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Author Topic: Journalism  (Read 2028 times)

Legitimate Edgar

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« on: February 09, 2015, 04:39:10 am »

    It's been a very odd day for you. It started with a broken alarm clock, and an interview you were an hour late for, you didn't get the job, obviously. And now the day is ending with a dinner and a sunset. Specifically, a sunset through a 50 foot long window, with a balcony outside it, and a dinner that probably cost more than your rent. And that's not including the wine. You're 25 floors up, in New York, and the restaurant is totally abandoned. Fine crystal glasses are set out, pure white tablecloths, freshly shined silverware, salad forks for god's sakes. It's eerie with nobody here, the place should be packed with new money, starlets, and those "self made" people you always fucking hated. You shiver. And wait. You don't touch the food yet.
    It's almost twenty minutes before he strolls into the room. "Yo." It hits a nerve, that little word. It's so, so wrong. Him, in his sharply cut suit, perfectly crisp tie, $500 haircut. Yo. Jesus Christ, that is so weird. "Alright, so the deal is..." He picks up a crystal glass of water, takes a sip. "You know, you can dig in anytime." You pick up your knife, and cut into a thick steak. "It's the 50's baby, we aren't rationing anymore. Anyway... The deal is that I need you in Havana." The knife scrapes the plate, the sudden pressure from your hand grinding it to a stop halfway through the steak. You open your mouth for the first time since entering the restaurant.
    "What the fuck are you talking about." You say, eyeing him. He smiles at you.   
    "I want you in Havana, man. It's the hottest place in the world. That's what they say. I saw your war coverage. You blew the journalistic world completely fucking open."
    "I'm out, Richard. You fucking know that."
    "Come on, Thomas. Come the hell on. Five thousand in expenses. Five thousand! Twenty five hundred once you're done with it. Just go to Cuba for a few weeks, get us some pictures, write a story, and do what you did last time. You've got another few good stories in you, I know it. You thrive on this, I saw how bored you've been. You think that shit you've been writing is gonna keep you going? Trust me, man, they're only keeping you around because they hope you're gonna go big again. Quit your fucking shitty job, go freelance again, and have some fun. We did great things last time. We can do it again. What do you say?"
   Why did he have to be right. God dammit. You went through hell in the war, but you loved every second of it. And you really did miss taking pictures. You sigh, hard. "Fine."
   "Wonderful, here you go." He tosses an envelope on the table, and it makes a satisfying clunk. You reach for it, and rip it open. Good god that's a lot of cash. "You still got the camera?" You nod. "Great. Your tickets are in there, leaving tomorrow morning. Good luck man." He walks away from the table. You tear into your steak. What the fuck have you signed up for.
    By midnight, you're back at your apartment. It was a risky trip, wine glass clutched in one hand, phone in the other quitting the 'shit job' as Richard put it. Careening down city streets, nearly hitting the crazy fuckers still out at this hour. You screech onto the curb, not particularly giving a shit about parking right now. Your blood is pumping, hard. You can't wait. You run inside, slamming your apartment door open, diving under your bed. A few seconds of rooting around reveals your Halliburton, you pop it open, and survey your camera. The old gal is in good condition, and a quick inspection shows you that it seems to be working. You close the case, and toss it on the bed. Next you grab your suitcases, toss some clothes in, and slam them shut. As a second thought, you grab your .38 snub, and roll it in a couple socks. Just in case. It's added to your suitcase, and you look around again. Nothing piques your interest so you grab both cases, run downstairs slamming your door on the way, and toss everything in the back of your car. Now what? You've got six or seven hours before you need to be at the airport, and while most reputable places aren't open right now, you can always find someone in New York that has what you need. So. What do you do?

Harry Baldman

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2015, 09:16:21 am »

Check our supplies of mind-altering chemicals. If they couldn't kill two carthorses when taken all at once (or at least never let them sleep again), give a call to our lawyer and good friend and ask him to set us up.

