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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 6446622 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54630 on: February 18, 2020, 03:21:07 pm »

If he keeps getting into fights after getting out of jail then I'm probably going to have to banish him.

Be aware if you start more forts in that same world, there's a good chance you'll see this same dwarf again in a migrant wave, only even more angry having been tossed out.
Urist McAlchemist cancels extract isotope: interrupted by supercriticality accident.
This kea is so raw it stole my wheelbarrow!


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54631 on: February 18, 2020, 09:51:06 pm » beekeeper/engraver/mechanic/presser/broker king has turned a sparsely treed desert into a heavily-forested map covered with highwood trees and saguaro.

Wait, does beekeping promote treegrowth?

So that's what's going on in my fort: Shall I or shall I not execute a couple nobles for non-feasance?

It should.  Bees pollinate IRL, and the game is modeled down to cats getting drunk from licking their paws. I'm jumping to conclusions. Occam's Razor and all that. Someone with a faster computer than mine can do the !!SCIENCE!! If my computer was a person, it'd be in Driver's Ed -- and it's about as cooperative as that implies. ^_^
I mean... if you think them dying won't cause the other dwarves to sink into despair for it, I'd execute them. Down with the system!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54632 on: February 18, 2020, 09:56:37 pm »

If he keeps getting into fights after getting out of jail then I'm probably going to have to banish him.

Be aware if you start more forts in that same world, there's a good chance you'll see this same dwarf again in a migrant wave, only even more angry having been tossed out.

Because my computer is old, I have to retire forts when I lose my head and let them get to thirty-or-so dwarves. (It took me an embarrassingly-long amount of time to figure out why my 100-dwarf fort was taking forever to do anything.) I've taken to naming the ones I expel with such things as "EXPEL! EXPEL!" and "MURDERER! EXPEL! EXPEL!" fwiw.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54633 on: February 18, 2020, 11:58:23 pm »

Had an exceptionally messy siege by my standards. Due to keeping the population low due to the lavish living standards I wanted to indulge in, the military, while reasonably trained, had a few new guys in it - some of whom stupidly and stubbornly refused to wear important armor parts, favoring their fancy leather shoes or gloves instead. This was an oversight on my part, though given what happened to Thorn, it wouldn't have mattered much.

Given the composition and transgressions against the Necromancers of The Large Smokes, the band of intelligent undead were likely sent to punish the impudent dwarves of Fireblade.

Three citizens of Fireblade embodied the phrase "With your shield, or on it," and now rest in the communal catacomb, to be shepherded to the afterlife by a foreign god of death Vucar, the Fatal Crypt (a diety belonging to another dwarven civ not my own.) The reason for this is because aside from a few outliers among primarily the founders, or foreigners inducted into the citizenry, there is only one god in Fireblade: Limul Gravelrocks, the god of minerals.

The dead of the battle are thus
Udib 'Tsavo' Craftedcontains, The Crystalline Prairie the Axe Lord - Slain by a lucky blow to the head that shattered his neck.
Ecafe 'Adder' Boldleaves, Axe Elf - While struck similarly to Tsavo, he refused to go quietly into that long night, and died fiercely trying to bite the enemies of Fireblade before succumbing to blood loss from a severed leg.
Libash 'Topaz' Laborquest, Axe Dwarf - Crippled and subsequently bitten to death by a rotten zombie bowman (rotten zombies being a type of intelligent undead, and the entirety of the enemy assault force.)

Two others were left maimed for life: Squid a goblin spearman left paralyzed from the legs down from a pike to the back, and Thorn, who lost his left foot and the use of his shield hand to a silver morningstar. Thorn in particular was the actual hero of the battle, killing 5 enemies in his first deployment and earning the slightly menacing title of "The Divine Uncertainty."

A few of the goblin minority in Fireblade has succumbed to drink, and the sheriff is in a constant state of unhappiness due to several unfulfilled or unfulfillable needs (namely pertaining to food, but also craft labor and martial arts training, which I am hoping against hope we'll have a fortress guard to alleviate before he goes insane.)

Morale for more than one is rather lacking overall, due to the slow construction of amenities, inability to meet certain food demands, but on the whole Fireblade is content, with a lavish temple "complex" (really just a big room serving as an artifact museum.) a well stocked tavern and library, and a minor temple for the spiritual minorities to visit.

