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Author Topic: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [5/5]  (Read 6524 times)


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[RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [5/5]
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:38:47 pm »

Kha’Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert.
Kha'Tivan was once a flourishing metropolis, but what’s left of it now can barely be recognized as a city. While the wealthy live in a gated community in the center of town, drinking clean water and feasting every single day, the poor perish in the slums. Water is hard to get and food is very expensive. Theft and murder is not out of the ordinary, because most city guards are corrupt. Four groups are vying for control of the city, each of them with their own reasons.

In this RP you are in control of one of the four groups that want to gain control of the city of Kha’Tivan. By doing stuff, you will gain or lose influence in a certain area of town. If you have enough influence in one of the areas, the people in it will become loyal to you (you can use influence to buy buildings. I still need to add influence prices to every building, i'll do it soon) Another important resource is wealth. Wealth is necessary for buying certain things. Wealth can also be used to gain influence.
There are three major kinds of groups; Gangs, Cults and Guilds (if you think there should be another one PM me ;3). Each of them have their own ways of gaining influence and wealth.
Gangs will gain influence by killing important people and intimidating others. They gain wealth by stealing, robbery and kidnappings
Cults will gain influence by converting people and causing miracles*. They gain wealth through donations.

How Guilds gain influence depends on what kind of guild it is. A guild of craftsmen will gain influence and wealth by trading, while a guild of mages gains influence by helping the people.

*Miracles can be actual miracles your god creates, but also fake stuff. Faking miracles is easier but if you get discovered you will lose a lot of influence.

Every participant starts with twice the wealth and influence their buildings give them. Everyone will get some "quests"(e.g. someone asks for help, one of your employees hears a rumor in one of your buildings) every turn. Completing missions will give you Influence, Wealth, Buildings, Secret stuff or a mixture of these

Signup form:
Code: [Select]
[b]Group name[/b]:
[b]Kind of group:[/b] (Gang/cult/guild)
[b]Specialty:[/b] (Crime specialty/Deity of the cult/Guild of x)
[b]Color:[/b] (color used to display your belongings on the city map)

If you have any questions, please ask them.
Also: this is my first RP ever, critique is very welcome (Pm me, i dont want the thread to become a mess)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 04:48:07 pm by Lord_lemonpie »


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [0/4]
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2014, 02:39:18 pm »


1   __   __   __   __   __
2   3   4   __   __   __
5   6   __   __   __   __
7   8   __   __   __   __
9   __   __   __   __   __
Spoiler: 1: Magic District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 2: Government District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 3: Crafters' District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 4: Low District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 5: Slum District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 6: Temple District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 7: Pleasure District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 8: Military District (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 9:Warehouse District (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 08:09:20 am by Lord_lemonpie »


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [0/4]
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2014, 02:39:40 pm »


Group name: Nine Lions
Kind of group: Guild
Specialty: Entertainers Guild
Color: Purple
Backstory Founded by nine former mercenaries and adventures who desired a life of peace and wealth, the Nine Lions settled in Kha'Tivan when it was rich and beautiful, using their hard won gains to found their guild-and enriched themselves in it's age of glory.

The Nine Lions are a guild supporting and controlling major Kha'Tivan venues of entertainment-from gladiators to actors, dancers and singers, carnal pleasure to religious chorus. As long as you have the money, the lions will dance for you...recently, the Guild has become somewhat more active in politics and city life in general-leveraging their power and influence to change things. As it turns out, the current state of the city is fairly terrible for business. The Nine Lions are attempting to organize what's left of business in Kha'Tivan to improve the wealth and prestige of the city, to perhaps bring about a new golden age...and of course, to make sure they benefit from it.

The Symbol of the guild is, no surprise, nine red lions in a ring on a field of royal purple, holding each others tails.
Spoiler: Possesions (click to show/hide)

Group name: The Hyenas
Kind of group: Gang
Specialty: Racketeering
Color: Blue
Backstory: The Hyenas were created by a disgruntled group of bodyguards who weren't being paid enough, so they killed the man they were hired to protect and fled to Kha'Tivan, where they started offering businesses "protection" in exchange for money. While that is how they began, their leaders have higher aspirations now, seeking to control the entire city and bring it under their control, and then restore it to its former glory.
Spoiler: Possesions (click to show/hide)

Group name: The Thivinei
Kind of group: Guild
Specialty: Mercenary guild
Color: Dark Green
Backstory: The Thivinei were created from a group of ex soldiers from Kha'Tivan's guard. They had grown fed up with the corruption in the city, and hired several of the mercenaries inside of town. The three swordsmen decides to try and put a stop to the corruption of the city, and set about 'convincing' their mercenaries to install order, by force if necessary. The Thivinei introduced a series of rules that the people under their command had to follow, or be put to the sword.

