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Author Topic: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)  (Read 41069 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #150 on: July 04, 2015, 01:22:44 am »

20th Sandstone, 222

The sound of splintering rock echoed through the underground chambers, the random flashes of metallic sparks mixing in with the amber glow from the lantern. Silver Rush was minding his own business, contemplating the lack of iron in the fort as continued his work. I’ve been digging for so many months and there’s still no hematite or pyrite to be seen.

As the bat pony mined away, he started to hear the sound of hard nails clanging against stone. As time went on it only got louder and louder. “Silver! Silver rush! I need you!” The voice was distinctive of a certain griffon who’d been one hell of a two days.

The interrupted pony scanned the area for Fargo, “Huh? What is it?” He sounded quite desperate, further confusing the stallion as to what he could possibly be in such need of.

Fargo kept running towards the sound of the bat pony’s voice. He was rather lost without it. He could see in the dark, but not in pitch black, and it was barely in light in the cave, even with his eyes being as sensitive as they were. “I need help!” He felt uncomfortable in the place, but at least he could run from torch to torch. “I need to hide the thing!”

“The thing? You mean the crown? I thought you said you were going to destroy it?” His eyes kept trying to pierce the darkness, “Where are you, anyway?”

“I have no clue! This is worse place than hell! At least you can see down there!” He says as he tries to head towards the pony’s voice. “And this thing will not break!”

“Stay where you are! I’ll come to you!” Silver grabbed his lantern in his hooves and hovered slowly down the rocky hall. “Just keep talking! It’ll help me figure out where you are!”

“Y-yeah! Alright... um... do you know why they call it a halberd, eh?!?” He says as he tries to think up some sort of joke. “Because eh... hal-bird? eh? ehhhhhh?” He says as loudly as he can.

Silver laughed at the cheesy joke, still homing in on him, “Ha ha, maybe even invented by a bird named Hal?”

“Who knows? Eh... you know the one about the blind swordsman? he was pretty sharp but couldn’t hit a thing.” he says, just holding still and waiting.

That’s a pretty good one. Fargo could tell by now that Silver was getting very close, his chuckling echoing less and sounding more crisp. Probably just around the corner. The glow from the lantern was beginning to turn the blackness into a dark orange.

Fargo stopped talking and runs at the lantern as soon as he sees it. “Hello! finally!” He yells, as he gets to the stallion. “I can see something now!”

“Alright. Good,” the pony stated as he gained sight of the griffon. “Now what’s this about the crown not breaking? What did you try to do to it?”

“Dropped it from a skyscraper, hit it with a sword and tried to burn it.” he says plainly. “Not a scratch.”

The bat pony turned to head back to his work area, walking slowly enough for Fargo to keep the light in his sight, “That’s… unexpected. Did you bring it down here with you?”

“Yes. In fact that’s that I need to talk to you about. I need to hide the thing somewhere where I’ll know where it is.”  He said as he followed the pony.

“Have any spots in mind? It needs to be somewhere that it can’t accidentally be stumbled upon, preferably somewhere that nopony would want to go in the first place.” Silver began considering some options. Sealing it in stone or a safe before hiding it would be a good idea, he figured.

“Why not down here?” He asks, still following the bat pony in the dark space. “If you look for it in here, you might get lost forever, eh?”

Silver chuckled, “Probably not forever, but that’s not a bad idea, actually. I could dig out a small section in one of the lower tunnels, put the crown in and then collapse that section on top of it. For a better guarantee, we could seal off that whole tunnel once we’ve extracted as many minerals from it as we can. Ms. Hookbill could even put a prohibition for anyone entering that area if that would help.”

“I don’t want to bury it. I want it just blocked off in a way I can check up on it.” Fargo doesn’t chuckle and sounds cold. This was a very serious matter. “I don’t know what this thing can do, but if it can’t be burnt and breaks metal, I don’t want to see how it reacts to being buried.”

The end of the newest cavern was now in sight, the light from the lantern revealing the pick that Silver had set down earlier, “That might complicate things a bit then. I could try to carve a small hole into one of the walls for you to put it in, but I would suggest getting a safe or other securing device to put it in first. Some way to camouflage it might be need too, if you’d be concerned about others snooping down here for it. Then we have the future to consider: how long will it stay down here? What becomes of it once we are all dead?”

“I um... next person to run the guard will know about this, but I want very, very few people knowing where that thing actually is. Perhaps not even Isolde.” He says, wondering if he should have said that. “I’m having the guard say we broke the thing and that’s it is gone. As for how we hide it, we could get a suitably sized rock, hollow it out, and hide the crown under it, and then put a door or something to block entrance into that part of the mine.”

Placing the lantern down so that it illuminated the wall face that Silver was currently working on, the stallion lifted the pick in his forehooves, “Hollowing out a rock would require some precision tools. This pick of mine would be much more likely to shatter it. Ms. Dreams is a stoneworker, so she probably has the necessary tools to do something like that. If, of course, you were willing to let her in on your plan.”

“Can’t you just tell her you just tell her you want a something to hide an extra key to your house?” He says, not wanting her to know. “Though eh... I’m not sure how you’d take it if it wasn't in your yard somewhere.”

“Unless, maybe, I implied that I wanted to keep it in the mine for some reason. Or said that I wanted to give it to a friend. Do you think that would work?”

“I guess... whatever works for you.” He says, before taking a seat on the ground a few feet away from silver. “I think that covers it all, eh?”

The pony gave a nod, “I think that’s a good place to start. We can always discuss it more once I’m done with my shift. Speaking of which, do you need me to lead you out of here before I start again or do you want to hang around a while?”

“I guess I could hang around if you don’t mind. I would be nice to just sit and not do much. I’ve kinda been having to deal with a lot these days while still keeping to the night shift.” He makes himself comfortable on the ground. The cave was actually rather nice, seeing how it was a bit cooler than the above.

The bat pony smiled at the prospect of having company, “Good to hear! It’s gonna get pretty noisy, though. If it gets too be too much, just tap me on the shoulder and I’ll escort you out.” With that said, Silver Rush got back to work chipping away at the hardened shell of stone that stood before him.

“Trust me, I’ve been around far worse. I mean, I’ve stuck around whenever Lucky opens her mouth, eh?” He chuckles a little at his own joke.

Pausing every now and then, the pony continued the conversation, “Heh, maybe so.” The mention of Lucky did remind him, “I hope she’s not going to have any permanent aftereffects of that… little incident.”

