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Author Topic: You Are a Minor God  (Read 110035 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #600 on: January 05, 2016, 10:53:56 am »

Just so that you know, you missed in your "Previous" and "Next" buttons Post 578. It's only a short one, but I was rather confused by missing it.
I'm not sure that a request to go unarmed necessarily shows malicious intent. It's possible that it's just to prevent her having any ... disruptive ideas. Let's be honest, armed or unarmed they could kill her so easily that it's really unimportant either way. I say recommend that she go, if she wouldn't anyway, but I think that's mostly because I'd otherwise always be curious about what would have happened.
Request a promise/oath/swear from this individual that she and the men will be unharmed.
I think he already gave his word, but I don't at all trust him anyway. However, I'm still itching to go.


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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #601 on: January 05, 2016, 11:36:53 am »

Just so that you know, you missed in your "Previous" and "Next" buttons Post 578. It's only a short one, but I was rather confused by missing it.
I'm not sure that a request to go unarmed necessarily shows malicious intent. It's possible that it's just to prevent her having any ... disruptive ideas. Let's be honest, armed or unarmed they could kill her so easily that it's really unimportant either way. I say recommend that she go, if she wouldn't anyway, but I think that's mostly because I'd otherwise always be curious about what would have happened.
Request a promise/oath/swear from this individual that she and the men will be unharmed.
I think he already gave his word, but I don't at all trust him anyway. However, I'm still itching to go.

Thanks for letting me know, its been fixed now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #602 on: January 07, 2016, 03:34:29 pm »


You enter into Eve's dreams. She seems to be dreaming of a past memory. You watch:

Spoiler: Dream (click to show/hide)

The dream ends and Eve's mind returns to the black unconscious. You weave a dream telling her of her mother; that she is still alive and waiting. You tell her that the messenger who came to you is divine and will not betray his promise. You tell her to go to the meeting with your blessing and that you have not left her and are with her always and will protect her.

She awakens, more at peace than she has been in many days. She tells Suha that she will go to the meeting, despite Suha's objections. When the night finally comes, the messenger again emerges from the forest.
"Have you made your decision?"
"I have. I will go."
Then the messenger looks up at you hovering above and nods. "Very good. Come with me."
They walk through the forest directly into the captured city of Arish, where Akhentef resides. Eve tries several times to make small talk, but the messenger is tight lipped. Eventually she gives up and they walk to the city in silence. When they arrive at the gates, the soldiers see Eve and immediately put up their weapons.

Then the messenger glares at them and they return, hesitant, to their posts and open the gate. Eve is led into a large building. You guess it was probably a town hall before the sacking. Several hallways later, and Eve enters a well lit room with a long table. At the far end of the table sits Akhentef. As before, you know instantly that this man is king. His armlet gleams in the candle-light. By his side sits the old man you saw with him before. The table is filled with a variety of dishes containing food Eve has never even seen before. The two are dining quietly when they notice the messenger and Eve.
"Ah. Excellent. You are Eve I presume?" Says Akhentef in Eve's tongue. Eve remembers her men being slaughtered like cattle and blood which reddened the green fields. She squeezes her hand into a fist. Then she remembers her mother, still whole and alive. She releases her hand.
"I am." Eve says, in the western tongue. She gives a short bow.
"Hmm, you know our language?"
"I knew you were not to be underestimated." Akhentef chuckles. "But where are my manners? Please, do sit down. Eat, if you like." Eve remains standing.
"Why am I here?" The older man looks up with fury at this insolence, but Akhentef waves away his anger.
"You are angry. Understandably so. I have summoned you because my Lord, Tef has willed it and I do as he commands."
"And has he commanded you to slaughter thousands of innocents? To rain blood upon the fields?" There is a pause at this.
"Yes...he has." Eve is genuinely surprised, as are you. "Do you not know? What the nature of worship is?"
"Worship? I don't understand."
"Sacrifice! It is sacrifice, Eve! How can one be close to God if the myriad things bind him to the Earth? God resides in heaven." Akhentef points his finger upwards. "We reach Him by throwing away the fetters of flesh that incarcerate us. We do so by sacrifice. Our time, our thoughts, our wealth...yes, even our blood."
"But it was not your blood that was spilled was it? It was the blood of my people. What fetters are in that? What binds?"
"Be silent girl. You know not of what you speak." This time the old man cannot help himself. He stands. His voice is low and angry.
"Enough Mose, she is a guest." The old man sits back down, but his eyes remain on Eve. "Will you not eat with me Eve? It is the custom of our people to feed our guests."
"And it is the custom of mine, never to dine with killers."
"Then I wonder how you dine with your comrades in arms? Or are they exempt from your judgement? But peace, I have spoken too curtly."
Eve remains silent. But at last she sits down.
"I was told you had information on my superiors, about Gezaru?"
"Ah yes. Bring in the prisoner!" The door opens and two guards bring in a shackled man. His face his obscured by his hair and beard. His body looks like a strip of bark ripped from the trunk, so emaciated is he. His clothes are in tatters and he shakes even to stand. You note that his back is marked with red lashes and white scars. He stares at Eve as if she were the only light in the room, and he, the moth.