Number 1: Any who have been caught  or accused of stealing are to be held in a prison installed in the basement of the guild house, until such a time as they are found guilty by the three Thivinei leaders. A majority vote from the three seals the fate of the accused. This therefore is standard for all trials following.

Number 2: Any accused of murder and witnessed are to be executed on the spot. Any accused of murder are to stand trial before the leaders.

Number 3: Any who are accused or caught of accepting a bribe get one of their hand cut off. If it happens a third time, the accused is to be executed.

Number 4: Any who defy the guilds rule are to be put to death without mercy. Whether they are given a trial is up to the captain in charge of the area the defiance occurred.

With these three rules, the Thivinei set about installing order in as many sections of town as they could. The guild is met with scorn in most places they enter, and are commonly attacked by others when they think no-one will notice.

The three in charge of the Thivinei are as follows: Ildivar Orthein, Ariohn Sarrak and Garith Alysux.
Spoiler: Possessions (click to show/hide)

Patrick Hunt
Group Name: The Platinum Coin.
Kind of Group: Guild.
Specialty: " Financial Consultants. "
Color: Green.
Backstory: The Platinum Coin came into being as a merchants guild rising to promenence quickly as bankers for the wealthy and lenders for the poor by undercutting the competition and bribing members of rival guilds for information on important clients.

This culminated in the outright purchase of several of the guilds rivals leading to the ultimately failed attempt to assassinate its head when the assassins were betrayed by the guard who was for a small sum supposed to grant them entrance but in actuality for a much larger sum.
His life, had led them into a trap, the following day the rivals who had hired them were found dead and the assassins were found considerably richer.

In the years since they had shed the simple title of banker and adopted that of financial consultants operating under the motto " money makes the world go round " and using contacts in all walks of life to supply anything the client desired if the price was right with the guarantee that no record of the transaction would be kept and no word would be spoken of it from the moment money changed hands.
It is a poorly kept secret that they finance criminal activities and are frequently hired by them to provide services discreetly however those few who attempted to bring them to justice were never found or upon consideration refused to give evidence against them.
Spoiler: Possessions (click to show/hide)

Group name: The Inquisitive Tower/Mushrooms
Kind of group: Guild/Gang
Specialty: Wizards Guild/Assorted shady dealings, primarily "Acquisition" and "Persuasion"
Color: Aquamarine
In Kha'Tivan's glory days, The Inquisitives were a loose association of Wizards, Alchemists, doctors, and various other professions that relied upon and sought knowledge. Over time, the group built up impressive collections of knowledge, instituting membership fees and using them to maintain libraries, laboratories and more.
Eventually, it solidified into a formal Guild, The Inquisitive Tower, and many members worked on developing their own information networks, some adding them to the Guild's networks over time. At it's peak the Guild was a close-knit, collaborative affair, with wealth and influence to acquire virtually any scrap of knowledge its members desired, possessing vast stores of books, artifacts, rare materials and more stored in its impressive walled complex, subGuilds governing the various professions of members housed in towers reaching to the sky, surrounding the huge central tower topped with a state-of-the-art observatory built to incorporate a huge magical gemstone of far sight.
However, with the slow decay of the city, the Guild dwindled, many members moving elsewhere, fewer new recruits being drawn from the impoverished (and more importantly, generally unschooled) inhabitants of the city, and less resources available to preserve their collections. At its lowest point, the Guild was barely a Guild at all, just a few lone Wizards living on the top floors or basements of some of the taller houses in the cheap districts, barely keeping in contact with each other, the subGuilds for the professions having mostly either died out, moved away, or split off, to the point the Wizard subGuild inherited the overall name by default, the Star-Grasping Tower a mere memory, much like the physical holdings of the Guild.
When the Mushrooms were founded exactly is difficult to say, given the necessary... fluidity... of criminal groups. But since even before the decline of the city started to become apparent, when law was on the out and corruption on the rise, members of the Inquisitive Tower had dabbled in the shadier sides of business, using them both to procure all manner of things needed for research, and to apply pressure to groups that frowned on their particular fields of interest. With the utter breakdown of order in the city, and the growing desperate situation of the Guild, not to mention the near total lack of oversight on the more amoral and/or obsessive members, the two fields grew ever more entwined, until the Mushrooms (the origin of the name being unknown, some saying it was given to the group by a particularly fungus-loving member of the Tower, others that it referred to the fact that they kept popping up again every time a rival thought they were dealt with) came out ahead of the other gangs that had dealings with the Tower (by (entirely unconfirmed) rumour, due to the fact that the leadership of the Mushrooms and the Tower has quite a bit of crossover), and since then the two organisations have shared very close interests.
Very close.
That The Inquisitive Tower is a front for the Mushrooms is well known in the right circles; that the Mushrooms are a gang of petty-magic thieves working for The Inquisitive Tower is well known in others. Which is true... depends largely on who you ask...