Fargo let out a long sigh and got a big frown. “If that crown hurt her, I’m going to feel horrible.” He shifted around a little, clearly seeming a little uncomfortable. “I should have stopped her. I could have.”

“What’s done is done. It wasn’t your fault that it happened. It was just an accident.” He went back for a few more swings at the rock.

Fargo sighs and waits until silver is done swinging a few times before speaking again. “That doesn’t change a thing. I’m the one who has to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself or someone else. Calling it an accident is an excuse. When you are dealing with people’s lives you cannot afford to make excuses.”

“You also can’t afford to live your life blaming yourself for things that you no longer have control over,” the bat pony retorted, “Firstly, we don’t know if there are lasting effects in the first place and secondly, there may be a way to get rid of them even if there are. There’s always the possibility that you can still help her if things turn sour. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

“You see, this is why I should be captain, and why I have to do this job.” He says, looking over at the bat pony. “People do this thing where they do not take responsibility for the world around them. Someone kills someone by accident, or they are ordered to do so, and it isn’t their fault, eh? Bad things happen to you and it isn’t your fault even though you could done something, eh?” He gets a big frown and looks down.

“Just use it as a lesson to improve your behavior in the future. You can do that, right?”

“But I’m already doing as good as I can.” He says matter-of-factly. “Other are not though, that is what I need to change.”

“That’s all any of us can do: our best,” the gray pony replied between two swings. “The others… well… you can always talk to Ms. Hookbill about that. Or Ms. Star. Their words do carry a lot of weight.”

“Nothing will change until something bad happens. They think we are fine. I don’t believe so.” He looks around for a moment and then down at the crown. “Lucky treats this like a part time job, the zebra can’t handle responsibility and shooting is a green horn. She almost shot me on day one.”

Silver groaned, “I know you’ve got problems with the way things are set up around here, but I really don’t have any say in it. Like I said before, the most you can do is talk to Ms. Hookbill or Ms. Star.”

Fargo ignores the fact silver is seems a bit annoyed and keeps going, but the griffon doesn’t seem to mad, as if he’s just stating facts. “You see, I do not know either, but I’m going to figure it out.”

A sigh escaped the stallion’s mouth, “At least you’re proactive about fixing things, I can say that much.” A few more sparks flew from the metal tool.

“Aye, aye, this is my life’s work. I better make sure I do a good job at it.” His head was starting to hang down and the big guy was actually pretty comfortable leaning up against the wall of the cave in the dimly lit cool place.

“Good luck with it, whatever you decide to do… but why are you always so concerned about our safety? Other than this crown thing, our lives out here have been pretty peaceful. Even the crown incident has had limited effect.”

Fargo raised an eyebrow at that and hesitated to speak. “I um.... I’ve seen a lot more than you have. I know what is good does not last.” He keeps silent for a moment. “Have ever really lost anything?”

Silver then came to remember the nature of the griffon’s original job. “Lost something? Death, you mean? The death of my grandfather, sure, but it wasn’t anything violent. I’m guessing that you’ve seen more than your fair share of that?”

“You ever do anything horrible?” He asks, ignoring the question, and looking over at the bat pony.

“Horrible? Depends on what counts as ‘horrible’. I mean, I’ve yelled at other ponies and felt bad about it before… “

“You know, eh... before I became a guard I was a soldier?” The sound a bit uncomfortable with this, but he kept talking. “People I knew and trusted were animals. I was told to do some very bad things.”

The pick stopped against the cold granite as Silver Rush glanced over his shoulder, “Bad thing? Fargo, are you… sure this is something you want to tell me about?” The bat pony didn’t want to have knowledge of criminal activities that may have gone unpunished. That would weigh heavily on his conscience.

Fargo let out a long sigh. “I’ve kept this to myself for a long time. I rather not keep it to me even longer.” His claws tap on the stone floor a few times before he speaks again. “And it wasn’t just one thing. It was a lot. Tell me, do you know what a soldier does? What do they tell you they do?”

He had a feeling that he knew where this was going, “They protect their country and those that live there, at least in principle.”

“That is a funny one. They told me the same. Then the king got greedy and declared a pointless war.” He keeps tapping on the stone and shifted around a little. “A soldier really is someone who will murder and die for a king. That is what I was, and what I did.”

A chill raced down the stallion’s back, “Okay, Fargo, I really don’t need to know any more details of that… I don’t… need this information floating around in my head.” He’s told me too much. Too much already!

“Eh, fair enough.” He says coldly, almost as if a bit angry. “Does that explain why I’m paranoid about this place being safe at all, eh?”

“I… suppose so.” Silver couldn’t keep that one sentence from running again and again through his head, ‘That is what I was, and what I did’, ‘That is what I was, and what I did’.

“Don’t think I’m a coward.” He says, almost as if he knew he’d shaken the pony. “I did not ride out the storm, so to speak. I’m proud of it.”

“I don’t… “ The pony was no longer feeling up to making detailed responses. He almost felt nauseated.

“Eh...” Fargo goes silent for a few moments. “Are you okay? what did I say?” He seemed worried now.

The pick fell to the ground, ‘Y-you just told me that you killed somepony! Murdered them! You think I’m ‘okay’ after hearing that?!”

“I was told it wasn’t murder if an officer orders it and you are in uniform.” He said quietly, the big griffon subconsciously leaning his head down and making himself look smaller. “and who that griffon was back then and who I am now two different people.”

Silver’s head thumped against the wall that he had just stopped chiseling away at, “I just… I don’t know what to think right now… about any of this. Really, the fewer details I know, the better.”

“I haven’t told you a thin-... er, eh, V-very well.” He said, still seeming a bit put off by the sudden outburst by one pony he expected to keep a level head. “I do not get why you are mad, I’m one who has to live with it...”

“I just didn’t expect to hear this kind of thing from you. You’ve always been such a model citizen since you showed up… “ The black-maned pony closed his eyes, “But then again, that’s exactly why I trust you when you say that you’ve changed your life for the better since then… that you truly regret your actions. Nopony... not Ms. Star, not Ms. Hookbill, or any of their potential future replacements... could ever make you murder again… “ He glanced out the corner of his eye, “That is true, isn’t it?”

The griffon stands up and raises his head. “I would.” He stops for a moment, trying to think of to follow up his words. “But only if I had to, and it stops someone innocent from the same fate. I can kill, it’s why I have to do this job. The difference between then and now, is that I was a pawn then but now, now I am a free griffon. I only follow orders I know are right.” He stops again for a moment. “I’d rather die, and be a dog.”

