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Author Topic: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story  (Read 28216 times)


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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2014, 11:58:25 am »

Do I smell...

Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2014, 02:33:29 pm »


Dimitri brought the Rod down, but when he hit Lillian, she was surprised at how little force was behind it, and then he crumpled into her, smoke rising from his back.

Axl Blyant stood in the doorway with a smoking gun in hand. Lillian started to sit up and say something grateful, but as she did she put her broken arm down, using it like she would at any time. It folded as she pressed up, and her cry of jubilation turned to a scream of agony. Axl took one look at the charnel house, swept through quickly and gathered all the weapons from the corpses, putting them into Chase's big Industrial duffle bag. Then he wordlessly helped Lillian up, wrapping her broken arm around his neck and lifting by her shoulder with his.

Lillian leaned against the support gratefully, trying not to cry out when she was jostled or they bumped a wall in the dark. Quickly, Axl found a maintenance door and led them into the main halls of the station. He continued to half-carry her down the hall, and they started passing more and more signs of violence.

The duo rounded a corner to come face to face with three crewmen covered in blood, standing around what appeared to be the corpse of someone who was once a Chief Engineer. They turned as Axl and Lillian came around the corner. There was a tense moment of expectant silence, then Axl and Lillian opened fire.

There was no mercy or question of fire mode. Just a flurry of laser fire and the thumps and thuds of falling bodies.

The two Security team members got to the Medbay, to find a gruesome scene. Shell casings littered the lobby, and the doors had been blasted open. A few bodies lay scattered around, including a nurse slumped at the Receptionist's desk. Inside the blasted doors was a trail of blood leading to the injured Forensic Tech, now very nearly dead. Several bodies lay before him, and his hand was death-gripped on an emptied .45 automatic handgun. It kept clicking as he convulsively pulled the trigger, but the slide remained locked open on nothing.

Axl leaned Lillian against a wall, and moved to the Tech's aid. "No... No, I'm done boss. Get the fuck out of here." He paused to cough up the obligatory spatter of blood. "They've got the Captain. Brandon is nowhere to be found. Just get out of here..." His gaze slowly grew more glassy, and he deliberately leaned, falling onto his side.

Lillian watched Axl as he coldly patted the Tech down for weapons or ammo, then turned to pick Lillian back up. She said, "That's it...? You're not gonna... Say something?"

He shook his head. "Not right now. Guy's dead. I'll get back to him after every last one of them is dead." He casually lifted her back up, and they moved into Medbay. He injected her with pain medication and then splinted the bone. They both started moving to the Escape wing. As they neared the doors, the middle door hissed open and a fit man in the uniform of a Geneticist stepped through, followed by a pair of Cargo Technicians.  They all carried guns and wore body armor.

Behind Axl and Lillian, an Unathi stepped out of a side corridor, an energy gun in it's black-scaled hand. "You are surrounded." The Geneticist said. "Just step inside escape and we'll all talk. The Captain is there."

They were escorted inside, where the Captain was bound and buckled in a chair in the middle of the room. The other chairs had been scooted back to make room, like some sort of event was going on. Captain Kert Johnson was divested of most of the trappings of rank, and was covered in his own blood. He'd been beaten near to death, and was currently wheezing bloodily.

Marcus Junius Brutus, the Geneticist, motioned for Lillian and Axl to stand next to the Captain as three scientists came into the room from the Vault wing, taser-revolvers at their waists, and joined the gathered revolutionaries.

Lillian looked down the barrel of multiple guns, wondering how long before they just shot the three of them and got it over with. Beside her, Axl shifted, moving his coat subtly. He addressed Marcus as he pulled something slowly and carefully out of a pocket. "Marcus, this is your one warning. All crew are to surrender to my custody or face the threat of lethal force."

Marcus laughed, pointing his laser at Captain Johnson's head. "Who is going to shoot me? You? You're covered by half a crew of guns, outnumbered, with no cover. No options." He fired a single shot, and Captain Johnson slumped lifelessly. It punctuated his speech more than any words could.

Axl brought the item to his head with one hand, and slipped on...