While business is improving, there is a long, long way to go should they seek to regain the heights of their former glory.
Spoiler: Possessions (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 07:47:15 am by Lord_lemonpie »


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [0/4]
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2014, 03:13:16 pm »

Group name: Nine Lions
Kind of group: Guild
Specialty: Entertainers Guild
Color: Purple
Backstory Founded by nine former mercenaries and adventures who desired a life of peace and wealth, the Nine Lions settled in Kha'Tivan when it was rich and beautiful, using their hard won gains to found their guild-and enriched themselves in it's age of glory.

The Nine Lions are a guild supporting and controlling major Kha'Tivan venues of entertainment-from gladiators to actors, dancers and singers, carnal pleasure to religious chorus. As long as you have the money, the lions will dance for you...recently, the Guild has become somewhat more active in politics and city life in general-leveraging their power and influence to change things. As it turns out, the current state of the city is fairly terrible for business. The Nine Lions are attempting to organize what's left of business in Kha'Tivan to improve the wealth and prestige of the city, to perhaps bring about a new golden age...and of course, to make sure they benefit from it.

The Symbol of the guild is, no surprise, nine red lions in a ring on a field of royal purple, holding each others tails.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [0/4]
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2014, 03:36:04 pm »

Group name: The Hyenas
Kind of group: Gang
Specialty: Racketeering
Color: Blue
Backstory: The Hyenas were created by a disgruntled group of bodyguards who weren't being paid enough, so they killed the man they were hired to protect and fled to Kha'Tivan, where they started offering businesses "protection" in exchange for money. While that is how they began, their leaders have higher aspirations now, seeking to control the entire city and bring it under their control, and then restore it to its former glory.
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [0/4]
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2014, 03:44:50 pm »

Group name: Nine Lions
Kind of group: Guild
Specialty: Entertainers Guild
Color: Purple
Backstory Founded by nine former mercenaries and adventures who desired a life of peace and wealth, the Nine Lions settled in Kha'Tivan when it was rich and beautiful, using their hard won gains to found their guild-and enriched themselves in it's age of glory.

The Nine Lions are a guild supporting and controlling major Kha'Tivan venues of entertainment-from gladiators to actors, dancers and singers, carnal pleasure to religious chorus. As long as you have the money, the lions will dance for you...recently, the Guild has become somewhat more active in politics and city life in general-leveraging their power and influence to change things. As it turns out, the current state of the city is fairly terrible for business. The Nine Lions are attempting to organize what's left of business in Kha'Tivan to improve the wealth and prestige of the city, to perhaps bring about a new golden age...and of course, to make sure they benefit from it.

The Symbol of the guild is, no surprise, nine red lions in a ring on a field of royal purple, holding each others tails.
Accepted ;D. I think starting in the pleasure district matches your guild the most, so you'll start with the theatre, the baths, a gambling hall and an apartment in the pleasure district :3

Group name: The Hyenas
Kind of group: Gang
Specialty: Racketeering
Color: Blue
Backstory: The Hyenas were created by a disgruntled group of bodyguards who weren't being paid enough, so they killed the man they were hired to protect and fled to Kha'Tivan, where they started offering businesses "protection" in exchange for money. While that is how they began, their leaders have higher aspirations now, seeking to control the entire city and bring it under their control, and then restore it to its former glory.
Accepted too ;D. You'll start with 2 houses, an Inn and a Brothel in the slum.


