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Author Topic: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - GAME OVER! See first post.  (Read 49074 times)


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Our protagonists find themselves in the safety of a transfer craft as the Guild approaches to extract its operatives. The station appears thoroughly destroyed in its purpose as a headquarters and a population center. The Milanese will find themselves at liberty to invest in new infrastructure and support economic development in the region.

I feel like this is basically the end of the first mission. It's the first time I've ever actually come close to finishing an RtD formally. I'm not planning to start a new mission right now, unfortunately.

Take care!

Mission 1
[Operation: Gate Crash]

Mission Briefing:
SpaceInc, a local conglomerate, makes its profits off of controlling He-3 trade within the von Hapsburg, von Karling, and Haunaua local group (including several border stars without further worldgate links). Its gas mining platforms are primarily operated by workers who are entirely dependent on receiving supplies and equipment from the corporation. This system has evolved into something resembling slavery, where workers are forced to work at zero pay in order to meet quotas for their very survival. Lacking transmitters of significant power, these workers cannot even call for help, and local militaries lack both power and motivation to put an end to these practices. However, the workers may have hope yet.

A Milanese prince, son of a wealthy noble family, has decided that enough is enough. SpaceInc's monopolgy really cuts down on entrepreneurial efforts, and the Milanese have a great desire to extend their commercial net beyond their rugged world. The prince is willing to shovel out a lot of gold if you can sabotage SpaceInc's efforts, moreso if you can shut them down for good. The gold is already being held by a local escrow agent in the Republic of Georgia.

The terms are simple. Cause as much havoc as you can, minimize civilian casualties. You are paid by the damage you can deal. Good luck!

Participating Characters:
Ziggo the Great
Nerin and Valrak
Deuce Holag

Link to playerlist and character sheets


Each person can specify what he/s wants to bring on the insertion ship. Remember, you'll have to pass through security, so heavy weapons will be outright rejected (but you can still bring them). Likewise, armor and such won't work unless you can convince security that uit's necessary. Otherwise you'll be suspicious, and possibly get the whole team discovered.

The Guild can easily supply you with the following. Anything outside of common sense will have to be specifically asked for:
-Weapons ([retty much any common sci-fi tech. No pocket BFG's, but that's about it.)
-Armor (ranging from discrete stuff to hide under clothing, to full out combat gear printed to match your shape)
-Computers (tablets and phones can't hack, laptop-sized computers can but you have to get it through security. If they see a hacking program on it you are probably done.)
-Tracking tools (bugs, tracking devices, chemical agents, cameras, radars)
-Sabotage tools (tiny explosives, chemicals, other stuff)
-Toolkits (soldering tools and small drills will get past security. Thermal lances won't)
-Crafting components (batteries, capacitors, tachyon emitters, whatever you can think of that's not contraband)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 05:22:55 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Starting
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 05:47:20 pm »

Nerin/Valrak loadout:

Both will bring phones, wireless earbuds preferable that actually work with their ears.

Nerin will bring a computer, loaded with a large number of games and sims. He can always put hacking programs onto it later from one of his implants. Adapters both wireless and wired for plugging the compy into various things. Also charger and headphones. Can't forget the charger.

Valrak will bring a low powered electrolaser, suited for stunning/nonlethal combat but not much else. The kind of thing someone who works as a security guard or contractor uses when dealing with civilians. Perfectly legal and more or less harmless so long as the person's heart isn't fully robotic.

Otherwise general KX9 Civcore styled clothing to their personal taste. Hoodies with holes. Comfy sweatpants with tailholes, socks, (Nerin's are noticeably longer in length and considerably more colorful then Valrak's should someone care to look), and due to being in humanspace the least uncomfortable shoes cause humans don't know how to keep the ground clean, although on most Denworlds, shoes aren't the norm. Generally interferes with the multitude of bioaugs that KX9 often have in their feet and legs. Second set of clothing, Nerin wil also be bringing his datapad, temporarily backed up on a Denworld just in case, a drawing pad and pencils, and several sandwiches for the flight. Both will be bringing backpacks. Credit chips from the KX9 collective. More or less enough to do whatever with. The kind Civcore tourists would have. ((Civcore is basically general civilian KX9 who aren't interested in the other branches. General styles are comfy clothing and comfy clothing. If it's comfy they'll wear it, although hoodies are rather common.))

