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Author Topic: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)  (Read 5907 times)


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« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 01:03:23 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2014, 09:56:25 am »

Two years ago...


"So, what will it be?" The Barman asks. Kyle looks up at him, tracing the haggard lines in the mans face, the color of his mud brown eyes. He is about to answer, when he hears a commotion behind him. He turns, not because it's interesting to him, but because if he doesn't turn around he's going to have to say something, and for some reason he wants to put it off. He likes to drink, but drinking alone can be...depressing. He almost wished his friends were here.

Still-near the center of room perches a half dozen Ironmen around four tables, having a rousing celebration and blatantly ignoring the stares and scowls in the shadows around them. Hells, they're probably enjoying it. Amusingly, they are not here for reaving-since the Ironmen were defeated in Greyjoys rebellion, many like these have gone trader. Instead of fire and axes, they bring Peaches and Arbor Gold. He supposes it's an improvement of a sorts, but they won't ever enjoy an abundance of popularity with Northmen. It wasn't long ago they tried to burn this very tavern to the ground. Kyle notices most of the Ironfolk are wearing armor, but are disarmed-at least visibly. Oddly enough there is a woman among them-a lean and tough woman, with short black hair, and an unfortunate nose.

No doubt both of those have emboldened some of the usual sots. Kyle knows enough that something bad is probably going to happen. He wonders if he should do something about it-he is the Lords Son after all, and in theory has at least some responsibility here...or maybe he could just order some Arbor Gold...Dornish Red...Strongwine...Myrish Firewine...his mouth is suddenly dry with indecision.

So many ways to lose the day. Not to mention a life.


William's mouth twists into distaste as the fur clad warriors shout their defiance and bang their shields, from the safety of the treeline. Relative safety.

"They seem confident, my lord." Comments Frederich, dryly as ever. The Man has served alongside William for many years-dutiful, if unimaginative. More of a leader of men, then a tactician. A poor chess player, but very good at cards.

"Shall I sound the charge? Or do you have something else in mind?" he continues on, eagerness carefully concealed in his voice.

William rubs his his chin, to quiet the tremor in his hands. Thinking, thinking.

Of course some Wildlings always get past the wall. Sometimes entire armies of's rare to see an entire band, however. Rare doesn't mean impossible, of course-which is proven by the fact that there is a sizable group of them busy entrenching themselves in your lands. Which is odd, since they usually come to raid, not to settle. His scouts report at least fifty warriors, but many women and children-all camped in the overgrown Godswood your people often visited. It's too close to comfort to your own cities...when you received the raven from the wall, you were not pleased. Apparently they were once a much larger party-the wall and the mountain clans and the wolves and the snow have killed many of them. These are all that is left.

Still, the penalty for passing the wall without the Kings leave is death...but, the King isn't here, in the North. William is.

He has enough swords on hand to deal with them-of that, he has no doubt, since he brought all the men House Camber has. The Wildlings are leaderless, apparently, or so poorly led as to have no command. They would probably charge his lines and die gloriously if anyone blew a horn.

"Sir?" Frederich says, impatient as always. Such an impatient man.


"So, are you Salt or Snow?" Hal Highoak inquires, a cruel smile playing on his lips. As usual, both of you have your own groups of friends, courtiers, and hangers on watching with interest at the noble quarrel. The winds blow tunelessly outside Last Harbors walls.

A dance both of you have gone though, many-a and many-a time. To think, this time Henry had just been trying to get to the privy when he came upon his old and dear friend in the halls...

"I asked you a question. I'm honestly curious!" He says, a young man of easy japes and a cruel temper-skilled with a mace, one of which is hanging on his belt at the moment, and prone to grudges. For some reason, long ago, he formed one against Henry. And, hardly a day has gone by he hasn't reminded you of it. He's not much more than a footman, really, but his grandfather was a famous warrior of Stonehearth. Not that he likes to be reminded he's not a famous warrior-or that his family is not very rich, or powerful. Henry has often thought that is likely the source of trouble between them, and always has been.

"I think the bastards gone mute." Hal says, goading, goading and grinning. His hand twitches-his mace hand. You've fought before, and both come out more or less with the same amount of damage, no clear winner.

People create space between you, as if on a mummers cue.


The journey to the North was long and hard, but Elise's mother was with her every step of the way-an old, greying woman with an easy, tired smile.

"It's a harsh land...but, it can be beautiful. Always harsh, though-and cold...Northern women have to be strong. I don't think you'll have trouble, my dear."

