Laughter of thirsting gods unprepared.
... more seriously, I don't think we're really sure. Chief was saying as late as the 23rd or 24th that he was in support of the fed having less of a role in disaster relief and, y'know, hasn't been tested. How badly our executive being just kinda' fucked on the operational level is going to effect specifically what capacity FEMA and other agencies federal and otherwise has to respond is unknown. Whether the basically chronic approaching or being underfunded american disaster relief and infrastructure budgets are going to make this worse than it had to have been, no one got no clue. Save maybe experts in the field, I guess, and then almost certainly conditionally at best.
It's been like 10-12 years since we've had a hurricane set to do this much damage roll in, and it's flooding at a level we've literally never seen before -- actually never in recorded history -- in texas at the absolute least. It could end up being everything from holy shit your organizational cock ups got thousands of people killed to normal level of functioning saving at least most people they try to. I don't think anyone's really going to be able to say until the bodies start getting counted and the material damage tallied.
E: All that said, we do have plenty of people in the search and rescue field that's going to be able to be tapped. Family of mine is in the field, mainly firefighting these days but chipped in with both 9/11 and katrina aftermaths, and has mentioned that there's pretty heavily incentivized stuff starting to hit their networks to try to convince professionals (or equivalents) to come in and help. It's just... lot of uncertainty with the rest of it.