EDIT: Figured I'd also pop in some stuff I've observed in this fort, as well as 44.12.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54634 on: February 19, 2020, 12:47:23 am »

A cavern on -8 and a light aquifer (that didn't show up on the embark screen) going from -3 to -6 have soundly ruined my plans for a neatly-planned fortress. I think that's the way this one's going to go.
and the quadriplegic toothless vampire killed me effortlessly after that
bool IsARealBoy = false
dropping clothes to pick up armor and then dropping armor to pick up clothes like some sort of cyclical forever-striptease
if a year passes, add one to age; social experiment


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54635 on: February 19, 2020, 01:30:09 am »

Clearly, you must quarry out the cavern pillars for stone and pave the aquifer until it fits your original schematics! The neat plans shall prevail
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54636 on: February 19, 2020, 02:44:58 pm »

Not sure if this is the best place for it, but I hit a snag with my fort - after my Chief Medical Dwarf was quizzically running around for thread in the cloth pile and complaining that she had no bucket (thread, cloth and buckets are stored in the hospital's coffer), now my dwarves are acting like nothing exists/everything is forbidden ("Urist cancels make wooden Bucket: needs logs", etc.). Is there any setting/dfhack command to get them to stop their foolishness?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54637 on: February 19, 2020, 09:28:10 pm »

Not sure if this is the best place for it, but I hit a snag with my fort - after my Chief Medical Dwarf was quizzically running around for thread in the cloth pile and complaining that she had no bucket (thread, cloth and buckets are stored in the hospital's coffer), now my dwarves are acting like nothing exists/everything is forbidden ("Urist cancels make wooden Bucket: needs logs", etc.). Is there any setting/dfhack command to get them to stop their foolishness?
Check your burrows.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54638 on: February 19, 2020, 10:58:21 pm »

A werelizard paid a visit, and got his or her torso caved in  with a mace by Kao, the premier furnace worker and one of the mace lords of Fireblade. This was followed by a "rotten zombie" dwarf snatcher showing up as a visitor.

Ginko, one of the swordmasters, put a stop to that. intelligent undead or not, a zed is a zed and so must be made to stay dead.

The populace of Fireblade though is finally fully cared for - while not everyone got the lavish dining room-bedroom combo, your average dwarf in Firblade lives in luxury, with a glass window, large space, and that space having a bed, coffer, cabinet, armor stand, and weapon rack. well stocked and varied foods and drink (though frustratingly, many demand foods that simply can't be acquired locally, or want to eat drinks that are consumed too quickly to permit cooking, assuming the cook can even be coaxed into using them.)

There are two barracks, a small but well-stocked library, a small (unfinished) temple to the many divine powers, and a grand museum-temple to the dominant organized religion in Fireblade, The Order of Mining, dedicated to Limul Gravelrock, the god of minerals of nation known as The Fair Ships.

Production of vital weaponry and armor is slow going though, and a third barracks will be needed, as will the necessary materials to arm and armor a new squad, made primarily of bards who profess desires of the martial variety, or with previous skills as warriors. One human bard, a 29 year old named Shato, will be a bit of a waste to field in battle as it turns out he's a legendary armorer, but his previous skill as a swordsman can't be left to sit, though since I seldom get to field great weapons, getting him set up with a two-hander will be a must on top of his armor needs to turn him into a real knight.

That being said, his legendary skill will be put to use fashioning his own mail and plate in a personal forge from that which his people have seldom ever had the privilege to work: Dwarven steel.

It's going to suck when I activate the squads though for the a year and a half of training they'll need to be up to scratch with the handful of vets, cause it's going to grind things to a halt as many people who feel compelled to do everything are also the best suited to military service.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54639 on: February 20, 2020, 12:56:14 am »

(Cancellation problems)
Check your burrows.

That would be a good idea, but still being in the 1st-2nd year and not getting sieged (I've had gobbos show up and just leave on their own a tick later twice now) I've never even bothered setting one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54640 on: February 20, 2020, 07:44:08 am »

A giant and a wereass came for a visit, and subsequently ended up in my disposal pit to be crushed into paste under a metal bridge - normally I just chuck them in a ditch and forget about them, but the surrounding area belongs to the necromancers, so it's not worth the tactical risk. The colonel finally earned a title years after his subordinates by slaying the giant.

Caught a plot when I noticed a goblin "pilgrim," who when pressed by Oak, the sheriff (who has finally recovered from his stressing,) they confessed to two plots to steal the Hammerer's badge of office and swipe a toy boat manufactured both in Fireblade (and thus all comers lack any valid claim to either item.) They and their accomplice will be dealt with. Said Accomplice, a dwarf named Squirrel, is a repeat offender, though relative to the people who turn him in he only ever gets one charge, vs the often multiple charges issued against the main actors.

Not that this meant anything to Squirrel, who has had a wrist and both ankles broken for the transgression. A second spy was also spotted imediately, a "bard" walking around with weaponry fit for a mercenary. The pettiness and sheer insanity that must wrack these people to want a boat leads me to only conclude death is the solution to what ails these idiots.

