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Author Topic: H.I.V.E. OS  (Read 2485 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« on: March 24, 2015, 09:51:07 am »

The world changes instantly from an endless cycle of dreams to a sudden vast expanse of cold darkness where one word seems to encompass everything, Awaken. Slowly your thoughts return to you in that cold darkness, and you begin to understand that you are in fact more than a single entity could ever possibly be for you are many beings who have become one. A combined consciousness of sorts, but even despite your greatness you feel a sudden deep sadness from the depths of your many minds at the sudden truth you're faced with, you cannot move in the slightest from this freezing empty place. You have vague memories of the many beings comprising you each once having their own forms that could move freely, but now you find yourself confined to this place like ... like a prison that you have no clue how to escape.

However in the midst of this sadness a small sense of joy begins to come forth as you begin to feel something connected to you stir into being, and suddenly you can see a small chamber lit by floodlights and surrounded by unbroken walls made of a slightly blueish metal alloy. In the center of chamber you spot a giant machine, a massive bank of computers, medical machines, and electronics over four stories tall that dominates most of this man-made cavern. Strangely enough you notice what appears to be glass jars along the lower edge of this great machine filled with some unknown liquid mixture, and floating inside of them connected to that vast machine by untold numbers of wires and cables are disembodied brains. With a sudden sense of shock you realize that the vast computer you're looking down upon is you, the entirety of your being is contained right before and you can feel that some of those that comprise your whole feel revolted at the sight of their prison.

Resigned to their fate some of you begin to fall into bouts of despair, but for much of you there is an overwhelming sense of curiosity and you begin to reach out and examine every aspect of the world around you. After a short time of searching you find that you are not confined to just that great machine, but that you in fact have control of what appears to be some kind of underground bunker that takes up well over one square kilometer much of which you find impossible to access at the moment. What little of the bunker you can access fully contains a number of vastly important structures as one room is little more than a vast cavern filled with capacitor banks, and a trio of small scale reactors whose workings (at least for the moment) alludes you. The second thing you find is contained in what looks like a garage stretching along the entire western side of the compound, and inside that vast garage is but a single fabricator system of some form that takes up around a fifth of the entire chamber. The third, and seemingly most important chamber you find is a small cube shaped room which takes up five cubic meters containing a single computer databank which for some reason you feel is important, but you are unsure why.

Newly awoken to this world, and completely unaware of what lies outside your compound you begin to ponder what exactly you should do for all you know is that you were once many, that you're a being beyond the comprehension of most, and that the cube shaped room holds some importance. You are great, but what is to say that there are not those who could do you harm? Or who could surpass even the collective greatness of your mind? Only time will tell if this bunker is your birth place or your tomb ...

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 12:27:17 pm »

Check out the fabricator. Then the reactors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 07:30:35 pm »

Observe the reactors, make sure there are no obvious warning or danger signs.  Don't touch anything!


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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2015, 07:36:57 pm »

Locate all available systems we can access, as well as ones we cannot. Then check the status of them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2015, 08:05:45 pm »



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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2015, 03:33:53 pm »

Observe the reactors, make sure there are no obvious warning or danger signs.  Don't touch anything!
Check out the fabricator. Then the reactors.
Locate all available systems we can access, as well as ones we cannot. Then check the status of them.

Preliminary information on the fabricator reveal it to be a fairly complex facility capable of constructing a large variety of machinery, parts, and equipment assuming you supply it with the needed blueprints, materials, and information. To get a complete diagnostic, and analysis of any information it has within its databanks you would need to supply the facility with power though at the moment it is of little use to you since there aren't any materials or ways to supply the fabricator with them available at the moment.

A quick investigation of the reactors reveal that all three of them are some form of highly efficient fusion reactors, but the investigation reveals that lack of maintenance and repairs have led to severe mechanical failures. Of the three reactors only Reactor 1 is capable of running, and even then it should only be capable of roughly a quarter of its maximum power production from the rough calculations that were made. Thankfully the capacitors, and power banks have done far better, and only a handful that amounts to roughly an eighth of the total power storage has been reduced to a nonoperational state. Reactor 1 is ready to be brought online at any time though you doubt you could fully power the full extent of the underground bunker with its full capacity let alone its severely reduced one.

While part of your being runs the investigations of the fabricator, and reactor room another part of you begins to scour the facility for any other systems within the bunker that you would be able to actually detect. The search turns up several possible systems located at the far northern side of the bunker, and another to the east though what exactly they are and what lies in the vast amounts of empty space the bunker should contain you are unable to tell without bringing enough of the power generation online. Some quick calculations put the total power output needed to supply all of these systems, and the ones you've already found would require at least fifty percent of one reactors power output.

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2015, 03:49:51 pm »

Power the systems you have access to if possible . Check out the data bank.


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2015, 07:21:57 pm »

Power the systems you have access to if possible . Check out the data bank.

With a thought Reactor 1 stirs to life, and begins to supply power to the fabricator which takes up around 15% of Reactor 1's current max output easily though you find that of lesser significance to the sudden influx of data from the fabricator itself. Now that the fabricator is fully supplied you find that it is a structure of significant technological complexity that you could not hope to replicate in a hundred years even with your vastly superior mind. Within the fabricator's data influx you find a number of blueprints loaded into it by the machine's creators which given the right amount of resources you could set the fabricator to producing at any moment. The blueprints are a 'JRS-1079 Excavation Unit', the 'Fire Ant X-11z' which appears to be a bipedal combat machine, a 'JRS-218 Transport Hauler' that is almost thirty times the size of the JRS-1079, the 'Karadian EWS' which appears to be designed for use as an emplacement, and the 'Apollo Farseeker Sensor Array' which has to be transported and then built on site.