Ponder if Richard's going to be dragging his ass along with us. If not, consider grabbing another correspondent with us - somebody we know who's either hot or who we haven't seen tripping balls yet.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 09:20:29 am by Harry Baldman »

Legitimate Edgar

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2015, 05:19:23 pm »

Check our supplies of mind-altering chemicals. If they couldn't kill two carthorses when taken all at once (or at least never let them sleep again), give a call to our lawyer and good friend and ask him to set us up.
    You've got nothing. These aren't the old days, man, these days you barely scrape by as it is. The five grand should get you a nice stash going, so starting out with that would be preferable. You call from your apartment lobby.
    "I don't know who the fuck this is, but it better be good." A bleary voice croaks out over the line. "Hurry the fuck up, I don't have all day."
    "It's Thomas."
    "Oh... Shit.... I'll be out in a minute."
    You hop back into the car, and screech away. Wind whips through your hair as you roll the window down. You have a moment of dizzying terror as you imagine the story ahead. You shake you head at yourself, you'd seen worse in the war. Terror and Disgust. Heh. Story of your life.
Ponder if Richard's going to be dragging his ass along with us. If not, consider grabbing another correspondent with us - somebody we know who's either hot or who we haven't seen tripping balls yet.
    Of course not. He's just the employer, and he's never been much fun. You wrack your brains. Now who could come along?

    Ah. Of course, how could you forget. Not only would your lawyer love to tag along, you know your cousin David just got back into town and is looking for an adventure. They each have their benefits of course, but the thing here is Journalism. Who's going to make the better story? You're not really sure. Better make up you mind before you get to your lawyers place.

    You don't. You screech up just as he stumbles out of the house, bleary eyed but clearly excited. He opens the door, and hops in. He has barely enough time to close the door before you're rocketing down the road.
    "So, man, the deal is we need drugs. And we got a lot of cash to get them with."
    "Good to see you too, Thomas. I need some more specifics, though. What do you want?"
    Another thing to ponder in the few hours remaining, contained in this rattly steel deathtrap speeding at eighty miles an hour closer and closer to the impending doom that always looms over these idiotic Journalistic notions of yours. Such fun.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 05:25:14 pm by Legitimate Edgar »

Harry Baldman

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2015, 05:34:32 pm »

Okay then! War journalism is some pretty heavy work. We're gonna be needing amphetamines. Lots of amphetamines. Hope they still make 'em as good as they did in the war.

Of course, a bunch of other stuff may be needed as well - let our friend surprise us on that one.

Then, if time allows, pick up David, maybe a ladyfriend of ours if we have one. Then we'll have an ensemble. Unless there's a limit on the people we can take, of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journalism
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2015, 05:40:53 pm »

Okay then! War journalism is some pretty heavy work. We're gonna be needing amphetamines. Lots of amphetamines. Hope they still make 'em as good as they did in the war.

Of course, a bunch of other stuff may be needed as well - let our friend surprise us on that one.

Then, if time allows, pick up David, maybe a ladyfriend of ours if we have one. Then we'll have an ensemble. Unless there's a limit on the people we can take, of course.

Clearly more people would help, the people go crazy and support your stuff when somebody dies. +1
All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well

Legitimate Edgar

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2015, 05:44:25 pm »

Okay then! War journalism is some pretty heavy work. We're gonna be needing amphetamines. Lots of amphetamines. Hope they still make 'em as good as they did in the war.

Of course, a bunch of other stuff may be needed as well - let our friend surprise us on that one.
"I got it. Let me out at Fifth, gimme 500 or so. I'll be at the airport an hour early. Meet you there."
You screech to a halt, the door slams, and you speed off into the darkness once again.
Then, if time allows, pick up David, maybe a ladyfriend of ours if we have one. Then we'll have an ensemble. Unless there's a limit on the people we can take, of course.
It takes half an hour to get to David's house. You accidentally take out his mailbox with an enormous crash, and stroll up to his door. Five solid minutes of pounding on it reveal a clearly tired David. You explain the situation, and your Journalistic Endeavors, and he agrees to come along. You smoke while he packs and soon you're both off. A quick mental check reveals no-one else you'd enjoy inviting along. You've run out of connections in this city. It was probably time to move on anyway. Havana, Ho. You still have maybe an hour before you need to be in the plane. Any last minute errands?

Harry Baldman

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2015, 06:09:06 pm »

Well, Carribean's a good place to meet new people anyway!

So then! What else? Hm... is there anyone we owe money to right now? Could pay them back right now, since there's no way we're coming back from this trip with cash to spare.

Anyway, make conversation with David. See how he's been doing.

Legitimate Edgar

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2015, 07:25:22 pm »

Well, Carribean's a good place to meet new people anyway!

