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Author Topic: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!  (Read 220705 times)

Urist McKiwi

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #390 on: November 11, 2015, 05:54:37 am »

I see my fiendish decision to play a cactus disguised as a dwarf disguised as a cactus is going according to plan.

You do realize your spouse is our military commander and that several of your children (plus a newborn from last year) are already living in the fortress right?

The cacti are taking over!

Well the local desert was rather scarce on cacti. The potatoes had wiped them out many years previously.

.....actually, I think I had a potato farm built during my turn. How's the surface farming going in general?


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #391 on: November 11, 2015, 07:26:51 am »

Or hey, why don't we breed a personal war bear for every citizen in the fort? Bears have been quite close to us in the past, you know. We should worship them and do our best to acquire as many of them as possible.

I wouldn't mind if some dogs fell into the ditch. Especially if they can take a foe with them. There's a bit too many of them. But I'd keep a dog-barrier there just for the fun of it.

And woah, I'm a bit surprised how swift we've been progressing lately. I've been stalking around here now and then, but haven't had much time to post anything. We just recently moved to a new apartment, so I've been assigned to quite a lot of hauling and cleaning jobs. Plus school and gigs. But everything is gradually getting back to normal and I'm not surrounded by cardboard boxes anymore, so I'll be able to spend more time here again.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #392 on: November 11, 2015, 08:10:05 am »

.....actually, I think I had SEVERAL potato farms built during my turn. How's the surface farming going in general?


I ran out of seeds for some crop species, but not to worry we still have plants to brew to replenish those seed stocks. I'm gonna cut back on the farms, leaving most of them fallow. Though I'll leave some plots on for pig tails as we need cloth. There are too many big plots and too few farmers to tend to them with (6 large ass plots and 4 tiny plots underground and 4 more huge ones above ground, you'll think this was Breadbowl). Also, we ran out of pots and barrels. Drinks are around 600-700 with no more pots or barrels to store more. So no point accumulating more plant stocks as we have plenty.

I'll look into digging a clay collection point, so we can actually make clay hovels and clay pots and stuff. I'll probably use all the wood for ash instead of beds just so we can have some drink surplus.

I wouldn't mind if some dogs fell into the ditch. Especially if they can take a foe with them. There's a bit too many of them. But I'd keep a dog-barrier there just for the fun of it.

I'm dismayed with the damn dog explosion though. In fact I think I will butcher all but one female. That dog island is just a ticking time bomb waiting to happen (also see: necromancer fodder).


*unpauses game*

a vile force of darkness has arrived!


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #393 on: November 11, 2015, 11:10:21 am »

*unpauses game*

a vile force of darkness has arrived!

Your dog problem is about to solve itself.
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #394 on: November 11, 2015, 11:12:44 am »

I'm dismayed with the damn dog explosion though. In fact I think I will butcher all but one female. That dog island is just a ticking time bomb waiting to happen (also see: necromancer fodder).
*unpauses game*

a vile force of darkness has arrived!
Ah yes, the necromancers. I forgot about them already :D But it wouldn't be that bad having an undead horde of dogs on our frontyard, would it?

It could have some... "tactical" uses. Especially on certain green-skinned folk.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 11:15:27 am by Vuohijumala »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #395 on: November 11, 2015, 12:41:20 pm »

I'm dismayed with the damn dog explosion though. In fact I think I will butcher all but one female. That dog island is just a ticking time bomb waiting to happen (also see: necromancer fodder).
*unpauses game*

a vile force of darkness has arrived!
Ah yes, the necromancers. I forgot about them already :D But it wouldn't be that bad having an undead horde of dogs on our frontyard, would it?
I'm not sure we have the same definition of ''solved''.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #396 on: November 12, 2015, 09:37:32 am »

-----The Battle of Idar Gulnas-----

2nd Hematite 205

I have been observing the weather pattern these past few weeks, and just as I had anticipated, some rain was due to come. Towering storm clouds had begun rolling in from the east. Maybe some cooling rain would be welcome here in this sweltering heat. As I gazed out eastwards at the rising of the sun, I noticed a gathering of silhouettes slowly coming into view, above the sand dunes just beyond the horizon.
Spoiler: shadows from the east (click to show/hide)

I squinted my eyes, trying to make out any details, when a flag bearing an image of finger lime trees came into view.

"Finger lime trees? Now where have I seen that before?" I thought to myself.

Suddenly, the blaring of horns rent the air, and a cacophony of snarls and heckles rose to meet it. This was followed by a rumbling of drums that came to a stop as the figures halted and came into view.

