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According to the newest research, what substance is best tasked with reinvorgorating a sleepy thread?

Powdered Sweet Pod
Crushed Mermaid Scale
Elven Bone Marrow
Flaked Adamantine
Ground Unicorn Horn

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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 440598 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #255 on: December 24, 2014, 04:46:46 am »

Don't blame Salmeuk, he suffers from insomnia these days. . . due to the massive fucking supergoat that haunts this place.

Diary of Salmeuk
I oversaw the construction of the final barricade today, having been directed by Taupe to just finish the damn thing. We had been waiting for his list of the building materials, but he kept complaining about the state of the Stocks.

You see, when our bookkeeper first set about listing all the goods and materials of Doomforests, he assembled the information into one giant leatherbound ledger. He put his heart into that thing, and as a result we were able to effectively remove any wasted time from not knowing where this or that item was placed.

However, that was nearly half a decade ago. I've been told this place was visited by disaster in the second year, and that disaster never left. That ledger full of stock information has somehow survived destruction, but it isn't without damage: the bindings are loose, the cover is cut and burnt, and the pages are stained with blood. The records inside, however, are faultless due to constant and almost religious updating of the counts and as such the ledger is a valuable tool for the survival of this fort. Overseer's of years past have always passed it down to the next in line (assuming they were alive to do so. . .) and as a result it sits in the hands of our current leader: Taupe.

What does this have to do with building a block wall, you ask? We constructed a few blocks to finish filling the gaps in the barricade. Taupe wanted to update the ledger with the new items, but because of the large goat-beast that stands between us and the large block stockpiles he "couldn't adjust the block counts appropriately." No one really knew what he meant but his intense glare put a stop to any questions. None of us want to risk the wrath of a clinically insane dwarf, especially a doctor that knows how to cut off your arm and keep you alive. As it stands, despite having access to freshly-made blocks of stone Taupe wasn't willing to let us use them. So instead he made us use soap.

You read that right. Due to his obsession with bureaucratic perfectionism and religious adherence to a bundle of paper we had to use soap. . .

I moved my sleeping quarters as far away from the soap 'wall' as I could, and stole a pickaxe to hid underneath my bed. I have no intention of being the first to meet that goat face-to-face (no matter how clean he might end up after sticking his hooves through the wall). Should we encounter a breach in the wall, my plan is to dig my way to the caverns and start afresh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #256 on: December 24, 2014, 11:17:54 am »

Hey PsychoAngel. I heard that you like soap, so here is a thread about other people that like soap.

Apparently Dwarven soap only dissolves in beer, not water (This is my assumption). How else would they make a tower out of it without it dissolving?
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #257 on: December 24, 2014, 06:54:01 pm »

Early summer:

I've begun work on mechanisms and trap cage wiring. Since I need to be doing two things at the same time, I've recruited SkaiaMechanic as my new helper.

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Drokles is also doing a great job of managing the work orders. Coffins are being hauled to the new crypt, and Old Senshuken has finally been put to rest. Bad new, tho, the new Senshuken just spent 3 weeks mimicking the ghost to annoy it, and now he's essentially just like his former namesake. He's wielding the artifact crosbow, now, but we don't have any bolts.

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Some kobolds are trying to sneak inside the fortress. they are really , realy good at finding secret entrances. I decided to momentarily activate the river bridge and let them in. The temperature dropped for a moment, I assume they met Supergoat.

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Engraver-Guy is back on his feet, after three months of surgery. He's trying to get some work done, but stops, because he's horrified by what he sees around him. Too many corpses, he says. Well, what did you expect when i mentioned everyone but the two of us died?

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The merchants from the human cities have shown up. The place being relatively safe, I ordered the walls to be deconstructed. While they approach the fortress. Told the idlers, led by my Minion, to take care of the hauling, and bring whatever we didn't use to the Depot while the masons worked on the wall. I also had to build a new Depot, since wereantelope trashed the previous one. thank god we don't have to deal with that anymore. The new Depot is made of soap, because fuck this administration.

Salmeuk is unsatisfied of my managing methods, so i named him bookkeeper and told him to do better if he was so smart. Good luck with that, mister Fall-Asleep-In-a-Hole.

*    *    *


God damnit! Salmeuk's complains have gathered a few dwarves under his banner against my rule, and they elected him mayor. They can't do that, last election was only three months ago!

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Thankfully, the wall is down, and the wagons start heading our way. While they waited, they were joined by a group of migrants. Ten of them, if i can count, making our numbers rise to 32. I tell them to grab some stuff around, and help bringing crap to the Depot once they reach the fortress. Most of them pick up random shit outside and carry them to Doomforests with them. Better here than in the woods, I suppose.

