Oh geez that's a lot of stuff. I will look into it. If you can find the full error output that would help. It might be in stderr.log, I forget.
I modified my copy of item-trigger to fix this error (which has actually been around for ages) a while ago; if I remember correctly, the issue was caused by the script's inability to handle the hardcoded item types, and had a pretty simple solution. However, I never got around to sharing it, primarily because I haven't yet figured out how to use github. Could someone give me a solid explanation regarding how to contribute to dfhack, beyond the simple explanation of "fork, modify, submit pull request"?
The GitHub
"hello world" tutorial is simple, but a good place to start. I suggest grabbing a GUI client - Sourcetree or "Github for windows" are both decent - and then it should be pretty easy. #dfhack IRC can help more.
- Pull requests for DFHack should be against the "develop" branch, not "master" (the default)
- Keep the diff minimal - make sure you start with the latest code
- Ensure documentation is also up to date; for scripts it's all in the file
- If in doubt, see the "for developers" section of the docs, and/or ask in IRC