orders, I laughed at the funny looking hallucination to go away.  So he punched me in the face.

He told me his name was Goden Clubwind, sent here to assist with the creation of the new fortress.  When I asked Goden who sent him, he looked at me and smiled.

“Imo Upnalduqueh,” he said, “Queen of the Razors of Calm.”

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« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 06:48:19 pm by TheCheeseMaker »
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2015, 07:42:16 pm »

Journal of TheCheeseMaker

He told me his name was Goden Clubwind, sent here to assist with the creation of the new fortress.  When I asked Goden who sent him, he looked at me and smiled.

“Imo Upnalduqueh,” he said, “Queen of the Razors of Calm.”

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Oshiiiiiiiit, is that a dwarf? That would be pretty nuts. Also, if there's a giant sponge at the base of the waterfall, watch it when something goes over the falls. I played the save for a bit and apparently sponges can be overcome by terror.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2015, 08:04:06 pm »

She is a dwarf, but there's something...a little different about her.  My next post will probably be more about the civ as a whole, rather than just the fortress, so I'll explain more about it then.
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2015, 05:04:08 pm »

I truly hate that Navy blue on black.. Who's the second name?
"Here's a weapon of ridiculous destructive capability I invented, it is capable of wrecking tons of shit in horrific fashion... now I just need to figure out how to aim it."

That's absurdly dwarven of you, I'm so proud to be here to see it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2015, 09:57:37 pm »

OOC: The following is less in the style of my previous entries and more a summary of what I learned looking through legends mode.

Journal of TheCheeseMaker

2 Galena, 100

I’ve attempted to be as clear as possible in my journal, because I want to be able to look back on my life and know exactly when it went to Hell.  As well as I can remember, the following is exactly what happened yesterday:

The stockpile room was loud.  It always was.  The bedrooms haven’t been finished yet, and neither the dining hall nor any offices have even entered the planning stage.  The spring and summer were mostly spend creating basic industries started, which meant everything else was thrown haphazardly around this room.  The dogs began one of their daily barking rituals, and the cats answered in tune with their own hisses and meows.  In the corner one of the miners slept, somehow ignoring the chaos around her.

This is the room that I spoke to the two migrants in.  The woman introduced herself as Ezum Anuzushrir and the man as Goden Ogoslan.  Goden said he preferred to call himself Goden Clubwind, the human translation of his name.  This was when I started laughing at the hallucinations, and received a light punch to the face, which I probably deserved.

I wanted to ask more questions about the queen, but Ezum stopped me.  She pestered me with so many questions.  How are other dwarves still alive?  Why didn’t we leave with the others?  What’s our story?

It was like she didn’t believe I was an actual dwarf, and only pretended to be short and fat like I was.  I answered her questions in turn, though.

I told her how I was only a child when the War of Drilling began, how the Razors of Calm had fought wars in the past, but they were short, quick, and usually involved little loss of life after one or two battles.  So when the war began, everyone expected a similar outcome.

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The war lasted nearly 20 years, and all you really needed to know about its outcome was from a single battle:

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In the first battle of the war, both sides fielded roughly equal numbers.  The well trained soldiers had all experienced combat, and each of them had equipment befitting a dwarven nation.

They were killed to a man.

In the next battle, the dwarves would be so lucky to field reserve troops.  Most of the time the battle was fought by a hastily put together militia who would fight, die, and the goblins would then pillage the now undefended site.

I lost my family to the war that way.  They decided to fight, to try to give us a chance to escape, with the hope that maybe eventually someone of us could strike back, to win the war.

What’s interesting about the war is that no dwarven site was ever conquered.  Each one simply ran out of dwarves.  Everyone had either died or fled.

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Not wanting to be outdone, three elven nations decided to attack us as well.  The Elven Wars went about as well as the War of Drilling.  Eventually the only site with members of our civ left was the mountainhome.  The lone fortress actually lasted much longer than anyone expected, but then everyone decided to get eaten by a forgotten beast.

Of the eight of us who fled, Adil, the only goblin, decided to join a bandit gang, then declared herself a baroness.  Considering she was the baroness with a grand total of seven subjects, none of us cared much.

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While Adil spent the next ten years drowning her sorrows in booze, the seven dwarves went our separate ways, generally finding work in nearby human hamlets.  Until late last winter when the baroness found each of us and ordered us to build a new fortress in the heart of the elven lands.

