To give my opinion, I'd more or less agree with Reelya in that I wasn't initially so annoyed about this because of the Five Guys thing (though that's the icing on the cake), it's that she:
-Slammed a perfectly reasonable indie game jam for no other reason than because it was competing with her own game jam, creating a twitter shitstorm about them in the process
-Had her friends in the industry pretend aforementioned game jam didn't exist, instead pressuring them to amalgamate into her game jam, which basically just had a name and her bank account attached to it
-When people began getting wind of this (and many other problems coming to the public eye), they attempted to spread it, only to find that their Youtube videos were being DMCA'd, their posts/comments were being deleted, and the gaming press refusing to say a thing. Keep in mind, this is the same gaming press that ran inflammatory articles about Max Temkin being falsely accused of rape, so they can hardly claim to simply be ignoring "personal issues". At the same time, aforementioned indie game jam found it's indiegogo page being hacked by people trying to frame /v/ and so on.
Oh, and we're aware that EA and the like regularly do fishy things with the press for good reviews too, but there are a lot of differences here. First, we already know EA does shitty things, but they get called out on it by pretty much everyone including (most of) the gaming press when they do so, whereas ZQ is apparently being protected by someone fairly high up. Second, as a large, faceless corporation, EA doesn't engage in the really petty shit, like smear campaigns or smacking down tiny indie competitors. Hell, to my knowledge they don't even do cover ups or use DMCAs on negative videos, since SEGA tried that once and was resoundingly called out for it. This is a completely different issue, and it deserves some exposure, even if certain people are basically trying to poison the well and get the threads about this locked.