On another topic, Salmeuk named SkaiaMechanic as our broker, and he's now busy hauling stuff as well. A migrant specializing in gemcutting offers to take over SM's duties. SkaiaMechanic gets his own office, and Salmeuk claimed the awesome bedroom made with golden furniture, once belonging to baron Drazoth. now that my assistant is busy being a broker, work on my project is going slowly.

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I'm designating two new mining operations, since the crypt is large enough for now. The first one is a shaft leading down to astville into the well room. We'll seal off the door to the caverns, seal off the base of the old staircase, and erect a wall in the forge to prevent monsters from flying in. Rearranging the forges with floors and adequate lava shafts should block access to magma creatures as well. Astville has water, it's a good place to set up mining operations, and we'll make good use of those fancy housing blueprints made by old Atir, may his soul rest in piece.

''Thanks, bro, says Atir.
-Drokles, we need more engraved slabs.
-Sure thing, doctor.''

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The second mining project will provide us with wood, without leaving our comfy new Monster-free colony. Astville has some bloodthorn logs stored in it, or so Ghost Atir claims, but it will barely be enough to seal the forges from flyiers. We'll need wood for beds, cause those migrants won't re-elect me if i let them sleep on the floor. So I'm having the miners channel the area between the farms and the body dump, now that we got rid of the miasmic animals. by digging this place down 2 layers, we should have enough room for cavedust magic to occur, and spore trees to grow. They will grow fast, nourishing on the bodies lying around and the roots from the trees above.

Annnd, it's back.

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Apparently, we are not the only settlement haunted by wereantelopes. One of the migrants, or one of the human traders, turned into a monster the second it bypassed our defenses.

So much for going a full month without a ravenous monster wandering our halls.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #258 on: December 24, 2014, 07:17:40 pm »

and Salmeuk claimed the awesome bedroom made with golden furniture, once belonging to baron Drazoth.

I don't want to jinx my dwarf but that room is bad luck. Like, this entire fortress is already bad luck but that room in particular trumps everything. . .



  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #259 on: December 24, 2014, 07:20:02 pm »

It's fine, we removed most of the twenty corpses littering it. Plus, while in your room, you can only be attacked by one of the two blood-thirsty creatures roaming the fortress at the moment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #260 on: December 24, 2014, 07:51:02 pm »

Wow, good job on keeping this place alive Taupe, I'll make sure to name at least one dwarf in each of my own forts in your honour.  Also, I would like to be redwarfed as some sort of metalworker if possible.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #261 on: December 24, 2014, 08:04:40 pm »

Now the game's just being lazy.

"Ooh, you reached out of the bottomless pit and started anew, huh? Gotta bunch of new dwarves, huh?

Well now I'm out of ideas. So! The game that brought you last season's blockbuster hit "Ast the Wereantelope" comes "Wereantelope II: Because Screw You That's Why!"

Coming to a masterfully-done stone wall carving near you this holiday season!"

I'm running out of dogs. I'm running out of bolts.
I'm running out of dwarves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #262 on: December 24, 2014, 09:46:23 pm »

Just sit back and watch the humans blame us for this one.

It's not our fault that the werebeast you brought with you transformed when you reached our fortress! Trade with us your bastards!
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #263 on: December 24, 2014, 09:57:01 pm »

I still think that with proper applications of pressure pads, water, and cages, were-beasts can be utilized as efficient shock troops. The best way to use then would be to seal them in a 1x2 room, with the floor consisting of food and a hatch hooked up to a lever. Lock were-beast in and forget about it until siege. In addition, it would also be a fort saver if all other dwarves die (again).
* = food
# = wall
& = were-beast/hatch


Easy enough to mass produce. Can also be reset to drop prisoners (ex, the Minotaur). Just use pathing to get the creature to stop over the hatch.
% = cage with monster
H = hatch
$ = fortress
D = door


The doors can be switched with bridges if you are worried about building destroyers.
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #264 on: December 24, 2014, 10:09:47 pm »

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Apparently, we are not the only settlement haunted by wereantelopes. One of the migrants, or one of the human traders, turned into a monster the second it bypassed our defenses.

So much for going a full month without a ravenous monster wandering our halls.

