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Author Topic: Tick 111: SGame Over (not the epilogue)  (Read 641178 times)


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: People and Porridge
« Reply #705 on: October 22, 2014, 06:55:01 am »

"My issues begin with point seven, where it denies us the ability to smite someone else's worshiper if they do something to offend us, as well as removing the right of private creation. As well as the fact that your current interception of clause eight means that if my worshipers get annoyed and smack around someone else's worshipers, I get blamed." Anath informs the other god. "As well, I highly doubt anyone would pay more then lip service to point six, given that anyone seeking permission to try to convert someone elses worshiper (IE, the main reason to ask to talk to someone else's follower) is highly unlikely to expect permission or desire to let the other god know that his worshipers are being poached by doing so openly."

"I shall finish with the laughability of trying to enforce the third clause." Anath finishes up. "Anyone who claims they can or will manage complete non-interaction with a majority of life, which this demands, is either even more foolish then this code or lying to your face."

(Link to suggested code.)
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: People and Porridge
« Reply #706 on: October 22, 2014, 07:22:29 am »

Tick 11.5: Questions and quarrels

Fusil, Azem, Cim, Khaziraad, Anath have completed their angels from proposal 02.03. Fusil has sent his angels to jump around the corporeal dimension, spreading news of weapons and of the upcoming Feast, and Azem has sent his angels to teleplot around and assist the greedy and protect the greedy and endangered.

Joha has educated her Wood Elves on the meaning and value of life and magic through song. They help to maintain their forests in excellent state, helping not only the growing plants but also the consuming fungi to keep the cycle of nutrients turning.

Azem has successfully introduced currency to the Mountwyrms on Slytha. Trade there primarily occurs through the medium of silver coins instead of assorted, variably shaped shinies of different materials now. Incidentally, he has also modified a fair number of Mountwyrms to have gem scales, which led directly to their ascension to positions of great power. On Keshan, he has officially named Alprozem a Prophet and asked him to build a citadel to withstand the upcoming chaos. He has also suggested that the Mountwyrms make contact with the Dwarves.

Yaos has begun the first organized purging of non-aligned belief by sending his prophet out to denounce the Gruen and their minions as unholy and unacceptable. He has also cursed the humans who serve the Gruen with shorter lives, ignoring the fact that this is one of the few demographics that would not actually care about this. He has arranged for the prophet to spread his influence two years before his own death, which occurred as arranged. Yaos has also used the Butterfly Method to ensure that his prophet survives (the next)/an assassination attempt. At some point in the future, he reduced the severity of the curse.

Later, he attempts to hire some Gem Dragons with a gift of gold, silver, and gems. Demonstrating their devotion to Greed, they accept the gifts and proceed to do nothing significant for the war effort. He also commands his angels to arrange for the construction of a fortification for his own army. The escalation worries Cim, who proposes a Code of Conduct (P11.00) to define acceptable and unacceptable behavior. He manages to hire Khaziraad's angels later still to construct the fortifications.

Grauel has ordered that the more useful human cultists be given Gruen spores so as to boost their abilities. He has also ordered the Devourer to spread Gruen spores all over the worlds and grow them quickly and organize them into something resembling an empire. While response times are currently too long to maintain a decent empire, the Devourer manages to organize the Gruen into more useful, capable regions.

Fusil has begun work on an impressive sword for Yaos, who, it seems, is currently unable to pay. Nevertheless, Yaos arranges for Fusil to be honored by his humans.

Artisanii has made sure that their Muses can communicate with them at any time and grants them access to the Divine Library. They have also made sure to release the Painter Muses from their long tour of duty.

(Kli: -0) Kli has blessed the Trees of Balance with the ability to produce magical fruit once every few hundred years.

Serac, Anath, Azem, Yaos, Cim have created afterlife planes to house souls in between their cycles. Anath's plane is managed by his five angels from 02.03.

