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Author Topic: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Asymmetrical 21st Century Warfare  (Read 6616 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Asymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« on: February 25, 2015, 04:08:02 am »


Quote from: Welcome to the 21st Century
Ogre and its sequel, G.E.V., are tactical ground combat games set in the late 21st century. In 2085 A.D., armored warfare is faster and deadlier than ever. Hovercraft, tanks and infantry slug it out with tactical nukes. But the most feared weapon of all needs no human guidance. It's the giant cybernetic tank called the Ogre.

Code: (Ogre Timeline) [Select]
- 1995
Final ratification of the full North American Transcontinental Free Trade act, the first real step toward a continent-wide government.

- 2005
Claiming economic and security concerns, the European Community annexes the Sudetenland, Hungary, and Yugoslavia, creating a protectorate. Russian protests are ineffectual.

- 2006
Russian-Ukrainian L-4 colony.

- 2008
U.S. L-5 colony.

- 2009
European Community annexes Balkan nations.

- 2010
First commercial fusion plant online, Vancouver.

- 2012
U.S. oil nearly gone.

- 2015
Formation of the Paneuropean Federation from the European Community, Russia, the Balkans, and other western Soviet republics.
United Kingdom does not participate, re-establishing its old currency.

- 2019
Massive oil discovery in Venezuela. Within a period of two weeks, Brazil moves in and grabs the oilfields, then the capital, then the rest of the country.
American neutrality proves to have been bought with the promise of oil.

- 2020
12-Minute War. Tel Aviv, Cairo and Damascus are all blasted by concealed nuclear weapons.
Interim governments patch up a truce immediately.

- 2022
Argentina declares war on Brazil; other South American nations join with varied degrees of enthusiasm.

- 2023
United States, Canada, Mexico federate as the North American Combine. Anti-ICBM laser technology developed.

- 2035
Rise of conservative influence in Japan; establishment of Nihon Empire.
Brazilian War fizzles out with little effect.

- 2037
Québec economy worsens. Protesting "cultural imperialism," Québec seeks Paneuropean aid to preserve use of the French language in its schools.
High-level diplomacy accomplishes nothing; English remains the official Combine language.

- 2040-2043
Asian provinces of Paneurope wracked by riots, racial strife, strikes. Chinese interference is suspected.

- 2046
Sino-European War begins. Initial thrusts and counters quickly bog down into a slow land war.

- 2049
Nihon brokers end to Sino-European War.
Treaty of Osaka cedes Asian provinces to China in return for substantial payments in oil and strategic metals.
Both sides claim victory.

- 2051
Under increasing pressure to join Paneurope, United Kingdom moves closer to Combine.

- 2051
Treaty of Liverpool formally allies United Kingdom and Combine for "mutual defense."

- 2060
Ogre Mark I enters production. Combine military forces are based throughout U.K., outnumbering native forces by 5 to 1.
In return, Combine agrees to share military technology freely with U.K.
Nihon Empire invades Philippines and New Guinea.

- 2065
Québéc separatist riots and strikes lead to full-scale revolution. Ogres see combat for the first time in the Battle of Montréal.

- 2066
Ogre Mark II enters production. Seattle-Vancouver facility is constructed to produce larger Ogre types.
Annexation of Central America into the North American Combine. Cuba joins as a "protectorate."

- 2068
Combine builds Ogre facilities in Oshawa, Tuloca, and Sheffield, England. British Green Party protests "collusion" with Combine military.
Ogre Mark III enters testing.
Nihon consolidates all formerly-independent Southeast Asian territories, using military "cyberships" – seagoing Ogres.

- 2070
Paneuropean Federation protests Sheffield facility, and blockades England. Combine refusal to dismantle plant raises international tension.
A Combine frigate and a Paneuropean submarine destroy each other in the North Atlantic, triggering World War III.
Combine forces land in France but fail to establish a permanent beachhead.
Ogre Mark Is and IIs head into Siberia via Alaskan fortifications.
First stories of Vanderdecken's Brigade.

- 2071
Ogre Mark III goes into production in Seattle. Data and templates immediately shipped to Sheffield.
Sino-Nihon war begins with Nihon raids in Korea, followed by landings in force in Korea and Manchuria.