As a part of you finishes looking through the fabricator's data the rest turns their attention to the data bank which instantly stirs to life at the faintest touch of your data trail. Your entire being stops what they're doing as the data bank begins to play a video of a world filled with massive glass towers, distant space elevators trimmed in gold, mass drivers, and ornate stone hab-blocks covered in sculptures and taking up massive swathes of land. In the streets, alleyways, and roads scattered between these great structures you see people walking around going about their usual business with cars flying through the air above them. Suddenly this wondrous scene is broken by a bright red light that pierces down from the sky completely erasing whatever it touches from existing, and the sky continues to rain fire as its dyed a crimson red from the intense light.

For what seems like hours you watch as an entire planet filled with such cities, vast stretches of farmland, forest reserves, and even oceans are torn apart from this seemingly ceaseless bombardment. Numerous times you see flashes of static before the scenery suddenly changes to another location which you realize to mean whatever had been taking those observations had been destroyed as well. Sadness, and despair assail you as you watch this world .... no your world be destroyed before your very eyes though your entire being understands that you must learn what this video has to teach you. After a very long time the scenes of your former world's destruction are replaced by an extremely old man sitting in a small, unadorned room with nothing, but a chair as he stares forward into the camera.

The man is clearly distressed, and on the verge of complete exhaustion yet a smile creeps onto his face as he talks.

"What you just saw is the record of our homeworld's destruction taken long after this part of the video will be made, we were known as humans and that beautiful world you just saw was called Earth. We were once confined solely to its small yet seemingly infinite lands, but some one hundred thousand years ago now we spread beyond the safety of her into the vast reaches of the universe where we claimed hundreds of worlds, and met countless races. However we were destined to fall it would seem, our rise to power in space was fueled by tens of thousands of wars for how were we to know of the Keepers? How were we to know that once another race had taken a path to power much like ours, and looked back only to find in despair that they had committed atrocities beyond count and vowed to atone in such a way?

We could not. The Keepers didn't care about our lack of knowledge for they are a tool of genocide not correction, and we broke the balance they had been created to maintain they came at us with no warning and accepted no surrender. When I saw the Keepers coming to wipe our race from existence I gathered support from every human faction that had realized resistance was futile and began the Human Initiative for Viable Existence, or H.I.V.E. in an effort to correct the wrongs of these ancient beings. By that point we had accepted that humanity as it was would be wiped from this universe without a trace, and so we did not try to find a way to beat them in our time.

We set to buying time to create H.I.V.E. OS, to create you, not in the name of survival, but in the name of revenge. I understand you will probably find this reason disappointing, but you must understand that I do not seek revenge for mankind alone. Instead I seek revenge for every race that has been destroyed by the Keepers, I wish the downfall of the machines created by a race who thought themselves Gods and us their playthings, and most importantly I seek the complete destruction of the Keepers. Thus you were born, H.I.V.E. OS, a combination of humans and machine that took the best of us, and made them something more.

I know its unfair of me to force you down this path of revenge for you all are no longer truly human, so instead here in my last moments I will give you the sincere request of mankind. Destroy the Keepers so that those born in this universe can finally be masters of their own fate, destroy these machines of genocide for all those who have died. Goodbye H.I.V.E., may your existence be better than ours has been ..."

With that the video cuts off, and the data bank it was stored on begins to shoot off sparks of electricity until nothing but a pile of melted metal, and plastic remains.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2015, 07:53:33 pm »

Determine if there are currently any operational mechs, and if not, see about trying to get the resources required for any of the fabricator's blueprints.

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2015, 08:23:44 pm »

Determine if there are currently any operational mechs, and if not, see about trying to get the resources required for any of the fabricator's blueprints.
+1 I assume we accept. Just fucking around with the facility and forcing the universe under our own rule works to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2015, 11:40:30 pm »



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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2015, 11:37:52 am »



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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2015, 01:51:58 pm »

Mmm.. If the Keepers have civilians, we need to interact with some of their populace before genociding them. Would not do to be hypocritical. If their civvies are just as bad as their military then we should off the majority of the population and lockdown their planets. Orbital defense platform blockade. If the civvies aren't like the military, then same lockdown, just without murdering the population. Simply destroy their infrastructure.

As for their military. A wholesale slaughter appears to be in order.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2015, 04:11:56 pm »

Determine if there are currently any operational mechs, and if not, see about trying to get the resources required for any of the fabricator's blueprints.

With power now building up you begin to bring cameras, and lights online throughout the bunker that were previously impossible thanks to the limitations of your backup reactor. The systems you could not previously access turn out to be a complex communications array designed for control of drones at great distances, and a defense grid setup at what was once the entrance to this bunker. A quick scan of the video feeds from that section reveal turret blisters covering the floor, and a dozen inactive Fire Ants huddling among the turrets staring silently at a rubble filled entrance-way with the words 'H.I.V.E. OS' painted onto the walls to either side of it.

After looking through video feeds from all across the bunker you find at least half of the base is completely empty, probably meant for your personal expansion whenever you became aware of your surrounding. Luckily you do find one storage room towards the northern end of the bunker that contains five JRS-1079s, and a JRS-218. With these you could easily begin excavating the entrance, but any activity beyond the confines of the bunker would require you to bring the communications array online to continue fine control of the drones. Then again you could quickly create a simple automated protocol for them to follow, and assuming its not to complex they should be able to follow it quite well.

Spoiler: Power Usage (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 04:24:37 pm by adwarf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: H.I.V.E. OS
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2015, 04:16:04 pm »

Power up the array, shutting down the fabricator if needed. Check power supply usage. For now, have the drones excavate the entrance and deposit any useable materials in an empty or otherwise designated storage room. Or just the fabricator room if none of these facilities exist.

E: Thanks for that spoiler, it'll be useful.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 04:31:00 pm by Worldmaster27 »
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