Spoiler: Features (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Deities (+0*) (click to show/hide)

The following players have been marked inactive for voting purposes: IronyOwl/Valkiss, Salsacookies/Dar-MA-Gome
If you have been marked inactive and would like to become active again, simply post and you will be marked active again (for voting purposes). Inactivity does not mean being killed off and having your Essence redistributed (without a proposal for that).

Spoiler: Council rules (+0) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: New Proposals (+1) (click to show/hide)

Please remember to bold or underline support or opposition.

New players are still welcome. While many important details have already been discussed and/or created, there is still plenty of room for more creation.

Sphere ideas this update are Peace, Fire, Death, and Magic.

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: People and Porridge
« Reply #707 on: October 22, 2014, 07:46:24 am »

In response to Anath:

"You don't want to be responsible for your actions. You want to do whatever you want with no repercussions. I understand. But tell me, if I suddenly decided to indiscriminately smite all your followers, what would you do? Smite mine? You can't. Complain to the Council? I broke no rule. Insult me and always vote against me out of spite? That is petty. What if I did it with such subtlety I wouldn't be caught? Could you do anything? A code of conduct is good for all of us, especially those who haven't taken precautions in case the current situation continues."

"Clause eight. What if I created a free-willed beast, and said beast went on to slay every living thing? Would it be the beast's fault, who misunderstood life, or mine, who allowed it to happen? As gods, we can and ought to control our followers. We are and should be responsible for them and their actions."

"Third clause, touché. It will need rewording."

Replace §3 with this: "Permission for actions by deities upon assets where required, as described below, can be granted ONLY by the assets' owner OR the Council."
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #708 on: October 22, 2014, 07:58:55 am »

Anath again turns to the world, struck by the sheer desire to create. He reaches down to the worlds, beneath the surface hugging settlements of the Star Elves, and creates six thousand of the Termitia on each world.

He beholds his new children and smiles, and tells them to always remember their bonds of brother and sisterhood with the Night Elves and Star Dragons, and tells those two races likewise of their new kin, and bids them to always hold allegiance to one another when faced with the perils that creation may send upon them.

In response to Anath:

"You don't want to be responsible for your actions. You want to do whatever you want with no repercussions. I understand. But tell me, if I suddenly decided to indiscriminately smite all your followers, what would you do? Smite mine? You can't. Complain to the Council? I broke no rule. Insult me and always vote against me out of spite? That is petty. What if I did it with such subtlety I wouldn't be caught? Could you do anything? A code of conduct is good for all of us, especially those who haven't taken precautions in case the current situation continues."

Anath snorts. "Should your followers seek ruin upon mine, I will bring likewise ruin upon yours. Should you bring ruin on that which I hold dear, I would bring ruin upon which you treasure. Any who claim I hold no power to defend and seek vengeance on those who would harm that which I protect, I would advise those ones to think again."

"A Code of Conduct could be useful, yes. But I will not accept one that would bid me to idly accept evils done upon those who follow me with loyalty. For I would not keep such a code, no matter how others might whine."
"Clause eight. What if I created a free-willed beast, and said beast went on to slay every living thing? Would it be the beast's fault, who misunderstood life, or mine, who allowed it to happen? As gods, we can and ought to control our followers. We are and should be responsible for them and their actions."
"The creations of the god of hunger has already feasted upon the creations of another god, should you recall." Anath reminds the other god. "They were rightly punished for this, but it was their actions and thusly it was their punishment as well. Free will is the right to one's own choices. If a god was to order his creation to cause extinction, that would be the will and responsibility of a god. But should a creation use their free will to freely decide upon something we dislike and would punish, that is their freely chosen choice, and our freely chosen rebuke."

Crossing his arms, Anath shakes his head. "Perhaps you should go visit the great library, for you seem to be unaware of what free will actually means."
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #709 on: October 22, 2014, 08:26:25 am »

Blah let spike up the world!