tbc. (You may suggest things in the meantime if you wish)

« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 09:38:58 pm by bahihs »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #603 on: January 11, 2016, 04:39:52 pm »


"E-Eve?" the prisoner says. Eve remains in her seat, she tries to speak, but no words come out. She closes her mouth and watches as the prisoner is allowed to sit.
"He tried to stand against our forces when we took the city. Admirable, truly. So I kept him from the sacrificial pyres." Akhentef turns to the prisoner. "You look hungry. Go on. You are a guest of mine today."
"Eve is it you? Are you alive still? Oh merciful gods!" Tears flow unchecked down the prisoner's face.
"Aye! It is your poor Gezaru reduced to bone and hair. No more flesh in Gezaru! Nothing soft!" The prisoner tugs on his hair, cackles then coughs.
"What did you do to him?"
"I spared him. And for that he feels guilt. It is the burden of pride Eve. The price of powerlessness."
"You're a monster! You slaughtered my people." She points to Gezaru who is still laughing and pulling his hair."You tortured them to madness. And for what? To appease your cruel gods? What kind of god condones genocide? What kind of god orders war? What kind of god...what kind of god allows his worshipers to suffer like this?" Eve begins to sob.
"Such questions, I too, once had. But the gods are selfish Eve. They follow their own objectives at our expense. But this is so because there are many of them, and their powers lie divided. If there were one God, what limits would He have? There would be nothing which did not belong to His domain. Not even death!" Akhentef regains his composure.
"I still don't know why I'm here." Says Eve. Gezaru finally notices the food around him and begins to gorge himself, bits of food hang on to his hair and beard.
"I have a task for you. Do you know the importance of the city of Arish?"
"Of course, it is the last barrier before the capital."
"And why is that?"
"Why is what?"
"Why is there no other way into the capital?"
"Because of the Shemish mountains obviously. Why are you asking me this?"
"Because I want you to realize that I did not come to take your capital, but to have unfettered access to the Shemish Mountains."
"I don't understand."
"Neither did I, but I do not question the divine anymore. You are to go into its depths, and retrieve something for me."
"I do not know, but it lies buried beneath the mountain."
"I see. But you have many warriors at your command, why me?"
"My sentiments exactly. Therefore, I will have a tournament. The winner will go into the mountains for this...whatever it is."
"And why I would agree to any of this?"
"Because, Eve, I am only here for this object. Once I have it, my men and I shall leave this place." Eve looks unsatisfied. "And, in return for the trouble I've caused, how about I throw in the territories of the people you were originally fighting with? Of course, they will have an opportunity to fight in the tournament as well, its only fair."
"And if I refuse?"
"You are free to do as you wish. Of course the longer this takes, the longer I stay. I wonder how long your people will survive in the capital, when their only connection to the outside world has been cut off?" Eve bristles.
"I'll let you think it over. Oh, and take the prisoner with you, as a gesture of my good will." And with that, Akhentef waves Eve away and the messenger leads Gezaru and Eve back to their camp.

What will you do?

« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 01:33:36 pm by bahihs »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #604 on: January 12, 2016, 03:23:50 am »

The candle closest to Eve flickers as an unfelt wind passes through it, and for a long moment the head of a rabbit is formed from the flames.  The eyes stare into Eves, and a moment later it is gone.

>Reassure Eve we still stand with her, and that we are not like these other, cruel Gods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #605 on: January 19, 2016, 02:16:22 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #606 on: January 21, 2016, 03:51:43 am »

Unfortunately it's not the only game that the holidays seem to have killed... Let's see if we can get it rolling again.

As EV said, and suggest her to go along.
One of the gods in the pantheon is making a move for omnipotence, and we've already seen some radical realignments. It may be that if the pretender gets what he wants, we too may be destroyed, so it's better to be in a position to hijack the plan, or at least throw a spanner into it.
Anyway, it might be a good idea to go look for Glimiki and exchange information. He's on Earth now, and it'd be useful to see what he actually knows.
What does Maegil have in common with a frag grenade?
Answer: does not suffer fools gladly.

Your friendly mysanthropic machete-toting sail-sailing sailor nut job.
Also, a Serial Editor. Just in case, do check my previous post to see if I didn't change or added to it. I do that, a lot...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #607 on: January 21, 2016, 04:22:52 am »

Meta, god of games
Discord: Liberonscien#0930


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #608 on: January 21, 2016, 12:37:27 pm »

Unfortunately it's not the only game that the holidays seem to have killed... Let's see if we can get it rolling again.

As EV said, and suggest her to go along.
One of the gods in the pantheon is making a move for omnipotence, and we've already seen some radical realignments. It may be that if the pretender gets what he wants, we too may be destroyed, so it's better to be in a position to hijack the plan, or at least throw a spanner into it.
Anyway, it might be a good idea to go look for Glimiki and exchange information. He's on Earth now, and it'd be useful to see what he actually knows.


