Waitlist, if anyone ever dies.
Name: Eva Core
Role: Ranged, light.
Equipment: Longbow, leather vest, open fingered gloves, quiver of arrows, rapier.
Bio: Eva was an orphan, and raised under the care of a kind local lord. She trained under her adopted fathers friend, preferring ranged combat over the sword that she used in her early life. Drilled constantly, achieving unparalleled accuracy. Her adopted father also required a basic mastery of the rapier, in case it ever came to that. With nowhere to use her skills, she left home, and came to Renethport.
" oMY goAAT!!! I hate necromancy, so badly that i am rdy to kill guys being necromanced!!! "
rage mode, hit floor once with my sword
"Yeeeaah diee spawn of satan yeaaaaaeeeeAh" Knight went insane - swings sword around.
[5] You (accidentally?) hit Eric in the arm in your frenzy.All your following actions will have negative modifiers due to the dishonorable and shameful act.
Where am I?
You find yourself in a square room. There are 3 ornate sarcophagi lining the wall on your right, and three on your left.
Ahead, lying on the floor, is an even more ornate sarcophagus, made out of solid gold, encrusted with jewels. To its left is a stone door.
Behind you is a set of double doors and your other party members. You watch them walk around doing their separate actions, while you recover.
Suddenly, you are slashed in the arm by none other than Delekates!
Its unexpected nature prevents you from resisting the damage!
[3] You begin bleeding!Open the stone door to my left.
It leads, via narrow corridor, into a small square room lined with tall, musty bookcases.
[5-1] You deftly avoid stepping in the suspicious loop of chain. Close catch.
A quick look through the few books that are still in usable condition confirms the necromantic nature of the place.
[2+1] However, they cannot be read in such a poor light.
Sword, shield, helm, chain mail, leather greaves, vambraces, lit torch, and small pouch of
5 gold pieces.
>+1 to sword attacks
+1 to resisting poison/disease
+2 to resisting damage (1 for ability, 1 for armor)
>+1 to healing
-1 to sneaking (armor)
-* to dishonorable actions
[Chance to block attack (shield)]
Dishonorable and Shamed: -2 to most actions for the next few turns
2 anti-inflammatory herbal poultices. 2 rolls of bandages. Holy book of Ithyism.
(<-My character's religion.) 1 Leather pouch of ground up Sapphire Root. (It makes people
that inhale it feel drowsy.) 1 Ceramic mortar and pestle. Leather satchel. (For the storage
of small items.) 1-days ration of food and water. 1 White Priestess robe. 1 small pouch of
coins worth 20 gp. 1 lit candle. Coins worth 10 gp.
>+2 to herbal knowledge
>+2 to healing (+3 with preparation)
+1 to sense motive
+2 to persuading
-1 to fighting
-2 to fire-related actions
-* to unholy actions
-* to deliberate killing
Two handed sword, studded leather armor, dagger, lit candle
and small pouch of 25 gold pieces.
>+1 to sword attacks
+1 to fighting
+.5 to resisting damage (armor)(1/2 chance of getting +1)
+2 to resisting guilt/remorse (the consequence of comitting inhumane actions)(aquired during
mercenary career)
+2 to resisting gore-disgust (acquired during mercenary career)
-1 to knowledge related to Alexandria
[Special Ability: Combo Attack: At will, you can try to attack twice in one turn. The first
time it is done each day, it is automatically-successful. After that, the result must be
rolled for. (no bonus)]
Slash-wound in Arm (bleeding)
backpack, notebook with 19 blank pages, 3 sticks of writing charcoal, shield,
flint & steel, axe, lit candle, partial map mof the catacombs, pouch of 5 gold pieces.
>+2 to lore (mythical/historical)
>+1 to know location
>+1 to identify weakness
[Chance to block attack (shield)]