Varee start some random natural disaster in random places(earthquake hurricane tsunami and stuff.)
Living on the opposite part of the world is sometime a problem


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #710 on: October 22, 2014, 09:26:19 am »

"You don't want to be responsible for your actions. You want to do whatever you want with no repercussions. I understand. But tell me, if I suddenly decided to indiscriminately smite all your followers, what would you do? Smite mine? You can't. Complain to the Council? I broke no rule. Insult me and always vote against me out of spite? That is petty. What if I did it with such subtlety I wouldn't be caught? Could you do anything? A code of conduct is good for all of us, especially those who haven't taken precautions in case the current situation continues."

"I would smite yours. Do not think making them in secret keeps their existence secret forever, God of Order. Finding them is trivial when they get to any number, especially when you have many Earthly servants. And as you may slaughter a few followers with nobody noticing, destroying millions at a time would be impossible and instantly noticed.

Again, you seem to confuse more rules with better rules. I do not like the suggestions, any of them. As such, I am fully against the new proposal. I doubt you can get significant support from it, even your more logical ones simply died."

"Clause eight. What if I created a free-willed beast, and said beast went on to slay every living thing? Would it be the beast's fault, who misunderstood life, or mine, who allowed it to happen? As gods, we can and ought to control our followers. We are and should be responsible for them and their actions."

"We can make hypothetical all day if we wish to. That beast is not your follower, you would be no more responsible than if a Dwarf somehow wiped out the other races, or an Elf, or a man. Aside from that, we have a cycle of reincarnation, he would have done no lasting damage. "

Blah let spike up the world!

"Is war not interesting enough for you?"

Varee start some random natural disaster in random places(earthquake hurricane tsunami and stuff.)

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #711 on: October 22, 2014, 10:42:45 am »

The creations of another God? That's funny, I could have sworn it was not in fact the God of humans who created the humans, ironically enough, but the majority of us; or if you want to be really specific Azem made the first of them. If he is arrogant enough to claim complete lordship over something he never even made then I care little if he feels antagonized by my actions towards the humans.

And are you honestly going to go along with that just because of his title? Perhaps I should declare myself the God of all creation and declare holy war and lay down curses on anyone who touches anything under my "domain". They weren't even humans who follow him. Maybe I'll make my secondary sphere plants and complain when your creations feed themselves.

It's absolutely ridiculous and a situation only caused by him claiming all of something he had no part in but an empty title and then having the audacity to think his claim is of more worth than anyone else's.
Sure thing peanut man!


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #712 on: October 22, 2014, 10:50:16 am »

""Perhaps you should go visit the great library, for you seem to be unaware of what free will actually means."
"I may be mistaken, but I believe it doesn't mean we shouldn't take any responsibility for them. They were created by us and taught by us, until they can decide for themselves what is right, with no clouds of ignorance, we should not let them do completely everything as they will. I did propose graded free will some time ago, but it was rejected."

"I would smite yours. Do not think making them in secret keeps their existence secret forever, God of Order. Finding them is trivial when they get to any number, especially when you have many Earthly servants.."
"Who said they were possible to smite at all? Who said they could get to any number? Who said they were down to earth? I didn't. Finding them is more than trivial, believe me."

"We can make hypothetical all day if we wish to. That beast is not your follower, you would be no more responsible than if a Dwarf somehow wiped out the other races, or an Elf, or a man. Aside from that, we have a cycle of reincarnation, he would have done no lasting damage. "
"The beast wouldn't necessarily be my follower, but had I not created it, or given it free will, or refused to control or teach it in any way, or let it do everything truly as it wanted without any instruction on what is right, nothing would have happened. I would have had the power to stop it, but I wouldn't have. That is why I would be responsible."

Varee start some random natural disaster in random places(earthquake hurricane tsunami and stuff.)


"*sigh* This is why we need a code of conduct, don't you agree? There is no time for a full proposal for stopping Varee, I suppose. Yaos, as the God of Protection, would you help me with this?"

