"In many of my observations (and in turn, some experiences), I tend to wonder; who is the stronger being? The one who delivers abuse, and forces someone into (many) a situation against their consent, or the one who endures it all (in lieu of said abuser)?" --Itnetlolor
Or abridged: "Who is stronger? The slaver or the slave?" --Itnetlolor
For context, I've seen some shows and movies where the, often bullied, victim ends up doing something suicidally crazy/stupid, and oftentimes, against their will (ordered/dared/blackmailed by said bully/"superior"/"Alpha"), and you never see the bully ever go through the same ordeal; or even just outright Karma Houdinis, and they (the bully) brags as if they're more hardcore (from mob bosses to schoolyard jackasses). Now, if only the victim realized this hidden truth, they could take on said bully in a heartbeat, and their lack of confidence (or enduring good will; or hell, legal action) is the only thing holding them back from killing/returning the favor to said bully.
In essence that's the truth of martyrdom, not to throw oneself at horror for vainglorious or selfish ends, but to endure against the abuser who would persecute you even unto death, for
their sake and salvation do you endure. That to pay abuse of oneself back to the abuser is a great thing, to halt those who would be abusers by your perserverence is greater. If that sounds sanctimonious, keep in mind that I'm speaking as the would-be abuser.
Not pithy, but I tried my best.