Goblins swarmed in from the plateau directly east of our main entrance. As they closed in on our position, I was able to have a better look at their ranks.

By the looks of things, most of these invaders are newly recruited into the fighting ranks, they march in a disorderly fashion and lack even proper armaments. Nonetheless, we shall face them head on. I order the military to be mustered at the main gate.

As they approached, a war chant rang out among the goblin ranks.

"Bunok zusmusm anot! Tokxe odgas osku! Ngosla udung mak! Ustol oda udu guspû! Åd ösna ed ngomstu ozlu! Umuz! Umuz!", they bayed and shrieked as they charged forward.

The goblins fire several errant shots as they approach, and the war dogs charge forth to intercept them.
Spoiler: forces collide (click to show/hide)

"Hold!" I exclaimed as I looked at our motley group. Several of the military look like they are spoiling for a fight.

"Patience! An opening will soon reveal itself. For now we wait!"

The war dogs engage, but hardly make even a dent in their numbers as the goblins continue to pour in. From my vantage point, I count about 50 heads, and more are appearing over the sand dunes. Several trolls and goblins break away from the main group, overcome by the terror of the war hounds.
Spoiler: cowards (click to show/hide)

"Strategist! The dogs are getting slaughtered out there! Shouldn't we reinforce them?"
Spoiler: Nope (click to show/hide)

"We need to buy time for us to muster our full forces." I retorted. But inwardly, I wanted to say that that was the whole point, to get the damn dogs slaughtered.

I notice that several dogs and goblins have fallen off the ledge and are fighting out in the empty moat beneath.
Spoiler: under the bridge (click to show/hide)

I make a mental note not to engage foes on the bridge when the magma moat is filled. I send a small detachment of 3 dwarves, the light dikes and the cobalt charms to deal with them from the northeast pass. The war bear of De tags along far behind. Several of the farmers take a peek at all the commotion as they go about their business.

3rd Hematite 205

The rain had begun to drizzle down from the skies, when I spot an opening in their ranks. The goblin vanguard had pushed themselves too far forward, and now a gap appears between them and the main force that is still hanging behind on the plateau.

"There's the opening! Now everyone charge!" I hollered. The dwarves rush forward, eager to engage.

Edem the Macelord, Besmar the Swordmaster and Solon our Military Commander comprise the vanguard, crashing into the goblin ranks on Idar Gulnas. Edem enters a martial trance as they break into the goblin ranks.
Spoiler: First engagement (click to show/hide)

Using the war dogs to wear down the vanguard was a good idea, they are exhausted from having to fight off the dogs and are in no condition to face off against fresh troops with good gear to boot. They are swept away in an instant. Two birds with one stone!

Atir the warbear, being a great climber and all, manages to find a slope to climb down and engages one of the goblins down in the moat.
Spoiler: Beary good (click to show/hide)

Looks like the marksdwarves do not have any ammunition, they charge headlong into battle before I could stop them. Obok Kolkir, one of the marksdwarves dodges a flurry of blows and falls down into the empty moat where a crowd of goblins await. He is quickly overwhelmed and beaten unconscious.
Spoiler: Goblin mosh pit (click to show/hide)

Sibrek quickly jumps over the ledge and tries to fight them off. Obok quickly succumbs to asphyxiation, choked to death by a goblin wrestler.
Spoiler: Obok expires (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile, Sibrek finds himself in trouble but holds his own against several foes.
Spoiler: can't touch this (click to show/hide)

Sarrak clambers over the ledge clumsily to aid him and ends up stunned on the floor. He shakes away the disorientation and enters a martial trance, lashing out at several nearby foes.

Meanwhile, the main force has managed to put away the trolls that have gathered on the bridge. Solon enters a martial trance as more trolls appear to take their place.
Spoiler: come get some (click to show/hide)

Stukos and Tosid are knocked off the bridge, and quickly join their companions down below. They make short work of the remaining goblins and trolls that lurk below. Looks like the situation is under control there. The goblins are quickly being routed topside on the east end. I bark out orders over the din to De and the others at the northeast end to take and hold the northeast side to prevent any goblins from escaping in that direction. Likot and Bomrek enter a martial trance as the military push forward in our rout of the remaining invading forces.