Here we go again!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #265 on: December 25, 2014, 12:16:53 am »

Late summer:

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Well, the werebeast was part of the human traders convoy. It attacked them, got injured, fled, and turned back into a human. I ordered the kinetic swans to catch up with it and kill the asshole, but even as a non-antelope, the culprit fled swiftly. Important note for the future: do NOT let the human merchants in again. They are most likely infected. humans were the one to bring about *this* curse here in the first place. I think we should seal the depot access, wait for a full moon, and then open the walls to conduct business with them. I think sealing off migrants in an antichamber with food and beds until the full moon would also be a smart choice, to make sure we don't ever welcome one of those wereantelopes inside our walls.

If we do locate one of those creatures, I have... plans... for them.

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Meanwhile, it seems that right under the first layer of dirt is raw basalt, unfit for tree production, sporific or otherwise. Will need alternate source of logs. could not conduct business with the human traders because one of them turned into a monster.

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To get logs for at least a few beds, I order my lackeys to dig toward astville using a new shaft. there shall be two corridors filled with doors. Should we ever need to isolate either part of the fort, or face a threat, we can lock the doors to hold invaders while we seal off the corridor.

While digging, our miners locate a cluster of both green zircon and amethysts. There's also marble, a flux stone, should we ever become industrious enough to forge some fucking steel.

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Annnnnd, welcome to Astville, where we are met with a wonderfully crafted well and the rotting and headless body of our mayor. Hi, Drazoth!

Yeah, better seal off the place asap. there are logs nearby, but I prefer to use the few boulders we created while excavating down. Stone beds aren't the most awesome thing to sleep on, let's be honest.

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Before I can do much of anything with this new area we've gained access to, I'm called back upstairs. a vile force of darkness has arrived. Goblins. And trolls.  they can't reach us, thank Armok and my cleverness for that, but they represent a clear and present danger to any would be trader, or migrant. Thankfully, I have just the thing for them.

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Unless they can path inside the fortress, the goblins and trolls will remain outside and roam the countryside, killing any would-be migrants for this season, and probably the next two or so. thankfully, i see no harm in welcoming them. they are, after all, the relatives of my good Minister of Agriculture, mister Smunstu. Any friend of my friend is welcome to doomforests.

I activate the southern bridge, opening up the fortress to any would be invader.

*    *    *

Early autumn:

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I wasn't able to wire all I wanted, but this will have to do. I order the eastern wall torn apart to connect the upper section of the staircase to connect with the old fortress, and command Drokles' masons to seal off the entrance to my lair. I'm sorry, remaining troglodytes, you don't get to be part of my awesome experiment. Maybe next time?

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The goblins wait for the river to freeze, and then cross the brook to enter via the bridge. They charge in, hoping to discover riches and loot. What they mostly discover, instead, is my good ol' pal Supergoat.

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The trolls are too dumb to help, and stay behind, trashing Drazoth's tomb. for a noble, every aspect of his death sure lacked respect or classiness. Supergoat makes short work of the goblins, but the little assholes took hold of weapons and armors lying around, and were able to inflict some severe damage on Doomforests' famous foe. It is now bleeding heavily. Sob.

needless to say, most of the goblins are dead. those who survive mostly spend the next week or so runnign around while rotting alive, filling the fort with a miasmic cloud it is all too well aquainted with.

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The trolls are done trashing Drazoth's tomb, and move on to destroy statues of the first Salmeuk.

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a lone goblin finds Supergoat crying in a corner, bleeding out. The goblin gets shot by the extract, and dies in due time, but inflicts a fatal wound to the Forgotten Beast.

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While this is going on, the remaining goblins decide to sleep among the masma and the ice breath instead of helping. Teamwork.

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It matters not. After three seasons of haunting Doomforests, Supergoat is no more.

*    *    *

Mid autumn:

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Well, time to have fun. The goblins want to leave, but they are obviously not aquainted with the customs of this fort. nobody leaves Doomforests alive, you see. That's what I learned over the painful, bloodsoaked years. Oups, there goes the bridge.

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First, let's begin with some crundles. The little buggers aren't tough on their own, but together they...

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Umpgh, ok, so they all died too easily. Thankfully I have more than one trick up my sleeve.

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''fly, my pretty!'' I scream while unleashing the giant olm.

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It's not over, tho, I still have more creatures to dispose of! Time to get serious!

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The goblins don't feel so brave when they encounter my pet Minotaur. He quickly disposes of one goblin.

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...and proceed to exterminate a few more, before getting his skull fractured. Uggh, useless megabeasts, why can't you be badass once you join my team?

