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War with the elves of The Dyed Forest - Yea or Nay?

To arms! Death to all friends of nature!
- 32 (66.7%)
- 4 (8.3%)
Let peace return, we've humiliated them enough.
- 12 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 48

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 30

Author Topic: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress RISE AGAIN!!!☼  (Read 156534 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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===Welcome to Riverrun!===

7th Galena, 137, 12 year of the Age of Heroes

Deep in the dungeons of  the capitol of The Shovel of Hope, Workedsilks, one of two dwarven realms, a trio of dwarves approach one of the many occupied cells. Most are simply serving time for accidental export prohibition breaks or production violations, but as the group turns toone particularly unpleasant corridor, one painted black, they stop.

“Ahhh, I suppose this is death row?” Says the leader, a well dressed dwarf from The Joyous Steel Company, a leading import-export company that specialized in precious metals and firearms. The sign set up off to the side was the main indicator; rather than the usual 'Cell Block A, B, C,' and so on, it simply had an anvil with a skull over it and a hammer over that.

“Aye, sir.” Responded the female Guardsdwarf to his right. “They're all dead dwarves anyway, if you need an expedition, this'd be the place to get'em.”

He grinned, and nodded. “Well then, let's see what the hammerer has on tap shall we?”

They went down the hall, which held 12 cells, the merchant reading the reason for each dwarf's sentence.

'Excessive Property Destruction'
'Habitual Export Violationist'
'Excessive Property Destruction'
'Unsanctioned Cat Murder'
'Repeated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Chair.)'
'Repeated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Pants.)'
'Repeated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Mug.)'
'Repeated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Sock.)'

He stopped and eyed this last one, then looked at the dwarf inside. He looked strong, if painfully sober. “You there, murderer. What happened?” He said to the dwarf who was slumped over his eating table with a mug of warm water, staring scornfully at his waste bucket.

“Sparring accident.” He said back flatly.

“Oh? Then why does it say you committed a murder?”

“Two new scrubs. Thought I killed him on purpose, turned me in before I could go to Colonel Mengaval or General Kilrudanzish and explain what happened.”

“I see. Could you elaborate on this? I'm somewhat curious now.”

“We were bored, decided to have a go with the knuckle dusters we had in storage.” He took a sip of the water in his mug before continuing. “Got in his guard, hooked his arm, flung him over my shoulder. Learned why the Colonel always told us to wear our helmets when we spar. Put a little too much force into levering him over and I squashed his head on the barracks floor.”

“I see... Well, I do believe I have some good news for you...?”

“Private Splint Quiescencethimble, Shovelhope Army. And unless that good news is that those two Fortress Guards have a barrel of ale for me to dunk my head in, you can piss off.”

The merchant smiled. “Oh, there'll be ale a plenty, if you agree to act as the protector for a little expedition.”

The convict sighed. “I'm listening.”

Originally, the Joyous Steel Company had intended to establish a trading post along a major river, to take advantage of the trade done with the elves of The Pattered Weather to the south. While most elves are disliked on principle, they had fought hard at the side of The Shovel of Hope in the terrible war against The Eastern Seducers, a race of fell automatons, machines gone horribly awry, and against The Trussed Avalache, the second oldest foe to dwarven kind after the 'Frosties' of The Crossed Menaces, The Seducers of Submerging, and The Occult Hate, all of whom sent mighty warriors to destroy the dwarven holds in the Northwest, while simultaneously battling the Dwarven Kingdom of The Healing Cruelty.

Many a bloody battle was fought, and nearly all of them ended at the edge of The Dyed Forest, the land that our elvish allies called home. But 75 years into the wars, automatons began to bypass the elven armies and soon Dwarves were meeting the enemy outside their halls, and soon after orcs and goblins followed, as did roaming bands of the reclusive Pandashi seeking to test their skill against the dwarven soldiers.

Orchelards, Dyegored, Shorefences, and even the capitol of Workedsilks were the sites of terrible battles, but each time the invaders slinked out of the trees and marched past the ever-watching towers of the warlocks inhabiting the evil-tainted lands around the darkest mountains, we crushed them. It was after the seventh automaton assault on Mirroredaxes, the place which saw the worst battles of the wars against The Eastern Seducers, that it seemed the war had finally ended. The Pandashi ceased their attacks on military camps, the greenskins turned their eyes east instead of north and fought the elves and bandits closer to home, and the automaton assaults finally ended.

However, bandits and warlocks have quickly filled the gap in the savanna between The Shovel of Hope and The Dyed Forest. So instead of strictly trade, the merchants of The Joyous Steel decided a beacon would fare better. A small river crossing in the location on the map would be invaluable to many Pandashi clans, and being along the safer part of the Dyed Road trade route meant wealth would collect in the place, drawing the brigands and warlocks to it. Yes, draw bandits and such to the inside of a forest built around killing things smaller than what lives in it. Including the company's expedition.

