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Author Topic: Ice Station WereZebra  (Read 56512 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #60 on: June 17, 2015, 10:37:55 pm »

Actually, once my current fortress finnally dies, I'm planing a new project where the end goal is to obsidian-cast an entire castle, so it can be outside AND engraved.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #61 on: June 18, 2015, 06:59:45 am »

Wouldn't that still be inside, just light instead of dark?
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #62 on: June 18, 2015, 10:47:32 am »

more like ''surface'' instead of dug into the earth


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #63 on: June 18, 2015, 05:17:50 pm »

Actually, once my current fortress finnally dies, I'm planing a new project where the end goal is to obsidian-cast an entire castle, so it can be outside AND engraved.

yet another thing I could post to "shameful admissions" . . . obsidian casting in general. I always seem to be busy with less industrial meanderings.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #64 on: June 18, 2015, 05:59:26 pm »

Say, can I start writing my Dwarf's "Before entering the Fort" story? I think we all should!
Nidilap likes Adamantine, Bituminous Coal, Garnets, Cats for their aloofness, Dwarves for their stupidity, and Swords for their Spikes and edges. When possible, he prefers to eat pizza, ramen noodles, and sushi. He absolutely detests elves and spiders. He needs MTN DEW to get through the working day.

A medium- sized creature prone to great ambition, but only when he feels like it.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #65 on: June 19, 2015, 06:20:31 pm »

Oh that's an excellent idea, do it!
"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #66 on: June 19, 2015, 08:26:00 pm »

Just posting to let everyone know I am still alive and playing this, just had less time than I thought
Say, can I start writing my Dwarf's "Before entering the Fort" story? I think we all should!
sounds great
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #67 on: June 19, 2015, 09:05:51 pm »

"Head up, prisoner! What are you, a kobold to skulk so?!"

I hate greasy prison gaurds.

Worse even are prison gaurds who don't even gaurd the fuckin' prison.

It's been several days since we've departed from the capital. Nearing a week, even.
 I've been told we'd be there in a day or two, and I wonder what's at the Ice Station...
Would it be some concentration camp for the scum of society... Or would it be some suicide pit
thinly veiled as a "Service for the Mountainhomes". I grow pensive for my fate.

But it was inevitable.

About a month ago...

"You done yet, Nidi?"

"Shut up, Zaneg! We'll be caught if you don't keep your voice down." I whispered whilst I fiddled
with a lock. I've been working at that ruddy lock for about a half a minute, way too long for
my liking. I would've dashed by then, but Zaneg kept nagging about some really shiny, valuable
stuff. Apparently it contained some masterworks... Gems, weapons, toy hammers... Things that I'd
get good pay for. And man did I need that pay.

"There! It's open. Let's get our fill, and get out of here."

"Oh Lovely. Lovely, lovely."

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my side, I looked to my right, and saw Zaneg's knuckles rubbing
in my bleeding haunch. I elbowed him and yanked the hilt as hard as I could. the
dagger was lodged firmly in me, and I couldn't get it out. I remember yelping at Zaneg as he
writhed around with a broken nose. Bloody hell, I'm stronger than I thought... Suddenly, I was
overcome with rage. That bastard had bullied me since we were young 'uns, and he was the one who
got me into my recent predicaments. I struck him again, and again, and again, and again, my yelps
turned into roars of madness. The one thing that stopped me from bashing at what was left of his
head was my lightheadedness. I fell to my left side, and saw more blood than I would've liked
to see out of me.

The next time I was awake, I was in the hospital, with a massive dagger on a counter
next to my bed. The doctor said that the dagger pierced me so deep, it went from one side of my
liver to the opposite. He made the comment that had I been an elf, I'd been split in half. I
rembembered laughing. Maybe I was crying, I couldn't remember. Several gaurds entered my room,
and began to question me. They told me that breking and entering into the Monarch's personal
room is punishable by death. What Plump Helmet, that Zaneg. He tried to rob the King's trove.

I knew his plan was too good to be true. But now was my time to get revenge on that Goblin

I made the story seem like I was just passing by the area when I saw Zaneg trying to rob the trove,
and tried to stop him. It would've worked, had they not have the sensitive bits of evidence such
as my extra lockpicks, my bag, and the lack of an alibi. So I did what I would've never wanted to
do. i got help from the Dwarf Mob again.

"Listen, kiddo. I like you. i really do. But why would I help you out, if you didn't help me?"

"Ritul, please. If I don't get let free, or at least get some sort of lighter sentence, I'll get
the hammer. Then you'd be in a deficit."

"I get ya baby. I get ya. But how would I know that I wouldn't be in a deficit letting you live?"

I was quiet. I didn't want to work for the mob. If I got caught again, I'd be hammered on the spot.
He said he had an idea, and he would "Take care of the situation".


I fucking hate my life.
Nidilap likes Adamantine, Bituminous Coal, Garnets, Cats for their aloofness, Dwarves for their stupidity, and Swords for their Spikes and edges. When possible, he prefers to eat pizza, ramen noodles, and sushi. He absolutely detests elves and spiders. He needs MTN DEW to get through the working day.

A medium- sized creature prone to great ambition, but only when he feels like it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #68 on: June 21, 2015, 05:36:49 am »

How's the turn coming, neblime? Things progressing nicely or has this prison gotten you. . . locked. . .up?

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- - -
(best to read Nidilap's post above first)

Me, dead? Where did you hear that? Ha, I should be, after what Nidi did. . .

