Welcome to the lawless frontier of outer-space! Following the dissolution of the Human Empire a couple hundred years back, you are one of the last humans in the galaxy, surrounded by myriad xenos who seek to usurp the glory of the old Humans. Without humanity's guiding hand, the xenos of the galaxy have run rampant, waging countless wars against one another, raiding, murdering, pillaging.
You don't know how you survived; you were raised by alien parents, only learning of your unique heritage a few years ago. You also took up the honorable profession as a bounty hunter. You could be a warrior of justice and bring order to space, or use your unrestricted powers as the closest thing the galaxy's got to a police officer to gain untold riches for yourself. Or both.
Anyways, to get your license, you need to fill out this form:
Name: Gender:Appearance: (Please specify haircolor, hairstyle. My species cannot see.)
Also, you can get a partner. They did not score as well as you did on your exams, so do not expect too much on them:
A. Axe (Outstanding Combat grades. Poor Social and Intelligence grades. Har-kar warrior of the Har-Kar Confederacy.)
B. Enji (Outstanding Intelligence grades. Poor Social and Combat grades. Braynyaks of Planet Cerebellum.)
C. Prima (Outstanding Social grades. Poor Combat and Intelligence grades. Socialite Cyborg.)
D. I go alone. (You won't have to share profits, but no one will have your back. Plus hiring partners later on will cost more.)
Please specify what you majored in during your four year mercenary course:
A. Ballistics (The use of ranged weaponry, bombs and launchers.)
B. Melee (The use of melee weapons, hand-to-hand fighting, etc.)
C. Investigation (Tracking, prying, searching and scrounging for information.)
D. 'Sociology' (The use of 'persuasion'. Useful for getting what you want from someone, and getting them to do what you want.)
CONGRATULATIONS! You are our one millionth graduate since our first founding over a thousand years ago! Please select your prize:
A. Credits Galore! (A credit card with more credits than you can spend. Up to a point.)
B. First Contacts (You get friends in high places! And low places. And everywhere in between.)
C. Drivers License (Get your own spaceship! Complete with bot crew!)
D. Super-cool Visors (They don't do anything, but they're super cool. Like, super-super. You can't get them anywhere else. Seriously. We'll burn this if you don't choose it.)