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [2/4]
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2014, 04:13:38 pm »

Group name:The Sand
Kind of group: Gang/Guild
Specialty: Assassination
Color: Black and white
Backstory: The Sand are an unsactioned guild that is officially nothing more than a band of street thugs.  Off the books, they are an assassins guild that operates to make dreams come true.  In the glory days of Kha'Tivan, they cut down anyone with a hit on them.  From the lowest pauper to the wealthiest politician, all one has to do is ask for the sand to take their enemies and eventually they will disappear.  If one cannot pay a price determined by the numbers who died in killing the target, they are either conscripted or become one with the sand (murdered and buried in the desert somewhere.)

Assassins are trained to only kill the target, but are sometimes prevented from completing their objectives by guards and the like.  Every life holds the same value, no matter who you are.

((Only let me in if you really want an assassins guild, they can be problematic to GM))
What the fuck is wrong with you guys.


  • Bay Watcher
  • disco-froggin' since 2013
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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [2/4]
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2014, 05:38:40 am »

Group name:The Sand
Kind of group: Gang/Guild
Specialty: Assassination
Color: Black and white
Backstory: The Sand are an unsactioned guild that is officially nothing more than a band of street thugs.  Off the books, they are an assassins guild that operates to make dreams come true.  In the glory days of Kha'Tivan, they cut down anyone with a hit on them.  From the lowest pauper to the wealthiest politician, all one has to do is ask for the sand to take their enemies and eventually they will disappear.  If one cannot pay a price determined by the numbers who died in killing the target, they are either conscripted or become one with the sand (murdered and buried in the desert somewhere.)

Assassins are trained to only kill the target, but are sometimes prevented from completing their objectives by guards and the like.  Every life holds the same value, no matter who you are.

((Only let me in if you really want an assassins guild, they can be problematic to GM))
Also accepted. You'll start in the Military district with a house, a weaponsmith, a tavern and the Assassin's guild.

Patrick Hunt

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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [2/4]
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2014, 08:52:50 am »

Group Name: The Platinum Coin.
Kind of Group: Guild.
Specialty: " Financial Consultants. "
Color: Green.
Backstory: The Platinum Coin came into being as a merchants guild rising to promenence quickly as bankers for the wealthy and lenders for the poor by undercutting the competition and bribing members of rival guilds for information on important clients.

This culminated in the outright purchase of several of the guilds rivals leading to the ultimately failed attempt to assassinate its head when the assassins were betrayed by the guard who was for a small sum supposed to grant them entrance but in actuality for a much larger sum.
His life, had led them into a trap, the following day the rivals who had hired them were found dead and the assassins were found considerably richer.

In the years since they had shed the simple title of banker and adopted that of financial consultants operating under the motto " money makes the world go round " and using contacts in all walks of life to supply anything the client desired if the price was right with the guarantee that no record of the transaction would be kept and no word would be spoken of it from the moment money changed hands.
It is a poorly kept secret that they finance criminal activities and are frequently hired by them to provide services discreetly however those few who attempted to bring them to justice were never found or upon consideration refused to give evidence against them.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 10:37:18 am by Patrick Hunt »
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [2/4]
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2014, 09:28:47 am »

