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Author Topic: Pawns [A God Game]  (Read 7337 times)


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2015, 10:43:39 am »

Boons: The more Power you invest, the more dramatic the result will be.
Spiderking, you choose how much power to put into a boon.

Got it, I'd like to go ahead and put my remaining 5 power into the sensitivity to all mutations boon.
Currently on vacation. I have internet, but will update sporadically due to vacation.


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2015, 11:59:51 am »

This child.. This child has potential. This child could be the warrior that will hold the world upon his shoulders. He is young, yes, but the balance need not be maintained now. Rather, mine and thus his future powers can.. build up, be saved for use when they are needed.

But firstly, I must gain a way of absorbing power. How much would it cost, to appear to someone in their dreams? I wish to tell the old woman that many gods other than myself have awoken, and I sense that, although most of them house little malicious intent, they may threaten the world in the future. For the task of protecting the world, I require power, worshippers. She has a connection to my power and she will likely become my priest.

Of course, I will not make her a Pawn.. not yet.

Unfortunately, without altering them in such a way as to give them hallucinations, there is no way to appear before someone in a dream without making them a Pawn.  Simply by appearing before someone you signify them as being important to the skeins of Fate, so any direct contact must necessarily make of them a Pawn.

And so it begins.

Blessed are the Old, for their wisdom is impeccable. May they be honoured in their old age...

Grant a Boon to Gysha. She now has a compulsion to spend long periods of time by the sea, just watching it. For every hour she does this, a form of sealife will emerge and offer themselves to her. As each organism dies, it will utter 'Thank Nera', despite the logical impossibility of this. The sealife will get incrementally larger/complex for every year she continues this habit.

You grant your boon to Gysha.  It takes a peculiar form - an enchantment of the mind to draw sealife to beach itself in her presence, skewed in such a way that the compulsion grows stronger with each passing year.  Eventually tuna and whales will beach themselves for her, but for now crabs and solitary fish such as cod do the same.  A final compulsion forces them to whisper 'Thank Nera', although how clear this is really depends upon the creature's ability to make sound.  It is more or less clear, and the meaning is enhanced in Gysha's mind anyway.

[Boon: Compulsion + Strengthening + Whisper = 3+1+1 = 5 Power spent.]

Although Gysha is not herself a Pawn, it does not take long for her to notice this apparent blessing, or to make out the benediction to Nera with each catch.  She swiftly enough makes a habit of this, sitting alone by the sea and making up stories to herself of the Whale Goddess Nera.  She tells these stories with wild abandon to the rest of the village, and while this is met with initial scepticism the apparent miracle of the beaching sealife turns many heads.  By year's end a number of fishing villagers offer thanks to Nera whenever they make a catch, if only in the hope that they might gain such a boon.

Your Power/Turn has increased to 5!

Jud watched the Mountain Tribe, and knew them as his people. Now they would have to learn the glory of Jud. The first would be Velda, who understood the majesty of Earth. She shall become my pawn [-5 Power].

As my pawn I grant unto her a boon, she can swim through earth as easily as a fish swims through water (including the ability to breath earth I guess), and sense through the earth around her via a mystical ability called Earthsense. As a drawback, she sinks like a rock if she tries to swim in water (be sure to mention that to her. Also, earthbreathing does not prevent waterdrowning). These abilities are hereditary. [-5 Power] May she and her children never be lost when within the earth's loving embrace or endangered when they can flee into the safety of the earth.

((Clarification request: You say magic is limited by the power invested, but then give a specific pricetag to teach someone magic. Does this mean you create the magic system separately and then teach it to people? If so, the the teaching cost it prohibitively expensive...))

You touch Velda with your divine inspiration and appear before her as her own face in stone upon the wall of a cave.  [-5 Power]  You introduce yourself and your divine majesty -

"What?  What the hell is going on?  What kind of dream is this, creepy face?"

You try to reassure her, and eventually you just get on with what you have to say, her interruptions be damned.  You explain to her that you have given her the power to swim through earth, to breathe in it and to sense what happens around her through the earth.

"Oh yeah?  What's the catch, creepy face?"

You remind her of your name.