I am soooo bringing sandwiches for the flight.


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Starting
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 05:47:48 pm »

Atlos Loadout:

Atlos will attach whatever weapons systems to his travel unit that could be justified under "self-defense" in this situation. Most likely nothing lethal or very powerful, but it's good to have options. Should he become involved in combat, he will probably be entirely reliant on this vehicle. He will also outfit it with more civilian tools to both aid his cover story and help with sabotage, if need be. Potential additional "self defense" tools include minor sonic disruptors, tasers, and an Ocular Discouragement Beam.

Atlos will also carry a number of small, waterproof devices for use outside the travel unit (while snaking the plumbing or on spacewalk). Will hide things in his digestive tract and the machinery of his vehicle, if need be. Most likely, these will be small cutting tools and explosives.

In case he needs to spacewalk, (or gets a cover role requiring it), Atlos will also bring his pressure suit.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 06:01:58 pm by HugoLuman »
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Starting
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2014, 05:52:50 pm »

WARDEN's Load-out:

-Since WARDEN will be spending the majority of the time in ducts, inside walls, under the floor, etc, he will be mounted with mountable RADAR units to map out the area and transmit it on an encrypted channel.

-WARDEN's armor is equipped with a U-Tech Camera Shroud™ that changes color to match his surroundings, throwing off common target recognition systems, although he's still easily seen by more sophisticated cameras. Like eyes. It requires a high power draw while active*.

*U-Tech is not responsible for any failures of operation, short-circuits or explosions you may encounter. Remember, only U can be responsible!
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Starting
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2014, 06:15:12 pm »

Ziggo's loudout:

Retractable steel nails hidden in black gloves for both pairs of legs to help with climbing and fighting. Poisoned preferably.

Combat dagger that can split into two halves. Also preferably poisoned.

One smoke grenade. Preferably poison gas.

Compact air-filter to use like a gas mask, but can be folded and hidden in a bag. For the poison gas.

Antidote. In case the poison gets in Ziggo or his team.

((Sorry it took so long>))

I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2014, 10:44:18 pm »

Deuce Gear:

((Not sure about how much you're looking for, so consider this an ordered priority list.  Anything that would cause suspicion can be struck out.))

A small nonlethal melee weapon; a stunrod, sap, nightstick, something like that.
Combat knife
Small blaster; whatever bog-standard energy sidearm there is, favoring compactness
A flashbang
Incendiary grenade
Any other small explosive charges that would fit
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Roll 1
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2014, 11:01:51 pm »

Alright here we go!


Moravia Orbital Colony, Ulysses | 237d/3008AD | Von Hapsburg System

Megacity Time: 4:59

'Coming in hot, looks like the station's slightly off course. Increase thrust to compensate...'

The VIP passenger sections of the ship, suspended in a shock-absorbing net, hardly moves. The same cannot be said for the six Guild-aligned infiltrators, along with the rest of the cargo team. They are stuck in the work bay, which jinks around with every bit of acceleration.

The Endurance is a torch-ship, equipped with a monster of a drive capable of constant acceleration for extended periods of time. A constant stream of nuclear explosions violently pushes the ship along at a steady acceleration of 9.82 meters per second squared. The ship's fusion reactor is miniscule in comparison, located in the midsection of the ship and generating paltry in comparison to the raging inferno that is the main engine.


Megacity Time: 5:17

Endurance coasts into orbit. By now, the torch drives have been cut, and maneuvering thursters are active. In a few minutes, the ship will approach the station and the docking clamps will engage.