There was a pause before Silver responded, “Alright then. Fair enough,” He lifted the metal tool back up off of the floor of the mine and continued with his work.

“Sorry for talking about.” He takes his seat again on the cold rocky ground and gets comfy like he’d been before. “I thought I could talk about some things that have been picking at me for a while. Guess I was dumb and jumped at it.”

“Well, that is really some burden to carry around. I can understand that much. Just, I can’t imagine you having ever been like that-”

“I wasn’t, I was forced.” He says quickly, with spite in his tone. “Eh, sorry. I shouldn’t cut you off.”

After getting a couple of more swings in, he amended his statement, “Okay... you were forced. I can’t pretend to know what kind of pressure you must have been under with a king breathing down your neck.”

“It wasn’t a king, it was an officer of the army.” He sighs, and looks down over into the dark. He was tired. He puffed up his chest feathers and shifted his wings around, getting a bit more comfortable, “It doesn't matter though.”

“Can we… move the topic to something less morbid?” the rib-winged horse requested.

Fargo shrugs, still looking into the dark. “Eh, what made you want to mine? is that a good topic?”

That was indeed a better line of discussion, “Hmm, that is a good question. I think it all started with my colthood fascination with rocks and minerals. One of my hobbies was digging around in the dirt looking for any kind of interesting stones I could find. My dad was actually a coal miner before he met my mom, and I was definitely influenced by the stories he had to tell about the experience. I think it all came to a head when I got my cutie mark. Ever since then, I wanted to be a part of the whole process, taking part in the thrill of discovery. That’s one of the biggest draws of the job for me, not knowing what you’re going to find.”

“Eh... You’ve been into the same thing since you were a foal?” He asks, tilting his head a little, before resting his head down on his chest fluff. “Heh, this is the funny thing about ponies.” He grins a little. “You do the same thing on day one that you do when you’re seventy...”

The bronze-eyed equine shrugged, “It’s always seemed normal to me. I think it simplifies things: nopony needs to wonder what direction their life needs to take once they get their mark. It does lack some flexibility, I admit, but few ponies I’ve known were dissatisfied with their primary talent.”

“You see,” He looks over at him. “For all the good your kind has, and the things I respect.” He pauses for a moment, looks away. “You all take simplicity, and ease over freedom and improvement. Those marks make you slaves.” He was talking slowly and softly now.

The pick came to a halt, “Ease? Slaves?” The pony gave the griffon a sideways look, “Knowing what you want to do in life has nothing to do with how easy your job is. I work hard to get this ore out of the ground… and if we’re the slaves, then why were you the one who took a life against your will?”

Fargo looks back at him and makes a tiny growl. “I was a slave, and you will spend every day digging, won’t you? Lucky will soldier until she can’t walk, and wood chopper will hack wood until his back goes out. None of you, will ever be something greater than you are now.”

Silver turned around, feeling offended but not wanting to lose his composure, “That’s absolutely untrue. You assume that we can only ever do one thing with our lives? No. We do what we do because we enjoy it, not because we are forced to. It’s what we have a natural affinity for, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t learn to do other things as well. The job market doesn’t always allow ponies to follow their marks, so some have to learn to do other things. Ponies have talents other than their main talent and can seek employment in those areas if they so choose to. Part of me has also wanted to be a singer, and if my experience here has taught me anything, I could probably purse that line of work if I could no longer mine.”

“But you’ll never be as good as a pony’s talent is singing, and even if you are, they will get better. What happens when you try to get a job, and a pony who’s mark is singing shows up, eh?” He says, raising an eyebrow. “Eh, screw it. I’m sounding worse than Lucky.” He closes his eyes and shifts around. “I’m going to take a cat nap.”

“It’s the exact same way for all species, not just ponies. Aren’t some griffons naturally more gifted than others in certain areas? The only difference is that we have our talents advertised on our flanks… “ the gray horse snorted, “Fine… whatever… sleep if you want.”

“No. We aren’t.” He growled again and opens his eyes up, before closing them again when silver speaks. “Stop getting mad at me, I’m even being a jerk.”

Silver was skeptical of Fargo’s claim, but he was getting too distracted from his work. He was going to fall behind schedule at this rate, so the bat pony decided to let the griffon have the last word as he concentrated on getting his quota met.

Fargo nuzzles his muzzle into his chest fluff and gets nice and comfy, not paying the conversation and all the anger much mind. He quickly falls asleep, the constant loud tapping of metal against stone doesn’t seem to stop the griffon from sleeping.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
  • thats not a red mage...
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #151 on: July 04, 2015, 01:25:22 am »

+ ghostie thingy
20th Sandstone, 222[/b]

The crown which Fargo had created relatively recently had caused quite a stir among some parts of the populace in Shadytrails, leaving both its head of government and guard occupied in attempting to get rid of it… Except for a certain unicorn. Said unicorn had decided to not heed to warnings of Fargo and Silver Rush, instead thinking of such warnings as nothing more than superstition.

Lucky, as a result of her rather.... Idiotic actions and concern from the guard, was put under extreme supervision. She hadn’t been given much freedom of movement and as such, spent most of her time either silently loathing every minute of it or trying to catch up on sleep… Seeing as she couldn’t access her stash due to concerns over using broken bottles as weaponry, she’d resorted to sleeping the old fashioned way. Waiting until night!

The unicorn rapidly fell asleep before any of the other more rowdy ponies came in from a day of hard work, a blessing in her drought. While most of her rest was dreamless, one particular… Dream was rather vivid to her. She was in a snowy tundra, however the environment had little resemblance to Shadytrails. The area didn’t have much visibility, a rather heavy blizzard obscuring the land.

As the blizzard blew, it would only get more and more powerful until she could barely see five feet in front of her, and the rest was pure white. The cold was bitter, and the snow was up to the mare’s knees. It wasn’t going to die any time soon, and it seemed as if it the sun was setting as well...

The pony swore to herself, feeling herself become colder and colder, the snow piling on higher and higher, yet she began to move in a direction. She did not care whether or not she made it. She just cared about not dying in the blizzard. If the blizzard would end her, she’d be yet another tally.

“You ever think... for a moment, that..... you are all alone?” The voice sounded like a whisper carried on the blowing wind as it ran by her. As she walked, she’d find the snow just keeps getting higher and higher.