Ezum, content with my life story, then began to share her own.  During the wars, many dwarves fled.  While some were killed in the wilderness, most found their way to a group known as the Saffron of Harvesters, technically founded by humans, but made up mostly of dwarves.  There the dwarves lived in relatively safety, outside the wars fought by the kingdom.

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There Imo Homagenurture rose in the ranks, eventually becoming the boss of the harvesters.  When she heard of our expedition to rebuild the kingdom, she decided that being the boss of a small human group and the queen of a kingdom were roughly the same, and crowned herself queen of the dwarves.

And that brings us to the present.  Well, actually not quite.  After our talk, I decided to walk around in one of the quieter parts of the fortress.  Something about the conversation didn’t feel right.  It was like something was being kept from me.

But then I had a realization.  I had heard of the Harvesters before, during my time in the human lands.  The lord of the hamlet spoke with one of his subjects about the most recent raid.  And then I knew.  Imo is no ordinary queen, no war refugee, seeking to rebuild the lost kingdom.

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All hail Imo Homagenurtre, bandit queen of the dwarves.

OOC:  The world itself actually reminds me a lot of Constructivory, if you’re reading that too.  The main difference is that Constructivory takes place during the wars that determine the fate of the dwarven civilizations, while this fortress takes place after the wars were finished, and deals with the remnants of society after its collapse.  Oh, and everyone besides the starting seven is a bandit.  I’m actually finished with my year, I just need to do the final write-up, which will probably happen tomorrow (it definitely will if the blizzard causes school and work to be cancelled).
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2015, 11:47:39 pm »

I truly hate that Navy blue on black.. Who's the second name?

I think his name's Goden and he's a fish cleaner, but I get what you mean. Let guess, the queen is a necromancer.
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.


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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2015, 01:15:53 am »

I'll take a bandit monarch over a necromancer, vampire, or goblin any day.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2015, 03:14:41 pm »

Journal of TheCheeseMaker

1 Limestone, 100

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The remainder of the summer passes without incident.  The two new migrants help with the fortress and everything proceeds smoothly.  That is, until…

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A kobold breaks out of an ambush.  The small creature, here to steal our riches, snuck into the fortress, large dagger in hand, broke out of the ambush, and was immediately chased away by a stray kitten.


16 Limestone, 100

The caravan from the bandits arrived today to resupply us.  They brought the typical dwarven supplies.  We mostly traded for dwarven delicacies to enhance our meals, like garlic, flour, and snail eyes.

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11 Sandstone, 100

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More bandits arrived today.  Six of them, which means that the bandits now outnumber the seven of us who founded the fortress.  Also, I declared myself the manager and bookkeeper, figuring that since I already do those things anyway, I might as well make it official.

I grow tired.  I don’t know if I can continue to lead.  I’m not a born leader, and only really took command so we wouldn’t die on our first encounter with anything.

21 Sandstone, 100

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The two hammer dwarves have both become hammer lords.  Gwolfski, despite her hatred of work, has gained skill incredibly quickly.  We should be prepared for just about anything.  Meanwhile, work continues on the bedrooms and dining hall.

1 Moonstone, 100

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Winter arrives.  The past nine months have been life changing, but peaceful.  We have yet to be attacked by anything, and our wealth continues to grow.  I would say that we should be able to continue this trend far into…

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Crap.  Crappity crap crap. Crap.  We’re not ready for this.  If we fight, we will die.  I ordered the levers to be pulled, sealing us inside.  It’s not completely finished, though, so a few dwarves and all the grazing animals remain stuck outside.  Armok have mercy on their souls.

3 Moonstone, 100

Ok.  The initial panic has subsided.  Let’s see what we’re dealing with here.

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We were attacked, but…How? What happened?

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I guess we won.  The zombies showed up, and immediately fled.  That’s three emergencies now (waterfall, kobold, and now the siege) that have been solved by my amazing leadership skills and competence as an overseer.  Maybe I am getting the hang of this.

12 Obsidian, 100

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The bedrooms have been completed.  Now everyone has a space to call their own.  The dining hall is too nearing completion.  Once that happens, all we will have to do is breach the caverns to be able to create indoor pastures.  Then we can be completely safe.