4th Hematite 205

De finally comes up from the north east pass and chases the remaining cowardly troll right back on the plateau, slaying him. De mops up, killing the remaining goblin that had been detained by a pair of surviving war dogs.
Spoiler: De mops up (click to show/hide)

I quickly left the spot I was surveying the battle from to retrieve the corpse of Obok, who was the only dwarf to have fallen in battle. I felt responsible as I had stupidly sent in the marksdwarves without ammo. I blame myself for being not much of a decision maker.
Spoiler: Oops (click to show/hide)

As I strode onto the battlefield, I counted the casualties.
Spoiler: it is a massacre (click to show/hide)

The broken bodies of 21 trolls and 45 goblins lay dead on the sand dunes of the Desert of Dreams, where dreams and aspirations go to perish.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 04:34:40 am by Zuglarkun »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #397 on: November 12, 2015, 03:27:14 pm »


Urist McKiwi

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #398 on: November 12, 2015, 05:17:27 pm »


Dude, we lost one dwarf. That's pretty danged good for a fight of this size (Recruits are laughable until one gets a lucky hit in or kicks up a droped weapon and then gets a lucky hit in). Plus our marksdwarves aren't much use without bolts if they're at range.

Also we needed the dogs gotten rid of. I'll admit, I should have handled that when I was doing the kitten and cat cull (Note: If you're gelding everything, do the cats as well)......would have saved us a lot of time now.

A nice battle, all things considered. Now, if you don't know about it already there is a way to recover peeps from down there: lower the western half-bridge on the northern entrance, and people can use the ramps on the midway point to make their way back up to the fort. ^_^

(And I only realised I needed to have it halfway through the construction, rather than right at the end!)

Question: Is there a way we could set up a proper set of dodge-me traps that really exploit the dike? Even when it's not filled it does seem to be rather useful for us. If we're really desperate I suppose we could dump lava on the trade depot.....
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 05:19:04 pm by Urist McKiwi »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #399 on: November 12, 2015, 05:22:37 pm »

Ehh.. So, instead of a proper invasion force, the goblins decided to send their national wrestling team upon us. What an epic slaughter. And as always, Vuohiparta was fearless and valiant (..planting seeds) when the enemy was at our gates!

So, what's going to happen to all of those corpses? I was thinking of suggesting another moat built and then filled with rotting dogs, but I fear no one would really approve it.. :D


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #400 on: November 12, 2015, 06:22:02 pm »

Told you guys my bear was awesome. Daddy is so proud.

I like the way you're incorporating the dwarf thoughts into the posts, Zuglarkun.
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #401 on: November 12, 2015, 07:49:14 pm »

Hmm. No mention of my dorf this time. I assume I was present, since you apparently waited for the military to gather for quite a while. Did I get any kills, or just flail around pointlessly?


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #402 on: November 12, 2015, 08:43:48 pm »

Hmm. No mention of my dorf this time. I assume I was present, since you apparently waited for the military to gather for quite a while. Did I get any kills, or just flail around pointlessly?

7 kills I think, 30 Overall. Leading the rest by quite a fair margin.

I like the way you're incorporating the dwarf thoughts into the posts, Zuglarkun.

It's there, so might as well use it if you can spin some tale around it.

So, what's going to happen to all of those corpses?

Corpses will be collected and dumped in the refuse point near the forges. Hopefully before the caravan arrives and gets spooked by one of them. Also dog roasts. In the future, I suppose we can just dispose of them in the magma moat, though we have to be careful with magma mist splashback with the heavier corpses.

Now, if you don't know about it already there is a way to recover peeps from down there: lower the western half-bridge on the northern entrance, and people can use the ramps on the midway point to make their way back up to the fort. ^_^

Question: Is there a way we could set up a proper set of dodge-me traps that really exploit the dike? Even when it's not filled it does seem to be rather useful for us. If we're really desperate I suppose we could dump lava on the trade depot.....

Yup, already accounted for. I did some construction work down in the dikes so I was aware.

You mean like TheFlame52's version? I suppose there's a way, but there's not a lot of space left to do so, besides it will look terrible. TheFlame52's version works perfectly fine, but it could be better spaced (2 tiles gap between floors instead of one, to deal with anything that gets excited at the sight of a dwarf and decides to jump the gaps. Yeah jumping is a thing. I have a similar design in my previous forts and I found that out the hard way.) Still, as long as no dwarves go on the winding floors while enemies are pathing by, it should work like a charm.

I'm thinking we need a courtyard or something, some place where we can gather all the invaders and slaughter them at our leisure without worrying about dwarfs dodging into magma. Then we can wash the courtyard with magma after every battle to clean up. Or we can plink away with crossbow dwarves only, topside. But there's another minor problem with that... (addressed below)


You see, most of the crossbow dwarves are not skilled enough to shoot from behind the fortifications yet. The dike is pretty wide at 4-5 tiles. So ammo won't have made a difference at this point in time. Its even wider around the trade depot side. Granted, it was dumb of me to send them into battle in the first place, but I kind of overlooked that considering there were so many other tasks to juggle.

