This game takes place in fictional Universe, almost entirely, but not quite, unlike ours. The year is 1942, and the second world war rages. The German obsession with rocketry, long quietly mocked by other nations, has proven its worth beyond its founders wildest dreams. Rocket powered Komet fighters have proven devastating to RAF bombing raids, and the British Isles have been terrorized since the war begin by Flying Bombs.
The US Army's long dismissal of the military potential of the German rocket programs is proving dire and costly... and then the first German Atmospheric Skip Bomber struck Washington itself.
Luckily for Army High Command, one member had seen the threat, and had long been funding the Roswell Project, headed by Goddard, mainly through skimming the money off other, more popular projects. With the sudden and repeated proof of the dangers of German Rocketry, the Project was quickly used as the core for a new military service. The US Army Space Corps.
While the Roswell Project had managed to successfully make several manned launches, they lacked any space adapted weapons, space combat adapted designs, or even pilots trained for zero gravity combat. Still, this was more then anyone else who wasn't German had.
Today is the first day of your new job, as the unlucky person put in charge of the Space Corps, and expected to lead them into, at the very least, preventing the Germans from continuing to drop high powered bombs onto American soil.
Various administrative and research buildings
A small launchpad, able to service four craft at once.
A small factory [Up to 400 Production Points]
A test range
-Design team Alpha
-10 Novice engineering teams
-Design team Beta
-5 Novice engineering teams
-Design team Gamma
-5 Novice engineering teams
-Design team Delta
-5 Novice engineering teams
-10* Single Person Test Vehicles.
Designer notes:
I will be using plenty of abstractions and best guesses. So when giving details, please say what's special about them.
I will occasionally come in with demands from the government and military to develop a general/specific type of thing. You are otherwise permitted to design any kind of hardware you like. Note that the more outlandish technologies you propose may be impossible, have severe drawbacks, or take far more resources than you have to develop. Even for entirely reasonable projects, there will be some element of chance where what you want to produce will end up costing more or less than you anticipated, or what you get may not exactly match your proposed design.
Design of new ships is a large project, design of new large weaponry is a medium project, and modifications of either and small weaponry design are a small project.
Rules1. All proposals must be bolded
2. All proposals must have an unique number
-In case of accidental duplication, please split in 6a and 6b, or add one to the end of the queue. Don't move up everything else. That causes confusion
3. All proposals must be marked as a Large, Medium or Small project.
4. Design proposals begin at 1, for each year
-Proposals continued from last year will be placed in italics, and include the year before the number. (Only do this for proposals that were worked upon).
5. Production proposals begin at A, for each year.
6. Other proposals, like reorganization of the team or political war plan suggestions will be marked using the Greek alphabet
7. Proposals and Votes are unlimited. Please don't abuse this.
8. Each proposal that doesn't follow these rules will be terminated with extreme prejudice.
Example: 1. I propose we mount lasers on space sharks 1943:1 Seeing as the project wasn't finished last year due to a shark shortage, I propose we continue with mutated Orbital Bass1: All rules for proposals apply except the following.
2: Modifications to proposals will have a number in the format of proposal.sub-proposal.
3: A modification may be supportive (default) or a counter (must be explicit).
4: You can vote for a Proposal and it's supportive subproposal, but not for a proposal and it's counter subproposal.
1.1 I think we should go all the way and mount the National Ignition Facility on the head of a sharkasourus.
1.2 I counter propose that we should instead create lasers that shoot beams composed of sharks. Format for votes1: you must specify the proposal number explicitly.
2: you must use the word vote.
3: Each user should make all of their votes with one post if possible
4. You should edit in your vote into the proposal tracker (template below). Always use the latest quoted example.
1. Short description of proposal here (1 Line max) Votes here. Include first 3 letters of name and add to total number
1.1 Short description of subproposal here (1 Line max)
A: Short description here
A.1: Short description of sub proposal here
Alpha: Short description here
Alpha.1: Short description of sub proposal here