One thing I love that SOME RPGs do that I wish more would catch onto...
Is the idea of making stealth not all or nothing.
In Dusk City Dwellers often the penalty for failing stealth is getting more "heat" (which is a vague point system that represents a sort of... People catching onto that something is going on. You cannot entirely avoid heat, but you certainly don't want to generate more then possible). Mind you... Sort of... by often I mean sometimes... kind of...
-Ok I like the idea of how it works inside my own head... rather than how it might be implemented.
Because stealth is so all or nothing in a lot of games they walk the line of being either too risky to attempt... OR too powerful to fail. (Yay the Rogue problem! too weak and powerful at the same time)
So now you have people using stealth and while they dread failure... it isn't so bad that it is something to avoid at all costs.
Well blades in the dark is interesting... But it is VERY new and very untested...
It also seemed to be more popular during the kickstarter than it was released. (A lot like Exalted 3rd edition
Without sufficient info or a real preview beyond quickplay guides... I can't really jump on it.
Quickstart sort of skims over a lot of the information (It is usually a lot like trying to learn how dungeons and dragons is done... by reading an adventure path) and YouTube sessions are how things are after everything is prepped.
THOUGH BONUS POINTS for having a horribly barf tastic pitch in the quickplay guides. It is far worse then even Bay12 is... for a taste
"Blades in the Dark is a combination of: Dishonored, Darksouls, and The Wire"