Since it seems to have got lost:
serious question: those who support the hellfires/storming/assault/manbearcats/etc., do you propose that threatening to resist arrest with violent force should become a crime punishable by execution without trial? Because as far as I can tell, that's what you're suggesting.
People have been shot for far, far,
far less. Consider all the people that have been killed lately who didn't even get the chance to threaten violence before they were lit the fuck up.
What gets me is that this has been going on DAYS already. There are no cops on the scene. The FBI said it's "handling it."
Does that not strike you as a double standard, whether you're advocating removing them by force or not? People have died at the hands of police in a matter of minutes for far less damning actions.
So where is the justice, hrm? Where is the refusal to be intimidated by armed criminals? Where's the "Not in my fucking town"? Where's the "only good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns?" Why is it the police suddenly have so much self-control? They've exploded on to even more controlled scenes and people have left dead. Why is this suddenly different?
I don't want anyone to be shot. But I want the police to remove those fuckers and if someone pulls a gun maybe, just maybe, a bullet will go where it rightfully belongs for once in this country.
But no. Now we need "peace and patience" and they'll negotiate with these fucks for as long as it takes so they don't have another Waco on their hands. Because killing white people making a political statement must be avoided at all costs.
I want these guys to be treated like everyone else in America who picks up a gun and starts scaring the fuck out of everyone. Oh but lo and behold, suddenly that's not appropriate here, for some unknowable, unquantifiable reason.
Maybe this is the new model for policing in America. When someone does something illegal, the police just stand back for fear of making the situation any worse than it already is. I can think of at least 6 innocent people who'd still be alive today if everyone got the same protection and consideration as a bunch of white redneck ranchers, who are styling themselves as a militia, who don't even understand what they're angry about and who don't even have the support of the people they say they're there to represent.