20 Obsidian, 100

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The caverns are breached! Let the final project commence!

28 Obsidian, 100

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Yesterday, the other hammer lord named a shield Contestmark.  Look, you do you, who am I to judge what’s important.  Also, our resident rockcrafter built a figurine of Gwolfski surrounded by her one fear: worms.  Gwolfski was furious.  I may or may not have laughed a little.

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The pasture was finished being dug.  As my last act as overseer, I order all the grazing animals to be placed inside.  Over the next few days, the others will move them inside.  I’m stepping down, though.  I made a commitment that I would lead until the surface was secure, then I would be done.  And you know what?  I’m not really the leader in any way.  I told dwarves what to do, and for some reason they listened to me. 

I think I’ll spend the next couple of months doing my bookkeeping duties, since I never really got around to doing that.  After that, I don’t know, I’m not in charge anymore.  The future is going to depend on whatever idiot decides to take command.

TheCheeseMaker, out.

OOC: Save is here:

My guess is that the siege had a pathing bug that seems really common in this version, but don’t worry.  They’ll be back.  My advice to the next overseer: start the metal industry.  I at least began working on everything except for that.  Right now, the hammer dwarf squad has the copper shield and silver hammers that came on the embark, and that’s it.  The other squad is using wooden training swords. 

Also, no matter what, do not, under any circumstances, mess with the waterfall or the river.  You will murder a ton of dwarves and the fps.  Yes, I’m talking to you, Gwolfski, I know you’ve had problems with this in the past.

Either way, guys, good luck.  With necromancers and elves at war with us, and with the good guys being bandits and goblins, you’ll need it.

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« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 03:17:00 pm by TheCheeseMaker »
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2015, 06:57:04 am »

If Gwolski doesn't get back to me soon, we'll skip to Jwoodward48df.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2015, 08:03:47 am »

I'll take a fifth year. Interesting fort so far. Also, can I use dfhack to change some ore tiles, so they match the rest of the stone?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2015, 08:16:20 am »

I'll take a fifth year. Interesting fort so far. Also, can I use dfhack to change some ore tiles, so they match the rest of the stone?

If neither Gwolski or jwoodward48df get back to me soon, you're welcome to have the second year. As for dfhack, I'm not against it on principle, just don't get too crazy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2015, 10:18:47 pm »

Yeah, I learned about waterfalls that hard way in my for Soulbooks. I always meant to write about it but never found the time. I stopped playing Soulbooks because of FPS.... never thought to blame the waterfall for that too.
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.

Dozebôm Lolumzalìs

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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2015, 07:37:46 pm »

I'm taking the second year! I'm preparing for some roleplay...

Lol at the save name.
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvané Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2015, 12:57:19 am »

I'm taking the second year! I'm preparing for some roleplay...

Lol at the save name.

It had a goofy ring to it

Dozebôm Lolumzalìs

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Re: Tanglestaves (40.24 Succession)
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2015, 05:49:04 pm »

From the Journal of Alath Likotkokeb ("Inkydweller"), Miner (Year 101):

Granite 1st:

Shorast "The Cheese Maker" has stepped down as leader. He will remain manager but no longer will he oversee us. I have decided to lead.

First I note the absence of any form of metal industry. We have trees and hematite and marble. There is no excuse for this. I will tell Shorast to build a wood burner and my fellow miners to begin digging out a new section of the fortress: the forge levels. And they will be right above the marble layer so a marble quarry will be close by.

Granite 3rd:

The Cheese Maker has been making Sacrilegious Utterations about Avuz Ferastesh Immast ùst! Of course He of Valor and Mountains would not release the demons upon his Fortresses!

Granite 12th:

èzum was sent outside to fell a tree and she did so somehow with only an alder training axe. This is unacceptable. Dwarven steel she will be armed with against the trees.

Granite 17th:

I have started a party in the dining hall.

Granite 21st:

Amost made several biscuits out of goose egg and garlic. I told her that they were not in fact biscuits and looked rather like omelets. She looked sad and told me that I did not understand art.

Work on the forge level continues. I think that it will look quite good once it is completed and smoothed. I am rather creative if I do say so myself.

Granite 26th:

We are dancing in the dining hall.

Link to DFMA.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 06:37:41 pm by jwoodward48df »
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvané Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.
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