- 2074
Ogre Mark IV and V start development: problems in drive train and missile rack system delay Mark IV production.
First Paneuropean assault on England is unsuccessful. Combine establishes beachheads in Africa, consolidating some 10% of the continent.
Sino-Nihon war heats up. Nihon cybertanks seen for first time, in the Battle of Hong Kong.

- 2076
Ogre Mark V produced in new Houston Ogre facility. Detroit facility begins construction.
First tests of converted supertankers used for Ogre transport. Paneuropean submarines sink five Mark IIIs just beyond Lisbon; three make it to shore anyway.
Last Atlantic satellite surveillance destroyed. Sky clearing becomes a continual operation for both Combine and Paneuropeans.
Second Paneuropean assault on England is a disastrous failure.

- 2077
Massive Combine force establishes beachhead at The Hague.
After six months, invaders are contained within Bremen-Cologne-Brussels arc, with huge losses by both sides.

- 2078
Battle of Gibraltar; Combine Ogres smash Paneuropean Second Army and push into Spain, followed by conventional forces.
Spanish provinces capitulate: Paneuropean forces stop invaders at foothills of Pyrenees.
Northern Combine invasion force then breaks out. Strasbourg falls; Paris and Frankfurt threatened.
Paneurope introduces Superheavy Tank, later copied by the Combine.
Chinese invasion of Philippines.

- 2079
Paneuropean political operatives and special-ops forces succeed where direct invasion had failed; the United Kingdom falls. Sheffield Ogre plant captured largely intact.
New British government immediately integrated into Paneuropean Council structure. Loyalist British forces retreat to Combine and Australia.
Paneurope signs secret treaties and establishes covert bases and factory centers in Brazil and Argentina.

- 2080
Combine positions in Europe begin to erode with cutting of U.K. supply lines.
Ogre Ninja introduced.
Chinese retreat from Philippines.

- 2081
Paneuropean "Huscarl," a modified Mark V, enters full-scale production at Gdansk in late November.

- 2082-2084
Ogre-vs.-Ogre combat becomes common.
The "Ceasefire Years" – constant battle across Europe, interrupted by 88 different ceasefires, as the Combine is gradually driven off the Continent.
Paneuropean Fencer enters full-scale production at Gotha in 2084.

- 2085
Combine forces evacuate Europe.
New Combine offensive in South America. Panama Canal blocked. Brazil collapses. Amazon Combat Zone becomes a no-man's land; Nova Brasilia formed.
Chinese field "Dragon" cybertanks against Nihon forces in defense of Beijing.
Though plentiful, the Dragons appear individually less effective than Nihon "Steel Warrior" units.

- 2086
Paneuropean cybertanks, including Fencers, appear in South America; Paneuropean/Brasilian forces push north.
Paneuropean siege of Mexico City broken by the first field appearance of Combine Mark IVs.
Collapse of all authority in Central Africa; creation of Sahara Combat Zone.
Chinese "Dragon" cybertank captured by Nihon forces and displayed in Tokyo; it proves to have been a manned unit with no significant AI capacity.

- 2087
The Descartes Revolution: the development of genuinely self-aware Ogres and factory complexes. The first "rogue" cybertank appears.

- 2088
Ogre Mark VI enters limited production. Volgagrad and Ruhr Valley production facilities completed.
Central Chinese government collapses. Nihon Empire forces occupy all provincial capitals.

- 2089
Paneuropean Doppelsoldner fielded: Huscarl taken out of production.

- 2090
Antiwar riots in major cities of both Europe and North America.
Widespread use of new integrated production technologies.

- 2091
The Manila Accords; armistice between Paneuropean and Combine forces. Economic backlash kindles further riots, especially in Europe.

- 2092
The Combine renews hostilities in August, sending a multi-pronged attack against both military and industrial targets across Europe.
The surprise is only tactical – Combine intentions had been obvious – but the Paneuropean response is ineffective and disorganized.
On Christmas Day, Paneurope sues for peace. The Second Armistice is signed on Dec. 31.