Endless miles of white and brown-a blue sky, as wide as an ocean. For a woman who had spent her youngest years in the cramped alleys of Kings Landing, well, it's quite a sight...and it smells much nicer, here. It's a long way from Pisswater Bend.

As the carriage rattled into Last Harbor, Elise finally was given a city to play in. Last Harbor was no where near as large as Kings Landing, but...well, she would have to find her place.


"I can tell by your accent." He said, the small man, with the careful goatee. The dangers of a noble girl sitting in a waiting room-you might get accosted by a castellan. The perils of measuring the value of the drapes, sadly.

"You're Arria's daughter, are you not?

My name is Maynard Camber, Castellan of Last Harbor. I've been instructed to provide you whatever you might require...assuming you decide to reside here."
He says carefully-Elise has the feeling this is a man who always carefully weighs his words. "Or, will you be residing with your mother in the Horn Manor?" He asks.


Your father is tired.

It's a distressing thought, truly...Desmond Stonehearth still takes the time every day out of three to speak to the commons and nobles, addressing their concerns and meting out justice and reward, solving their petty problems for them. Recently, he's taken to have you sit alongside him. It's important the people see you-know who you are. You suppose it's only a matter of time, until...

"Benjicot, my son."

He looks up at the sound of his name. His fathers voice has always been brusque, cold, and formal, in public-like an executioner, he heard someone say once. Benjicot knows he can be kind, but...not here. Never here.

"I think it's past time I retired. Would you take the chair, and sit in my place as Lord's hand? I would give you the authority to make justice in my name." He asks.

Benjicot looks at the crowd, some looking at his with respect...others with unease. He knows he will sit in judgement of them today, if he says yes....


Alessa sits up to attention as her "dancing master" instructs her in the finer arts of swordplay. She wonders why they chose they highest tower in the Shieldlands to do so, however. There's no one up here but the Starlets-beautiful, tiny, fragile little things, they pipe their chirpy music very sweetly, though you know they have very sharp beaks and can give a nasty peck...and with your father off dealing with the wildlings, however, this is probably the safest place for you to be...

Almato Corsaze snaps his fingers to gain your attention.

"A girl's wits wander-would she notice if the tower was burning down? " He asks sardonically.

"I think that will be tomorrows lesson-leaping from burning towers.

Today, Almato wants a pet bird. Please, little girl, catch me a bird-the ones you call Starlets. Do trouble not to harm one."
He asks, with an easy smile.

Indeed. Easily said...all one has to do is climb up the rickety scaffoldings into the towers arches, and pluck a walnut sized bird that flies incredibly quickly from the air. Starlets are very finicky-even a hushed voice can cause them to fly away in a blurring cloud.

Alessa knows that all Almato's lessons are like this-oddly enough, he only trains you with a sword now and again. Frequently, you are chasing stray castle cats, balancing on high beams, holding your breath while hanging upside down from a rafter, sitting under a frigid waterfall...his first lesson was teaching you how to snap your fingers. All part of becoming a water dancer, yes?



You look at the ruin of your hunt with something like remorse. You were having a good day up to this point.

The Drunken Lordling on his horse motions toward you with a shaking sword. He's only one man, but he must have a dozen fawners around him-many young and drunk as him, riding through the Stonehearth woods. You notice more than a few House badges. Boltons Flayed Men, Glovers Iron Fists, Dustins Crossed Axes, Stanes Trees and the Horses Head of house can only assume they are a hunting party from House Glover, trespassing on Stonehearth Lands.

"You there! The boar was mine! Back, lowborn cur!" Says the Lordling. His friends laugh.

The Boar was yours. Your arrow took it in the throat...then a stampede of drunken Lordlings rode it down.

"He's just a peasant boy." Says one of the others, a chunky boy swaying on his horse. "And a crossbow is a cravens weapon!"

A young woman rides up behind him, with her own knot of women. Slim and pale-beautiful, but so cold. And, not drunk. "You had best leave, young man." She says with an imperious air. "My friends are drunk enough likely to forget the boar and roast you, if you make them angry."

You have been dismissed.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 01:03:12 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2014, 10:52:28 am »

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Elise had long since learned that you dont stop what you are doing when noticed.  That might be suspicious.  Instead she reached out a hand and ran the fabric through her fingers as if it was her right to touch it.  Which, she belatedly realized, was in fact true.  Elise released the weft and turned to face the man with her usual disarming gaze, eyes resting on him with faint interest and mouth giving just the slightest hint of a smile.