She shook her head almost instinctively, the words being brushed off as meaningless to her. Even as her movements became extremely troubled, she continued on. Even as it became almost impossible for her to move… SHe continued. Her goal quickly shifted from dying in a dignified way to actually surviving, but… Her plans were cut short.

“I hope you know you’re done for, and that you’ve got nobody. You’re going to die here and nobody will ever care.” The voice was a lot louder now, but not deafeningly so.

The unicorn let out a grunt as she attempted to move. “N-No…” She slowly says. “I… I have ponies… The camp… N-Not far…”

“No, no you don’t.” The snow was up to her head now. “You’re going to drown in snow, and that’s that, and nobody is going to care one bit.”

Lucky lay silently, almost giving up in attempts to struggle or talk. Her eyes slowly shutting.

“Would you prefer a sea of sand?” The snow is gone in a flash, and instead of the blinding white, all lucky can see is an endless expanse of pure dusty yellow brown. It’s burning hot, the sun is out and there is no shade anywhere. There is a boney hoof with patchy fur popping out of the sand a few feet to her left.

The unicorn jumps at the sudden change in scenery, immediately looking around in worry. “What the hell?” She mutters as she looks. “No… I… I don’t know.”

The hoof starts to move under in the sand, and she can hear muffled yelps for help.

Lucky stares at the hoof for a few seconds before slowly moving over towards it. “What is going on…?”

“Not even gonna help?” She feels as if she’s sinking into the sand, and the heat keeps growing and growing as if it’s sapping away her energy. She sinks into the sand, he hoof slowly raises out of the sand. 

Lucky begins to struggle as she sinks, hoping to break free of whatever was causing this, however her energy and ability to even struggle were rapidly fading, her panic rising as each movement became harder and harder to make.

Soon, the full form of what was waiting under the sand is above the surface. the tall broken stallion was standing on two legs, wearing a round white helmet with arrows sticking out of the visor and a suit of greyish white raggedy chain mail and a long tattered white cape. His legs looked bent in such a way that it would impossible for him to stand. He had a broken sword and lance on his back, made of the same metal as his armor. He had a few other arrow’s poking out of his armor, and the one of the ones in his visor was right where his eye should be, but where his other eye should be there was just a yellow glowing circle. “Raja baby...” he was staring right at lucky’s eyes as she sank down.

Lucky stares at the stallion, unable to find words to describe what she was seeing to herself, her only thought being that she had angered the Goddesses. This was her doom.

She keeps sinking in the sand, until it covers her eyes. The moment she sinks below the surface, Everything just turns into a bright expanse of white. The same creature from before is standing in front of her, not moving or acting, just staring at her. “Do you know, what this feels like... I’ve been here for so long.”

Lucky stares at the creature. “What… What are you?” She asks, as if she didn’t hear the question, if it even was a question to begin with.

“I’m not going away.” He said, looking back at her. “And I said, and I quote ‘Do you know, what this feels like?’ I’m not sure if you heard.” He was getting mad.

“I...I don’t know… What are your r-referring to…?” She asks, realizing the creature’s anger.

“Look at me. I can feel all of this.”

Lucky, despite all instincts telling her to not do this, she hesitantly looks at the creature.

“Yeah...” He holds a hoof out and some fur puffs off, the skin that wasn’t covered in patchy fur was tinted green. She could see the arrows, the broken wings and legs. “This.. I feel all, of this.”

“W-Why… Why are you showing me… This?” The unicorn asks as she simply stares at the images of suffering.

“Because, I’ve not had someone to talk too in years, and you’re bird brained friend isn’t one for conversation.”

“What…?” Lucky asks, momentarily breaking her away from the images presented to her. “Talk… I… I don’t follow… What are you…?”

“The thing, in the crown.” He says plainly, his rage starting to build. “and you. didn’t. keep. it. on.” he hesitantly starts reaching for his back.

“But… If you’re in the crown… Why are you here…?” Lucky asks before noticing the creature’s movements. “What are you doing?” She backs up slightly, even if -to her knowledge- they were in some empty void, where there’d be nowhere to run if she was in trouble.

“You put me on your head. I’m here for the night, until you wake up.” He keeps moving for his hoof toward the broken spear. “I need a way out of here. When I’m not in someone’s head, this is where I live” He holds his free hoof out, trying to bring attention to the white void.

“Ah…” Lucky looks around, if only to show she was listening and to not get speared. “What exactly are you implying I should do…?”

The pony let go of his spear and returned his hoof to his side, and made a loud sigh. “I don’t know. I’m not your mother.” He looked off. “What would you do?” he says before suddenly disappearing. Lucky would be transported back the icey place from before, up her knees in snow.

Lucky jumps slightly at the sudden change of surroundings. She attempts to pull herself out of the snow as she looks around for the figure. Finding no sight of said pony, she looks up towards the sky. “I don’t know… Tell me! Just… Stop being… Stop being vague!” She shouts towards the heavens.

Despite her shouting, there never seemed to be a response. The blizzard continued on before once more covering her in snow. As he head disappeared under the snow, the unicorn suddenly jolted to reality, eyes darting around as she tried to figure out where she once and if she was even still dreaming. After a few minutes of panicked examination of the room, she relaxed somewhat. “Goddesses help me…” She whispers to herself as she lays her head down on her bed once more, not trying to fall back asleep, if only because she was afraid of being tormented again.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #152 on: July 05, 2015, 10:59:18 am »

Patina Dreams' Journal -9th Timber, 222

I'm happy to say that Crystal Clear  is going to start making glass windows for us here in Shadytrails. Apparently the decision to start making them now, is based on the hospital construction being on the way. I can understand that. Don't want to coop sick ponies up in the dark. Fortunately, they will be easy to install in the existing houses too! Glad I thought ahead and had window sills and such put in at construction, and just covered them over to keep the wind out for the time being. Just need to remove a few planks, and put the glass in. Easy as pie.

Patina Dreams' Journal -4th Opal, 222

We ran out of stone blocks while working on the guard house. I was terrified that I'd made a mistake, and underestimated how many we needed. But thankfully the mistake wasn't mine. My numbers were right, the order just wasn't filled... I suppose that is still partly my fault, as I am one of the primary ponies carving the blocks out, but... well I thought the others would pick up the slack while I was busy with overseeing the construction. At least nopony will be sitting around, we can go back to putting up walls for the houses while we chisel out some more blocks.

Patina Dreams' Journal -26th Opal, 222

I hate the rain, and I hate the sleet, but most of all I hate the snow.

Why do ponies live in frozen hell places like this?

