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Author Topic: The Hastening of Doomforests  (Read 439957 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - I Bet Nobody Saw it Coming
« Reply #180 on: December 18, 2014, 03:36:25 pm »

This.  This right here.  This fort is so much win I can't even.  PTFW.
I'm new to succession forts in general, yes, but do all forts designed by multiple overseers inevitably degenerate into a body-filled labyrinth of chaos and despair like this? Or is this just a Battlefailed thing?

There isn't much middle ground between killed-by-dragon and never-seen-by-dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - I Bet Nobody Saw it Coming
« Reply #181 on: December 18, 2014, 04:25:16 pm »

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Welcome to Doomforest, asshole, where everything is fucking wrong. A month ago, we lost two overseers, and since then, I,ve been sort of taking things in charge. Mostly because i'm one of the few around here with the qualifications to lead. Said qualities revolve mostly around being less batshit crazy than the other folks around.

I'm kind of ''fine and deluded about life'', which makes me in the top 10 percent in terms of mood here. I guess that makes me the eight overseer of doomforest? Altho I'm not sure a three weeks term really counts. Or a three days one. After 3 hours in charge without dying, I breathed with relief.

Aright, we have 4 fucking problems here, and that's because goblins haven't showed up too lately.

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First,  a fucking beast snail monster thingy wandering the caverns. Yeah, we are safe, but we pulled everything into getting the magma forge in place, and now the beast lives around there with all our copper shit. Ughhhh. we can hear it trashing doors and murdering every trundle or mudman living there. Place is now soaked with blood and miasma, I s'pose.

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Second is locating the fucking kid that seems to be turning into a monster. I spend some time discussing the problem with captain Senshuken, and he too wants to murder the little shit. Problem is, our milicia is really just 5 potters and masons who picked up iron swords a month ago, and they are wearing their chest hair as protection. If they fail to kill the kid quickly, they,ll get bit and transform. Kind of a shame Sazir  had to die that way, but it would have not better to see her morph into a monster next month.

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So Senshuken is not exactly a competent fighter yet, but he has a thing for quick thinking, and he's also a mason by trade. Instead of attacking the asshole directly, he decides to just lock him up and seal the room to this dorm. Not like we lack beds at the moment.

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Once this is done, he turns to me.

''We have 26 idlers. I'm taking the 4 most useless of them, and turning them into a makeshift army. We have no weapons left, but they'll train as wrestlers.''

One of them immediately goes insane, and locks himself in his room to die.

''Yeah make it the five most useless, yo!''

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needless to say, the third menace to our security is the dwarves living in the fort itself... We have so many rooms, and so little people sane enough to use them, that I decide to tear apart the walls between every two rooms. They'll get two beds, so families can live together, and benefit from some furniture and larger quarters. The idlers can be set to build furnitures to limit the sinking mood of our dwarves. an engraver would do wonder, once he's done with the crypt.

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Goblins and minotaurs and new werebeasts are not around for now, but who can tell for how long that'll last. Probably not for long, i tell ya. Better grab as much wood and berries as we can. the trade caravan from the mountainhomes came, but turned back the instant it saw the fort, claiming they didnt have access to the site. Is the bridge locked? I have no idea where the lever for it is...

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Dwarves living in doomforest are a danger, but not as much as dwarves who died there. Ghosts are starting to appear everywhere, and faster than we can craft slabs and engrave them. A mason working on the tower gets attacked trough the walls, and immediately suffers a nervous breakdown, barfing everywhere before shivering to the ground.

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One of the ghost is a dead recruit. From atop the tower, we watch it wander the forest. i order a few trees cut down, for wood and visibility both. I can see the ghost clearly now, and I understand what he is doing. He's haunting the place of some random battle, where he no doubt died against the humans or elves or whatever. so many random corpses around, what the fuck happened here?

''Wait, do you see that? points out Senshuken.
-I do!''

As the sun pierces trough the trees, something shiny reflects the light near the ghost. They're not just corpses, they are soldier corpses. they have weapon and armor. Metal weapons and armor... Senshuken calls his men to the tower and let them see what we just found out. He smiles...

''Well, this is about to change everything!''


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - I Bet Nobody Saw it Coming
« Reply #182 on: December 18, 2014, 07:17:13 pm »

A very sudden, unexpected turn of events... Guess the first FB was only the calm before the storm, huh? I sure am glad we have soap, though. We might be dead, but at least we'll be clean. Hopefully.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - I Bet Nobody Saw it Coming
« Reply #183 on: December 18, 2014, 07:19:10 pm »

We spend a good while trying to activate the main gate, to no effect. We settle for the next best thing, which is to use the temporary staircase in the tower. from the second floor, we can go atop the hill, and access the animals, as well as gather the weapons. Before we can even begin to equip our soldiers, however, more trouble happens in the fortress...