Cim fights against the disasters as best it can.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 10:51:22 am by IcyTea31 »
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #713 on: October 22, 2014, 10:54:07 am »

If you guys want me to stop randomly causing "bad thing", then You need to start doing something more interesting than talking to mortal all day.....
Living on the opposite part of the world is sometime a problem


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #714 on: October 22, 2014, 10:58:34 am »

If you guys want me to stop randomly causing "bad thing", then You need to start doing something more interesting than talking to mortal all day.....
"Couldn't you randomly give all your Essence away? You seem to misunderstand godhood; tending to mortals is an important part of it."
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #715 on: October 22, 2014, 11:03:15 am »

I twnd to mortal, but that doesnt mean you need to spend all day babysitting them, they are suppose to work for us not be babysitted by us. If you want some of my essence then maybe we can gamble?
Living on the opposite part of the world is sometime a problem


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #716 on: October 22, 2014, 11:07:27 am »

"I may be mistaken, but I believe it doesn't mean we shouldn't take any responsibility for them. They were created by us and taught by us, until they can decide for themselves what is right, with no clouds of ignorance, we should not let them do completely everything as they will. I did propose graded free will some time ago, but it was rejected."

(Free will was ACCEPTED. Scroll up a bit and check council proposals.)

"Who said they were possible to smite at all? Who said they could get to any number? Who said they were down to earth? I didn't. Finding them is more than trivial, believe me."

"God of Order, you are giving yourself far too much credit. As a god, a God of Weapons with many fine servants no less, finding anything is easy, and destroying them is trivial. Even if they where immune to every blade, every bullet, and every magic, as you created them yourself I could simply uncreate them. Do remember that we are gods, doubting our powers will land you in a difficult situation. Aside from that, you seem to think I haven't kept tabs on them sense you blatantly pointed out that you have been making secret races. Do you think on as paranoid as I would not act upon such suspicious information?"

"The beast wouldn't necessarily be my follower, but had I not created it, or given it free will, or refused to control or teach it in any way, or let it do everything truly as it wanted without any instruction on what is right, nothing would have happened. I would have had the power to stop it, but I wouldn't have. That is why I would be responsible."

"If a man has a child who then becomes a criminal, is it the man's fault? Should the Father of each criminal be punished? As a god of law, surly you see how foolish such would be. Why should be be penalized for what followers not under our direct control or guidance do?"

I twnd to mortal, but that doesnt mean you need to spend all day babysitting them, they are suppose to work for us not be babysitted by us. If you want some of my essence then maybe we can gamble?

"Two of the gods have gone to war. Surly you can find a way to entertain yourself in that, without effect any of my followers. As for gambling, I came up with a great game called "Russian Roulette", perhaps we could try that some time...'
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #717 on: October 22, 2014, 11:16:15 am »

"Oh Luminee, begin to befriend every other race. Learn their values that you find worthy and spread the wise word of the Light. Begin constructing shrines of the Light where ever you find settlements of sapients."

I shall bathe in the sun, to regenerate my essence.


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #718 on: October 22, 2014, 11:23:24 am »

I twnd to mortal, but that doesnt mean you need to spend all day babysitting them, they are suppose to work for us not be babysitted by us. If you want some of my essence then maybe we can gamble?
"I don't trust your dice, and I wouldn't gamble with you even if we used fair ones."

(Free will was ACCEPTED. Scroll up a bit and check council proposals.)
((Graded free will wasn't. Check right under it.))

"I could simply uncreate them."
"You couldn't, actually. I know most of the limits of our godly power; I have done some experiments."

"If a man has a child who then becomes a criminal, is it the man's fault? Should the Father of each criminal be punished? As a god of law, surly you see how foolish such would be. Why should be be penalized for what followers not under our direct control or guidance do?"
"They are under our guidance, at least until they are ready to be truly independent. Yes, the father of a criminal should be punished, if he didn't teach his son properly. If it was the child disobeying the father's teachings, then he is not at fault."

"As for gambling, I came up with a great game called "Russian Roulette", perhaps we could try that some time...'
"This I agree with completely."
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: Ye Gods [13/∞] Game Thread/IC: Tick 11: Questions and quarrels
« Reply #719 on: October 22, 2014, 11:26:36 am »

so how about you explain how this game of yours work?
Living on the opposite part of the world is sometime a problem
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