Patina Dreams' Journal -24th Obsidian, 222

I had a talk with Mistress Isolde. She wasn't happy with the design of the guard house... I was just trying to save stone, but she says the main room is too small, and that there is no room to expand and

[the sentence is unfinished, and the rest of the page left blank]

Patina Dreams' Journal - 30th Obsidian, 222

I'm getting really scared of Jack. He's just been drawing bones for five days now. Over everything he can get a hold of, and he won't leave the craft space. What if he tries to hurt somepony. I am not going to go near there until he's gone.

Patina Dreams' Journal - 8th Granite, 223

The griffons killed the yak... Mistress Isolde wanted to try giving his bones to Jack. They just killed him and chopped him up. And... and then Jack took the bones! He's carving them up right now! I think everyponyone in this town has gone crazy! I wish I was home.

Patina Dreams' Journal - 12th Granite, 223 

Jack made a puzzle-box. He sat in the workspace for a nearly a month, had us murder an innocent animal, and he made a puzzle-box. He says he doesn't even remember anything about it! What is WRONG with people out here. Gods, I hope whatever it is that makes them like this doesn't happen to me.

15th Granite 223
[There is no entry for this date, but in the evening after her work is completed, any pony walking past her house, may hear her sobbing.]


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #153 on: July 06, 2015, 06:53:34 pm »

Spoiler: Lucky being Lucky (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 12:09:40 am by Iceblaster »


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #154 on: July 07, 2015, 09:19:42 pm »

((I am claiming the female unicorn called Terracotta, who will be arriving in a short time.))

Terracotta's Diary.

No one is allowed to read this. EVEN YOU, TERRACOTTA'S BRAIN. I SAW YOU.

11th of Slate

My horn says we're almost there. So did the caravan leader, but then he looked at me funny.

I think he has almonds, but my brain told me he didn't. SHUT UP, BRAIN!

My horn says he doesn't like us levitating, so I levitated upside down. Just to be sure. My griffons will be dealing with him soon enough. Yes. Yesssss.


« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 07:19:16 pm by Dsarker »
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #155 on: July 08, 2015, 08:10:36 am »

It has been a ride, but I have some... neutral?... yeah, neutral news.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It wasn't intended for you to go insane both in character and out of character.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #156 on: July 09, 2015, 11:13:12 pm »

Yeah, there's been a bit of murmuring about that, and I kind of agree.  It's too late to really go back and fix the old posts, but I wouldn't be against new RP scenes being written inside of spoilers.

Anyway, very late update for you all!

Isolde's Journal - 21st Granite, 223

It might have been a few days late, but Gunther surprised me today by organizing a little celebration this morning to commemorate both the new year and the day we set up here in Shadytrails.  We actually stopped here on the 16th by my records, but it's close enough that I won't say anything.

When the little festivities were over, he and I went back to the old shelter for a little while so that we could bid it farewell.  Now that we've got enough housing for everyone, if you include the tavern and hospital rooms, we'll probably begin tearing it down very soon.  Good riddance.  It served us well over the past year, but I've heard enough people griping over it that I know they'll be happy to see it go and its material be put to better use.

Speaking of which, I tried talking with Patina yesterday about possibly starting on an office and house for me soon, but she seems very distracted and unhappy.  I'm not entirely sure what's bothering her, since I think she feels like she has to distance herself from me for some reason, but I hope it passes soon.  If not, I might have to start asking around town to see if anyone else knows and if they know how to help.

Maybe she's just homesick?  I wish there was something I could do about that.

12th Slate, 223

Well, I guess it's a good thing we haven't torn down the shelter yet, because we had some new arrivals this evening.

An earth pony stallion miner named Grand Cavern and his wife,
A pegasus mare jeweler named Luster Dust,
A griffon hunter named Gregory,
A unicorn mare chef named Vanilla Extract and her husband,
A pegasus stallion mechanic named Iron Lever, and their foals,
A unicorn colt named Fizzy Elixir and
An earth pony filly named Flower Petals,
An earth pony mare blacksmith named Sterling Silver and her husband,
A griffon crossbowman named Giovanni,
A unicorn mare mason named Terracotta,
And a unicorn mare woodcutter named White Spruce

And to think that we were just getting a grasp on the housing and food requirements for everyone!  The new help will at least mean we can probably get caught up fairly quickly.  Another mason is always welcome, and we've needed another cook for a while now.  The rest might take some time to place into work, but we'll find something for all of them shortly.

I feel bad because I've devoted a frankly unreasonable amount of time and resources toward building my new office and house, and that would have been much better spent preparing for just this.  I really hope that the new settlers slow down some soon, else we may collapse under our own weight.

At least my home should be done fairly soon... the carpenters have gotten so much better at this that they put it all together in about a month.  There isn't much left to do...

It's a little larger than I expected, but at least it'll keep her happy well into her baroness days, if we make it that far.

18th Slate, 223

Some of the new windows were finished today, and I was happy to see them put into place on Patina and Rosewood's houses.  They've definitely earned some of the first real luxuries in the town, and I hope it helps Patina cheer up a little.  I regrettably still haven't really had the time to talk with her in depth.

I'm also glad to see that my own accomodations are finally coming along.  Although my house isn't done yet, my new office is, and it's going to be so, so much better collating things there rather than in the shelter.  It's good timing too, since the new arrivals are taking up all of the space we can give them.

As soon as hooves and claws are free I'm going to have people start back on the tavern.  If nothing else it will be a much nicer place to sleep than the old shelter if we can get some rooms set up.

6th Felsite, 223

Well, today was some pleasant news!  When I got up this morning I noticed there was quite a commotion near the hospital, and when I went over to investigate I found out that Sweet Birch gave birth in the middle of the night to a unicorn colt she named Smokey Quartz.  Our first newborn in town.

Gunther said that she and the baby were doing fine, so that's wonderful.  I'm also glad that Gunther has finally had a chance to really put his skills to some use, and not because someone was hurt.  I'm also glad that the hospital was ready enough for him to have somewhere to work with her.

In unrelated news, the rest of the order of glass windows was finished this morning and Crystal Clear and Rosewood have been working to install them in all of the constructed homes as we speak.  Already everything is looking so much nicer!

And not just because I finally have my own roof to sleep under!  I've put it off for over a year now, but I have to say that I don't regret finally taking a little for myself.  It does give me even more perspective on why we should hurry to build more houses, of course.

Technically only this upper floor is her house, which is about 33% larger than the other homes.  It also has a little porch on the front that the others don't have.  She's such a hog with the town's resources.