Inside his other pocket, his free hand dropped the spoon from a primed Flashbang, and he tossed it directly at Marcus. It exploded forcefully about halfway to it's intended target, a supernova bright flare of harsh white light and an ear shattering BANG that conspired to absolutely devastate human sensory perception. Lillian and several of the revolutionaries were protected from the worst of the flash by their sunglasses, but only Axl had partial protection from both the sound and the light. He dived forward, slinging the industrial duffle full of guns open and scattering them all across the floor while he snatched his pistol free.

Axl came up out of his roll as Lillian and the others had just started to draw their guns, his aim unimpeded and unhurried, but swift and precise. His first shot drilled into a scientist's eye, searing his brain. The second shot took a Cargo Technician in the throat and dropped him like a sack of grain.

Lillian fired a second later, as did two of the enemy. Lillian tracked four shots up the torso of the second Cargo Technician, then turned to fire on a scientist as he shifted his aim to her. His shot took her in the shoulder, a lightning bolt-like arc of electricity blasting her wounded arm's shoulder and causing her to nearly black out in pain. Her shot flash-fried the top of his head off.

Axl was moving forwards as the three remaining enemy's returned fire. The Unathi was charging forwards, toward Lillian, firing blindly, while Marcus was bellowing something and taking aim at Axl. His shots and the shots of the final scientist finally succeeded in finding Axl's flesh. The stunvolver blast was mostly absorbed by the armorweave in Axl's clothing, but the deadly laser Marcus had fired drilled a hole right though it and into Axl's gut. Axl fired one shot as he ran, and it missed as Marcus dove for cover behind a chair. He dropped the gun and brought out his telescopic baton as he came into proximity to the enemy.

His step hadn't faltered with the laser shot, and as Marcus rose and the scientist brought his aim around, Axl moved in. He brought the baton around high, then swept low, catching the scientist in the side of the knee with a hideous crack. The man started to fall back and to the side, and Axl followed through. His baton rose up the opposite direction, then came back in a figure eight movement, catching the man on the back of the neck as he fell. There was a muted pop, and the man never moved again.

Lillian, meanwhile, emptied her two remaining shots into the Unathi's chest, but it bullrushed into her, knocking her down and bringing the combat back to melee. Lillian tried to plant one foot on it's chest as she fell, and pulled on it's shoulders, lifting it up onto her foot, then throwing it over her as she rolled on her back. The surprised Reptilian found itself scattering an assortment of chairs in a very painful and undignified crash.

As the Unathi scrambled to it's feet, Lillian took a more direct route. She grabbed a gun from the ground while still lying on her back, and emptied it's clip into the top of the Unathi's head as it tried to rise. This time it did not shrug off the laserfire. She turned to see Axl and Marcus in combat.

Well, sort of.

Axl dodged a jab from Marcus, then swept to one side under a right hook. As Axl came back up and around, Marcus threw the first jab again, but with weaker leverage, his body moving forwards and not prepared. Axl leaned back ever so slightly, and the blow stopped naturally due to lack of reach, right in front of his face.

Axl's counter swing brought the baton up under Marcus's ribs on the left side, shattering two into deadly bone shards. Marcus made a chuffing noise, and started to fold around the blow, but Axl was still moving. He brought the baton back and across Marcus's jawline with an audible crack. Marcus fell, blood running from his face.

Axl stood panting as Lillian pulled herself to her feet with the help of a nearby chair. Lillian was in agony from the taser blast, her broken arm, and numerous minor injuries from the scuffle, but she still had the strength to say, "You have GOT to teach me how to do that..."

>Write up huge post.
>Ohfuckohfuck lost everyth-
>"Restore session? Y/N?"
>Thank you IE. You did something right for once.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2014, 06:56:28 pm »

By the way, something that would help me with this is if you all gave me physical and personality descriptions of your characters, and what job you 'see' them as. Lillian has ALWAYS been Head of Security Helsbrecht in my mind, and Zackary will ALWAYS be Captain Zackary Fryer.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2014, 06:57:29 pm »

Captain Kert Johnson was divested of most of the trappings of rank, and was covered in his own blood. He'd been beaten near to death, and was currently wheezing bloodily.
The name's Kert Jonson mate. Also I would never be captain your story is false.