Megacity Time: 5:23

The hull shudders as massive beams of steel, reinforced with precious carbon nanocomposite, embrace the ship. Maintainence drones begin downloading schematics data and start performing inspections in case something went wrong during the voyage. A large curtain is drawn around the torch-drive, wrapping it in a giant bag of dense hydrocarbons designed to soak any harmful radiation the engine is still emitting. Finally, the boarding tunnels are fixed into place over the airlocks.

Passengers begin to board the station, starting with the VIP's.


Moravia Docking Pier A
Bustling Traffic (Lose all of your Diplomacy and convert it to a 1:1 Initiative bonus)

Megacity Time: 5:32

The time comes for the undercover Guild operatives to pass customs. The inspection takes place in a large hallway with four stations. For added secrecy, the guild operatives have spread themselves out across all four lines. A holographic screen 'above' paints a vista of the gas giant Ulysses as a backdrop to the twisted web of starships, docks, habitat sections, and containers that makes up the interior of the otherwise ring-shaped megacity. Right in the center of the grav-ring is the corporate headquarters, buried within meters of nanocomposite and and visited only by shuttle. This is your target.

[No suspicious items] McMarlo is welcomed aboard the station. The customs agent tips his hat at the celebrity as he passes through the gate.

[1/5] Ziggo trips the contaminant sensors as he walks through. After being subjected to a search, his vest of hidden poisons is discovered and confiscated on the grounds that poisons are potential terror weapons, although he is allowed to keep the antidotes. [3] He is able to convince the customs agents that he is not a terrorist, and that he is just simply mentally insane. The guards give him a slip that tells him to be present at the nearest psychiatric ward before local time 6:30.

[No suspicious items] Nerin and Valrak pass through without complications, although the inspector scoffs at them at first site. KX9's aren't highly regarded by most humans.

[3] Deuce manages to slip his incendiary grenade through, claiming it to be a cooking spray.

[4] Atlos brought a forged license supplied to him by the guild in order to get his fishtank through. As an accessibility device, it is allowed and Atlos is able to proceed through. However...

[3] WARDEN was informed that sapient robotics are not allowed on the station. However, personal assistant units are, and so he follows closely behind Atlos, licensed as a personal assistant and housekeeping robot. In order to avoid suspicions, however, you'll have to act non-sentient.


Megacity Time: 5:45

The six agents reunite at the end of customs inspection. Their team is located inside a lobby area, subdivided into waiting areas by benches and potted plants. Small food and novelty stores with overpriced goods line the sides, while just up ahead is a hallway leading to a grand five-story lobby, consisting of five ring-shaped levels around a single massive, teal-colored tree that extends past the top level and into a maintenance floor where water supplies and life support is managed. There is a group of human children lined up at the guard rails trying to grab needles off the colossal tree, while their parents converse with each other several meters away. One of them seems to be climbing halfway up the forbidden glass panel, reaching hopelessly as his tiny arm isn't even half as long as it needs to be.

The current level (Level 3) of the lobby is otherwise populated with working-class citizens of various backgrounds, some alien, most human. The occasional security guard does a few laps as part of a patrol, but for the most part the lobby is watched by security cameras at all times.

Panhandlers are present, as ever, but here in the modern age they play not instruments, but video games. Some bring consoles and projectors, challenging people to defeat them in a popular fighting game (Protectors of the Multiverse). This seems to be a custom, as there are three sections of wall appropriated for this task.

One particular three-armed man sits next to a briefcase filled with coins as he singlehandedly controls all three party members on three different controllers in the post-apocalyptic RPG Rise of a Fallen Age. A legendary run, it seems.

A trio of business-suit clad gentlemen pass by. It seems they are discussing the recent insolvency of a bank on Britannia, one of the Republic of Georgia's largest moons.

A pair of women wearing lab coats rushes from one of the many the exits to the lobby. They seem to be scanning the crowd for somebody in particular.