I look at the cloudless,night sky, and know what it's all about. It has been 28 days since Sazir and Taupe died.

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Ast the ranger is holding off a fisherdwarf, now morphed into a creepy antelope terror. Ast lands a singl punch at the beginning of the fight, and after 10 minutes of wrestling, despite not landing another blow and falling unconscious, his enemy perish. such is the power of the monk deathpalm, which ast has obviously mastered. The werebeast tries to chew on the fallen ranger, then suddenly dies. Tulon the tanner tried to give a hand, but he fell quickly enough.

Good job, Ast!

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Aftermath of the battle: 2 dead civilian, one dead wereantelope fisherdwarf, and two unconscious survivors, bleeding heavily. What. The actual fuck. Happened here. Well, that's one werebeast discovered and slain, but it's hardly a relief, as it killed 2, and soon, Tulon and Ast are going to morph as well. The next full moon is on the 11th of sandstone. better get moving.

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Senshuken knows what's up, and he approaches the semi-conscious survivors. ''Congratulation, you have proven your worth in a fight! I'm drafting you as our new elite squad of soldiers!'' They can still be used for some manual labor, but in two weeks or so, they will be ''asked'' to check on the goblin caged in the shooting range, where they will be accidentally sealed off until they die horribly. that's what happen when the MNDH representant gets decapitated. Senshuken is a clever man, unafraid to sacrifice a few to save many, and that's what we need if we want Doomforest to endure.

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Werebeasts are not our only concern. We're going to lose a lot more dwarves to tantrum fights if we don't secure some water. sadly, our only well is down the forges, and it's currently being used as Snustrok the snail's personal shithole. There seems to be a convoluted way to activate a bridge across the river to go outside and get water from the river, but im not sure relying on hidden machinery and going outside is a great, sustained way of aquiring water. Instead we'll dig a tunnel followed by like 4 layers of channels, that we'll connect underneath the waterfall. Even if the tunnel fills due to pressure, it wont go all the way thanks to the river flowing, and we can either set a bath or a well area there, connected to what i assume is an hospital or dormitory maybe?

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Speaking of Snustrok shitting, we can hear her down below, systematically devouring the corpses of the dwarves that laid there a few weeks ago. Creepy.

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I'm pretty new here, since I basically arrived with Taupe and his wife on the last migrant wave. there's a lot of fucked up things I discover daily, and a troll murdering someone with a fucking hood is today's little tiny murder miracle. On the bright side, two of the ghosts have been put to rest. i look at the calendar: 14 days left until the next full moon. We'll have a lot more corpses on our hand if we don't murder those two werebeasts soon.

I go and talk to Senshuken, saying it is time. He has a better idea, he says.

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''First, i told them they were to help repair the stairwell barricade. So I made them masons,(as I'm also the self-proclaimed lead mason of Doomforest), so they can remove the existing blocks and ''place a new, better one'' on top of the hole.''

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''Next, continues Senshuken, I told the masons to add a drawbridge, a door, and some blocks to make room for another sealing block. ''

The rest of the captain's plan is fairly straightfoward, and quite in line with his previous ideas to retrieve our copper equipment. Instead of just letting the werebeasts die of thirst, why not seal them in the caverns? As masons, they can remove the blockade to the stairwell a few days before the full moon, after they have been mobilised and locked there by the door+new blocks. Some food and drink was put there, just in case we need to leave them there for a while. when they turn, they'll immediately go fight the Snail, and either kill it or die trying. either case, we are rid of one enemy.

The future werebeasts are probably on to our little gig, tho, as even tho we station them near the staircase, they choose to settle in the dinning hall, and refuse to move from there. Is the door locked, or the bridge off? nope, after much testing, it's clear they just refuse to follow orders. Obviously, Senshuken's way of dealing with the previous werebeast has made them wary. We wait, nothing. Fuck.

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It's now the ninth of sandstone, and the full moon is in 36 hours. We have no more time to wait. I start to secretly tell everyone in the dinning hall that they must leave, unconspicuously. as the last civilian leaves the hall, the doors are locked.

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Senshuken and is masons get to work, and seal the room before the soon-to be werebeast can tear apart the doors.

