Gah! What are you doing?! Argh! Never mind, we have to get outta here or both of us are in trouble!
Get Micheal (and myself) out of sight before the commander see's us.
Name: Michael
Gender: Male
Agility: 1
Doesn't matter! Fired the cannon!
Stay in place and confront Gregory, despite the insistence of Blaze. I didn't do anything wrong. And if I did, Ill just blame Senpia. And if that fails, I am wearing my maneuver gear, I can always just jump off the wall.
Name: Rathaniel
Gender: Male
Agility: 1
Execution: 1
Awareness: 0
Discipline: 2
Rage: -1
"That's great, well I - "
Rathaniel is cut off by the cannon-fire.
"Woah! What was that? Let's check it out. Might be important"
Rathaniel goes to the source of the cannon-fire.
After a few brief moments, Rathaniel, Sean, Michael, and Gregory are gathered around the cannon.
Sean says nothing, just sort of stares.
Jeanne is staring at you, looking concerned, but when she attempts to go over there, Angela whispers something in her ear. She sighs, and decides not to get involved.
"Can you explain to me why you fired this cannon, soldier?" Gregory stands in front of you, arms crossed and giving you a death glare.
Kyle sighs.
"Because eventually we need to strike back. If we spend our lives cowering in the face of death we'll have lost to the titans. So, even if some people die we must push on. For everyone's sake."
She stood up slowly, looking at the ground with a dark look on her face. "So...What you're saying is...I can't be worried about dying." Something sounds off in her voice.
Alex would use the reload time to jump at Jacob and slash at his neck.
Jacob saw you coming, and stopped trying to reload, instead taking off, flying from tree to tree.