What was your barbarian's alignment?
Regardless, I think that the guy deserved more than that. Hell, if I was playing a chaotic neutral barbarian or an evil aligned one, I would've actually kicked him off the cliff. Otherwise, as a barbarian (and treated like a rabid animal) you would probably attack the enemy first. Also, why are they putting it on you when the others could have just as easily went and saved the guy as well? I think buddy is over reacting a bit.
I had a character like that where he treated half of the party like shit, and he even hit me in the head with a mordenkrag twice for almost setting a building on fire... WITH DAILY POWERS. I have the HP to take it since I was a berserker, but I said in character, I deserved the first hit, ubt the SECOND ONE was uncalled for, and I even said if he did it again, I'd fucking kill him. Throw in the fact I was regenerating and I can do more damage to drop him before he could get a third hit in and still have plenty of HP left over, I could have killed him easily, but for the sake of him being a player I didn't. Ten minutes later, he beats another player to near death, and we all decide to kill his character.
Some people take RPing too seriously, and not only need to be toned down to remember there are other players who are playing
Uff, I'd have to dig up my Character sheet. I found the whole alignment thing to be very confusing and still try to wrap my head around it (The concept of a Person being described by a single aligntment is still very weird to me. I couldnt put myself into the grid, for example. Dont people fluctuate at least a little?). Anyway, hes not evil, i'm pretty sure. And the other character were preoccupied with fighting at the time and I was the only one at freedom to choose where to help. But jsut as stated, my Barb had no interest saving a guy who treated him like dirt.
I contacted him today and straight up told him that there was no apology to be expected from me. If he could admit to being an ass, I would gladly try to get our group back on track. And to ease the waves IC, I'm pretty sure I can easily play the Barb thinking that the characters are now even. Let's see how he reacts, I'm not that attached to the group anyway and was looking into Forum groups (btw, anything going on in Bay12 in this regard? I'd lvoe to get some more experience or generally jsut talk to people about the setting. A lot of stuff still completely boggles me).