Another thing about the fortifications is that somehow the dwarfs are able to see the battle taking place quite a distance away. Vouhiparta was moving towards one of the above ground farms on the right side when he saw the battle taking place on the plateau. It makes them vengeful and gives bad thoughts. Not sure if it will be a problem further down the road, but I'm thinking it would be better to move the fortifications up one level to avoid the problem entirely while still being able to rain dakka on invaders.

BTW, the goblin speech does translate to something (as does Idar Gulnas which just means 'Dog Island' in dwarf speech). Keep it to yourself if you make the effort to do so though, consider it foreshadowing.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 08:58:06 pm by Zuglarkun »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #403 on: November 14, 2015, 07:03:37 am »

My solution to the magma mist issue, in Moltenchannels I think was to run all the bodies up a minecart track and dump them in the lava from there, so there was no risk of being hit by magma mist.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #404 on: November 14, 2015, 10:34:34 am »

-----Chronicles of Tumult and Construction-----

4th Hematite 205

I don't really feel anything other than a grim sense of satisfaction at a scheme well pulled off. There are very few dogs left, but there are still many puppies around that need to be gelded. Curse these wretched curs!

As I made my way back to the fortress towing Obok's corpse, I heard a commotion coming from the depths of the main building.
Spoiler: a fist fight! (click to show/hide)

Atir gets smacked around somewhat but receives only bruises. After regaining her composure, she becomes very pissed off and stomps off to see Asmoth and report the troublemaker.
Spoiler: panic! (click to show/hide)

But that was only the beginning of our troubles. Litast grabs hold of a gander and waves it around. Then she punches Urist the brewer in the hand, and picks on a poor stray alpaca, smacking it around the head.
Spoiler: shock (click to show/hide)

5th Hematite 205

Litast is starting another fistfight!
Spoiler: I regret nothing! (click to show/hide)

Risen the Chief Medical Dwarf is the target this time. Atir who only got attacked just yesterday, decides to be a good Samaritan and help Risen to the hospital. Risen is pretty furious though. She wants to report Litast for trying to sabotage the fortress.
Spoiler: Furious (click to show/hide)

There were many eye witnesses to that last fight, and they all go seeking Asmoth for justice. Looks like Asmoth is going to have her hands full. This is just horrible and totally unproductive, well at least you can say that they are responsible citizens that care about the safety of their homes.
Spoiler: I'll report you! (click to show/hide)

Even as they make their way to Asmoth's quarters, Litast manages to find another victim. She throws a pig tail fiber glove at Collin and tries to smack him around, but Collin manages to flee. She tries to give chase, but the child is fast and runs away screaming for help.
Spoiler: I must withdraw! (click to show/hide)

Litast finally manages to calm down after that long chase and immediately starts regretting everything that has transpired. She feels guilty but I doubt that will ease her pain. Hopefully this will be the end of her episode, but I fear more is to come. What a wretched way to pass the days!
Spoiler: I regret everything! (click to show/hide)

With all this malingering going on, I'm forced to take the military off training to assist with the corpse hauling. We cannot have the corpses disrupt trading this season.

Meanwhile, the mayor has her hands full trying to cope with all the complaints coming in.

Once she is done with Logem, she takes a break in her office, munching on some biscuits only for Litast to barge in and start crying all over her while she tries to relax. I'm afraid she will not get any chance for some peace and quiet for quite awhile yet.

Gwolfsky comes up to me and requests to be elevated to the nobility, he looks earnest so I quickly went to check the records. Sadly I had to inform him that we have not reached the proper requisites to even be considered a barony. Taupe manages to catch wind of all this and stomps in admonishing Gwolfsky harshly, all the while glancing over at the direction of the Captain of the Guard's tower and remarking aloud,

"We have enough scheming dwarves as it is, we certainly don't need another."

