The guidelines by which the school bans cooking appliances is very... vague. On the school's website, Im going to University of Miami btw, the 'appliances' section states this:
"Students are allowed to use popcorn poppers, microwaves, coffee pots, and hot pots if they have encased heating units. All other heating devices, including “George Foreman”-type grills, are considered a fire hazard and may not be used in the residential colleges or University Village. Students in residential colleges may provide their own refrigerator as long as it operates on no more than 1.5 amps and 175 watts. Microwaves are recommended to be no more than 900 watts."
So I am entirely unsure. What is definitely banned is anything that has open coils or things like hotplates. However, "hot pots" is a kind of weird and vague phrase which may or may not include something akin to an electric skillet. Seeing as how all the dorms are stone/brick/cinderblock I find it a bit obtuse, especially since a VERY SELECT FEW rooms (for kids with allergies, or open to anyone if they don't fill) have kitchens in them.
What I would like to do is get an electric frying pan, which would let me basically cook anything that I wanted, or alternatively, a magnetic induction heater that works on frying pans to do the same.
A steamer is a good idea (looking' at thou, Blackmagechill) but I don't think Toaster will cut it. Of course, there are only two room inspections a year and RAs tend to be pretty lenient if it's not drugs/alcohol. What I DON'T want to do is go back to the dining halls. They are bad. SO BAD, that I feel physically healthier eating at the fast food places in the food court here, which is quite preposterous.
So ya... Ugh.