Well, basically. God said to Israel that he would give them the promised land, but they still had to go out and fight the dudes who were there first. Abraham (and lots of other guys) were promised children, but they (presumably) still needed to go at it with their wives for that to happen. Jesus promised us that anything we pray for in good faith will be given to us, so it stands to reason that we still need to put the effort in, even if God has a hand in the results.
Long story short, the Bible never advocates laziness.
You can’t be fucking serious.
So let’s assume that people regularly pray for loved ones with terminal illnesses. That’s not hard to believe. Cancer’s a classic, so let’s go with that one. With your assumption, if someone prays for a cancer victim and the victim dies anyway, the supplicant was being lazy and didn’t really give an effort. Now, you’ve got to assume one of a few things.
1. The vast majority of people don’t die from cancer if they receive both treatment and prayer.
2. Most people who pray for cancer victims don’t
really try to save a loved one from cancer.
3. Jesus was full of shit.
4. Jesus never actually said that.
Now, 1 is testable. I
really doubt you’re going to pick 1, since we might be able to look that one up. If you believe 2, you’re not only wrong, you’re an asshole. Sure, maybe you could explain away a few cases as laziness on the part of the supplicant (and this fact was somehow enough to condemn the cancer victim to suffering and death for some reason), but 1 would still have to be true. 3 is the one I’d go with personally. I’m not sure about 4, since I honestly never did read the bible.
(There are a number of other problems with this, but I don’t want to complicate things too much.)