Go to the GitHub page for dfhack, link in the original post, select the develop branch, look at the logged changes, most notably the cmakelists.txt. If it says oldversion (42.05) its no where near ready. if it says newversion (42.06) then its still at least a week away, because , to protect the impatient our friendly dfhack devs will not release a version until its had some testing.
On "being a tester", if your not able to compile it yourself then you are probably not a good candidate for testing it. Although, I have never had a conversation with the dfhack dev team and am unsure of their policy, learning to set up a dev environment should be a minimum so you don't have to bug them to send you a new binary every time they change some code.. I don't even think there are official "testers" its just all the people that can compile it running it reporting back. basically I am trying to prevent this post from turning into "funky dwarf said I could be a tester" and "how do I be a testor send me's da filez" instigator.
and if you wanna compile it yourself after they change the cmakelist , know its probably going to corrupt your save cause they just changed that file and nothing else yet, and read the great great great dfhack documentation webpage which you can find if you try, its all in there. there is some more info on compiling in the GitHub repository , but the read the doc page is a lot better and more complete.