The team airdrops down to the ravaged harbor town.
Looks like the aliens tried the same tactic they did up in Canada, although this time the local security forces knew to neutralize the organic hosts to keep the chryssalids from overrunning everything quite so much
Unfortunately, it looks like they weren't
completely successful
Our soldiers rush forward and start blasting zombies
A few of the surviving zombies shamble forwards, one of them even climbing up onto the ship. It is quickly dispatched by Oney
And another is struck down by Grey
However, a few of them moved back into the town. Worried for the civilians that may be back there, Ra throws out a scanner to get eyes on the monsters
Which gives our snipers a chance to take one of them out
The rest of the team takes on the remaining close zombies
Alerted by the sounds of combat, more zombies move in on us
And despite our efforts, the zombies claim a victim
Quartz blasts the offending zombie. Pity they don't feel pain.
The rest of our troops work on clearing a way forward
More zombies moving in from the fog. Is there no end to them?!
Grey and Maelle clear the way so that our assaults can move up
At close range, the scatterlasers are brutal. But the zombies are tough, and it can take more than a singe blast to take one down.
Another victim. Damn the aliens!
The zombies advance on our position. Oney holds point with admirable determination
And at last the monsters are within rocket range. Greene does his work well
The shredded zombies are easy targets for Maelle up on her perch
Oney uses the respite to fall back and reload, and gives a civilian directions to safety in the process
The rest of the squad moves up, clearing the way for more civilians to get to safety
The last of the zombies dealt with, the squad starts looking for more survivors...or enemies
Shadows in the fog
Chryssalids! The source of the infestation, at last!
They advance with terrifying speed...right into our sights
With civilians at risk, we waste no time engaging the insectoid monstrosities
With that threat ended, the squad fans out to collect any survivors in the area
More enemies can be heard, out in the fog
Another group of Chryssalids rounds the corner of a nearby building
Ra is on point to intercept them this time
Grey hurls a flashbang into the middle of the pack, disorienting it
And our troops move in to engage the enemy
Hurt and dazzled, the surviving insectoid scurries for cover
And a fresh zombie shambles into view
Greene decides that this situation calls for more...extensive measures
The injured chryssalid is quickly dispatched
While Quartz and Oney dispatch the zombie
A quick search of the area reveals one more group of zombies clustered on one of the boats
And Green knows just what to do with a cluster of enemies
The rest of the squad moves forward, quickly taking out the closer zombie
After that...well, it's like shooting fish in a barrel
The remaining zombies are trapped on the prow of the boat, unable to figure out a way to get to us
They are dispatched with the teams customary precision
While far from a perfect mission, I am quite proud of the troops. They saved more civilians than I had expected, given the spread out nature of the terror site.
And it seems that our efforts are barely enough to keep Mexico in the council. At least for now.