On a whim I decided to create a truly terrifying and challenging world, with as many titans, forgotten beasts and megabeasts I could possibly cram into. With this intent I started fiddling with world creation parameters: at first I set titan and megabeast counts to maximum (1000 and 100 000) and my usually capable computer simply blew its brains out. Clearly the maximum values were only theoretical, so I tried several different combinations with smaller values; I tried to keep megabeast counts as high as possible while still managing to complete the worldgen and have at least one civ from all races to survive. I eventually settled to following numbers:
- Pocket world
- Titan count: 1000
- Megabeast count: 5000
- Semi-megabeast count: 5000
I also boosted curses and night troll types somewhat but those were less likely to have any effect on gameplay. On maximum I got the worldgen to advance to year 12 before all civs were dead so I stopped there.
Oram Gomath, The World of Legend was created.
So, in year 12
The Square Wheel of
The Road of Slaughters founded Nogleshral, "
Savagesilver." Strike the earth!
The first thing I saw after embarking was an announcement that something had collapsed on the surface. The something was a part of a... structure of sorts; a tangle of walls held up in the air by rock salt pillars:
The announcement was preceded by a long list of "You have located X, a lair"/"You have located X, a labyrinth"/"You have located X, a shrine" notifications...
154 of them, to be exact. Clearly this embark location had something odd in it; I decided to check the unit screen.
I think the only time I have been so startled by Dwarf Fortress was the first time I uncorked the fun stuff inside the bright blue metal. This map had
208 megabeasts in it, right from the start. Dragons, giants, ettins, cyclops,hydras, bronze colossi... everything. And they were fighting! Sixteen of them were already dead after few seconds, and a bloody melee continued on surface and in an underground space underneath the alien structure:
I quickly ordered everyone into a nearby abandoned lair; this was a time to get out of sight now and to worry about supplies and fortress design later. I had miners expand the lair a bit and when the fight on the surface had subsided somewhat I let the dwarves out to move food and supplies underground. After that I had the slowest and the most careful fortress buildups ever: only a tree felled here, a herb collected there, while being on alert in case a fleeing giant chinchilla drew a train of angry bronze colossi towards the entrance.
The bronze colossi were winning the fight; after one and half month the only beings left in the structure were seven colossi who had killed everything else and the lone female dragon
Olsmo the Luxurious Heat of Glows who kept melting incoming attackers until the remaining ones seemed demoralized. Luckily the remaining monsters are staying mostly underground and I can get back to building a real fortress, instead of a hole in a ground full of ettin droppings.
I think I'm keeping this save; I originally genned this world as an experiment but I think the FUN content of this fort will be too high to not to play it further. I think I have stumbled upon a megabeast fight club or something, a thing to keep them occupied since they already outnumber civilized beings ten to one in this world.