16th Felsite, 223

It's a little embarrassing to admit, but we haven't had a proper well in town for a full year.  Today, I'm taking the first steps toward remedying that.  I spoke with Silver Rush and Grand Cavern about it, and they're going to start digging it out in the middle of the residential area, where I originally marked space for one so long ago.  There will be a maintenance tunnel underground that will lead back to the river for a source of water.

Not having to walk or fly all the way down to the river will be very welcome.  I just hope it doesn't freeze over during the winter.  The two seemed to be unsure if it would be insulated enough or not.  Either way, we're going forward with it.

The next thing I'm tackling is some better organization and infrastructure for the kitchen and farms.  We dug out a cellar to store supplies in a long time ago, but never built any tools to mill or process any of it.  We've been brewing a lot of those plants so far, but it would be nice to have a more steady supply of fine flour for bread.

3rd Hematite, 223

The well is done!

It's not enormous or overly ornate, but it's made of nice marble and looks sharp up close.  Best of all, it means no more trips to the river unless I'm looking to fish.  Silver Rush and Grand Cavern didn't have any trouble at all digging out the duct to the river, and Patina and the masons put the well itself together quickly.  Silver says that he's probably going to tap the duct to fill the little bath area soon, which is a welcome idea as far as I'm concerned.

We've also got a few rooms finished in the tavern, and more will be completed very soon.  Then we can finally tear that old eyesore down and this can start to look like a real town.

10th Hematite, 223

Another pony has fallen victim to the strange possessions, and this time it's Sweet Birch!  She's barely given birth and recovered enough to go back to work, and now this happens to her?

She's currently holed up in a carpentry shop, asking for wood, stone and... leather.  We don't have any leather, so I don't know just what to do about it.  We have the water buffalo... but there were enough cross looks over the yak that I don't want to think about that just yet.

We've been expecting traders any time now.  Maybe some will show up soon and we can keep Sweet Birch satisfied until they get here...

I... will have to think on this.

24th Hematite, 223

Two weeks have passed and there's no sign of any traders, nor any improvement in Sweet Birch.  I'm growing intensely anxious over this, but just don't know what to do.  I'm going to ask Shooting Star if maybe she can organize the guard to find a wild animal to slaughter for its meat and skin.  That would probably be more acceptable to everyone, wouldn't it?

In the mean time, I've been trying to keep my mind off of it by finally ordering the shelter to be dismantled.  We have more than enough space in the tavern now for the newcomers to sleep, so there's no reason to have it around anymore.  Its wood can be put to much better use, so down it comes.

28th Hematite, 223

There is news today, though I'm not sure how good I'd call it all.

First off, the guards were able to track down and slay some coyotes.  With any luck Gunther will be able to skin them and we can get some leather to Sweet Birch soon.

Gleaming Shield smash coyote!

Shooting Star shoot coyote!

The somewhat more... distressing... news, is that when Gleaming Shield got back to town with the coyote he slew, he discovered that his wife Crystal Clear had gone into labor.  That was fine, until Gunther emerged to tell everyone that the baby was not a pony.

This is caused by the stupid trickery you have to go through in the current version of DF to have multiple species in a single fort.  Normally I'd have just poofed the baby into a pony, but by popular request, he's a hippogriff.  Ignore the mention of being a griffawn on the character sheet – I just didn't / couldn't accurately add a hippogriff to the game at this point.

There was a lot of yelling and Gleaming Shield stormed off to gods know where.  I feel terrible for him and the baby, but I just don't know what, if anything I can or should do right now.  I imagine they'll be getting a divorce soon and I'm the only one around who can officiate something like that.

This... is not going to be a pleasant week.  I've asked Shooting Star to have the guards keep an eye on all three of them for now.  I don't want any crimes of passion happening.  Gods forbid...

2nd Malachite, 223

So far I haven't heard anything out of the marital conundrum, which I should probably be thankful for.

More to the present, however, I'm thankful that Sweet Birch snapped out of her trance today after she finished a very peculiar hatch cover.

If nothing else the guard should be proud that they were able to get her what she needed.  For the last few days she's barely been eating or drinking anything, so I have no doubt that she wouldn't have lasted much longer.

Since we actually needed a cover for the well's maintenance hatch, with her permission we'll be installing it there.  There really isn't much use for it anywhere else and it'll help keep the kids out of the tunnel and away from the water.

15th Malachite, 223

If you can believe it, even more travelers arrived today with the intention of living in Shadytrails.  As if we weren't strapped badly enough for resources and space!

Since they're going to be spending a lot of time in the tavern for a while to come, I took them there first thing to get them some food and show thme around.  There were quite a few new faces:

An earth pony stallion dyer named Artistic Eye and his wife,
A unicorn mare cook named Cookie Crumbles,
A zebra stallion blacksmith named Zeburi and his wife,
A zebra mare potter named Nia and their son,
A zebra colt named Kivuli,
An earth pony stallion guard named Forward March,
A zebra stallion bowyer named Harbuu and his wife,
A pegasus mare smelter named Fire Scale, and their son,
A zony pegasus colt named Gentle Breeze,
An earth pony stallion bee keeper named Honey Pot and his wife,
A zebra mare spinner named Bahati,
And an earth pony farmer named Whole Wheat

As before, a number of them have quite useful skills.  The others... less so.  We'll find work for them all in the meantime.  There's always more work to be done putting up buildings than we have hooves and claws to do it, so they'll probably be hauling lumber or stone around for a while yet.

9th Galena, 223

The coyotes have been getting really bad lately.  I've heard multiple complaints from the farmers over the past week that they've been getting closer and closer to town, and people are starting to get nervous.

As a response, I asked Shooting Star to step up patrols in the area, but it wasn't soon enough it seems.

Gunther was rummaging through the area in search of herbs, like he does on many days, when one of the coyotes jumped him!  He got bitten a few times and fled for town, but it was only after he'd made it past the fields that any of the guards were able to come and help.

Gleaming Shield was the first to arrive, and crushed the coyote just like he did the last one.  I hope he doesn't have lingering anger problems over what happened...

Regardless, Gunther made it back safely and the coyotes were dispersed, for now.  I've been checking up on the doctor all day, but he promises me that he's fine.  He had to give himself a few stitches, but it wasn't that bad, thankfully.

We may need more guards than I realized.  I hope this doesn't get even worse.

18th Galena, 223

The coyotes haven't been a problem lately, but instead we've been positively invaded by langurs.  Thieving little langurs!