Your local HoP is here.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 06:59:11 pm by Nienhaus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2014, 07:05:46 pm »

By the way, something that would help me with this is if you all gave me physical and personality descriptions of your characters, and what job you 'see' them as. Lillian has ALWAYS been Head of Security Helsbrecht in my mind, and Zackary will ALWAYS be Captain Zackary Fryer.

Are you implying we can request to be a part of the glory?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2014, 08:42:58 pm »

By the way, something that would help me with this is if you all gave me physical and personality descriptions of your characters, and what job you 'see' them as. Lillian has ALWAYS been Head of Security Helsbrecht in my mind, and Zackary will ALWAYS be Captain Zackary Fryer.

Brandon Flickenger here, even though I'm in the story already I would just like to say he isnt very bureaucratic at all. That Egun in the HOP locker has saved many a life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2014, 09:01:55 pm »

By the way, something that would help me with this is if you all gave me physical and personality descriptions of your characters, and what job you 'see' them as. Lillian has ALWAYS been Head of Security Helsbrecht in my mind, and Zackary will ALWAYS be Captain Zackary Fryer.

Are you implying we can request to be a part of the glory?

Spoiler: CHARACTER (click to show/hide)
Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2014, 09:28:24 pm »

Malachi Kelly is about 6' 3'', ripped and tannned. I'd be anything really, as you know, but usually some kind of security, medical, or engineering position. Or the botanist. About 40 years old, stands up against anyone going against him, hates people who abuse power with a passion, and is very down to earth.

Love everything about your story so far, you make people dancing around shooting each other sound interesting.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2014, 09:35:38 pm »

Screw it, I want to be a part of this immortalized in the glory of Hans' pen.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2014, 11:09:03 am »

Yes, you CAN request to be in the story. It would be silly as hell to write JUST about myself. o.O It's a multiplayer game. It would be boring as shit with just me running around fighting mobs.

I reserve the right to abuse your characters in any fashion I see fit. This means I get the final decision on your personality, biography, and physical description. :P You're just providing me with extremely valuable input. Also, this story might get pretty graphic. I'm being realistic, whereas in-game we have some pretty strenuous rules about some things that keep things family friendly. Any posts that might offend someone or bring up bad memories or something will be appropriately marked.

I will post an update today around 330pm. It is currently 11am in my timezone at the time of this post.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2014, 11:24:41 pm »

Okay so I lied. >.> I'll have some in the morning. Real life intervened in my plans. I'm excited to start the next 'chapter'. It's going to be a lot more subtle, with less Action Girl Badass Normal and more Murder Mystery/Horror.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2014, 11:26:44 pm »

you lied to me


Vereor Nox.
There'll be another King, another sky, and a billion more stars...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2014, 10:53:09 am »

All I can hope for is the torture session that me (Lily Caukwell) and Hans got up to. One of my favourite Hans moments.

We actually managed to get several cultists, there. And one randomer who had bad luck. It was even better when Hans was spaced without a suit or oxygen and came back even more pissed off.

That was Zackary Fryer. :P
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.

Prudent Viper

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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2014, 10:56:22 am »

*Tryrar fires Prudent Viper. Out of a cannon. Into the sun*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Lillian Helsbrecht Story
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2014, 11:58:35 am »

Is your name in this story? N? You're fine. Y? You're probably going to die -very- badly.

Tangled Skein

Lillian put the final touches on the knot on her boot, then stood up and tugged at the edges of her armor where it had ridden up when she'd crouched. Her arm had healed nicely and quickly, and though she had a short scar on her flank now from the knife-wound, it had also healed without incident.

She slung on a black webbing vest this time, and slid a crowbar, a station bounced radio, a pair of earmuffs, a flashbang, and an extra pair of handcuffs into the pockets and catches. She looked over the table in the Security Muster Area at Jericho Delagrad, her first shift partner in Security, alongside Axl Blyant, who was long-standing Head of Security on 13, and the (recently replaced) Forensic Technician Malachi Kelly. They were standing around with coffee and donuts, chatting about solid-state weapons over energy weapons.

