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Where shall Cog do next

Wait a year for winter and attempt an ocean crossing to Elf island
Head to the Southwestern Savannah / Unknown Civilizations beyond

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Author Topic: Cog the blind Drunk  (Read 91558 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2015, 11:32:34 pm »

Cog! May he never be sober!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2015, 12:57:59 pm »

This story is amazing.


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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2015, 01:20:41 pm »

Post to enjoy.

Jorn Stones

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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2015, 04:08:45 pm »

haha this is amazing.


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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2015, 11:21:48 am »

This thread is what makes me wish more creatures in DF produced sounds. Now I will go back to my mod and make sure all creatures make sounds :).

Also, this is amazing. That's the first time I see someone playing a blind guy.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2015, 11:25:37 am »

That's the first time I see someone playing a blind guy.
-An Anthropological Study as an Adventurer-
The Adventures of Lord Cikul Knifejoke
The Under Appreciated Anthropologist of Steel
-A Fortress History-
The Founding of an Egypto-Dwarven Outpost
Life in Canyonfuture


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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2015, 12:22:17 pm »

Posting to Watch. Pun intended.
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2015, 01:56:41 pm »


Cog's the best.
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2015, 03:25:13 pm »

This adventure is full of win.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2015, 05:53:37 pm »

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The Drunken three made significant travel headway north, once more in the open sky. And once more, Cog began to ponder whether the caverns or the overworld were the worst of two evils. The sun was falling in the western skies and something was following them. They bolted to the nearest Dwarven hillock and barged right into the drinking hall, closing the doors shut behind them. Whatever it was outside, it did not like the prospect of walking into a bar full of angry dwarves during drinking time. If that was the case, it was probably not a horrendous abomination in possession of multiple venomous appendages, and more likely just a large predator.

...Or a scout.

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To pass the time Cog began inquiring the locals for directions and information on the surroundings. Someone who kept being mentioned was the Dwarf Boardbored, who presumably began their adventures to kill boredom. I never could find Boardbored, leading me to suspect Domas was already on a travel, or Cog had walked right pass Boardbored.
Failing to find the traveler Dwarf, the drunks prepared for a night in the drinking hall, safe from whatever waited outside.

Cog awoke with the sun still in the Western sky, still set in dusk with dawn yet to come. He could also smell something strong: Smoke.

Startled, Cog began investigating the surroundings, barging into Hillocks with his warhammer drawn, smelling the rooms for any signs of smoke. One particularly good suspect was this fella:
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Unfortunately the magma crab did not smell particularly of smoke. It was also a tame one, as it had not set Cog on fire and freely roamed one of the Hillocks full of Dwarves. Nor did it mind Cog smelling it. Getting especially worried by mysterious sources of smoke, Cog decided it would be prudent to set off at once. The risk of a nighttime encounter was preferable to a nighttime inferno, and at the very least the night itself would merely be a benefit to Cog in a battle.
Cog made it past one street before he was blocked by an especially imposing brute.
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The assailant was faster than the three Dwarves, charging into them with furious frenzy. They stood their ground, meeting the Blind Cave Ogre's challenge head on.
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The Dwarves were having none of its shit. They had put up with enough in the caverns. They were leaving the Hillock. This ogre would not keep them here.
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Asen screamed out in agony as the ogre crashed into him, sending him tumbling. Cog soon stopped caring however, as the Ogre turned its attention to him.
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It began strangling him, striking him and biting him. Cog tore free desperately, running while the blood flowed from his body, catching his breath before it left him. Several paces away the sound of a fight raged on and Cog chose not to run away, charging back into the fray.
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This was a battle of endurance the Ogre lost. Cog and Onget punched, kicked and bit like cornered honey badgers, with Cog even resorting to beating the blind cave ogre with a sack full of plump helmets when his warhammer wasn't showing any significant progress.
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They broke everything in the Ogre, yet it still fought on.
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Eventually the battle would come to an end when Cog began strangling it to death, using his right forearm to close the ogre's windpipe with a chokehold.
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Cog the blind Drunk had just killed Winesieges the blind cave ogre.

It was a messy, arduous ordeal that nearly killed him as well, leaving Onget with a broken toe and bruises all over and Cog with a broken finger, damage to his lungs, liver and guts in addition to obligatory bruises and major lacerations to his upper body.
Cog called out to Onget, rejoicing in this victory and recoiling against the tiresome dread when he realized that one Dwarf in their company had stopped calling back. That Dwarf had stopped crying out in pain.
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That Dwarf was dead.
There was little time to mourn the fallen comrade of drinking and traveling; the smell of burning only increased as the Hillock was attacked. The sound of fighting could be heard in the drinking mound, and Cog did not believe it was a mere bar fight.
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Asen was given a quick burial, and Cog and Onget fled into the night.
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The invasion had begun and there was no way they could take on so many soldiers while their injuries were so severe.
They made it to the hills to rest, chased by scouts all the way.
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In the night the scouts walked right over the mound where the Dwarves were encamped. They swarmed over the forest, the swamp and the Hillock... Few other Dwarves would have escaped into the night to safety. There were no other towns nearby.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2015, 06:48:33 pm »

My sigging is very relevant!

Spehss _

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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2015, 06:06:07 pm »

This is the dwarfiest dwarf fortress story I've read in a while.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2015, 09:23:20 am »

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A light rain awoke the Dwarves, and with it the smoke and fire of yesterday was washed away. There was nothing to turn back to now, so they made their way north to the Dwarven Fortresses of the faded swamp.

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Through the mist of rain, in the distance, stood the Dwarven Fortress Archbasis. Upon arrival the Dwarves found no guards talking about the weather, nor merchants haggling their wares. A dwarfless depot stood full of some food for sale, but there was no one to barter with.
They left, seeking the northernmost Fort - Syrupknives.

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Syrupknives was likewise empty. Perhaps the Dwarves were underground, but there was no desperate rush to go back underground, as at this point the tunnels would only turn back south and most other things in the underground were hostile and lethal. Onget and Cog stood on the frontier of Dwarven civilization, it was no surprise that the guards and merchants preferred not to stand outside. Maybe they were marching to save the Hillock from invasion, or maybe they too had succumbed to raids.

The Dwarves prepared for one last night under a civilized Dwarven roof before they were to set out into the uncharted lands beyond.

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Despite the loss of dear Asen, this was a true testing moment in their adventure.

The Drunks Cog and Onget now sit by a fire within the walls of Syrupknives, eating the scarce meat provided by a Kingsnake that got bludgeoned to death. The Dwarves have consistently moved northwards with the idea being that a journey to the forests would be considerably less suicidal than a journey through the savannahs and deserts. Now that we have reached the northern frontier? I am not convinced that either way is as safe as I would have expected. There is still time to change course and go west, or maintain course and go north.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2015, 11:08:30 am »

Do you happen to have exported the legends data for legendsviewer? It would be nice to know if there was even anything of interest to the north or west.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cog the blind Drunk
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2015, 08:00:43 pm »

Post-it note art!!!

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In Memory of Asen. Yes, I know it's not Rembrandt, but it was fun to make.  8)
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."
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