They've been harrassing ponies to the northwest for a day now, and despite the fact that we've killed a number of them they don't seem to want to leave!  I even saw one running out of the mines with something in its paws, which I'm hoping wasn't valuable jewels.

Uh oh.  At least Fargo isn't mad in game.

Silver Rush came flying after it, but he got distracted by another that ambushed him.  After a while Giovanni and Gleaming Shield showed up to put an end to it, so nobody got hurt.

Silver Rush likes furnaces it seems.

Yes, we're definitely going to have to increase the size of the guard, and maybe start thinking about passive defenses like a ditch or a wall.  Langurs can climb very well though, so I don't know how much good that will do us.  I'll have to discuss it with Patina and Shooting Star...

...after I've verified that they didn't make off with anything valuable.

At least the monkeys won't go to waste.  Gunther seems to have the right idea.

23rd Galena, 223

I was just overseeing the final teardown of the shelter when yet more langurs can romping through town, this time with Jack's freaky puzzle box in hand!

The monkey got away with it, but at least some of his friends didn't get very far.  The guard descended upon them, but perhaps most horrifying was Gunther's rather grisly slaughter of one of the creatures.

We really do need more protection.  Absolutely no doubts about it now...
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:28:16 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #157 on: July 10, 2015, 12:57:37 am »

Dear Diary,

I've been followed. I told the mare to get away from all civilisation, but her requirement for chocolate was more important. I shall have to set up traps for this Forward March. The rest of the town here thinks he is normal, but he was looking at me strangely. I know he knows!

Now, I think three griffon assassins will take care of him soon enough. Ahah. Ahah. Ahah.

Terracotta's Horn. What, you think I can't have my own diary? I CAN SEE YOU READING THIS. I KNOW YOUR NAMES. YOU WILL ALL BE PUNISHED!

Dear Diary again.

The brain tried to get us to stroke White Spruce's coat. It's addicted. We've got to shut it down before it reveals us all. It's too noisy, and I can tell the mortals are hearing us, even when we're being quiet. I can see it on their faces. They try to hide it, but they know we're here.

I think they can hear the chocolate screaming, too.

We have to act now, Terracotta, or they'll take us all. Don't let them take us! We can't be separated! DON'T DO IT. THE HEAD WORMS ARE CONTROLLING THEM. WE'RE THEIR ONLY HOPE!

Please, Terracotta, we have to help them.

Terracotta's Horn. You just watch out for the walls at the southern end of Isolde's house, ahahahaha!

On the outside of the wall at the southern end of Isolde's house are written the words, "I prepared Explosive Runes this morning.", as well as several oddly shaped objects with various numbers carved into different sides.

Dear Diary.

You're with me, aren't you, Diary? Okay. I've got a secret. I saw Giovanni watching us the other day. I think he might be really on to us. I think he also wants to help us. But he doesn't know how to. We need to show him  how evil Forward March is. If he doesn't know, then he'll just think we're crazy.

Wait. One second, diary. The brain just got Terracotta to say something. Parsing for information. "We're crazy." Nohw... Nohw... Die, Brain, die!

I will have my REVENGEEEEEE!

Terracotta's Horn

Terracotta's Diary - 21st Slate, 223.

So I have reached the place which me and my horn agreed would be the safest compromise. Nopony knows we're here yet. Not even the other ponies with us! Our sneaking rolled very well. They probably think we jumped off part way.

There's a faint chocolatey-looking stain here.
My brain was telling me I should go introduce myself to the other ponies. But it's obviously planning something. So we've taken the only possible precaution - we're not talking to anyone. They might be working with the almonds. I know they're watching us. They suspect we're here.

Luckily, it stopped doing that. Instead, my brain told me I should paint the place red. Luckily I brought my pots of red paint. They can make my griffons bloodthirsty and make the place look really great, too. So I started with painting the windows. They shall all be red. Yisss.

My horn's been watching the other ponies. And the griffons. Especially those strange ponies with stripes. My brain says they're zebras, but I know they're in a street gang. Those are their gang colours. Yiss. What are they fighting for, I wonder? Does that make us a settlement? I wonder if we'll be involved in a gang fight. My griffons will help out if we areeeeee.

Update. I've finished painting all the windows red. I'm just making more red paint now. It will help me to strengthen my magic. Time fooooor paaaaainting!

6th Felsite 223

I can sense the unborn is no moreeeee. Giovanni has been looking where I am, even though he clearly cannot seeee meee. Unless... Unless he has increased awareness. Maybe he's working for them!?! We have to stay out of site. I can paint the other houses with magic.

Also, they've been trying to get rid of the paint for some reason. I don't think they know it's me yet though. This is so funny!

4th Hematite 223

My brain told me I should colour all the well water red, in honour of the new month. So I've been working on a ritual to do so. Unfortunately I can't just put all my red paint in, it won't be enough...

Oooh. I should make non-water-soluble paints. That's what my horn said, at least. Yiiiiiiiss.

7th Hematite 223

Well's red now.

I've started stealing some of their building supplies (they don't need them anyhow) and begun making more of my forces to deploy. They will feeeeearr my griffins.

15th Malachite 223

My horn told me to stay away from Forward March today, and he's looking at me closely. I had to use an invisibility spell, but although I definitely rolled better than my sneak checks, I think he can see invisibility. Must. Hide. RUN.

Terracotta's Brain Storage Deposity 344.

We must get rid of the horn. She's trying to kill us all. She's set up a trap for Forward March, and although he's a guardspony, and an earthpony to boot, I fear for him. And so, for us. We have to leave, Terracotta.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #158 on: July 10, 2015, 11:41:28 pm »

15th Granite, 223

As some have suggested, I'm going to put this scene in a spoiler to reduce the apparent "words per page." If this format is unpopular, may edit it back to normal. Just a test.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:10:42 am by KingStrongbeard »

Personal Gamer

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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #159 on: July 15, 2015, 12:22:03 pm »

15th Granite, 223

As some have suggested, I'm going to put this scene in a spoiler to reduce the apparent "words per page." If this format is unpopular, may edit it back to normal. Just a test.

