Okay, Since I was asked to make a decision on this, and since I have thought about this all day, I'll now address it.
Akroma, you said it yourself that you want this to have a positive outcome. I don't think it ever will, so long as I am a GM. As long as there is interest in this game I will continue to be the GM of it. It may not be Rise of the Magic Girls anymore, but it is a genre I love.
And yes, there is bad blood between us, there has been ever since Icarus was a thing back in v2. Now, I'm not saying we don't get along sometimes, because frankly we do. I am saying that when it comes to roleplaying, our styles are way to different.
You don't like how I Gm things. I doubt that will change. When I Gm, I'm not such a stickler for rules. Sometimes a rule can get in the way of fun or character development. PN's Durah clone was one of those reasons. I allowed it that one time because I thought it would add a bit of realism to the game. That was me, not PN. The invisibility nerf is going to come after PN's plot ends, along with a few other nerfs that are needed, due to me not wanting to stall combat any longer than it already has been. The way I GM is to try to be fair to everyone. I will not do something if it only benefits a single player or it directly harms another unless I can solve the problem via a compromise.
So, yes, I do think you should quit, not because of our constant arguing because I doubt that will ever change, but because I am going to remain the GM of this, whether it has just four players, or upwards of fifteen. And I do apologize for making you think I wasn't taking your grievances into account, because I was. If you think I do things just to spite you, I don't. I never have. It may have seemed like it, but my intentions were never to do that.
So TL:DR, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to be in a game that has a toxic GM. I know I wouldn't want to be, and I apologize for subjecting you to that.