"Creepy face called Jud."

You note that she cannot swim now, that being in water she will sink like a rock and not have the power to breathe there either.  Such is the price of your power, but you assure her that it will pass on in time to her children.  She seems sceptical, but you assure her that she can try it out for herself once she wakes up.  She does.

[Boon: Earthswimming + Earth Breathing + Earthsense + Hereditary! - Heavy = 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 - 2]

In large part because of the desire to make her gifts hereditary, they are relatively mundane in their grasp.  She can merge with soil, even densely packed soil and clay, but she cannot pass into rock - although she can sense through it.  Her earthsense takes the form of a feeling of tremors and vibrations, up to about three hundred feet in every direction. She can sense what stands upon the earth and what else might burrow through it.  Finally, the drawback is a little stronger than you intended.  She will sink in water, but she also sinks slightly into less than solid ground.  She is now as heavy as if she were made of rock.

Velda is a pragmatist.  Upon discovering these powers she uses them for hunting - travelling beneath the soil until she senses prey, then leaping up from under it and strangling it while keeping most of herself hidden.  She discovers that she cannot pull living things down with her, only her own clothing and bone knife, so sometimes she uses this to attack as well.

"Right then.  Jud?" she asks thin air.  On reflection she finds a bit of rock and then repeats her question.  "What now, then?  I assume this isn't charity."

You answer her the next time she dreams, explaining to her the concept of mud baths (complete with pictures and visualisations), then the details.  You show her the concept of step terraces filled with growing plants, and the knowledge of how to build them and grow crops.  Finally, you encourage her to move into the nearby caves for shelter, as for now her people have slept beneath the stars.

[1, 6+1, 6+1, 1+1] She does not seem impressed with the concept of mud baths and disregards it outright, and while she acknowledges the sense of sheltering in the caves, it would take her too far away from good hunting and foraging grounds.  Yet her practical mind cannot ignore the sense of your proposed agriculture, nor of the use of terraces, and she takes the knowledge in like a sponge.  Finally she looks back up at you.

"And what do you want?"

Only to better her people and for her and hers to honour your name, you explain.  When she wakes she sits on her own for several hours, thinking, then returns to her people.

"Right, listen up!" she proclaims.  "Some creepy fucking spirit thing keeps harassing me in my dreams.  It wants to help us out, and I think it's broadly right, so get your things.  We've got a lot of work to do."

"Velda!" called Intor, the tribe's chief.  "You've finally gone mad, haven't you?  Cease your prattling and return to the hunt.  Your kills have been many and fruitful of late, but do not think you have the right to speak as if you were chief!"

"I have Jud on my side, Intor," spat Velda.  "What do you have?"

Intor drew a flint axe and raised it over his head.  "Back off, Velda!  I won't brook a challenge!"

Velda spat on the ground.  "Then end this one."

Intor let out a bellow of rage and rushed Velda with the axe, swinging it down upon her fragile skull - or at least he should have.  She sank into the ground as he approached and Intor, quite reasonably, started screaming in terror.  His screams were cut short when she emerged behind him, stabbing her bone knife into his throat repeatedly.  He fell to the ground, blood seeping into the wet grass.  Velda raised her bloody knife to the crowd.

"This is my tribe now, and we are doing things my way!  Now rest up, we have much to do in the morning."

[Terror-induced prayer has come to pass!  You now have 12 Power/Turn.]

[Fair point with the magic.  I've reduced the cost of teaching Sphere-associated Aspects to 5 Power.  There are two elements to magic as well.  First, you need to teach mortals magic (which costs you Power directly), after which they can spread the knowledge amongst themselves.  Then you need to set up conditions under which they can draw Power from you directly to cast spells based on the Aspects they know.  This only costs Power when the conditions are met.]

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

[-5 Power] You appear before Urtul in his sleep and you terrify the crap out of him.  Still, your message strikes home with the mortal and when he awakens he returns to his people, spreading the word of your coming.  He is not the most diligent of prophets, but he has strong opinions on your appearance and message and does browbeat a number of people into tacit acceptance of your divinity.  The changes to his skin and hair lend an extra measure of weight to his argument as well.  Only two of the tribe decide to try eating the strange white berries, and they undergo the same strange transformation as Urtul.  They find themselves held apart from the rest of the tribe.  Apart and above.