"Well you show more wisdom then some.  In High Garden my accent marked me as a northernwoman, even though I had spent half my life in Kings Landing.  I find it amusing.  But as you say I am Elise Horn."

Elise bowed her head in thanks at the offer of hospitality.  "I thank you and my uncle for the welcome.  I was hoping to spend some time among house Stonehearth instead of my mothers home.  I have spent so long a world apart from my family and know so little of them.  In truth I don't even know how strongly my uncle and mother are reconciled.  And your customs... is it true that your women join the men as you hunt direwolves and wildlings?"
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 12:43:07 pm by mainiac »
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.

Lucus Casius

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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2014, 11:55:23 am »

"Calm yourself, Frederich."  The Lord rests his hand upon the pommel of his sword, surveying the small wildling force within the trees.  A larger force of the free folk than he had seen in some time, though not the largest he'd ever been forced to deal with.  As loud and aggressive as all their ilk, and as willing to throw themselves on the spears and swords of superior warriors.  Still...

The presence of women and children concerned him.  Small forces like their raiding parties did not move like the great armies of the south, carting their children and camp followers from field to field and battle to battle.  They couldn't, if they were to be effective.  Women and children--especially children--slowed a party down, made it easier to catch and kill.  Perhaps the former could be explained, for the wildlings did not protect their women as did civilized men, and their spearwives might yet be planning a trap.  The children had no explanation that he could see.

"Have the men ready their bows."  Nevertheless, they were here.  An ambush was out of the question now, and the movements of his own men would be noticed.  Still.  "Do not fire until they charge, or I give the command."

Grey eyes focused on the forefront of the wildling line.  His voice rose loud enough for them to hear, strong and clear in contrast with the tremors in his hands, invisible save upon close examination.  "Your death will not be a glorious one if you fight today.  Lay down your arms, and you will be treated fairly.  You and your wives and your children will be spared.  Any who fight will die, and their families with them."

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« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 04:20:00 pm by Lucus Casius »


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2014, 12:29:33 pm »

Kyle sighs as he looks back to the barman and shakes his head.
"Nothing right now..."
Kyle looks back to the Ironmen, and Ironwoman, and tilts his head. One of them has to be the leader right? Maybe he can head trouble off if he talks to them. Or maybe they'll try to split his skull. Which would be horrible and make him much more in need of wine. But that can wait for a few moments.
Kyle tries to figure out who the leader of the Ironmen is.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2014, 12:43:11 pm »

Kyle sighs as he looks back to the barman and shakes his head.
"Nothing right now..."
Kyle looks back to the Ironmen, and Ironwoman, and tilts his head. One of them has to be the leader right? Maybe he can head trouble off if he talks to them. Or maybe they'll try to split his skull. Which would be horrible and make him much more in need of wine. But that can wait for a few moments.
Kyle tries to figure out who the leader of the Ironmen is.

Kyle doesn't have much figuring out to do.

It's the woman.

In the way she carries herself, the way the others defer to her, out of respect, or a form of love-the way she treats the the men around her, the way they look at her-and the way her men form a protective ring around her, almost unconsciously. All their conversations seem to start and end with her-usually to a roaring laughter.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2014, 01:01:33 pm »

Elise had long since learned that you dont stop what you are doing when noticed.  That might be suspicious.  Instead she reached out a hand and ran the fabric through her fingers as if it was her right to touch it.  Which, she belatedly realized, was in fact true.  Elise released the weft and turned to face the man with her usual disarming gaze, eyes resting on him with faint interest and mouth giving just the slightest hint of a smile.

"Well you show more wisdom then some.  In High Garden my accent marked me as a northernwoman, even though I had spent half my life in Kings Landing.  I find it amusing.  But as you say I am Elise Horn."

Elise bowed her head in thanks at the offer of hospitality.  "I thank you and my uncle for the welcome.  I was hoping to spend some time among house Stonehearth instead of my mothers home.  I have spent so long a world apart from my family and know so little of them.  In truth I don't even know how strongly my uncle and mother are reconciled.  And your customs... is it true that your women join the men as you hunt direwolves and wildlings?"

Maynard rubs his jaw, a seemingly idle gesture.

