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Author Topic: RTD horrors  (Read 227566 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #780 on: May 31, 2015, 01:27:07 pm »

ok this is my turn
the carp in california: thrash around menacingly
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #781 on: May 31, 2015, 02:41:55 pm »

ok this is my turn
the carp in california: thrash around menacingly

Search: [4] You remember your ability to turn things into carp, though with your zero power you'll probably only be able to transform fish that are basically carp already... You also regain your cod persona, though it is still as pointless as it always was... That seems to be it, you can't regain your transformation abilities because they were stuck to your old body and not your mind... (regained object to carp ability)
Thrash: [irrelevant] They don't obey you because you haven't taken control of them.


  • Bay Watcher
  • the biggest fish around.*
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #782 on: June 06, 2015, 08:29:17 am »

ME: recruit in my new calmed state
Any recruited cultists: OBTAIN PUFF-PUFF PLUSH™
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 09:08:45 am by carp »
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #783 on: June 06, 2015, 08:53:59 am »

I think we're waiting on Koshu and Rosie to take their actions...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #784 on: June 06, 2015, 09:11:32 am »

Everyone recruit!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #785 on: June 06, 2015, 09:30:34 am »

Everyone recruit!
[4] You and all your cultists go on a recruiting spree and find more to join your horde (+250 cultists)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #786 on: June 08, 2015, 02:47:35 am »

I think we're waiting on Koshu and Rosie to take their actions...
Sorry; I thought I had already gone.

Yeah, everyone recruit sounds good.
Dwarf Fortress: where an exploding unicorn death factory is a goal unto itself.
If it has cute cuddly features, it's probably safe to eat, so do not reason with it either.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #787 on: June 08, 2015, 10:47:23 am »

I think we're waiting on Koshu and Rosie to take their actions...
Sorry; I thought I had already gone.

Yeah, everyone recruit sounds good.
[2] For some reason nobody wants to join you, despite the amazing song and dance routine you convinced your followers to perform.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #788 on: June 08, 2015, 12:01:16 pm »

Attack CARP's... nothing... I guess:
[irrelevant] They attack CARP's nothing. Nothing happens.

Move Tavern Wench's base away from the cliff
[6] They use a crane and moving truck to lift the base up and move it into the middle of an extremely hot, very dry desert. Somehow, you think you preferred the cliffside. (base now in desert)

Healing for Unescargot.
End of Turn 15.
Unescargot (lightly injured): summoned, getting old, hiding
-cultists: 450 cultists, 10 infiltrator cultists, 5 high morale empowered wealthy cultists, 5 annoyed empowered wealthy cultists, 8 cultists in high places, 100 trained cultists, 3 hallucinating veterans, professional journalist hirelings
-Items: book with power swap ritual, veteran memoirs
-Inquisitors: 115 lightly armed inquisitors, 10 inquisitors, inquisitorial demolition hirelings, know where you're hiding, inquisitors active
-Other: host of, knows ritual of fading strength, knows self banishing ritual, bad PR, knows power swap ritual, knows yoga
--Puff Puff (dissipated): plush toy that looks just like him

Tavern wench:
-cultists: 70 heavily armed cultists
-Items: Swelteringly hot base in the desert, Orb of Stability 1, has dragon blood
-Inquisitors: 90 inquisitors, 80 well trained inquisitors, 50 lightly armed inquisitors, 5 inquisitors in high places, Inquisitors activated
-Other: well known, admired by humanity, leaderly campaign started well, refugee organization made, knows stability summoning {req mercury and orb of stability, can sub DB [causes injury]}
--Crux the mad (DEAD): killed 10% of Earth's population

TROG (DEAD): summoned, vanished into the abyss
-Problems: despised by humanity
-Items: has dragon blood
--GORT(DEAD): 124 mummies
--KONG(lightly wounded): hallucinating

Anthaju(heavily wounded): summoned
-cultists: 95 cultists, 30 archaeological cultists
-Items: has a flooded pyramid with a shoddy shack on top for a base, has money, prepared self banishment ritual, has metal, has dragon blood
-Inquisitors: 5 strong mummy inquisitors, inquisitors activated
-Other: has weighed Unescargot and TROG, knows self banishing ritual, destroyed Orb of Stalwart 4, knows ritual of fusion, bad PR

Koshu: guarding
-Cultists: 152 cultists, 200 cultists heavily armed, 80 empowered cultists
-Items: has a tool shed base, has a few spaceship components, has extra spikes
-Inquisitors: 125 armed inquisitors, inquisitors activated
-Other: good PR, satellite launched, knows "cascade" ritual, knows sacrificial summoning ritual {requires Dragonblood, 500 sacrificial cultists}

Rabe (uninjured): summoned, can drown people and detect beards/alcohol
-Cultists: 910 cultists, 30 cultists (guarding), 50 armed cultists, 10 contagious hallucinating cultists, 1 old cultists (guarding for Puff puff), 40 recognizable cultists
-Items: has sturdy base with defenses (+lightning rods and 20 gun turrets), has a bunch of metal, has bricks and concrete, has a bunch of molds/casts for stuff (weapons, armor and missile shells are the important ones)
-Inquisitors: gone for now
-Other: KI website and company set up, posters put up, campaign for president started,  destroyed Orb of Stalwart 1, second in command to carp's faction, moderately bad PR, founded Miskatonic University, researched Orb of Stalwart