[Boon: Change to Urtul + Berries = 1 + 4 = 5 Power]  There are 48 berries remaining, and they will never go off.  They are currently being worshipped as a sign of your divinity by the small cult amongst the tribe.  Each mortal changed by one of the berries will cost 2 less Power to mutate in future.  This includes Urtul.

[Income is now 7 Power/Turn, as your cult is small but devoted.]

Spoiler: Pawns (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Potentials (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Gods (click to show/hide)
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2015, 12:06:58 pm »

[Fair point with the magic.  I've reduced the cost of teaching Sphere-associated Aspects to 5 Power.  There are two elements to magic as well.  First, you need to teach mortals magic (which costs you Power directly), after which they can spread the knowledge amongst themselves.  Then you need to set up conditions under which they can draw Power from you directly to cast spells based on the Aspects they know.  This only costs Power when the conditions are met.]
This has confused me even more. It costs you power each time mortals use magic? That's crazy! The only way I'd use magic is super tough rituals that require them to basically sacrifice a hundred virgins to me first to recoup the power lost to having them cast spells.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2015, 12:17:22 pm »

((Was my boon magnified by my Earth Sphere?))

Jud didn't know whether to be exasperated or satisfied, so settled for both at once. This Velda was certainly quite a character. Let's try that again.

Use 5 power to create a boon, a mudpot/mudspring of hot and bubbling mud, inside a nearby system of caverns, those who bathe in the mud have their wounds healed and illnesses cured.

Point out to Velda that now that they possess the secrets of agriculture, they should be less dependent on hunting to supply them with food. In addition, just to sweeten the pot, teach her about domestication. Capture the young of some herd animals, breed with them, and then you can have home grown meat. Then order her to have her tribe resettle inside the cave system with the magic mudpool. Make sure to mention the properties of the mudpool. Encourage her again to spread the custom of mudbathing, and mention the benefits of the mudpool to the other members of the tribe.

I haven't gotten the power income yet? Ugh.

Jud was as patient as stone, and for a time simply watched over his fledgling tribe, waiting for the power to come flowing in, guiding them through the beginning of agriculture. He also pointed out to Velda that with the advent of agriculture they would be less dependent on hunting and foraging for food, and could move into some caves that happened to be further away from the hunting grounds. So move into some caves already.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 01:41:32 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2015, 12:26:36 pm »

Corvric looked down at the creatures below, amused and intrigued, especially this Victor, he understood the power of darkness, and though he had yet to truly face the trials necessary to be his true chosen, he would provide a nice starting point. As the exhausted Victor lay down to rest, Corvric poured his power into the man.

Victor was running, the wolves where back, they had found him again, just as he had been leaving the cave, and now he was paying the price. branches whipped into his flesh, but still he ran. He dared not look back, but he could hear the wolves, the ground rustling under their paws, their snarls, they where getting closer, he wasn't going to make it. Suddenly he heard a new noise, a great thumping, this one coming from up ahead. Straining through his tear filled eyes, Victor looked up and saw another wolf, far bigger than the ones chasing him, completely black except for gleaming white fangs and burning red eyes, and it was heading straight for him. Realizing his doom, Victor slowed and then stopped, waiting as the wolves drew closer and closer, his eyes closed and he waited for the inevitable. And waited, and waited, before suddenly he heard ominous chuckling. Opening his eyes, Victor saw the forest was gone, instead replaced by the dark cave, and in front of him sat the black wolf, chuckling to itself as it watched his expression grow ever more bewildered "Calm down mortal, you are dreaming, but you may find this is perhaps a bit more than a dream, I have watched you, you understand the power of the darkness, or at least some of it, and for that you have caught my interest. I am Corvic, deity of Darkness, and I am willing to offer you something great, but I will not give away charity, so I will instead give you a challenge, hunt down something fierce, and bring it back here in the dark of a new moon, and I will grant you a blessing of my power, but first, to give you a taste of it, when you wake up, you will find darkness no longer provides quite the confusion it once did."