"Northern Women are usually exempt from hunting, thought we don't have the luxury of denying them much, in hard times...and thankfully, Direwolves are rare. My great-grand uncle lost an arm to one, oh, many years ago. We don't see them often....Wildlings, however-well, be thankful you arrived in time, or you might have met them on the road-a sizable band descended on our borderlands not long ago. No doubt our Lord of Camber-my goodly brother-will deal with them momentarily.

As for your mother...well, the original match was not your uncles doing-that was his lord father. I believe they shall find a common ground. After all, Lord Stonehearth himself has had three wives-only two by law, one by heart, who was lost to tragedy-if you will forgive a bit of gossip. There is much you can't possibly know."
Maynard says with a sly, secret smile, full of promises and lies.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2014, 01:48:06 pm »

Kyle shrugs and gets up. He pauses for a moment. Maybe he should get just one glass before he talks to the woman? No, no, that just wouldn't do. Never speak to a woman drunk, that's what Kyle says. Kyle also says get me another bottle of wine but that's not something he feels he can do at the moment. So he starts walking over to the group, putting a curious smile on his face while he does so.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2014, 02:16:24 pm »

"I guess it's fortunate that foolish affairs of the heart ran in the family.  Age and suffering never changed my mother from her youthful passion so I think nothing will.  Did you know that my parents foolishness was even chronicled in bardsong in the south?  The old king once put a man to death for singing of them.  Rather... discouraging to the whole notion of love.

"Perhaps it's out of place for me to ask but are the young members of this house in need of a watchful eye?  Kings Landing was a nest of vipers but my parents both risked their lives so blindly before they left.  Should I be worried about my kin?"
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2014, 04:07:58 pm »

Rilmad looked once at the now decimated body of the boar, the hooves of the lordling's horses having completely crushed anything usable out of it, and then back towards the nobles before he spoke. "Well, alright, it's yours. Between how much of it is left, and how sloppy 'your' kill was there's not much point with me contesting it. So go ahead and take it." He said, shrugging before he started to just walk away, taking care to try keeping a tree between him and the rather belligerent party of nobles.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2014, 07:32:27 pm »

Alessa looked up and nodded with a sigh--she did not fully understand why these lessons were in place, but she did understand they had value. She recalled one lesson primarily focused with seeking wisdom and knowledge from 'hidden places in plain sight', so she wondered what the benefit was of catching such a miniscule and agile creature...on such rickety and probably even dangerous foundations.

Balance? Wit? Quickness? She also tried to dissect Almato's words to see if there was anything in-betwix the lines. 'Pet'? It must be something treated with care--so that must mean he would like a companion.

...One does not just snatch companions out of their natural habitat...

This would be another fine day.

Ponder! What else do I know of the Starlets? Utilize my Knowledge on information about them! (like how may one catch and not harm such a bird? Padded gloves?)
Find food or any other aid that may sooth a Starlet, and wonder if the tower arches may support my weight easily.
(also proceed with climbing up there, but only if I haven't thought of anything else in my knowledge?)


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2014, 12:17:06 pm »

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He hesitated before answering. On the one hand, he was happy to be at his father's side and honoured to be sitting court with him. On the other, he was bored. No, not bored, but impatient. His mind repeatedly wandered to the wildling party that they had scouted - he'd much rather have been out there today, defending their lands, but his father had insisted.

Still, Benjicot knew his duty, as unglorious as it may be, and be did not wish to let his father down. He had hidden his mood as best he could and complied, and there was little reason in contesting his fathers requests now. "Yes, father, as you wish". He stood up and briefly straightened out his clothing, respectfully awaiting his father's exit.
Love, scriver~


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2014, 10:20:57 am »


The Ironmen straighten up as you approach, but the dark-haired woman speaks for them, a mocking smile on her lips.

"Well, looks like the greenlander has something to say. Let's hear him out-this should be amusing."
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The bowmen in your lines nock their arrows, waiting for a shouted signal, while the Wildlings seem to turn on one another and wheel in confusion, maybe looking for someone to speak for them. You hear a bit of muffled laughter in your lines-Frederich motions for his captains to enforce some semblance of order in this mummers farce of a battle.

Eventually, a man rides out, alone and armed with a spear-an oaken needle almost six feet long-and for once the Wildlings seem to straighten their lines and stand at attention. An old man, grey hair and grey eyes, but he looks strong and capable-wearing, among his furs, the stolen armor of a member of the nights watch-black metal chainmail.

William can guess what comes next.