Group name: The Inquisitive Tower/Mushrooms
Kind of group: Guild/Gang
Specialty: Wizards Guild/Assorted shady dealings, primarily "Acquisition" and "Persuasion"
Color: Aquamarine/Dark green
In Kha'Tivan's glory days, The Inquisitives were a loose association of Wizards, Alchemists, doctors, and various other professions that relied upon and sought knowledge. Over time, the group built up impressive collections of knowledge, instituting membership fees and using them to maintain libraries, laboratories and more.
Eventually, it solidified into a formal Guild, The Inquisitive Tower, and many members worked on developing their own information networks, some adding them to the Guild's networks over time. At it's peak the Guild was a close-knit, collaborative affair, with wealth and influence to acquire virtually any scrap of knowledge its members desired, possessing vast stores of books, artifacts, rare materials and more stored in its impressive walled complex, subGuilds governing the various professions of members housed in towers reaching to the sky, surrounding the huge central tower topped with a state-of-the-art observatory built to incorporate a huge magical gemstone of far sight.
However, with the slow decay of the city, the Guild dwindled, many members moving elsewhere, fewer new recruits being drawn from the impoverished (and more importantly, generally unschooled) inhabitants of the city, and less resources available to preserve their collections. At its lowest point, the Guild was barely a Guild at all, just a few lone Wizards living on the top floors or basements of some of the taller houses in the cheap districts, barely keeping in contact with each other, the subGuilds for the professions having mostly either died out, moved away, or split off, to the point the Wizard subGuild inherited the overall name by default, the Star-Grasping Tower a mere memory, much like the physical holdings of the Guild.
When the Mushrooms were founded exactly is difficult to say, given the necessary... fluidity... of criminal groups. But since even before the decline of the city started to become apparent, when law was on the out and corruption on the rise, members of the Inquisitive Tower had dabbled in the shadier sides of business, using them both to procure all manner of things needed for research, and to apply pressure to groups that frowned on their particular fields of interest. With the utter breakdown of order in the city, and the growing desperate situation of the Guild, not to mention the near total lack of oversight on the more amoral and/or obsessive members, the two fields grew ever more entwined, until the Mushrooms (the origin of the name being unknown, some saying it was given to the group by a particularly fungus-loving member of the Tower, others that it referred to the fact that they kept popping up again every time a rival thought they were dealt with) came out ahead of the other gangs that had dealings with the Tower (by (entirely unconfirmed) rumour, due to the fact that the leadership of the Mushrooms and the Tower has quite a bit of crossover), and since then the two organisations have shared very close interests.
Very close.
That The Inquisitive Tower is a front for the Mushrooms is well known in the right circles; that the Mushrooms are a gang of petty-magic thieves working for The Inquisitive Tower is well known in others. Which is true... depends largely on who you ask...

While business is improving, there is a long, long way to go should they seek to regain the heights of their former glory.
15:35   HugoLuman reads Harb his secret spaghetti recipe


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [2/4]
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2014, 11:25:30 am »

Spoiler: Application (click to show/hide)

((I think this sheet is terrible, but it tells as much as it can without assuming stuff about areas in the city I don't know. :/
Apparently coding DF is equivalent to slaying hydras.


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [2/4]
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2014, 12:06:30 pm »

I'd like to join!

Group Name:The Servants Of Quornok
Kind Of Group:Cult
Specialty: Quornok is a minor demon that has gathered a handful of followers with promises of great power,He can manipulate fire,but it takes a lot of energy.
Back story: Quornok is a particularly malicious demon that seeks to gain power and he wasn't strong enough to straight up conquer Kha'Tivan so he possessed an insane   
Dwarf named Urist,Urist is masquerading as a prophet of Logroth God Of Fire,but in reality they are simply increasing Quornok's power level, The Cult centers around the belief that all who refuse to worship Logroth are impure and must either be converted or "Purified" with flame. Quornok's followers are currently hiding out in some abandoned ruins.

So,Is that okay?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 12:08:36 pm by LuckyKobold »


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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [2/4]
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2014, 04:18:39 pm »

Group name: The Inquisitive Tower/Mushrooms
Kind of group: Guild/Gang
Specialty: Wizards Guild/Assorted shady dealings, primarily "Acquisition" and "Persuasion"
Color: Aquamarine/Dark green
In Kha'Tivan's glory days, The Inquisitives were a loose association of Wizards, Alchemists, doctors, and various other professions that relied upon and sought knowledge. Over time, the group built up impressive collections of knowledge, instituting membership fees and using them to maintain libraries, laboratories and more.
Eventually, it solidified into a formal Guild, The Inquisitive Tower, and many members worked on developing their own information networks, some adding them to the Guild's networks over time. At it's peak the Guild was a close-knit, collaborative affair, with wealth and influence to acquire virtually any scrap of knowledge its members desired, possessing vast stores of books, artifacts, rare materials and more stored in its impressive walled complex, subGuilds governing the various professions of members housed in towers reaching to the sky, surrounding the huge central tower topped with a state-of-the-art observatory built to incorporate a huge magical gemstone of far sight.
However, with the slow decay of the city, the Guild dwindled, many members moving elsewhere, fewer new recruits being drawn from the impoverished (and more importantly, generally unschooled) inhabitants of the city, and less resources available to preserve their collections. At its lowest point, the Guild was barely a Guild at all, just a few lone Wizards living on the top floors or basements of some of the taller houses in the cheap districts, barely keeping in contact with each other, the subGuilds for the professions having mostly either died out, moved away, or split off, to the point the Wizard subGuild inherited the overall name by default, the Star-Grasping Tower a mere memory, much like the physical holdings of the Guild.
When the Mushrooms were founded exactly is difficult to say, given the necessary... fluidity... of criminal groups. But since even before the decline of the city started to become apparent, when law was on the out and corruption on the rise, members of the Inquisitive Tower had dabbled in the shadier sides of business, using them both to procure all manner of things needed for research, and to apply pressure to groups that frowned on their particular fields of interest. With the utter breakdown of order in the city, and the growing desperate situation of the Guild, not to mention the near total lack of oversight on the more amoral and/or obsessive members, the two fields grew ever more entwined, until the Mushrooms (the origin of the name being unknown, some saying it was given to the group by a particularly fungus-loving member of the Tower, others that it referred to the fact that they kept popping up again every time a rival thought they were dealt with) came out ahead of the other gangs that had dealings with the Tower (by (entirely unconfirmed) rumour, due to the fact that the leadership of the Mushrooms and the Tower has quite a bit of crossover), and since then the two organisations have shared very close interests.
Very close.
That The Inquisitive Tower is a front for the Mushrooms is well known in the right circles; that the Mushrooms are a gang of petty-magic thieves working for The Inquisitive Tower is well known in others. Which is true... depends largely on who you ask...

