I've decided to start another Vanigo game, since just one cannot sate my lust for turn-based strategy and I had some ideas I thought might improve upon the game. This game will mostly be for people who have some experience with it already, but newcomers are welcome if they're willing to dive right in. A tutorial as to how to work with the interface is
here, though it won't fully prepare you for the game.
RulesEvery players starts with 40 claimed tiles + 20 free pop on one half of the island, divided evenly among the players, plus 10 labor, 20 food, 50 money, 40 wood, and 20 stone.
Mercenaries:The isle in the center is the seat of the Wintercliff Mercenaries, a NPC faction that sells its sword to the highest bidder. Every 5 turns an auction will open up for a Wintercliff contract. Whoever bids the most (and the Wintercliffs only accept cold, hard Money) will be able to tell the Wintercliff Mercenaries what to do until the contract expires at the next auction. The Wintercliff Mercenaries may cancel a contract and offer you a partial refund if they decide that they need to return to defend their homeland.
Trading:Units, labor, and inspiration may not be traded. You must specify which route you wish to trade by, and a Merchant Caravan or Merchant Flotilla (both have 3M) will be spawned, which you must successfully navigate to its destination in order to complete the trade. If destroyed by another player, they will receive your side of the trade.
Razing:Any pop 2 town can be razed by whomever owns it, destroying it, as long as they have units in the town.
Win Condition:Each player starts with a Very Important Person unit, which is extremely durable but not good at dealing damage. This unit represents an important part of the player's government, be it a king, a prince, a noble, a senator, etc.; whatever the player decides their civilization uses.
Every time a city builds a Military Academy, include a note in your orders for that turn and a VIP will spawn in that city. Technically, a city only needs to be pop 6 to spawn a VIP, but since it's hard to keep track of what cities are reaching pop 6 for the first time and which are just shrinking and regrowing, a Military Academy is something you can only build once at pop 6 so it is ideal for keeping track of that.
If a player loses all their VIPs and has no pop 6 cities, they cannot build any new cities. If they lose all their cities and all their units, they are out of the game and all of their claimed tiles become unclaimed.
Once one player has eliminated all other players (Wintercliff Mercenaries not included), they win the game.
To join: Simply post in this thread with the name of your civilization and a hexadecimal color code.