And with the Pandashi seeking to claim the eventual bridge, their spies would send word of a possible camp full of powerful warriors the frosties and heretics would be eager to stamp out. On top of all this, human and elven merchants wouldn't need to travel all the way through a forest so large and wild to peddle goods to dwarves, and many beleaguered fortresses and hilltowns would be able to thrive and rebuild on internal trade back in the home mountains with a settlement out here to draw all comers away from them.

All in all, it amounted to suicide, painting a giant fuck-all “Kill us!” sign on our heads. A gnomish expedition hired to survey for minerals reported very poor prospects, with the few metals there possibly being buried quite deep. However, there was little that could be done about it. They were all in dire straits. Bankruptcies, investigations, murder convictions, incessant preaching about the god of war, and likely other things had led to this motley band of eight to be picked for this.

But it didn't matter now. I was given a sword, a cheap piece of junk meant for training recruits, and told, along with my traveling companions, to go to this place and strike the earth.

And anything else that gets in our way.

=More Intro!=
Hello hello! Been meaning to start this bitch up for some time now. Is there an award for “Most community games started?” If not, there should be. I'd totally win it.

It was pretty difficult to decide what race to play since there's so much to do with any one, but ultimately I decided on the good ol' dorf. Why? Well because Gnomes don't fit my play style (as you can tell, I prefer to see my enemies demolished by force of arms,) Orcs are a bitch to write as, Kobolds are both hard to write as and prone to dying of old age in droves in longer lived camps, and Warlocks have a nasty habit of being too few in number for me to do anything with (as in the 'locks themselves, not the skeletal/zombie minions.) Succubi I don't know enough about, and humans haven't been released yet. They're all fun to play as but they just didn't suit what I wanted to do, largely because, well other than the gnomes and dwarves everybody is constantly trying to kill the others and that makes getting anything done a pain in the ass, and not in a good way. Me being the huge bitch I am, that means I like having at least most of a year before someone kicks my shit down with a rifle or an army of dire wolves and giant eagles.

Anyway, Riverrun is intended to be a semi-mercantile fortress, run and funded by the Merchant Guild. The intent being to control at least a small portion of trade between the dwarven realm and the lands of others, as well as draw the kingdom's foes like moths to a flame.


  • Diseases are enabled, but I removed high blood pressure. This puts us all at considerable risk though, as it will be more likely for us to be killed by disease than invaders, starvation, or *shudder* sobriety.
    - Specifically, high blood pressure can disrupt trade if a merchant has a stroke. Happened before, don't want it to happen again.
  • Secret Fun Stuff is enabled. We'll be bringing wards.
  • Necromancers and Fear The Night creatures are in play.
  • I have an actual set of goals I intend to reach, after which I will possibly hand off the save. Depends on if I wanna continue playing myself or not.
  • We will have numerous foes, as most “basic” enemy races except for evil counterparts are enabled: Automatons, Frost Giants, Taiga Orc Clans, Goblins, Kobolds and Warlocks. Succubi were left out on the grounds that I don't know enough about them to want to fight them, as well as to free up space for the fortress defense races (many of whom are often wiped out before the 100 year mark in world gen.)
  • Fort Defense races are included: Roving packs of stranglers and beak wolves would have plagued us, but constant conflict killed both off. However, the Badger Tribes yet live and many call the region around the fortress home, as do the Pandashi clans, who may also come out of their strange bamboo forests to face us if our warriors prove mighty foes, worthy of testing their mettle against.
  • Harder whatever are all disabled. I don't care for them, and we'll have enough problems with disease and invaders as it is.
  • As you guys know, I am a dwarf of honor. That being said, especially since I decided to include Chaos Dwarves (because why not,) our strength will primarily lie in the might of our bravest dwarves and through the coin of our coffers, not in traps or complex goblin grinders... Usually.
  • Golems will not be employed unless they arrive via the mountainhome caravans or someone volunteers to become one, assuming we ever get access to such a thing in a prompt enough manner for it to matter.
  • I have added an additional noble, the Governor, as an upgrade of the mayor once we have 80 dwarves. This is mainly for flavor and extra annoyance.
  • Audience participation is encouraged, appreciated, and above all loved! As said in both Carryscar and Angel Abbey, you guys make this fun and give me a reason to carry on; I couldn't do this stuff without'cha!

=Less Important Things to Know=

  • Due to the presence of fairly large opponents, cutting and piercing weapons will be our main answer to enemy forces. I learned the hard way that maces and sometimes even hammers have difficulty dealing with larger invaders wearing helmets.
  • I will try my best to follow what the audience wants, but do keep in mind limitations in resources and dwarfpower.
  • If your dorf dies, they ded. Anyone with abilities that may lead to otherwise will be left to rot and handled with gloves afterwards. You're welcome to claim a new one though.
  • That being said, keep the 'specialness' to minimum. Everyone's a squishy dorf, what matters is who they are. And how they die and if it was hilarious.


