Adopt a 7 year old child.
Look for a weapon. Makeshift would do, but "real" one preferred.
Hey, its only a question of time untill we will need it. Say, on a completely unrelated topic, we could have you go to work, right? Completely unrelated, y~epp.
Yeah, a weapon would be nice, now that I've imagined Harbingerjm breaking into my apartment. Hmm... not much to weaponize here, I'm afraid. There's the usual sharp things in the kitchen, a couple of floor lamps that could be brandished, and my bike, but I think that's it. There's also my pocketknife, but that's tiny, and a bit dull besides. If only I were at home...
And, well, about work...
...kinda unemployed right now. I got some savings, and some help, but until I land a job, I'm on a bit of a tight budget.
Forgive me, but it had to be done. Hat's, you say?
Don Fedora
Got this thing for a video production class back in highschool. Wore it last year for a Rorschach Halloween costume.
There's also a flat cap and a tuque in there.
Take one of those big pink pieces of bubble gum off the back of that black square rack and chew a bit of it. Blow a big bubble.
Sorry, I don't tend to buy gum.
also, wipe the weird yellow bugs off your green overcoat.
Are you making fun of my buttons?
Acquire friend spiders.
Acquire friend spiders.
No, not friend spiders.
Gotta get Spider Bro.
The apartment was newly refurbished when I moved in a few weeks ago, so sadly it hasn't had time to accumulate spiders. I guess I could go find one outside, though. There are some lovely orb weavers around.
> Ponder on if there's any duties you need to perform today: Classes, academics, hobbies, preferences to be done, writing and drawing...
Hmm... It's 8:30 AM on a Tuesday morning. I've got classes at 9:00 and 11:00, reading for said classes later, there's always games to update, and I should probably remember groceries.
We're going to need to go shopping.
Order cat ears off the internet. Either of these will do~
I think I'm good on headware for now. And headphones. Got a real nice headset with a great mic. Yep. No need to buy any of that stuff.