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my pet troglodytes fare badly as well, unsurprisingly. My megabattle project was designed to get rid of Supergoat alone, not of 100 invaders. While the goblins have been pretty much destroyed, leaving only two on the surface that I'm aware off, the trolls not outnumber the dwarves inside the fort. thankfully, we don't share the same half of the fortress, because that would be unpleasant. The beasts start wandering the fortress and destroying pretty much everything they see. At least they can't escape the fortress. I have no time to deal with them, however, and no desire or means to do so either. From now on, until someone comes up with a clever and miraculous plan, they can have their half of the place.

My minion suggest weaponizing werebeasts. that will have to wait until the next season, or the return of the humans, I'm afraid.

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In the meantime, I focus on making Astville a tolerable place. How those refugees managed to call this hellhole their home without cringing is beyond me, and I've lived for three months among a pile of rotting dead friends. I order the bedchambers to be dug out. With two layers of the thing, assuming everyone is living with their spouse or parents, we should be able to house 40 dwarves, plus those in the offices upstairs We have such a low population no matter what, that it seems logical that everyone should be able to get his own fancy quarters.

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One of the cats seem to be emanating miasma, tho, so I order it pastured near the magma pit, and then sealed off. I have no desire to let such a stupid beast poison my fancy new habitation project.

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One of the masons managed so seal himself outside Astville. This costs us a week of building and deconstructing which could be used to create more coffins and slabs. Drokles, your employees are slacking off!

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At least the miners are doing their job (as soon as i remember to include what they dig as part of the burrow, that is). Now we have plenty of gems. I order everything but the amethysts cut into finer items, so that we have both raw and cut gems should anyone be taken by a mood.

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Speaking of which... my minion, of all people, has started to work on a personal project. Thankfully, he has all he needs, since he was always quite the simple fellow. No fancy gems or cloth for him, just rocks.

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While the miners excavate a dinning hall in Astville, minion finally completes his work. which he calls Maxcat61, after himself. It's a door. Still, despite such a terrible name, minion is now a legendary mason, which should be extremely useful to us.

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Unless something terrible happens, i plan to spend the last season of this year turning Astville into a proper living place, before giving up my overseer responsabilities. It's clear that Salmeuk is conspiring to remove me from power, and the newer dwarves have no idea of what I went trough to keep this place alive. Naturally, they see a fortress just like the others, unpopulated and poorly designed, and assume I am to blame for the poor quality of life. I cannot blame them. In time, more trouble will come, and then they will understand. I will be here, waiting, until they need my genius again.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 12:22:43 am by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #266 on: December 25, 2014, 12:53:53 am »

Things are looking good for Minions in Doomforests. In the old days, Minions didn't make anything special, and died in groups. I proved everyone wrong by surviving escaping a mass murdering goat and making an impenetrable door. An Artifact Door. Taupe II was rather concerned when I showed him the designs for the door, saying things like "Since when do minions make artifacts" and "Are you sure you didn't eat any rotting meat from the Forgotten Beast rampage?".
I brushed off his concerns: A real dwarf will do anything to make a strange mood become a reality. I even named it after myself. That means that every time someone walks through that door, they remember me, the Minion. While my door isn't that fancy (compared to some other artifacts), it is probably the best door in the entire fort. I wonder where it will go?
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #267 on: December 25, 2014, 12:58:55 am »

I was thinking of using the door to block access to the caverns. That way, we could reach the caves through Astville, without fearing that any beast may venture back after us. This would be a great way to retrieve the weapons from the milicia, their armor, and ideally their corpses. Alternate idea: using the door to grant Astville a direct access to the lowest caverns, so we can gather wood and fish. I'll sleep on that, feedback is welcome.

Artifact doors *ARE* immune to building destroyers, right?

EDIT: People are very likely do do a lot of back and forth between Astville and Doomforests, so placing it there would make a lot of people happier on their trip.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 01:01:47 am by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #268 on: December 25, 2014, 01:20:51 am »

Yes, artifact doors are immune to building destroyers. I am not sure if they can be lock-picked or not.
As for your ideas, why not do both? Use the door to get all the militia's stuff, then wall off in front of the door, and place it in front of the caves. Or dig a tunnel that lets you do both, like so:
# = wall
D = door
  = space
#  #

Just remember to keep the door shut tightly. You wouldn't want anything to walk past the unbreakable door because someone forgot to lock it.

Edit: Merry Christmas. Santa is Coming with elvish goods. Give him the greeting all elf lovers get.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 01:24:02 am by maxcat61 »
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Supergoat in Doomforests - There was just one dwarf left, but...
« Reply #269 on: December 25, 2014, 01:22:24 am »

That sounds like the kind of thing that will be super useful for now, and doom the fortress as soon as I wrap up the save to someone else :/

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