While business is improving, there is a long, long way to go should they seek to regain the heights of their former glory.
Group Name: The Platinum Coin.
Kind of Group: Guild.
Specialty: " Financial Consultants. "
Color: Green.
Backstory: The Platinum Coin came into being as a merchants guild rising to promenence quickly as bankers for the wealthy and lenders for the poor by undercutting the competition and bribing members of rival guilds for information on important clients.

This culminated in the outright purchase of several of the guilds rivals leading to the ultimately failed attempt to assassinate its head when the assassins were betrayed by the guard who was for a small sum supposed to grant them entrance but in actuality for a much larger sum.
His life, had led them into a trap, the following day the rivals who had hired them were found dead and the assassins were found considerably richer.

In the years since they had shed the simple title of banker and adopted that of financial consultants operating under the motto " money makes the world go round " and using contacts in all walks of life to supply anything the client desired if the price was right with the guarantee that no record of the transaction would be kept and no word would be spoken of it from the moment money changed hands.
It is a poorly kept secret that they finance criminal activities and are frequently hired by them to provide services discreetly however those few who attempted to bring them to justice were never found or upon consideration refused to give evidence against them.
Both of your guilds are accepted. I was planning to just do four people, but i hope five is managable.
Harbingerjm will start with The Mage's Guild, a library and an alchemist in the magic district, and an apartment in the Low District. I'll change the color to Aquamarine for the whole guild/gang, for clarity's sake :3.
Patrick Hunt will start in the Warehouse district, with a Tavern, a Bank, a house and a warehouse.

Spoiler: Application (click to show/hide)

((I think this sheet is terrible, but it tells as much as it can without assuming stuff about areas in the city I don't know. :/
I'd like to join!

Group Name:The Servants Of Quornok
Kind Of Group:Cult
Specialty: Quornok is a minor demon that has gathered a handful of followers with promises of great power,He can manipulate fire,but it takes a lot of energy.
Back story: Quornok is a particularly malicious demon that seeks to gain power and he wasn't strong enough to straight up conquer Kha'Tivan so he possessed an insane   
Dwarf named Urist,Urist is masquerading as a prophet of Logroth God Of Fire,but in reality they are simply increasing Quornok's power level, The Cult centers around the belief that all who refuse to worship Logroth are impure and must either be converted or "Purified" with flame. Quornok's followers are currently hiding out in some abandoned ruins.

So,Is that okay?
Both of your sheets are fine as they are, but 5 is really gonna be the max. I'll waitlist both of you though, in case one guild completely dies or someone becomes inactive. Please don't hate me for this ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
  • I don't kill people but when I do it's slow.
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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [5/5]
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2014, 04:30:01 pm »

It's cool,Don't worry.


  • Bay Watcher
  • For glory!
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Re: [RP] Kha'Tivan, The Golden City of the Desert [5/5]
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2014, 12:55:26 am »

I don't mind. Definitely watching, then.
Apparently coding DF is equivalent to slaying hydras.
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