The location

The gear

The initial area.

We started with 2000 points, representing company funds. So much coal was brought due to expectation of little in the way of fuel. We currently have 4 out of 8 founders claimed, who will be listed further down.


  • Bay Watcher
  • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
    • View Profile
Re: Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress (yes, another.)
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2014, 02:27:03 pm »

Not necessarily part of the current timeline of events, due to save loss.

[Monitor Lisard as Vector/Vexxy the Ranger]
The Lizard Hunter
They creep me out too
A bag of Silver for...
Mr Froggie
Enlistment. Also Paint.

Goblin Imagery

Moonlight and Swamp Whiskey

Beauty of the Caverns
War Crime

[MuDD as Fergus the Swordsdwarf]
Journal 1

[Evilsx as Urist the Blind Fisherdwarf]
Badly written journal 1: Even blind dorfs can write.

[OOC Splint]
History Lesson: The Rent Conflict
History Lesson: Shovelhope Monarchy
History Lesson: The Gods of The Shovel of Hope
History Lesson (kinda): Symbolism of Riverrun and its neighbors.

First Tour of Riverrun
Second Tour of Riverrun

A Meeting of Deities

[Tenderroast as Tenderroast the Smith]
Journal 1
Journal 2
Journal 3
Journal 4
Journal 5

[Mr Frog as Mr Frog the Engraver]
Super-Secret Diary 1
Super-Secret Diary 2
Super-Secret Diary 3
Super-Secret Diary 4
Super-Secret Diary 5

[Nidor as Nidor the 'Apostle']
Confessions of a 'Clergyman'
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Anticipation
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Initiation
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Expectation
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Introductions
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Acclimation
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Reflection
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Commotion
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Trepidation
Confessions of a 'Clergyman': Association/Wife of a 'Clergyman'

[Arcvasti, as Arcvasti the Demented Inventor]
Mad Ramblings 1
Mad Ramblings 2
Mad Ramblings 3
Mad Ramblings 4
Final Ramblings of Arcvasti, Father of the Red Dragon

A Congress Beneath

[Tirion as Tirion the Speardwarf Sergeant]
Journal 1

[DreamerGhost as Khaziraad The Earth-Mage-In-Training]
Past and Arrival
Welcome to Fort Badass
A kind word for the deceased


  • Bay Watcher
  • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
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Re: Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress (yes, another.)
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2014, 02:28:22 pm »

All of our ambulatory bearded livers are available unless otherwise indicated, with the number of dwarves in each wave still alive listed beside the wave number. Relations available on request. x/x indicates number of survivors from this wave. Relations/descriptions available on request.

FOUNDATION: 7/8 Dwarves

Nobgost Ebgokfikod, Woodworker
Urir Logemmusen, Engineer/Miner
Emtan Vagushzamnuth, 1st CMD/Miner
Psi Suthmamlodel, Weapon/Armorsmith [Claimed: P(ony)SI]
Splint Esartarem, Military Commander [Claimed: Splint]
Reudh Reksasgabet, Stoneworker [Claimed: Reudh]
Karkov Rusestdoshet, Famrer/Brewer/Woodcutter and Expedition Leader [Claimed: Karkov]
Julius Ubaseshtan, Craftsdwarf [Claimed: NonB12er]

Wave 1 5/8

Dailm Shomadstigaz, Spinner [Claimed: Rum]
Urist Knightcatered, Blind Fisherdwarf [Claimed: Evilsx]
Vexxy Shemezum, Ranger [Claimed: Monitor Lisard]
Eitan Nix Keskal, Schizophrenic Toolmaker/Hunter [Claimed: Lolfail0009]
Fergus Oklitshomad, Engineer/Swordsdwarf [Claimed: MuDD]
Maskwolf Dumasob, Legendary Engraver [Claimed: 4maskwolf]
Edem Rithogablel, Hivekeeper
Udir Zagithgithol, Fortress Guard