Pyrotechno passes by all the commotion, hauling some copper bars to be made into shields and mail shirts and shakes his head in disapproval.
Spoiler: He said... (click to show/hide)

Well after all that commotion, at least we were able to get some work done, relocating all the damn corpses further underground and out of sight.
Spoiler: Work complete! (click to show/hide)

16th Hematite 205

A human caravan from Usmenbehal has arrived. We spotted them coming in from the southwest corner.
Spoiler: Humans! (click to show/hide)

Conditions look to be rather safe for trading, only the dog corpses are left on the bridge and plateau. I order all the various spoils of war lying about to be hauled to the trade depot for trading. The caravan slowly meanders its way across the southeast edge. I hope they are not spooked by the dog corpses, we sorely need their goods and services.
Spoiler: slow and steady (click to show/hide)

17th Hematite 205

Edzul Ellestolin has been re-elected as mayor. Meanwhile, Litast has been moping all over the damn place. I have absolutely no faith she will make any sort of recovery whatsoever but I'll withhold convicting her for the 6 counts of disorderly conduct and 1 count of vandalism out of pity.

23rd Hematite 205

Adil Lokumistbar has grown to become a peasant.
Spoiler: Congratulations! (click to show/hide)

He seems competent enough to hold a spot in the military, but since we need farmers badly, I'll let him pick up some skill as a farmer, before drafting the little runt.

2nd Malachite 205

We traded for some clay, wood, glass, sand, cloth, leather, food and iron supplies to melt down. I traded away the wooden crossbows and shields cause eugh, those materials remind me of elves.

5th Malachite 205

The natural fauna of the Desert of Dreams can be beautiful and rather deadly at the same time. A Giant Gila Monster was lounging about on the eastern plateau, and was disrupting hauling by scaring away the haulers. But Shorast and Haerdalas II came to the rescue. Meanwhile, a herd of Ibex saunter about nonchalantly in the chalky wastelands to the northeast. They are majestic creatures, but unless they want to be made into biscuits I'll prefer if they stayed away from the dikes.

10th Malachite 205

Urdim Udisturdim has risen and is haunting the fortress! This is most unpleasant. There is no record of his remains being found. I wonder how he died?
Spoiler: wooooo spooky! (click to show/hide)

14th Malachite 205

The ghost of Urdim has been put to rest. Turns out he died from traps. Huh. These shoddy trap makers don't know how to set the triggers properly, I'll have to screen the defenses for faulty engineering.
Spoiler: RIP Urdim (click to show/hide)

16th Malachite 205

We have attracted a grand total of 0 migrants this season. Not surprising given the state of affairs here, though I seriously doubt it could be any better out there. I heard rumors that we are currently at war with not one but two goblin civilizations. With the trading wrapped up, the human merchants departed on their way. I bid them bring more supplies next year and we'll have a healthy profit waiting for them.

19th Malachite 205

Not much to report, there is much work to be done. Though I heard Edem has grown attached to his ☼silver mace☼.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

21st Malachite 205

A rumbling noise is heard over the wastes as an enormous one-eyed rhinoceros beetle comes into view over the north eastern wastelands. It begins harassing the herd of Ibex in the northeast. Seeing as its distracted, I take the opportunity to muster the military.
Spoiler: Poor Ibex (click to show/hide)

After mauling the ibex, it begins chasing ostriches, so I sent the military out in a spread formation to attempt to surround the beast.
Spoiler: March on! (click to show/hide)

I wonder how everyone feels about beetle roasts?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

11th Galena 205

In some freak accident, Mudmen have somehow destroyed the locked door leading to Flame II's contraption. How could they have managed to break the door down? I lock the remaining door before the commotion draws any more unwanted attention from the undead denizens of the depths.
Spoiler: But how? (click to show/hide)

16th Galena 205

I've been busy as of late, personally overseeing the construction of the magma pumpstack. Things are going according to schedule, I might have magma pumping into our dikes before the end of the year.
Spoiler: attention to detail (click to show/hide)

Most of the fortress is preoccupied with putting up the outer walls of the magma dike, having finished up most of the hauling duties.
Spoiler: Dwarves at work (click to show/hide)

But I have good news to break! Miners that have been delving in search of a spot for the magma drain have found another vein of adamantine!
Spoiler: Praise the miners! (click to show/hide)

We have also found hematite veins, but they are buried deep beneath the magma and it would be difficult to extricate them at the moment. Disappointing, but its better than nothing at all.

As for the magma drain, it looks like the original design will have to be amended somewhat, but it is no big deal. The fortress has been busy this entire month trying to haul all the crap that has been left outside, and now that it is done we can focus on other important tasks.
Spoiler: More construction (click to show/hide)

25th Galena 205

The other walls of the magma dike are complete! I order all the dog, goblin and troll corpses that have been lying about to be dumped.

Autumn has arrived on the calendar.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 04:58:26 am by Zuglarkun »
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