Jericho said, "Yeah, I like me a good shotgun, but you can't argue with the perfect accuracy and precise lethality of a good laser rifle."

Axl smiled and said, "I tend to agree with Jericho, on-station at least." He started ticking points off his fingers, "Lasers fire in space, through windows, and they don't cause hull breaches unless you act like an idiot. The wounds they leave don't bleed hardly at all, and most armor only absorbs the initial blast, not the radiating heat. Even if you're wearing armor, it will scorch a large patch of flesh."

Malachi nodded sagely, and said, "I'll agree with all these points. Let me make some of mine. Bullets stay in the wound, causing additional damage after the first wound. They break, tear, and shred vital internal organs, bones, and blood vessels. They DO make you bleed, which is good for tracking and stuff. And most guns fire in space, but they have a higher tendency to jam. I'll concede that point to you. But you only have to hit someone ONCE with a bullet in space, as it will rupture their suit."

Lillian smiled and said, "Alright, what about melee weapons. Shock-Maul or Telebaton?"

Axl said, "Telebaton." While Jericho and Malachi simultaneously said, "Shock-Maul." They looked at each other and also simultaneously said, "Jinx. Fuck. Hey!" Everyone dissolved into laughter for moment, then Axl wiped his grin off and said, "Alright, kids, let's get to work. Shift starts now. Jericho, go wander around Medbay and RnD. Watch out for the new clown. He's got a good repertoire of tricks. Lillian, go watch Cargo, Atmospherics, and Engineering. Malachi, stay here in Security when you can. We need someone to man the desk. I'll be wandering the core of the station, the Bridge, and the Escape Wing. Stay safe, use your gorram radio, and check in on your interval or I'll kick your ass myself."


Two hours later, Lillian was wandering the halls still, strongly considering some Cheesie Honkers, when she turned the corner to be face-to-lower-rib-cage with an absolutely enormous man, with an even more enormous... Bright orange afro.

She looked up. And up. And up. And he looked down. "Hi." He said warmly. "I'm Axel."

Lillian nodded, "I'm Lillian Helsbrecht. Nice to meet you, Axel." She took a step back so she wasn't craning her neck to look at him. "You're the largest man I think I've ever met."

"Yeah. I was always bigger than other people." He shrugged eloquently. "Genetics."

Lillian nodded again, feeling like a bobble-head. "You're a Cargo Tech, huh?" She said, indicating his rank indicators and jumpsuit color. He nodded back, the top of his afro brushing against one of the long fluorescent lights in the ceiling.

"Yep. It's me, about four other new Cargo hires, and the Quartermaster. He's a bit of a jerk, so once I finished moving all the crates, I volunteered for scav-duty." His rounded, ruddy features beamed happily.

Lillian cocked her head curiously, "What's scav-duty?"

"Oh, there's always lots of crates left in Maintenance, or in Engineering closets and stuff. We get reimbursed for returning them to Central Command, so we have to go out and collect them. I'm the only one that can just pick up and carry three empty crates, so QM likes it when I do it." Axel said proudly.

Lillian's eyes widened behind her Sec-HUDglasses, but she smiled outwardly. "Wow. Those crates are pretty heavy, you know." A little bit of data scrolled across her HUD. "... An empty metal crate like NT uses usually weighs like eighty pounds. And you can just. Carry around three of them."

Axel nodded. "That's good right?"

Lillian opened her mouth to reply when her headset crackled, "This is Jericho. I've got... I've got something here. Maintenance between Medbay and RnD, Junction 21C, the storage room near there. Oh. Please fucking hurry, I'm creeped the fuck out."

"Change your panties, Officer Delagrad. You are a trained Se-" Axl was, astonishingly, cut off right then.

"Respectfully, sir, fuck you. You aren't seeing this. Get. The. Fuck. Down. Here. For. The. Love. Of. God." A pregnant silence filled the radio, and Lillian waved at Axel, then turned and ran. She was a good runner, and very proud of it. Back on Antioch, she'd run in marathons on occasion, and ran or walked everywhere. She passed the Central hallway, then entered a Maintenance shaft.