So then! What else? Hm... is there anyone we owe money to right now? Could pay them back right now, since there's no way we're coming back from this trip with cash to spare.
You don't owe anyone shit and whoever says you do is a goddamned liar.

Anyway, make conversation with David. See how he's been doing.[/b]
"So, how ya been David?"
"Can't complain for the most part. Broke up with jenny, but that's done."
"Christ man, looks like I got you at a perfect time. We're gonna have a damn adventure."
You discuss the dangers of airplanes for the next few minutes, pulling up into the airport parking lot a half hour before boarding. You pay ten bucks for two months of parking. Just in case. You see your lawyer across the parking lot, he's carrying a heavy looking case. He grins at you.
"I've got everything we need, let's go."
You walk inside, and buy two more tickets to Havana for $200. A few minutes later you're aboard. The plane trip should give you a few hours to scheme and plan out your arrival. Once you're there what the fuck do you wanna start with?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journalism
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2015, 11:01:28 pm »

  • If no one in our group knows Spanish, find a Spanish-English dictionary.
  • Discuss places where we could pontential find a story.
  • Find a map of Havana.
  • Think about if we have any contacts in Cuba.
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Legitimate Edgar

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2015, 10:16:10 pm »

  • Think about if we have any contacts in Cuba.
  • Discuss places where we could pontential find a story.
You don't think anyone you know is currently in Cuba, but god knows with the kinda bastards you run around with there could be. A quick survey of your traveling companions reveals they know shit-all about Havana, so you turn on your fellow passengers. A quick discussion involving threats of physical violence and a small amount of money reveals a couple leads. They might all be dead though, who knows.

First, the man tells you about a recent arrival into Havana. According to him, there's been an influx of people trying to get the fuck out of whatever world they've been living in previously. Find one of them, get a nice long piece about the life of someone running, and that could work.
Secondly, he speaks of a rash of kidnappings occurring in the past week. Mostly Americans with a lot of cash. You shift uneasily, remembering the weight in your right pocket.
Finally, the guy tells you about a journalist, like yourself, that had been shot in the last few days. He was left stripped, everything taken, a few miles into the hills of Cuba. He had only been in the country a few weeks, and rumor had it he had been working on a piece about the rebels. Probably fucked up, and got himself shot. Stupid bastard.

  • If no one in our group knows Spanish, find a Spanish-English dictionary.
  • Find a map of Havana.
David says he knows 'Not much, but enough to get by." You immediately resolve to buy a dictionary as soon as you land. A few hours later, after a refreshing nap, the plane touches down. A quick stop at a shitty stand inside the airport nets you a dictionary and a map. Albeit at a ridiculous price. The sound of music is filtering through the city as you drag your bags to the edge of the road. People are smiling, topless women abound, and there's a drink in almost every hand. A cab pulls up, and the doors open. The cabbie hops out, helping you with your luggage. "Welcome to Havana! Where to?" You grin. It's a hundred degrees, sweat is stinging your eyes, you've got over a pound of cash in your pockets, and the good old madness is boiling up again. God, it's good to be back.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journalism
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2015, 02:12:20 pm »

Say that we would like to go to a hotel.
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Legitimate Edgar

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2015, 10:50:09 pm »

Say that we would like to go to a hotel.
You do, and the man nods. The taxi peels out of the airport, screeching as you are all thrown back in your seats. You smile to yourself, you like this driver. "So, what bring you to Cuba?" The driver asks, splitting his attention between the road and you. He makes a disturbing amount of eye contact for someone doing 60.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journalism
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2015, 11:08:20 pm »

Say something along the lines of: "I'm here to write a story about this place. I'm a journalist, you see."

What kind of camera is a Halliburton?
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Legitimate Edgar

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Re: Journalism
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2015, 11:33:13 pm »

"I'm here to write a story about this place. I'm a journalist, you see."
"Ah, good place for a journalist these days. Best city in the world, Havana, I'm sure you'll find something good"
What kind of camera is a Halliburton?
A Halliburton is a case, the camera is a Graflex Speed, using a roll of 24 shots each. You've got about 15 rolls, so you're good on film.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Journalism
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2015, 10:43:38 am »

"Thanks, I'll try my best."

We pause for a moment.

"You have any opinions on current events?"
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