DF CARP: rather calm, thinks TROG is carp, ageless and better with psychic power, regained swimming power and control of carp
-goal: find old powers again
-Cultists: loneliness
-Items: emptiness
-Inquisitors: inquisitors destroyed Orbs of Stalwart 3 and 5
-Other: has turned into a DF carp (it's what you always dreamed of),  destroyed the focus stone, going crazy, detested by humanity
--GOEARERKSFLES (DEAD): unending hunger,  mass: 200, physique +2

Cultists: 250 cultists, 50 cultists with cancer, 100 slightly healthier cultists
Items: has dragon blood
Inquisitors: inquisitors have destroyed Orb of Storms 1 and Orb of Stalwart 2
Other: good PR, has humanity's sympathy, buried the dead, knows gold summoning ritual {req gold block, dragonblood, tallow candles, causes weakness}

Other: Poison widely available, 10% of Earth's population gone, cascade impossible


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #789 on: June 12, 2015, 11:18:01 am »

Oh right, some people are probably waiting for me to roll the actions they took in before the last turn ended...
1/2 of cultists: Find mercury.
The other half: Improve PR.
recroot: [3] You get more to join your numbers. Hopefully these guys will live longer. (+50 cultists)
mercury: [3] You find some of the mercury, but not enough for the ritual. The cultists who gathered it are looking sickly. (partially gathered mercury, half of cultists poisoned)
PR: [2] They fail to do anything for your PR

Dryness: afflict cultists
[2] Your cultists stay in the shade enough to avoid passing out from the heat.

inquisitors: drop her PR
[4] They bring your PR off the high mark it was. Humanity won't help you anymore unless you can raise it. (PR now very good)
The thing about that, voice in my head, is that my base is FLOODED with WATER.


Me: Lick wounds, heal now
25 cultists: Protect me using your bodies as meatshi- valiant warriors of Ancient Egypt!
100 cultists: Make a website dedicated to spewing conspiracies about TW, mostly bad ones.

MEND YE DAMNED FLESH: [3] You manage to speed up your healing a little with feline first aid (now moderately wounded)
guard: [5] They take up guard positions. Hopefully it will be enough to stop the mummies from murdering you. (25 cultists guarding well)
fight the PR: [4] They drop her PR to the point that she's no longer in humanity's favor (TW now has moderately good PR)

Inquisitors: attack
[4] They shamble toward you and your defenders charge against them. It's a slaughter, but at least they leave (-2 mummies, -20 cultists)
Hmpf just 935 left.(30 are guarding)
135 cultists: Go to Mikatonic university and ask if if it is completely impossible to make a orb of stalwart or if you just can't make one by shaping quarts, is there some sort of enchantment ritual for exsample.
300 Cultists: Ask the military for some tanks to deal with Unescagot and make some more junkyard wars style.(Or see if they won't just attack him outright.)
300 Cultists: Recrute.
100 Cultists: Ask NASA(Or other space agency) if they will help find orbs of stalwart on the moon then later send some people to summon koshu, tell them about the potential for extradimensional travel and cheap space flight.
Me: Ask koshu for his true name for summoning purposes.
100 Cultists: Run daring raid on Cloud guy and steal the ritual of power swap.

((Technically 31 are guarding, and you may have ignored your special cultists))
Ask about the orb: [6] They ask if there is a way to make a new Orb of Stalwart. The studious researchers tell them that the orbs have an innate eldritch magic that they can't replicate, at least not without further study.
Call in the military: [irrelevant] You don't have the authority or the connections to make demands like that
Recruit: [6] They find a bunch of people to join you, but not everyone is happy about your actions (+300 cultists, +200 inquisitors)
Help Koshu: [5] They convince the local space project to help them find an Orb of Stalwart on another planet. Due to low funding they can't go out there now, but they spot a strange reading coming from the moon that matches the power of an Orb of Stalwart. Your cultists remind you to collect all the materials for the ritual BEFORE heading out there, you probably won't find anything to use for the ritual on the moon. (NASA helping, Lunar Orb of Stalwart found)
Ask for information: [5] You send Koshu a message on psi-net asking him for the code to summon him, he'll have to give permission to be summoned (requested permission to summon Koshu)
Stealing: [3] They slip past the nonexistent defenses and steal the book Unescargot left lying around (he doesn't need it anymore anyway, and you can't steal knowledge without an ability that does it). They can now learn the ritual more easily. (stole book of power swap ritual)

Hallucinogen: spread
[5] The hallucinogenic dust gets sprikled around onto your idling cultists, getting them to join the mushroom samba (50 armed cultists and 15 recognizable cultists hallucinating).