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In the background, two more dwarves were fighting, and one of them kills the other. This has become standart practice. I pay no mind to it, nor do I even bother which one died. all I know is we are a dwarf short once more. my attention is elsewhere.

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Behind the now sealed dinning hall, I hear a blood-freezing  howl, and screams. Oh god, such terrible screams. noises of battle, then silence. Then faintly, we can hear the now monstruous Ast using the hall just the way it was intended for: meals. It seems she was infected and turned. Poor Tulon did not have this chance.

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Ast is horrified by what she has done. she now knows the truth, and understands why we meant to sacrifice her. She agrees to venture in the caverns on the next moon. Doomforest happilly tear apart it,s walls and welcome her for another month.

''Well, that was a failure, I declare.
-Well, replies the captain, there is always next month. And if that fails... did you know we actually have a lot of caged prisoners?''


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - I Bet Nobody Saw it Coming
« Reply #184 on: December 18, 2014, 08:29:09 pm »

You know, despite the name I see this as less 'The End' of Doomforests. Oh, it's clearly one of our darkest hours no question (Considering that Doomforests's history is full of dark moments, this is impressive) but we seem to be holding the line and slowly getting our shit together. There is going to be a lot more deaths before we get there but from the looks of it there is a distant light at the end of the tunnel.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - I Bet Nobody Saw it Coming
« Reply #185 on: December 18, 2014, 09:21:51 pm »

Yea, I've been wondering what a more appropriate title may be. Stay tuned!

there's a lot of fucked up things I discover daily, and a troll murdering someone with a fucking hood is today's little tiny murder miracle.

I wonder what would come up if we took the oldest member of the Hall of Mortality and let him make engravings non-stop.
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #186 on: December 18, 2014, 09:47:06 pm »

Please inform me if my understanding is incorrect:
You are going to seal the were-dwarves in with the gobo's, and are going to try and (turn as many of them into were-beasts)/(kill them all). Afterwards, you are going to send them to kill the snail via bridges in were form.

To sum it up, are you going to kill the snail and the gobo's with weaponized were-dwarves?
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #187 on: December 18, 2014, 09:47:53 pm »

Please inform me if my understanding is incorrect:
You are going to seal the were-dwarves in with the gobo's, and are going to try and (turn as many of them into were-beasts)/(kill them all). Afterwards, you are going to send them to kill the snail via bridges in were form.

To sum it up, are you going to kill the snail and the gobo's with weaponized were-dwarves?
Looking forward to taking over yet?
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #188 on: December 18, 2014, 09:58:40 pm »

Indeed, the fort may yet not be totally doomed. We are not all dead yet, and there may be ways to salvage this.

Keep in mind, tho, that the situation i was handled is really fucked up, and growing exponentially worse as time progresses. Also, it's been, hum... 6 weeks till I took over. It's going to be one hell of a turn.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 10:04:08 pm by Taupe »


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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #189 on: December 18, 2014, 09:59:37 pm »

Looking forward to taking over yet?
Nah, I am just wondering why I never thought of dealing with prisoners in a such a utilitarian way. I always preferred a nice, bloody Temple to Armok (with *menacing spikes*) to deal with prisoners.
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #190 on: December 18, 2014, 10:07:05 pm »

Meanwhile, the goblins are about to try their very own game of Grimrock.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 10:08:54 pm by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #191 on: December 18, 2014, 10:18:14 pm »

Damn, Grimrock was great. Still need to finish it, thanks for reminding me.

Still, no-one saw this turn of events coming, right?
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #192 on: December 18, 2014, 10:27:11 pm »

You. When i took over, i had 2 days old reports about our mayor fisticcuffing a forgotten beast. Care to enlighten us? it seems that you forgot to share some important, non-soap-related details about the last days of your rule.

EDIT: Oh what he actual what the what now? something just happened, it makes NO SENCE. Stay tuned. it like an M. Night shyamalan movie twist right here.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2014, 11:14:32 pm by Taupe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #193 on: December 18, 2014, 11:41:23 pm »

You. When i took over, i had 2 days old reports about our mayor fisticcuffing a forgotten beast. Care to enlighten us? it seems that you forgot to share some important, non-soap-related details about the last days of your rule.
Hey, I thought something fishy was going on besides the soap. The truth comes out!
On the rare occasions where this fort isnt under siege, wood cutting and hauling is our ultimate priority.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Violent End of Doomforests - Or Not? By Armok, What Is This Fortress?
« Reply #194 on: December 19, 2014, 01:24:02 am »

« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 01:28:02 am by Taupe »
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