"...You should go away. Kneelers are not welcome here. You think you own the lands, and the rivers, even the sky-but, no man owns the Godswood. We are safe here-the Old Gods protect us. You will go away now." He says, so his men can hear-a ragged wildling shout goes up. Interestingly, he speaks Westerosi fairly well, for a Wildling. William has a feeling this man may be more intelligent than he is letting on.

Frederich is just as eager as ever, though.

"Let me cut him down, my lord. That should give them a bit of a pause..."


"Worried? Well, one should test the waters before swimming, about I give you the grand tour, and tell you all about the family.

I'm sure you want to see the dragon."
He says, generously.

Desmond gratefully surrenders his seat, and Benjicot takes his place.


The young Benjicot is quickly reminded that Lordship isn't all about battles and wooing Noblewomen out of their skirts. Very likely the lesson he father intended him to learn.

"My Lord, I demand restitution!" Says the Crofter, a scraggly Shieldlands farmer with wild red hair. He has a very loud voice.

"With no disrespect to your Lordship, I mean-a band, young Nobles trampled through my land chasing a boar this morning, or they said they were chasing a boar. They smashed my grain into the mud, killed four chickens, and broke my fence. They scared my daughter! She's still hiding in the barnloft, my lord-a sweet thing, hardly nine and ten.

...must have thought they were the bloody cavalry....I saw badges from many different houses of the North, mi'lord, but none from ours. I am here today hoping for a measure of justice, for smallfolk."

Bejicot guesses the mans losses come out to about two silver stags-maye three or four, if one is being generous. He supposes it's a bit troubling other Lords are riding roughshod over your lands without your fathers leave. Don't they know there's a war going on?

Stop, and think...

Alessa knows that Starlets are inquisitive and panicky. They are attracted to shiny things, scared of loud noise, and frightened by movement. Even with a bit of food, you couldn't approach them. They are Southern birds, in truth-they only fly up North during the warmest summers. Even to see them here is rare...she knows they usually more often enjoyed in the gardens of the Arbor.

She comes to the conclusion that it is utterly impossible to catch one by hand out of the air. It would be like trying to get a handful of smoke-and even if you did, the poor thing would probably die of fright in your palm. Perhaps the trick is not to catch them?

As for the wood, well-Alessa is not very heavy, and if she can't trust the roof then the tower itself isn't much safer. Last she knew, the towers have been standing for many hundreds of years and have weathered lightning strikes and catapult shots. Surely they won't fall today.

Rilmad trots away, wordlessly. The forest bears mute testament, silent as ever in the wake of killing. The boars blood seeps into the soft ground.


A few miles on, he hears two things.
First, the burbling of the Frostflow-the largest river in Stonehearth lands, and if you follow it downriver you'll always come home. Everyone residing in these lands learns that, even as children.

Second, the dry *Crack-snap* of a breaking a branch, somewhere behind and to the left of him.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 10:23:13 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2014, 10:28:45 am »

Kyle shrugs.
"What would one have to say about others carousing at the bar? It is as good a place as any after all. Anyways, I was curious about what has put you all in such a good mood."
Kyle smiles in a carefree manner. After all, if you let others know your nervous then they'll use that against you.


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Re: ASOIAF RPG-An End to Summer (Game Thread)
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2014, 10:43:46 am »

Kyle shrugs.
"What would one have to say about others carousing at the bar? It is as good a place as any after all. Anyways, I was curious about what has put you all in such a good mood."
Kyle smiles in a carefree manner. After all, if you let others know your nervous then they'll use that against you.

The woman lifts her mug, as if complimenting you on a good hit during fencing practice.

"We made Dragons-a goodly sum. Aside from being alive, what better reason to celebrate? You fellows like your Arbor Wines and fruits, and who gets them here fresher then my Black Wind? I've heard those fat Arbor Cogs of yours bring fruit back half rotten and filled with worms, hah...You Northerners haggle so poorly, I mean. If someone had told me my knowing my sums would allow me to rob you lot better than swinging my axes would, I might make a living of this...

She motions to men around her.

Men ah'd rather reave, though. So would I, come to it-finger dancing is better than counting sums, but my father bent the knee when he lost his throw, and now we're all playing at peace. So I took us here. We'll drink till we pass out, or until you Wolves try to kill us. Either way, it's a good day for an Ironborn. Anything to say about that, greenlander? Do you fancy Squids in your bar? She says, waggling her eyebrows. It's an impossibly mocking, yet endearing gesture.

The grumbling from the crowd gets a bit more...grumblier.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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