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Author Topic: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Mafia Victory  (Read 51805 times)


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2014, 06:40:52 pm »

TheDarkStar: Probably either yourself or Persus13. I know you get townread really hard in your games and Persus13 played an excellent scumgame in one of the role-heavy games I had sort of been following.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2014, 06:49:24 pm »

@WM, first night kill? Hmm i dont know if it got anything to do with the mafia, i dont think the mafia will be dump enough to kill someone who is targeting them or maybe they will just to throw people off.  So not much info we can gain from there.

@TDs, my question to you would be "What can you do?" If people are voting you during  RVS, there not really anyhing info you can use to prove that you are on their side, or maybe they are conspiring against you, in that case.... Not thing yo can do.....

Flabort: do you think the indentity of the mod affect yiur decision of who would be the mafai?
Wm: does the behaviour and action from games in the past affect your veiw on certain people?

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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2014, 06:58:22 pm »

Varee: For the most part, I'm not familiar with most of those playing so I don't have any preconceptions about them. As far as TDS and Scripten go I'm going to try and treat them like a clean slate and not let how they act in BM50 (as well as other games I have played in/read) to affect my perceptions.

So no, hopefully not.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2014, 08:12:07 pm »

Arg, I was going to do one more PFW post, but it got et by the interweb. Anyways, that unvote earlier wasn't supposed to have broken tags.

Scripten: Is there anything else you would do right before a lynch, your own or someone else, whether to gain information or something else? And what do you mean when you say "Day 1 reads are usually crap"?

Worldmaster: The choice to play two games says "I have free time, and therefor I can be an active player, and therefor I have no excuse for lurking and not replying to questions". I find that when you don't have the time to focus enough on one game, you won't be able to handle another; how much you sign up for should reflect how much time you have to pay attention to the games.
If you have enough time that signing up for a second game doesn't take any attention from the first - which if you have the time to think about a second at all, you usually will - then it will usually not hinder your own team. If you find that your attention being divided is hindering your own team, then you do not have the time to be playing two games; and if you drop out of one game for time restraints, then people in the other game will still be suffering from your time constraints.

TheDarkStar: The scenario has a few missing variables. Such as whether I investigated anyone else. If I have not investigated anyone else, then no, it is not worth revealing myself to the scum, because if I save them, then the scum kill me, and if I don't save them, then the scum kill me anyways. If I had investigated anyone else, and they were still alive, then it might be worth revealing who I had investigated so far, because my death by scum would prove that the other people I had investigated were town, or scum. If I had found scum, though, I probably would have revealed that I had before that innocent townie had gotten to the lynching block.
Also, I got the same autocorrect suggestion. If teethmarks is all that's left of you, then there's not enough for you to be disturbed. If you leave teethmarks, it's us who should be disturbed.

Varee: Good question. Sometimes I wonder if the mod weights it so that certain people might be scum; however, I feel that the mod is not usually a good identifier for who is scum and who is not because most of them are pretty good at randomizing it. Also, Jack has a bit of a tradition of being good in that regard, and being impossible to guess from that alone.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #34 on: October 21, 2014, 08:52:00 pm »

Scripten: Is there anything else you would do right before a lynch, your own or someone else, whether to gain information or something else? And what do you mean when you say "Day 1 reads are usually crap"?

Uh... I guess it depends on the circumstances.

Day 1 reads are usually not too accurate. Sometimes a really good player can start suspecting the scumteam by the first lynch, but it's pretty rare.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #35 on: October 21, 2014, 09:23:08 pm »

Scripten: Is there anything else you would do right before a lynch, your own or someone else, whether to gain information or something else? And what do you mean when you say "Day 1 reads are usually crap"?

Uh... I guess it depends on the circumstances.

Day 1 reads are usually not too accurate. Sometimes a really good player can start suspecting the scumteam by the first lynch, but it's pretty rare.

Day 1 reads are useful in one regard: You can review them later on in light of what roles have flipped and use it to find scum.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now

Jack A T

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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2014, 12:53:08 am »

Flabort had always been one of the more superstitious members of Clifton's crew.  His decision to pull out a set of chicken bones, a Ouija board, some dice, and a crystal ball was still rather surprising.  After a few hours, he reached a cautious (there was some conflict between the sets of results) conclusion: Varee and Scripten were probably the murderers.