Make Victor my Pawn (8 Power)
Grant him a boon of Superior night vision (1 Power)
If he brings me something grant him a power based upon whatever he killed (1 Power)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 12:29:30 pm by Deny »
In denial of sanity...

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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2015, 03:01:05 pm »

This has confused me even more. It costs you power each time mortals use magic? That's crazy! The only way I'd use magic is super tough rituals that require them to basically sacrifice a hundred virgins to me first to recoup the power lost to having them cast spells.

((Was my boon magnified by my Earth Sphere?))

I haven't gotten the power income yet? Ugh.

[[Magic uses power, and it comes from you, yes.  It's also comparatively cheap when mortals do it as well.  They can do a lot more with less Power, but the sacrifice is control over how it's used.  But making sacrifice part of the ritual will also earn you Power, so yes that's a way to negate the costs.  You can also limit how much Power you provide to priests total.

Boon was magnified, yes.  If another deity had tried that the 'heredity' would probably have bounced.  Heredity waters down the effect a fair bit, but the core of the boon is still there.

Sorry, we haven't hit Year 2 yet, that's when you get income.]]

Make Victor my Pawn (8 Power)
Grant him a boon of Superior night vision (1 Power)
If he brings me something grant him a power based upon whatever he killed (1 Power)

[-8 Power, -1 Power]

Victor awakes, terrified but clear-headed for the first time in his life.  Clear-eyed as well, as the boon has sharpened his sight and he can see the cavern system extending forth from this cave in outlines and shapes where before it was but pitch darkness.  His leg is still painful, but he limps forth from the cave and returns to his people.  He looks up at the sky; a full moon.  Two weeks to complete his end of the bargain.

Victor was considered almost dull by most of the tribe.  He was a simple man with simple desires, but he had always been a friend to the others of the Forest Tribe and many welcome him to their campfires on his return.  He speaks to them of his ordeal and of the vision he has had, and there is doubt and concern in the eyes of the elders and wonder and fear in the eyes of the youths.  He begs and barters for aid from others in the tribe to satisfy his obligation, to gather a hunting party to capture a beast worthy of this god.

Two weeks pass without fortune until the eve of the new moon.  [5+2] The hunting party is returning from a hunt, having collected various small animals by spear and by trap, when they stumble upon a clearing where a great boar is rooting.  The boar lets forth an enraged squeal and charges, but Victor barely dodges out of the way.  As a pack he and his companions surround and harry the boar, driving their spears into it and keeping their distance.  Three of the party are injured in the fight, but by what they believe to be the blessing of Corvric no one dies save the boar, who fights even to the bitter end.

The party bring the boar to the caves where Victor first met you and they sit amidst the darkness and burn the carcass of the great beast.  They dedicate the kill to you, and the roasting flesh smells sweet to you, almost as sweet as their devotion.  As per your bargain you grant Victor a boon from the spirit of the boar - tenacity.  Victor's heart beats more steadily, his will is strengthened.  He will now shrug off pain and injury to fight, though the wounds may still kill him.  [-1 Power]

The blessing is soon observed by the others and they begin trusting to Victor to lead them in their hunts.  With the aid of his eyesight and toughness, but mostly because of their close teamwork, they become more and more successful in their hunting.  It becomes a habit to burn a small piece of the quarry in your honour, and it pleases you.

[+3 Power gained from sacrifice.  10 Power/Turn income.]

Spoiler: Pawns (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Potentials (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Gods (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 04:05:41 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

Flying Dice

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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2015, 04:02:23 pm »

((Did you forget to convert something here?

Gorrin [Valley Tribe, Age 42, Male] (3,1,3,2) {Faith (Guleran): 36%}

Traits, I'm assuming?))

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2015, 04:06:26 pm »

Fixed: Gorrin [Valley Tribe, Age 42, Male] (Colourful, Sarcastic, Profound, Independent) {Faith (Guleran): 36%}
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

Flying Dice

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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2015, 05:30:47 pm »

((Hahahaha oh yes.))