Just so you know guys, I'm just on standby. I wait for a consensus of at least 3 votes on some action from you guys before I post something. I haven't abandoned the game by any means lol. There is still a lot you guys haven't figured out yet (the hints, admittedly have been subtle and sparse, so its understandable), so I'm taking my sweet time with the reveal. Rest assured there is a reveal (several actually) which I am hoping will catch you guys by surprise >: )

Also feel free to meta-game. Obviously you can't directly reference knowledge Arlore was not privy to (e.g private conversations, past memories etc), nevertheless it doesn't stop you from speculating and trying to mold Arlore's actions to get maximum return. This is still a game, remember, not just a narrative.

Also, as an aside, I'm thinking of doing the upcoming tournament battles in comic form (just to try out the medium). Unfortunately I don't have a drawing tablet so I would have to do them by hand and then scan them. This will probably result in lower quality (I'm wondering if I can still color the scans on the computer, perhaps someone with more experience can guide me) but more importantly, longer wait times between posts. Anyway, its not final, just an idea I'm toying with, I'm curious to know what you guys think of it.


Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #609 on: January 21, 2016, 12:46:14 pm »

Unfortunately it's not the only game that the holidays seem to have killed... Let's see if we can get it rolling again.

As EV said, and suggest her to go along.
One of the gods in the pantheon is making a move for omnipotence, and we've already seen some radical realignments. It may be that if the pretender gets what he wants, we too may be destroyed, so it's better to be in a position to hijack the plan, or at least throw a spanner into it.
Anyway, it might be a good idea to go look for Glimiki and exchange information. He's on Earth now, and it'd be useful to see what he actually knows.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #610 on: January 21, 2016, 01:28:55 pm »


Unfortunately it's not the only game that the holidays seem to have killed... Let's see if we can get it rolling again.

As EV said, and suggest her to go along.
One of the gods in the pantheon is making a move for omnipotence, and we've already seen some radical realignments. It may be that if the pretender gets what he wants, we too may be destroyed, so it's better to be in a position to hijack the plan, or at least throw a spanner into it.
Anyway, it might be a good idea to go look for Glimiki and exchange information. He's on Earth now, and it'd be useful to see what he actually knows.

The candle closest to Eve flickers as an unfelt wind passes through it, and for a long moment the head of a rabbit is formed from the flames.  The eyes stare into Eves, and a moment later it is gone.

>Reassure Eve we still stand with her, and that we are not like these other, cruel Gods.

The candle closest to Eve flickers as an unfelt wind passes through it, and for a long moment the head of a rabbit is formed from the flames.  The eyes stare into Eve's, and a moment later it is gone. Eve and Gezaru are helped back to the camp by the messenger. There is a great consternation upon Eve's return, and a greater one on Gezaru's.

There is an initial hostility toward Gezaru from the men of the camp, but when they see his scars and hear of his suffering they are more accommodating. Gezaru is overwhelmed with gratitude, but cannot escape the guilt of being the sole survivor amid the ashes. His sleep is short and haunted by nightmares. He idolizes Eve for rescuing him, yet when he sees her with Suha, it hurts him and he does not know why.

Eve and Suha discuss Akhentef's proposition. Suha is against putting Eve at risk, especially since her mother might sill be alive. But Eve is determined to do her part to end this war, because she is a soldier still. And because she knows now that you are with her. A week passes before the messenger returns to know Eve's mind. Eve tells him that she will fight. The messenger tells her that the tournament will be in 2 weeks, she and her men are invited to stay at Arish. Eve refuses to put her men at risk, but several of them volunteer anyway. Suha and Gezaru are of course among them, despite Eve's protests.

These two weeks give you some time to gather information. You decide you will seek out the (now serpent) form of Glimiki. Of course you have no idea where to begin. Perhaps you should seek advice from another god? One with whom you are on reasonable terms with? As you ponder these questions, a conspiracy of ravens fly overhead. You note how unusual this is, given the location and season. They fly closer and closer to you, until they are swarming and flying in circles around you. Men in the camp below watch in wonder. Then the ravens begin to sing to you in a sweet voice:

"Oh Arlore of the Rabbits, come to me/ Let me thank thee for whom you've set free/ Follow these creatures, my husband's pets/ They lead to my abode, beside the throne of death."

Then the birds turn and fly away.

What will you do?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 01:32:51 pm by bahihs »


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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #611 on: January 21, 2016, 01:31:36 pm »

Follow the birds.

What could possibly go wrong, right?
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #612 on: January 21, 2016, 03:10:37 pm »

We must recognize a plot hook when we see one, and catch it lest the GM starts throwing anvils.

Go along.
What does Maegil have in common with a frag grenade?
Answer: does not suffer fools gladly.

Your friendly mysanthropic machete-toting sail-sailing sailor nut job.
Also, a Serial Editor. Just in case, do check my previous post to see if I didn't change or added to it. I do that, a lot...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #613 on: January 21, 2016, 06:01:31 pm »

We must recognize a plot hook when we see one, and catch it lest the GM starts throwing anvils.

Go along.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Minor God
« Reply #614 on: January 22, 2016, 11:00:33 am »

A message from Llith, goddess of birds? I don't remember a specific mention of a god of death, but "Nirgaal, the Black" seems the most likely candidate from the meeting of the gods, or of course it could be someone either not mentioned yet or mentioned but without me remembering.
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