If you decide to do spoiler scenes (though I wonder what purpose someone would come here with, if they weren't going to read the scenes or do something related to them Edit: Scenes would have the intended meaning of RP Scenes, Journals, and other content in the thread), be sure to increase the font size since anything spoilered gets displayed with a smaller font. Though, if you do, please make my life easier and keep them next to each-other (the spoiler and size tags), so I can remove them for fimfiction.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 07:51:44 pm by Personal Gamer »
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #160 on: July 15, 2015, 02:12:26 pm »

(though I wonder what purpose someone would come here with, if they weren't going to read the scenes or do something related to them)

What about the journals? Or updates on what's going on in DF? Those are both not only pretty important, but the bread-and-butter of almost any other community fort on Bay12. Really I have to say, PG, I think that attitude totally exemplifies what people have said about the thread being "imposing" and time-consuming. The multiple pages of text right from the start is abnormal for this kind of game, and while it's definitely not bad that people write so much, it is a lot to expect people to read relatively speaking, when the scenes are so constant.

Of course, I don't think all is lost, but moving forward, it should be a learning experience if people would like it to be a community fort and not just an insular RP for a select few people. Putting the scenes in spoilers is a great, simple idea, that means people can continue the RP that we all love, and the people who don't care about it (which I'm arguing is a totally valid viewpoint) don't have to see it.

I actually think we should go further with it. It wouldn't take very long for us to go back and put previous scenes in spoilers as well, possibly with small descriptions of what happened. It would be some work, but I really do think it would make reading, and hopefully participating in Shadytrails, much easier for people.
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #161 on: July 15, 2015, 03:31:31 pm »

(though I wonder what purpose someone would come here with, if they weren't going to read the scenes or do something related to them)

What about the journals? Or updates on what's going on in DF? Those are both not only pretty important, but the bread-and-butter of almost any other community fort on Bay12. Really I have to say, PG, I think that attitude totally exemplifies what people have said about the thread being "imposing" and time-consuming. The multiple pages of text right from the start is abnormal for this kind of game, and while it's definitely not bad that people write so much, it is a lot to expect people to read relatively speaking, when the scenes are so constant.

Of course, I don't think all is lost, but moving forward, it should be a learning experience if people would like it to be a community fort and not just an insular RP for a select few people. Putting the scenes in spoilers is a great, simple idea, that means people can continue the RP that we all love, and the people who don't care about it (which I'm arguing is a totally valid viewpoint) don't have to see it.

I actually think we should go further with it. It wouldn't take very long for us to go back and put previous scenes in spoilers as well, possibly with small descriptions of what happened. It would be some work, but I really do think it would make reading, and hopefully participating in Shadytrails, much easier for people.
Fair enough. I sometimes forget that not everyone is here for everything, since I tend to like lots of content. If that's the case, a list of all of the Isolde posts would probably help.

I have all of them on fimfiction, linked to their bay12 postings, excepting two snippets that weren't in order (the resignation and first performance). So I can easily assemble a list.

SpanOn Bay12    On Fimfiction
16th Granite 222 to 8th Slate 222Bay12Fimfiction
13th Slate 222 through 1st Hematite, 222Bay12Fimfiction
3rd Hematite 222 to 10th Galena 222*Bay12Fimfiction
14th Galena, 222 to 1st Timber, 222*Bay12N/A**
9th Timber, 222 to 12th Granite, 223Bay12N/A**
21st Granite, 223 to 23rd Galena, 223Bay12N/A**
*These two were the ones where the entries were moved for better continuity.
**Fimfiction will be caught up very soon, 1-2 weeks, and will be kept roughly one update-interval behind for organizational reasons. Until then these three need to be gotten at using the password of "shadytrails". It doesn't let me not have a password. I could, however, in the future, have an unpublished (accessible by link) story consisting of just these that can be linked and navigated without a password. That would be a project for another day, though.

Additionally, we could (once I get it up to date) direct people the the fimfiction publication for the reading since it's designed for easier reading, in addition to being organized.

Edit: I wouldn't object if the list were to be used, of course.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:48:17 pm by Personal Gamer »
It's not roleplaying if you do it as yourself.
Engineers have an instinctive need to prove their ability to others, regardless of their mutual competence in the field.


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #162 on: July 16, 2015, 06:11:30 am »

That table really is helpful. Maybe Telgin could put it in the first post? As for the scenes, I went back and put all of the previous ones throughout the thread that I've posted into spoilers, with the font set to 12pt. and the tags next to each other. It really only took a few minutes to do, and I think it would be useful for everyone else to take the time to do the same.
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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #163 on: July 20, 2015, 11:39:54 pm »

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 22nd of Granite 223

It has been a while since my last entry in this journal, better keep up with the recent events. To make a quick recap, there's been some fuss about a wooden crown, the bird in charge is an incompetent moron, people get crazy, lots of boring parties and terrible singing, and we've finished building the hospital, the guardhouse and a few houses. Did I mention the overseer is an incompetent moron? She "misjudged" the amount of stone we would need to build the guardhouse so we had to improvise to fix it. Next time, birdbrain, why don't you leave stoneworking to the actual stoneworkers.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 12th of slate 223

Oh great, more filthy peasants.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 18th of slate 233

We've almost finished the house/office of miss Pigeon. Now there's an actual place where we can leave our complaints. Next on the list is the tavern. I still don't have a home for myself so I bet I'll be staying at the inn for while once it's completed. Better make sure it's comfortable.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 3rd of Hematite 233

We've completed some room for the tavern. I've already moved in one of them and although it's not the same as owning my own house, it's still better than the communal shelter. Also, we got a well now.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 10th of Hematite 233

We got another crazy. This time it's Sour Oak, or was it Smear Maple or whatever her name is. She just had a foal too. That makes it three in less than a year now. I tell you, there's something wrong in the air here and nopony is safe. What if I'm next?

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 28th of Hematite 233

There's been some coyotes lurking too close to the town but the militia got them. Nothing too worrying there, fortunately. Also, there's been another foaling but there's a twist. The newborn is a griffin while both "parents" are ponies. Ooh, the scandal! My bet is on that lecherous "doctor". I'm sure he finally got tired of overseer Isabella and went looking elsewhere to satiate his base urges.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 15th of Malachite 233

Even more vagrants. It's getting a little cramped in the tavern.

From the journal of Marble Tiles, the Magnificent, 18th of Galena 233

First coyotes, now monkeys, that's it, I really hate this place. Hopefully next time a caravan comes around I can get the merchant to carry a letter to the mayor at the capital so I can appeal this unfair exile. I want out of here, no matter what!


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Re: Shadytrails (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #164 on: July 25, 2015, 01:44:53 am »

and Terracotta

Spoiler: 7th Hematite 223 (click to show/hide)
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."
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