*TheDarkStar - Deathsword (1)
*Scripten - (0)
*Urist Imiknorris - Varee (1)
*flabort - notquitethere (1)
*notquitethere - (0)
*Varee - Urist Imiknorris, TheDarkStar (2)
*Persus13 - (0)
*Worldmaster27 - (0)
*Deathsword - (0)
Not voting: Scripten, flabort, Persus13, Worldmaster27

Extension requests: 0/3
Shorten requests: 0/5

Day ends Thursday, Oct. 23rd, at 9:30 PM PST.
Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
Screw you, Jack.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #37 on: October 22, 2014, 08:23:31 am »

Where's Persus13?

Flabort: I know you have a sort of... history with gambits as town. Is this something you'd see yourself doing still?


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #38 on: October 22, 2014, 08:25:17 am »

Besides some unusual RVS questions, I don't have any planned yet. I could see myself trying one, but I think for this game I'll hold off on that temptation.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2014, 08:28:05 am »

Why not flabort? A little gambit here and there always get more conversation started. I feel like there isnt any good discussion topic yet......
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2014, 10:34:14 am »

Where's Persus13?
Lurking. Tuesdays are my busiest day, and I find that making a first post tends to take a bit of effort.

Persus13: What is your stance on a liar?

Everyone: What are your pre-Q/A gut feelings? Do you have any "My seventh sense says to vote this guy" premonitions, ever?
I don't believe in lynching all liars, however lying tends to be a pretty strong scum tell, after all, the scum are lying in that they are town. I have on occasion seen town players lie, the example I can think of off the top of my head is Jim Groovestar in the last Paranormal game lying about his role. I can't remember why that was, but I think it had to do with being less of a target for scum. However, this game I doubt town players will lie because of how few roles there are in the game.

I don't have any gut feelings prior to the game, besides "This player is playing, I can talk to them about X"

Persus13 — What's worse: a laughably weak lynching case, or no case at all?
I'd have to determine it by contextual evidence. However, lacking that, I'd say a laughably weak case, because scum players would try to put a bit of effort into their case, instead of just voting someone for no reason.

*Persus13 - What do you think is more important, asking random question or answering them?
Answering them. Responses are usually longer and more detailed, and give insight into how someone thinks, with room for follow-up. They also can be used to match words and actions later on, find scummy statements, or cause the conversation to continue.


Varee: Why didn't you answer Varee's question to you? Do you have something to hide?
Are you joking or did you mistype a name?

Persus13: Why are you lurking so hard?
I lurk, I'm a lurker (not really, but I've lurked much more recently)

D1 is basically a crapshoot
Define crapshoot.

Persus13: If, as scum, you had a daykill, who would you kill right now?
You, for knowing about it, or NQT, because I think of him as a good player. If the two of you are on my team I'd probably take out UI, because he's probably the most experienced player here.

Worldmaster: What do you feel you learned from the last BM?
Deathsword: What is your favorite part about Mafia?
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2014, 11:44:16 am »

Why not flabort? A little gambit here and there always get more conversation started. I feel like there isnt any good discussion topic yet......
Part of the definition of a gambit is that it's a risk. I usually have a reason to base my gambit on, something that makes it worth it. If I began a gambit right now, it would be for gambit's sake, and just detract from the towns ability to find scum. Like my last gambit in BYOR13.

Persus: UI's question to varee is because Varee asked himself "why did you ask yourself a question", and then didn't answer it.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #42 on: October 22, 2014, 12:20:41 pm »

I know it the only thing we can do to get rid of scum and it is really hard to confirm your target before lynching, so i guess it is necessary.
It's understandable to be reticent to mislynch, but as you say, lynching is necessary. A 'policy lynch' is sometimes used to lynch lurkers, for instance. In the games you've played before do you think you should have been able to work out who the scum were in hindsight?