ME: recruit in my new calmed state
Any recruited cultists: OBTAIN PUFF-PUFF PLUSH™

[2] You can't seem to find anyone who loves the "CARP LIFE" motto you've started using.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #790 on: June 12, 2015, 03:39:23 pm »

Time to initiate an all out assault.
Me: Bombard Ajanthu with lightning bolts. If this doesn't kill him...

if (Ajanthu_lives=true){

350 regular cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base.
100 trained cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base, focusing on ending Ajanthu's life.
Journalist hirelings: Destroy Ajanthu's PR.

} else {

350 regular cultists: Recruit generic people for my cult.
100 trained cultists: Protect me from harm!
Journalists: Boost my PR.


Regardless of Ajanthu's life state:
100 regular cultists: Protect me from harm!
Infiltrators: infiltrate!
10 wealthy cultists: Use and recruit more wealthy people to join my cult!
8 cultists in high places: recruit the President of the United States to join my cult!
3 veterans: um... use your madness to your advantage and discover a strange ritual... of destruction!

A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #791 on: June 12, 2015, 08:57:55 pm »

Time to initiate an all out assault.
Me: Bombard Ajanthu with lightning bolts. If this doesn't kill him...

if (Ajanthu_lives=true){

350 regular cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base.
100 trained cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base, focusing on ending Ajanthu's life.
Journalist hirelings: Destroy Ajanthu's PR.
so rude

Me: Hide like a scared kitten. Crouch low. Transform ALL of my guys (except 5 of them) into Egyptian reapers.
50 guys: Join the guys that are guarding me! Nobody gets through to me unless you are all dead,y'hear?
50 people: Attack Unescargot's cultists before they can get a chance to attack me and my guards, giving me enough time to run the fuck away!
5 dudes without superpowers: Create another banishing ritual, big enough to house a lot of people, and activate it when there's a lot of Unescargot guys on top of it.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #792 on: June 12, 2015, 09:16:41 pm »

Time to initiate an all out assault.
Me: Bombard Ajanthu with lightning bolts. If this doesn't kill him...

if (Ajanthu_lives=true){

350 regular cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base.
100 trained cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base, focusing on ending Ajanthu's life.
Journalist hirelings: Destroy Ajanthu's PR.

} else {

350 regular cultists: Recruit generic people for my cult.
100 trained cultists: Protect me from harm!
Journalists: Boost my PR.


Regardless of Ajanthu's life state:
100 regular cultists: Protect me from harm!
Infiltrators: infiltrate!
10 wealthy cultists: Use and recruit more wealthy people to join my cult!
8 cultists in high places: recruit the President of the United States to join my cult!
3 veterans: um... use your madness to your advantage and discover a strange ritual... of destruction!

ERROR: Condition.exe has failed to run. Defaulting to only nonconditional actions.

Lightning: [3] You fire off the lightning and it rains down on Anthaju's cult. Unfortunately it narrowly misses him, but disintegrates several of his followers. Your aim must be going with your age, maybe you should get glasses. (Anthaju loses 50 cultists)
Guard: [2] They decide to go play halo instead.
Infiltrate: [irrelevant] They snuck in with his last batch of recruits, they'll lay low until you tell them to do something.
recruit: [5] The wealthy ones find some more wealthy people to help you. The president gets confused by your incessant calls from senators and mayors and decides your cause must be some charity organization that's becoming popular. (+10 wealthy cultists, limited connection to president) ((letting you just have the aid of the president would be too easy, you can only ask small favors of him like showing up for rallies, you can't make him launch the nukes))
research: [1] They find only more madness. There's plenty for all. Your other cultists feel unsettled by their maddened ravings. (cultists disheartened)

Inquisitors: Attack Unescargot
[4] They beat and slice you, leaving a few nasty wounds. Oh, but this old cloud god ain't going down without a fight, no siree! (-75 lightly armed inquisitors, moderately wounded)

Time to initiate an all out assault.
Me: Bombard Ajanthu with lightning bolts. If this doesn't kill him...

if (Ajanthu_lives=true){

350 regular cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base.
100 trained cultists: Assault Ajanthu's base, focusing on ending Ajanthu's life.
Journalist hirelings: Destroy Ajanthu's PR.
so rude

Me: Hide like a scared kitten. Crouch low. Transform ALL of my guys (except 5 of them) into Egyptian reapers.
50 guys: Join the guys that are guarding me! Nobody gets through to me unless you are all dead,y'hear?
50 people: Attack Unescargot's cultists before they can get a chance to attack me and my guards, giving me enough time to run the fuck away!
5 dudes without superpowers: Create another banishing ritual, big enough to house a lot of people, and activate it when there's a lot of Unescargot guys on top of it.

A little late on the draw compadre ((also, that banishing ritual banishes you, so maybe you shouldn't do that))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #793 on: June 12, 2015, 11:10:06 pm »

Well, that went better than expected.

Now, what was that again about killing me?

Me: Transform 50 of my guys into Egyptian reapers!
Bringers of death x30: Initiate Happy Fun Fun Murder Time Rebooted! On Unescargot, of course.
Twenty Creeper Reapers: Join guys in guarding me!
5: Uhm.. recruit, I suppose.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 08:33:13 pm by Sl4cker »
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #794 on: June 13, 2015, 05:52:30 am »

Half of cultists: Try to help the others.
Other half: Try to improve PR.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
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