So i pretty definitely identify as a non-binary individual. I even try to forge it as a little piece of my online identity, though it's not actually that hard to determine my biological sex if a person wants to be nosy, it's just way more comfortable for me to not have to struggle online with the things i have to struggle with in RL on a daily basis.
For me, this is not a whimsical decision. This is not something i merely decided one day in order to create a more interesting persona, either online or in my personal social circles. I've always struggled with gender, not the genitals i was born with but rather with the expectations and identity it comes framed with. It is in our culture ENTIRELY unavoidable for the social expectations of other people to not effect you greatly as you begin to grow up, it is a large part of the development of our social skills to absorb a lot of that. Yet Gender has always been alien to me, an idea i've failed to fully absorb, not for lack of trying from my father and other important figures in my development as a person.
Into adulthood it can still cause me great discomfort to be called male, despite over two decades of attempts by my culture to help me internalize some of the most basic social concepts of our society. It's not my genitalia i'm uncomfortable with, i honestly don't give a fuck what genitalia i have, it is in fact a sexual fantasy of mine to be able to willingly switch back and forth between the types of genitalia.
So try to understand how laughable it is to encounter people who have not lived your experiences, who have not struggled to understand why they are not just a *normally* gendered person, and who yet are willing to tell you that they know better about your own experiences than you do. That you don't *really* feel how you think you do, just that you've been confused. For twenty odd years. If you can imagine that, you might understand why some here have attempted to tell others here that their opinion isn't as valuable, because... it straight up isn't. When a person lives with something, has worked to understand it both academically and personally, their whole life, and another hasn't of course it is the former who has more context. That isn't to say objective thought isn't useful... because it is, but that's what academia is for, a person who hasn't lived something isn't inherently objective because with them comes their own baggage and understanding of the world. So in this situation, on an informal discussion board, the people who have lived experiences have better context than the people who do not.