She brought out her sec-lite, running in the darkness, reading wall-signs as she passed. She came around a corner to see light at the next bend, and she could hear familiar voices. She kept running, drawing her taser. She skidded around the corner, and to an abrupt halt at the sight before her.

Axl and Jericho stood in one corner of the storage closet. In the other corner were three lockers, each one opened to reveal three... Corpses. They were recognizable as human remains, but that was the extent of their familiarity. Each one was dried out, dessicated. Almost mummified. Jericho jumped a little as she turned the corner, but Axl just waved her over.

Lillian's PDA pinged suddenly. She flushed, embarrassed, but Axl waved at her again. "Go ahead. They aren't going anywhere, and we all need a minute. I gotta go back to Security to get Malachi. You two rope off this area and I'll tell the Captain to tell all Maintenance crew to avoid this area on pain of chemical mace." He started to turn, then looked back, "Those bodies... They're fresh. Within a few days at least."

Jericho said, "How do you know that?" As Lillian opened her messages and checked it. It was Axel. 'hay hope u rnt mad at me 4 some raisn. U seem nice. :)'

Lillian replied, 'No, no. I was njoyin the talk but work called. I'll TTYL when this is done. It's FREAKY!!! Keep out of Maint in Sections 19b-22e'

'kk thnx'

Axl was saying, "Look at the blood at the bottom of the lockers." Then he vanished into the darkness.


Fifteen minutes later, Malachi was scanning the entire compartment with a portable Forensic Scanner. He worked swiftly and efficiently, taking pictures, making notations, stuffing items into evidence bags, and generally managing the crime scene. He was almost done, and Lillian and Jericho were grateful to be out of Maintenance soon, when a new light came around the corner.

"Officers, explain the situation." Captain Flickenger and his Blueshield came around the corner. He took one look at the bodies, and waved their explanations off. "Nevermind. I can see that no one is likely to know much about this before the tests are done." Behind him came two Medical Doctors. They waited patiently to one side with a bevy of body bags and a curious cart apparently designed to carry eight bodies on two racks of four. "Once Malachi gets his results and the autopsies are complete, then we'll all meet in the Head of Staff Meeting Room and discuss it. Officers, return to patrol. I'll stay with Malachi and the Doctors." He patted a laser pistol belted to his hip.

Lillian and Jericho walked away in the dark, swapping theories. "Maybe it was a Xenoarcheological artifact or something?" Lillian suggested.

Jericho shook his head. "Why would they be stacked all neat like that in maintenance then? Wouldn't they have been IN RnD somewhere?"

They came to a door, and Lillian opened it for Jericho. The Research Director Horatio Oppenheimer was walking by, a distracted look on his weathered face. He was a big man of about sixty years, with neatly combed white hair and a neatly buttoned labcoat. He passed almost completely by the pair of Officers before Jericho said, "Good morning sir. Can you take a look at my right arm later? It's been clicking again."

Horatio stopped, his eyes blank, and looked at Jericho. "Erm. What?"

Jericho eyed him curiously, "Uh, my arm. You know, it's been clicking again. When I rotate it at the shoulder. I need you to open it up and repair the actuator again."

Horatio nodded. "Right, of course. Sorry, I was thinking about my treatise on Deliberate Quantum Biological Interactions." Jericho nodded blankly, but Lillian cocked her head curiously.

"What is that?" She asked, somewhat blithely.

Horatio smiled warmly at her and said, "Well, you seem, at the quantum level, everything is different. It's so small that the normal laws of physics don't quite apply. I was specifically dealing with the fundamentals of Biology at that level, and how a sentient might consciously cause interactions at the quantum level. It has a vast variety of uses, if my theories are correct. From cellular regeneration to autonomic production of medicines or chem-"

Jericho said, "Whoa doc. We're cops. This sounds a little out of our league." He nudged Lillian. "We gotta get back on patrol anyways."

Horatio frowned, disappointed, but he nodded and carried on his way.

Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.
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