So NQT, if you are a role cop and you find scum n1, will you claim the next day? Or will you wait it out a bit?
I believe the correct technique is to try to get them lynched without mentioning who they are, but if the other town members aren't taking the bait, you then claim that you're a cop. You definitely don't let the inspected scum live without telling anyone.

given that you are an active player with little history of not putting thought into something, I figured it would be easy for you, though.
OK, so ask me a trickier question.

Urist Imiknorris
Nope. D1 is basically a crapshoot because nobody knows anything (except the scum but they aren't telling). The primary objective is to start gaining information, and worrying about everyone doing it in a specific way is just a distraction.
OK, what's the most useful kind of information to draw out of people at this stage (assuming, you know, that scum don't typically openly spill their alignment on D1).

NQT: what value x needs to be so x = n^(q*t) Do you feel the lack of power roles in any significant amount increases or decreases the complexity of plans players may hatch, regardless of alignment?
Probably decrease the number and complexity of plots and schemes. But it is worth noting that complex plans don't always or even often succeed. After playing lots of role-mad set ups recently, I'm looking forward to working on my day game in this game. Do you foresee the game being won on the back of the cop/jailkeeper, or do you think traditional scum hunting will win the day?

Scripten — What's a good RVS question?
One that gets us out of RVS as fast as possible.
Ask me one such question.

I don't think we've played a game together before. How would you characterise your playstyle?
I've only finished one BM game (#49) as scum, and I am currently in BM #50. So far, I'm not sure how to characterize my playstyle beyond "Work-In-Progress" However, looking at BM #49, I tried to play like town with a town mindset as much as possible, and try to think like scum only at night.
Do you think this game will be more or less challenging than BM #49?

How important do you think Day 1 is? What makes you think that?
Day 1 is mostly important for establishing interactions between different players, which is useful for when the first scum team member flips. Also, some inexperienced scum players flail under pressure and can be caught out early.

TheDarkStar — do you have a handle on the play-styles of the other players?
Great! give me a quick summary of how you see the other players play-styles. Also, any reason for being particularly taciturn?

notquitethere: If, as town, you had a daykill, who would you kill right now?
I probably wouldn't use it at this stage as I have no strong suspects and there are so few town power-roles it seems unwise to shoot blindly. But if I had to use it, I'd get rid of the least experienced player, as we would lose the least by their death.

I'd have to determine it by contextual evidence. However, lacking that, I'd say a laughably weak case, because scum players would try to put a bit of effort into their case, instead of just voting someone for no reason.
That's a fair amount of faith you have there in the prowess of the scum team. Do you see yourself forming a case by the end of today?


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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #43 on: October 22, 2014, 12:39:24 pm »

NQT i got an interesting idea, what do you think of" not reading role pm so you dont act suspicious?"

Also yeah...... I shouldnt ask myself question, it doesnt seem like a good idea now :P lol
Living on the opposite part of the world is sometime a problem

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Not-So-Beginner Mafia 5: Day 1: A Small Problem
« Reply #44 on: October 22, 2014, 03:41:13 pm »

UI: OK. What would your reaction to the player accusing you of being scum in that situation be?
I'd defend myself against their argument while pushing my own case. Unless they're being actively scummy, the lurker takes jailing priority.

Urist Imiknorris: What day do you think is most important?
Day 2, because there's been a lynch for people to learn from, a round of night actions for PRs, the least chance of PR death.

Urist: Why don't you trust in gut feeling?
Because when I've trusted it, I've only been right once. Besides, even if it's right, gut feeling is't the best thing to try to lynch someone on.

Are you joking or did you mistype a name?
Neither. I'm genuinely curious why he only went halfway with it.

Define crapshoot.

Varee: Why did you choose to ignore my question until Persus asked me about it?
@TDs, my question to you would be "What can you do?" If people are voting you during  RVS, there not really anyhing info you can use to prove that you are on their side, or maybe they are conspiring against you, in that case.... Not thing yo can do.....
But if it's RVS, they're not voting you because they think you're scum. They're voting at random. Why would you need to prove that you're on their side in that case? And why are you trying to paint yourself as a victim with that conspiracy talk?

More later.
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I don't know how it works. It does.
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Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!
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