A large group of activists (15) protesting working conditions on Ulysses and "spreading awareness" is promptly arrested and taken to the southwest entrance.

An electric cart carrying "hot dogs", a traditional human dish, stops along the lobby's rim, its operators preparing to sell their product. The cart came from the northwest entrance, labelled with the following:
AllMart Office Complex
Factory Complex A
Cargo Services
Will's, Bill's, and Bently's Brokerage Services
Docking Pier B
Galactic™ Mall
Persson Residential Tower

« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 02:59:00 pm by _DivideByZero_ »
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2014, 11:16:15 pm »

Deuce wandered over to the hot dog vendor, signaling him with a wave of the arm.  "Hey buddy, hit me with one of those.  Put everything on it."

He paid the man with a generous tip.  As he took a bite, he followed up with a question.  "Hey man, good stuff here.  You're local, right?  What's the best way to get into the corp HQ here?  I've got a meeting there tomorrow, and I'm hoping I won't get tripped up with too much waiting and red tape."
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2014, 11:26:48 pm »

Nerin and Valrak break off of the group and approach the women in labcoats.

"You're looking for something."


"We're curious."

"We may have seen it."

« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 12:03:25 am by Kevak »


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2014, 11:42:10 pm »

Deuce wandered over to the hot dog vendor, signaling him with a wave of the arm.  "Hey buddy, hit me with one of those.  Put everything on it."

He paid the man with a generous tip.  As he took a bite, he followed up with a question.  "Hey man, good stuff here.  You're local, right?  What's the best way to get into the corp HQ here?  I've got a meeting there tomorrow, and I'm hoping I won't get tripped up with too much waiting and red tape."

One of the vendors replies.
"Everything? Some of them are, err, mutually exclusive. You put Gio-lettuce in with the pickles and you get hydrogen, which isn't exactly safe. Either way, regulations don't allow it."

Spoiler: Gio-lettuce (click to show/hide)

The other one responds to your question about the headquarters.

"Wait, you really did? That's sweet man! I got no idea but you probably got a promotion coming your way, if you've never been there before."
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2014, 11:59:33 pm »

"Keep in touch, gentlemen, though from here on out I think it's best we don't see much of each other," says Atlos to the others before they begin separating. He looks at the robot next to him. "Except for you and I, who shall be spending a great deal of time together. So... assistant, where would you recommend we begin our search?"
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2014, 12:03:57 am »

Nerin and Valrak break off of the group and approach the women in labcoats.

"You're looking for something."


"We're curious."

"We may have seen it."


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2014, 02:11:58 am »

Ziggo gave a disgruntled squeak. Damn sensors. Maybe next time I should climb through the vents during inspection.

"I will leave you all now. Two-leggers forced me to visit a sy-kai-a-trist. Whatever that is." Ziggo began to search for the sy-ki-atric ward. Maybe that's where he could start some damage.

I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2014, 11:16:05 am »

"They won't let you?  Bummer.  All right, hold the Gio-lettuce then.  Dang bureaucrats and their controlling of everything.  But yeah, I'm pretty stoked, hope some good luck's finally coming my way.  You know anyone who goes there a lot?  Never hurts to have a couple pointers.  Say, got something good to drink too?"

Talk more, buy a drink (whatever soda equivalent).
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: 3008 AD: The Guild Chronicles Mission Thread - Roll 1
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2014, 02:11:32 pm »

McMarlo strolled over to the pangamers. "Is that Protectors of the Multiverse?" he inquires, loudly, flapping his wings.

"I admit, I'm more a fan of Infinite League of the Ancient Arena, but I'm good at this game too-someone sign me up! Win or lose, everyone here gets holoautograph with McMarlo, I promise! Everyone gather round!" He panned.

McMarlo hoped he could pick Abjura the Existenimancer, his favorite character...

Action: Time for some Protectors of the Multiverse action!

By which I mean, massively distract the security teams from my teammates!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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