My recent game was as pacifist/xenophobe/materialist inward perfectionist with the ringworld start.
Trader caravan of starfish rolled around to sell me bunk beds of all things. Tell them the bunk beds cost too much and they end up throwing a party before actually fucking off. Upon their departure I'm prompted they left four pops worth of half snail half starfish bastards. Apparently the default for xenos is to purge (displacement) them, but I decide to keep them around for nefarious purposes as second class citizens for now.
I've had this happen a couple of times, and ever since I turn off caravaneers if I'm playing inward perfectionists.
My last game ended abruptly because Stellaris pooped itself, as it does occasionally, and corrupted my save file. First time I've seen
that at least.
I was in the middle of modifying my pops when the low-habitability colony event fired that causes some of the pops to self-modify. The modification project aborted, wasted the years of research time I'd dumped into it and left me with only two pops actually modified. The other pops are no longer eating or using consumer goods for some reason. Afterward I immediately resumed the project to also convert the new self-modified pops to my original subspecies again, which went fine and fixed that bizarre problem.
A few game years later, the event resumes, with my pops declaring that they hated themselves and a pop died because of the unrest. Then they modified themselves again by adding strong, which did not replace weak so my pops were strong and weak, and rapid breeders. I ran the species modification again to fix my pops, which worked again. That was followed by more events claiming my pops hated their new neighbors, despite them all being the same subspecies again.
Oh, but what's this? Nobody is eating or using consumer goods again!
Turns out
that was happening because all of my pops were stuck in the living standard for converting them to cyborgs, which I'd converted everyone to decades ago. I changed it back to Social Welfare, which lasted exactly one month before they switched back. Oops, I forgot you also had to change the species citizenship to be full citizens instead of assimilation, which I fixed. But now I had to wait 10 years to fix the living standard again because you can only change it once per 10 years.
Waited 10 years, built a bunch of mega structures and two ecumenopoleis. Fixed my pops again, which worked for real this time. Saved and quit.
Loaded the game today to find that 30 game years were missing. I tried to load the correct file only to find that it was corrupted. I'm not sure it was caused by the above fiasco, but it sure seems conveniently timed.
I didn't see this bug fixed in the patch notes for 2.8, and I'm sure 2.8 will introduce new bugs, so I guess I should wait a few weeks for more patches before playing again. And not settling planets below 40% habitability this time because I hated that event enough without the bugs.