So, uh. When you say new, like. What year are we talking? Because just post-tolkien leaves a
lot of space to work with. Pre-tolkien was pretty out there at times, too. And for all T was the baseline for a long time, it definitely feels like we're starting to get some standard output more along other lines -- urban fantasy, steampunk, etc., sorta' feel like they've grown in popularity over the last... while.
Throwing some stuff out there, relative to the bog-standard sword&sorcery though...
Concept: Urban Fantasy.
Description: ... urban fantasy. Fantasy with bits of sci-fi or modern-day stuff thrown in, or the other way around.
Some notables: Dresden Files (books). Shadowrun (books, pen&paper games, video games). Mage: The Awakening (P&P games, apparently books).
Concept: Postapocalyptic Fantasy.
Description: Again what it says on the tin. Fantasy worlds set after the proverbial "end".
Some notables: Dark Sun (books, P&P, video games).
Adventure Time (Cartoon Show, think some spin off stuff at this point, too.)
Concept: Dragon as major characters.
Description: As per tin!
Some notables: There were several Krynn novels along those lines. The Basil Broketail stuff also went some interesting directions with that. There's more that I'm forgetting, obviously.
... actually, limiting it to at-most three per day sounds kinda' interesting. At least partially because my memory's failing me. Actually
remember where all the off-beaten-path fantasy concepts I've ran into came from? Ach, me head. There's so bloody much, especially if you trawl used book stores and whatnot. E: And that's not getting into anime and related works. Anime has
done some shit with fantasy settings.