- 2093
Beginning of Paneuropean Civil War.
Combine withdraws recognition of Paneuropean government but offers to honor Second Armistice "by separate negotiation with legitimate national governments."

- 2094-2095
Paneurope continues to fragment. Combine military remains preoccupied by unrest at home and secret preparations for South American invasion.
Nihon consolidates control of Chinese production facilities.

- 2096-2097
Combine signs treaties with various Paneuropean successor states, creating puppet governments. National armies are established: some have Combine units as cadre.
A few die-hard areas (notably Latvia, Greece) fall under direct Combine military rule.
Combine outlaws production of major military material, encourages rivalries between new states.

- 2098
Combine invades Nova Brasilia, meeting unexpectedly heavy resistance from both Brasilian and other South American forces.
Combine and Nihon break off diplomatic relations.

- 2099
Overextended Combine withdraws entirely from South America, abandoning Amazon Combat Zone.
France, Ukraine rebel against puppet governments.

- 2100
"Crash of 2100." More rebellions in Europe. In North America, Québéc and Northern California rebel. All Combine troops called home.
Some units stationed in Europe refuse, either making common cause with local governments or remaining as independent military overlords.

- 2101
Combine collapses into dozens of local governments. Revolutions spread in Europe.
Nihon "peacekeeping" forces dispatched to Hawaii, California, Seattle, Santiago and other Combine West Coast cities.

- 2102
Desperate resistance from local governments and free companies, many supported by self-aware Ogres, slows progress of Nihon "peacekeepers" in North America.
Southern forces make more headway, especially in Chile, Panama City.

- 2103
Heavenly Emperor of Nihon dies unexpectedly. Military council accuses his heir of complicity. Several mainland Asian provinces rebel.
Nihon expeditionary forces in Western Hemisphere denied further reinforcements: some attempt to return home but are savaged while retreating, while others dig in.

- 2105
Balkanization continues, as nation-states continue to fragment. Wars, betrayals and destruction become routine worldwide. Technological development essentially ceases.
World politics and economics are covertly dominated by self-aware AI factory complexes, as the "Factory States" era dawns.

Ogre Website
Basic Rules Book PDF
Scenarios Book PDF
Spoiler: How to Play (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bestiary (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Ogres and Superheavies (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Gameplay Charts (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Example of Play (click to show/hide)

Mission 1: Siege of Fortress Seattle, Part One
January 1st, 2100: On New Year's Day, the Crash hits. A coalition of Canadian-American rebels roughly instigate a series of simultaneous riots, damaging military industrial complexes and assisting civilians in the overthrow of local government houses. Large groups of unhappy Combine regular forces north of the old American-Canadian border, many of whom were starving and hadn't received wages in weeks, eagerly join in the battle, a bloody coup that ends with hundreds dead and thousands injured in major cities across the Canadian and North Californian territories. What was a small rebellion soon became a full blown uprising; the Canadian rebels quickly form a republican council from their pool of idealistic leaders and choose retired general Yang Wen-Li to take command of the separatist army. This force came to be known colloquially as the Nortred Leaves, and later, the Norts.

January 7th: General Yang and his lieutenants lead an all out assault southward against entrenched loyalist forces. The Combine army, weak, demoralized and reluctant to fight their own countrymen, put up a largely halfhearted resistance. Despite the occasional minor defeat the Norts' constant momentum has kept their spirits high, but Yang knows he needs more. Seeking a decisive victory, he sets his sights on the Seattle-Vancouver complex. The metropolis was a veritable fortress and the lynchpin of the loyalist defense, he knows that if he can seize it he will no longer have to worry about the cohesion of his army, and he'd have the perfect foothold, as well as the vital Ogre production facilities, for a campaign into the heart of mainland America.

Nortred Leaf Separatists VS Combine Loyalists
February 14th: The Norts have secured from their European contacts a Doppelsoldner. Delivered in parts over the past months, it was in pristine shape, though unfortunately the French black marketeers couldn't acquire an AI core. The only solution was to modify it such that it could be crewed. After more than a week of hard work, they succeeded. The first manned Ogre in years had a complement of more than a hundred soldiers and civilian engineers in it's guts. The beast was hellishly inefficient but it had to work, it just had to!