  • Make Gorrin my pawn. (8 Power)
  • Bestow upon him a boon of rapid healing and recovery. (1 Power)
  • In his dream-vision, give him a quest: Spread the knowledge of My being and faith in My gift of life. How he does so is up to him, but pleasing me and spreading the faith will yield rewards, just as sowing the fields well will reap a rich harvest. (1 Power to enhance his Boon's strength if he a) manages to start generating Power for me, b) converts a decent number of people, OR 1 Power to grant him a new Boon which allows him to sense the life around him if he sires half a dozen children but fails to do A or B.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2015, 07:01:24 pm »

Fine, my previous action will be to make her a pawn.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2015, 07:02:41 pm »

Fine, my previous action will be to make her a pawn.

How would you like to interact with her?
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2015, 07:04:49 pm »

But firstly, I must gain a way of absorbing power. I wish to tell the old woman that many gods other than myself have awoken, and I sense that, although most of them house little malicious intent, they may threaten the world in the future. For the task of protecting the world, I require power, worshipers. She has a connection to my power and she will become my priest.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 09:33:04 pm by Sl4cker »
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2015, 09:28:00 pm »

Ignore my dickery, I missed your previous post

Corvric looked down upon the forest tribe and Victor, glad to see he hadn't chosen an idiot to receive his blessings, using favors garnered from others to hunt his prey, that was a stratagem most fools would have ignored, and that sacrifice, the power he felt, it was truly refreshing, so this is what worship feels like, he could get used to this. Looking down, Corvric made up his mind, he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass by...

It was in another of Victors dreams that Corvric came again, in a forest Victor was now the hunter, bringing down more prey, boars, dear, and even the occasional wolf, and it was in the middle of one of these hunts that Corvric came again, his great form slinking through the forest far more quietly than anything of that size should have the right to, approaching Victor from the side. When Victor finally did turn to his direction, Corvric was right next to him, startled, Victor stumbled backwards, to the amused chuckling of Corvric.

"Easy mortal, you have pleased me, that truly was a beast worthy of my power, but I wish you to know, that the offer remains, and to more than just you. Spread the word among your kin, bring me a great beast they have slain to the same cave in the dark of a new moon, and the greatest offering of the moon will see me give the one who offered it a boon, and in case you where wondering, yes you may try again if you wish Victor."

Have Victor tell his tribe that every new moon, any who wish to gain great power can sacrifice a great beast they have slain in the same cave.
I will grant a boon of 1 power to whoever brings me the greatest beast on that specific night with it's effects based upon the offering (though I will still accept all other offerings)

Edited to Clarify something
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 02:42:45 am by Deny »
In denial of sanity...

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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2015, 10:19:17 pm »

Important Disclaimer: If it is too late for me to contact my pawn again this turn, if I am unaware of Deny's/Corvric's smart moves, or am otherwise doing something not ok / frowned upon please let me know and I shall reverse it and apologize a lot.

If ok'd by the GM then read the spoiler. If not, I will delete it promptly.

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Currently on vacation. I have internet, but will update sporadically due to vacation.


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Re: Pawns [A God Game]
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2015, 11:34:06 pm »

And so, Tar-Azath, having slept in this eon and then gotten distracted by things that have nothing to do with this world, finally looks down upon the works of mortals and pronounces that, while toolmaking is a step in the right direction, he desires that the mortals do more, dream more, that they seek greater wonders. And so he reaches out to the child he has chosen to preach his ways...

Anna, the child he has chosen, is a young child, to young to yet do much. But is it not true with all creations that work must be done before they can be said to be complete? And in so growing, his chosen will be shaped as he desired from the start, instead of having to work around any undesirable elements that might otherwise show up.

And is he not a god? Tar-Azath has patience. What is the time needed for a mortal to grow to one such as him? He can wait for a project to finish.

Thusly he blesses the child, spending a portion of his power to firstly make her a pawn, and then spending more to grant her the gifts needed to be a worthy pawn of Tar-Azath! Musically inclined as she is, he shall see to it that she remains not merely some minor tune twiddler, but puts legends themselves to verse! Once she grows up that is.

But he can wait. An epic or three is worth the wait.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 12:57:05 am by Happerry »
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