A dagger through the ribs ought to stop a dwarf, right? I'm of the opinion that a half-foot wedge of steel suddenly bisecting your average dwarf's liver should at least cause a moment of hesitation for that liver's owner, much less pain or death, and I think most dwarfs would agree (Mind you that I don't really know that many dwarfs and the ones that I do know tend to have shorter than average lifespans, for reasons I haven't yet grasped).

Not Nidi, though. He just turned to me, something broken in his eyes. For a moment we just stared, as blood blossomed from his wound and folded over my shaking hand. Then it was over, then he hit me, I went down, and before I could collect myself he was punching, punching, punching. It felt like he was punching inside me, and then        I remember nothing.

What? You're wondering how we got to the kings room? Well of course there's a way past the badger maze! How else would we end up at the trove? What?! Why would I share the route with a maggot like yourself, a thief so pitiful he's lucky to swipe rotten apple skins from the swine troughs? No, no, I'm just saying what I need to say and you're lucky to be audience.

Some weeks later I awoke to my tombstone being carved. As in I opened my eyes and saw a poor approximation of my face staring back at me, over the shoulder of some robed craftsdwarf. Apparently no one could identify me, and since they were planning to execute me if I never woke up they decided to have my likeness carved upon a slab. How thoughtful of them! Now that I was awake, however, I was quickly brought before the King's General himself.

He demanded a thorough explanation of my motives, my financiers, and (most importantly) how I managed to slip past those damned badgers. I considered not telling him for a moment, but quickly realized that I wasn't going to live for very long anyways and said hell with it. I dove right in to a detailed explanation of my intent to steal the legendary gem, Golem's Eye, from right under the kings nose. I spent time, at great length, describing the various partners who helped me plan and equip for the heist - including a short biography of Nidilap, considering that I had known that dwarf for quite some time. I also drew a sketch of the route we followed through the hedges, past the ravenous striped beasts known to render small mammals into a paste-like substance in the blink (squish?) of an eye, (the aforementioned badgers) and finally up the smoothed, limestone walls and into th -

NO, I already said I wouldn't tell you the route! . . . WHAT?! That's the most absurd, illogical, shit-brained argument I've heard since this story happened! This story doesn't even have a 'narrative timeline', so how could me not sharing the route disrupt it? I don't care if you minored in English, or that "you really know this stuff", that's completely irrelevant because I don't fucking care. Look, I'm done talking to you.


And so Zaneg traveled.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2015, 09:02:49 am »

Disclaimer Zaneg was esten by a weremammoth...


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #70 on: June 22, 2015, 12:38:14 am »

one of the farmers (of which we have very many for how many farms there are ) decided to throw a party in the dining room.  I was already sitting there having a drink and i noticed that between all the other dwarves, the countless puppies and the dogshit there was hardly room to breathe in here
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Babies were crawling around in aforementioned dogshit and quite a few adult dwarves seemed happy to lie on the ground while conversing with others standing on top of them.
We needed a new dining room, that's for sure.  I ordered a large area in the caverns to be enclosed and populated with tables and chairs.'
meanwhile I decided our most expendable courageous soldiers need to be closer to the entrance of the fortress when enemies arrive, and we also need a shelter of some kind for any poor dwarf trapped outside after the bridge is raised.  A small stone shack was constructed outside the walls.
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A yeti dared to come in sight of the walls, but was actually chased down and torn apart by unarmed peasants.  Either the yetis around here aren't what they used to be or everyone around here is becoming hardened to this freezing shithole.
As I was supervising the hauling/butchering of it's frozen corpse a party of new inmates appeared at the horizon.
who else should be coming to stay except my father!
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he never learned any skills other than hauling in his 34 years. Not impressed in the least that i'm sort of in charge here (although that's fair considering what this place is) or even surprised to see me he gave me some contemptuous remark about how he's not afraid to cause trouble if he doesn't get what he wants then headed out of the cold with the rest of them.
A fair way back in the group my mother also appeared.
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she had only aspired as far as a middling fishery worker, but ok whatever pays the bills mother.  I asked why she and dad were here and all she could tell me was that after my arrest the guard had raided there room and someone must have planted a barrel of sunshine (which was illegal as the only source of it was the long since embargoed elves) in there, and so they were sent up here to rot.  she told me important it is to always return a favour.  Was she hinting that I owe her something?  Because I really don't, only my poaching income kept her and my father in their own room for the last few years.
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The caves are steadily becoing more developed.  The new dining room is a hit and a constant stream of traffic flows between it and the workshops and bedrooms of the rest of the place.

Some kid stole one of our very rare logs and turned it into some dumb bracelet.  I really wanted to have him hammered but my mother somehow dissuaded me, saying he was only a poor child, didnt know any better etc etc
hopefully before the year is out I can get some practice with my crossbow.  Bagging yetis for dinner would surely earn me some respect around here!
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2015, 03:34:13 am »

Can I take one of the military dwarves as mine? I forgot to ask for one earlier. Call them Oathbreaker.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #72 on: June 22, 2015, 08:12:06 am »

will do
hope they don't run off into the caves like the last guy
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #73 on: June 22, 2015, 09:18:00 am »


Ha, your parents came! I'm liking the extra backstory you're sharing.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #74 on: June 22, 2015, 09:13:18 pm »

The worst family campout in history - Icehold
"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." - Oscar Wilde
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