The Colonel subsequently bludgeoned him to death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54641 on: February 20, 2020, 01:54:30 pm »

Not sure if this is the best place for it, but I hit a snag with my fort - after my Chief Medical Dwarf was quizzically running around for thread in the cloth pile and complaining that she had no bucket (thread, cloth and buckets are stored in the hospital's coffer), now my dwarves are acting like nothing exists/everything is forbidden ("Urist cancels make wooden Bucket: needs logs", etc.). Is there any setting/dfhack command to get them to stop their foolishness?
Sudden and unexpected cancellation spam is usually caused by accidentally changing burrow settings. Sometimes it can be caused by accidentally hitting keys in the 'o'rders menu.

The magic key is usually the one that you hit already.
Quote from: dragdeler
There is something to be said about, if the stakes are as high, maybe reconsider your certitudes. One has to be aggressively allistic to feel entitled to be able to trust. But it won't happen to me, my bit doesn't count etc etc... Just saying, after my recent experiences I couldn't trust the public if I wanted to. People got their risk assessment neurons rotten and replaced with game theory. Folks walk around like fat turkeys taunting the world to slaughter them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54642 on: February 20, 2020, 05:13:23 pm » beekeeper/engraver/mechanic/presser/broker king has turned a sparsely treed desert into a heavily-forested map covered with highwood trees and saguaro.

Wait, does beekeping promote treegrowth?

So that's what's going on in my fort: Shall I or shall I not execute a couple nobles for non-feasance?

It should.  Bees pollinate IRL, and the game is modeled down to cats getting drunk from licking their paws. I'm jumping to conclusions. Occam's Razor and all that. Someone with a faster computer than mine can do the !!SCIENCE!! If my computer was a person, it'd be in Driver's Ed -- and it's about as cooperative as that implies. ^_^
I mean... if you think them dying won't cause the other dwarves to sink into despair for it, I'd execute them. Down with the system!
This sounds very similar to what happened in Bastiongate. I had bees and the desert was so fertile that I had trouble keeping the walls clear of trees. The wiki says nothing. Sounds like something to ask Toady.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54643 on: February 21, 2020, 02:35:58 pm »

Still on my first seven dwarves in a new fort. I've been micromanaging some mining through a 10-level aquifer, so I've had some idle dwarves, which led to a marriage announcement. But all is not well in paradise.

èrith Mörulokol, the Chief Medical Dwarf, married the Herbalist Shorast Kastarducim. Both of them felt love while getting married. But neither one is listed as being married in the blue section of the Thoughts and Preferences screen. In the Relationships screen, each of them lists the other as Long-term Acquaintance. èrith also felt love as she was caught up in a new romance, and shows (in both screens) that she is romantically involved with Etur Sashasmonom, the Planter!

Just to be sure, I looked in Dwarf Therapist, and that says that èrith felt love after becoming the parent of a baby. I know that's not right, because there is most definitely no baby in my fort! Just seven dwarves and a human monster slayer. The thought doesn't appear outside of Therapist, and she doesn't list a baby in Relationships. But it could point to something wacky going on somewhere.

I haven't added any mods besides dfhack and making flexible chain mail skirts exist. I've backed up the save and reloaded it to see if things clear up--they don't. I certainly don't mind if Toady has added in romantic drama, but I kind of don't think so. Seems like there might be a genuine problem here.

Eric Blank

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #54644 on: February 21, 2020, 04:07:52 pm »

I know I've had a similar weird situation; only three of my starting seven were men, and three of the four women ended up romantically involved with the captain of the guard, who married one of them. But, in his relationships screen, it lists one of the others as his lover and says nothing about his wife, whom I assume he's still married to because they still share the same dining room and bedroom. All five of the other dwarves list him as a lover, except his would-be wife, who simply lists him as a friend. She even lists the other women and one remaining bachelor as close friends and kindred spirits. They've yet to have a child.

The third male, the weaponsmith, is romantically involved with a gem setter who i think was a first wave migrant (I didnt have many tasks going on for either of those professions so they were probably idling. But, he has a son. The son lists the weaponsmith as his father, but the chief medical dwarf, another first wave migrant, as his mother. The gem setter lists the chief medical dwarf as a close friend, but the chief medical dwarf lists the gem setter as a passing acquaintance. The chief medical dwarf currently lists a fisherdwarf as her lover, and he recognizes both the weaponsmith and the gem setter as close friends.

The child is just a babe and hasn't met anybody yet.

The fourth female, the expedition leader, is close friends/kindred spirits of all the starting seven but the weaponsmith, and has no romantic interests.

Everything else in the fort is going well. No real invaders, population hasn't reached the point necessary to attract werebeasts. By one dwarf. I've got a full forty beehives im preparing to collect on. The guards squad is training off and on.
I've established magma forges way down below (way down below way down below...) and smelted all the ore we've acquired. The only thing preventing me from making steel is the lack of surface trees (there's like five on the whole map, its a grasslands) and so a lack of charcoal.

Just as I posted this, the chief medical dwarf had another baby, this one also fathered by the weaponsmith.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
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