Tentative scenario composition:
Force 1, Yellow Hats
- Doppelsoldner

Force 2, Combine
- 42 Armor Units (at least half must be regular armor like GEVs or tanks)
- 20 Squads of Infantry

Spoiler: Battlefield (click to show/hide)
Note: Thick lines are ridges. Only Ogres, SHEVs and infantry can cross ridges, any unit may fire over them.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 07:49:02 am by GUNINANRUNIN »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2015, 04:53:34 am »

PTW, this looks interesting


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2015, 05:50:05 am »

I'm going to PTW as well.  :D
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2015, 05:58:35 am »

* Haspen lurks :3
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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2015, 06:42:27 am »


You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2015, 04:31:52 pm »

So the Doppelsoldner is a fucking monster. He's the biggest Ogre in the base game (we can make a bigger ones), he has the most firepower and the second strongest treads to the Mk. VI.

Quote from: Doppelsoldner Record Sheet
6 Missile Racks (Defense 4)
000 000
18 Missiles (Attack 6, Range 5)
000 000 000
000 000 000
2 Main Battery (Attack 4, Range 3, Defense 4)
8 Secondary Battery (Attack 3, Range 2, Defense 3)
0000 0000
12 Anti-Personnel (Attack 1, Range 1, Defense 1)
0000 0000 0000

60 Tread Units Move starts at 3
00000 00000
00000 00000 (Movement drops to 2)
00000 00000
00000 00000 (Movement drops to 1)
00000 00000
00000 00000 (Movement drops to 0)

The main batteries fire tactical nukes, the secondaries are rail guns. Each of the missile racks can fire one missile per turn for as long as they have ammo. The AP guns can only hurt INF and anything 'soft' that has D0, like trucks or the CP.

As a rule, the job of the Ogre is the easier one. The defense will most often lose. In that sense he might actually be a bad choice for this first one because he's so bloody tough!

The only way to beat the Ogre is by destroying ALL of his weapons and treads. The Ogre never surrenders and is never captured unless the scenario provides for it. "Even a treadless, weaponless, 'dead' Ogre is usually pounded to scrap from a distance. Investigating a 'dead' Ogre makes bomb disposal look safe by comparison. Therefore, immobile Ogres left on the map count as destroyed."
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 04:44:08 pm by GUNINANRUNIN »


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2015, 05:39:33 pm »

I'mma watch this.


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2015, 05:45:35 pm »

Okay! Who wants to be the Ogre? The other two players will split the Combine army.


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2015, 05:51:55 pm »

Ogre me up, gunin!
You fool. Don't you understand?
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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2015, 05:54:20 pm »

I'll go with the Combine Army I guess!


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2015, 03:15:30 am »

Nobody else? Gig's got the Ogre then! Felix, you and me are the Combine. Half the armor and infantry are yours, but we should spend our armor units first and then share what comes out. If you get on IRC we can work out our strategy in private.

The Ogre enters from the North, Combine deploy on the 10 rows down south starting from the bottom edge of the board. The wincon is very simple, the Ogre has to destroy all the Combine forces blocking the valley and clear the way for Yang's advance, and the Combine need to stop him. The outcome determines the next scenario.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 03:19:02 am by GUNINANRUNIN »


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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2015, 07:31:20 am »

What happened to adorf and Sirius.
You fool. Don't you understand?
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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2015, 07:33:30 am »

What happened to adorf and Sirius.
Dunno. I'm almost sure I told them about it but they haven't posted or anything. No worries everyone will get a chance to play, we'll set up a rotation.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2015, 07:36:41 am »

What happened to adorf and Sirius.
Dunno. I'm almost sure I told them about it but they haven't posted or anything. No worries everyone will get a chance to play, we'll set up a rotation.
I didn't see them on the Irc, so they might not even know.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ogre: Tabletop Wargame, Assymmetrical 21st Century Warfare
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2015, 12:11:56 pm »

Guess I'll be Ogre next time since I missed the bus :v
Quote from: Max White
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