Quasar, Female, Mayor of Breadbowl (QuQuasar) - Founder, Year 1 Overseer
Neblime, Male, Legendary Carpenter (Neblime) - Founder, Year 2 Overseer
Bearskie, Male, Legendary Planter (Bearskie) - Founder, Year 3 Overseer
Gwolfski, Male, Duke of Breadbowl (Gwolfski) - Founder
Aristotle, Male, Philosopher (Aristotle) - Founder
May, Female, Chief Medical Dwarf (May) - Founder
Psychoangel - Male, Brewer - Custom profession "Le Grand Soaper" - Dead (drowned). - Founder
Hiddenleafguy, Male, Manager (Hiddenleafguy)
Tonnot, Male, Legendary Brewer (Tonnot)
Brassroast, Male, High Master Mason (LordBrassroast)
Illithid, Male, Legendary Armorsmith (Illithid)
Dolwina, Female, Surgeon (Dolwin) - Year 6 Overseer
Bismuth Lad, Male, Rock Collector
ToniK, Female, Medic (ToniK)
Shûl-nak, Male, Legendary Weaponsmith (Shûl-nak)
Illithid, Male, Legendary Armorsmith (Illithid)
The Shafts of Fortifying
Taupe, Male, Spearmaster, Militia Commander (Taupe)
Sanctume, Male, Mace Lord, Captain of the Guard (Sanctume) - Year 5 Overseer
LordBrassroast, Female, Spearmaster (LordBrassroast)
Alexis, Female, Swordmaster (Gwolfski)
Fairybrow, Male, Axe Lord (fairy eyebrow)
DDDragoni, Female, Axedwarf (DDDragoni)
The Earthen Assaults
Vortex, Female, Axe Lord, Militia Captain (Vortex)
Murky, Female, Axe Lord (QuQuasar)
Techno, Female, Axe Lord (Pyro)
Angus, Female, Axe Lord (Urist McVoyager)
Crazy Blades, Male, Swordsdwarf
Zuglarkun, Female, Speardwarf
Neighborhood Watch
Sqman - Male, Marksdwarf - Dead (trolled). - Year 4 Overseer
Pyro, Female, Legendary Furnace Operator (Pyro)
Japa, Male, Great Tracker (Japa)
Browedeyefairy, Female, Skilled Marksdwarf (fairy eyebrow)