For the UI I suggest you make a UI desing/feature/usability note, that would give the guidlines for positions, functions and hotkeys across the whole game. (or take example on Dwarf Fortress).
Let the "artists" work the buttons AFTER they're positioned/sized properly. Pretty isn't necessarily good or functional.
I'd like to have an auto-buy option too, since I'd like to avoid the equipment menu as much as possible. I'd like to have auto|prompt|never in both equipping troops than receiving recruits/promotions and a particular gear reaches 0 and you have enough requisition.
eg of prompt : You need 4 heavy blaster (80req), auto-buy them? Y/N, A new Librarian has joined the ranks, 1 rosarium(50) and 1 powerfist(50) bought.
In lack of funds, the current message is fine.
Another bug, it seems you can go up to -20 lascanon.
Simply have more than 0, select troopers and change it in the primary slot (don't touch any other equipment before). It seems to work only for the lascanon in the primary slot.
I've got other gear into negative sometime, but mostly -1 when promotions/battles/game full of other bugs anyway.
The negatives seems to be generated by promoting marines to new roles, unless I am mistaken. I'll take a look into this once the more major bugs are fixed.
It would appear the Gods of Chaos have infected the last update. It is impossible to recruit new marines.
Make sure that you are not penitent, your recruiting planet has a population, and that your recruitment is set to be active. If all of that checks out then I'll need to take a look at it. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
I'd just like to second that even a really plain but usable UI would be VERY much appreciated. All the overlays/graphics and things can come later.
Keep up the fantastic work Duke - it's very much appreciated. A lot of lurkers/non-bay12 people that I know are really into it too, and I'd like to pass on their thanks!
I've started on the new UI a few days back, and intend on focusing upon it once CM is relatively stable. You are all also welcome.
Minor update:
0.641Other Changes:
With Ancient Ruins, you should no longer be given blank equipment.
Ancient Ruins Artifact crash has been fixed.
Combat should no longer crash randomly.