Wave 2 0/2

Tulon Atekushrir, Carpenter
Adil Angzakzafal, 1st Broker

Wave 3 15/23

Lorbam Likotenol, Oven Operator
Vakun Istamerib, Gem Setter
Lokum Asbekar, Cavern Speardwarf
Rekas Rigothdan, Swordlord
Theila Odinal, Swordlord
Tekkud Shammanzevut, Beast Dissector
Erib Asothlest, 2nd Broker, 2nd Mayor
Kigok Ozerdum, 1st Mayor
Kiror Kudbecor, Swordsdwarf
Arcvasti Dakaslibash, Demented Inventor [Claimed: Arcvasti]
Fenglel Risidbalad, Swordlord Sergeant
Stinthad Gukildoren, Hebralist/Engineer
Shusug Ugathlur, Woodcrafter
Ngithol Zagithinol, Swordlord Sergeant
Shorast Ulabgosmer, Bookkeeper
Momuz Shislugzevut, Hivekeeper
Degel Kokdathas, Blacksmith
Fikod Tecakalath, Butcher
Shumik Uzolzamoth, Mechanic
Bobnose "The Flatulant" Zagodvakun, Sorcerer [Claimed: Von Kreiger]
Mr Frog Oramsigun, Sergeant [Claimed: Mr Frog]
Sibrek Legonadil, Dyer and Painter/Wrestler
Dumed Kathiloltar, Hunter

Wave 4 6/11

Rakust Ubencim, Nobledwarf
Unib Soshdodok, Sorceress
Reg Asteshnoglesh, Tailor
Zas Inselreras, Tanner/Marksdwarf
Elcur Olonoshot, Engraver
Ducim Ongosducim, Swordslord
Tenderroast Anan, Blacksmith [Claimed: Tenderroast]
Dobar Zodendolek, Gemcutter
Morul Vunomurist, Bowdwarf Sergeant
Nuglush Zolakreksas, Cook
Gusil Zagithlegan, Manager

Wave 5 10/13

Urist Thadmosus, Milker/Cook
Stakud Ceshfotnazom, Tanner/Cheese Maker
Tath Arustzizcun, Carpenter/Marksdwarf
Oshgat Feshmafol, Herbalist/Hammerdwarf
Itur Solondugan, Engraver
Lien Fikod, Swordslord [Claimed: SilverDragon]
Ingtak Damellened, Toolmaker
Lolfail Vumsharmeng, Metalworker/Marksdwarf [Claimed: Lolfail0009]
Ber Ezumlumen, Hunter
Kolad Sizod, Administrator
Banik Usansazir, Child
Kugik Bashnomdugan, Toolmaker
Teldgr Ageshfath, Chief Physician [Claimed: Renugal]

WAVE 6 13/17

Ngithol Mimkottetthush, Farmworker
Sososh Otikurir, Farmworker
Ilral Udiritnet, Fortress Guard/Legendary Mason
Iden Reksasnuked, Hunter
Kodath Umomberim, Woodcrafter
Ib Cerolminran, Toolmaker
Zoden Memrutmeng, Miner
Uzol Lirukbesmar, Architect
Kugik Dumataban, Engineer
Lolok Urrithkulet, Archaeologist
Kubuk Becordalzat, Researcher
Athel Shinzoden, Suturer
Onol Migrurkol, Farmworker
Gex Senelgingim, Strange Miner [Claimed: Draconik_Sankis]
Shomad Gabetrigoth, Animal Trainer
Risen Rashkugik, Bowyer
Gumka Endoktusung, Armorer [Claimed: Lolfail0009]

Wave 7 11/14

Inrus Becorablel, Engraver
Edir Bashnomor, Ranger
Damid Mothramugog, Child
Urist Eirthostar, Farmworker
Dodok Cogolmul, Peasant
Nurom Unibmogshum, Child
Imush Dostust, Woodcrafter
Tirion Vircuggan, Carpenter [Claimed: Tirion]
Amost Tekkuddustik, Animal Trainer/Hammerdwarf
Minkot Shashrafar, Tailor
Draeath Unibsharsid, Cavern Speardwarf [Claimed: draeath]
Shomad Ngitholzafal, Child
Angzak Lokumiggal, Fortress Guard
Khaziraad Onamcuggan, Sorcerer [Claimed: DreamerGhost]

Wave 8 9/12

Kogsak Ibeshlitast, Farmworker
Nidor Okboderong, Apostle [Claimed: Nidor]
Thob Inrus, Farmworker
Kivish Ogrennalthish, Jeweler
Nobgost Zefonlish, Cavern Speardwarf
Nobgost Fenokinol, Beast Dissector
Shulmik Roderunil, Physician
Erush Uzdodok, Engraver
Iden Bemnabid, Stoneworker
Assog Thaddumed, Miller
As Zevutibmat, Fish Farmer: MIA
Jaywalker Boriktizot, Scrap Melter [Claimed: Meph]

Wave 9 5/9

Amost Ustuthsitheb, Hunter
Vukrig Ronzotir, Engraver
Zust Memadlened, Chemist
Cerol Vostazshash, Engraver
Ilral Etathrised, Physician
Zagith Lolokral, Legendary Butcher
Xanatosxan Ishlulor, Eccentric Sorcerer [Claimed: xanatosxan]
Urvad Stingbolkob, Animal Caretaker
Eral Umombumbal, 1st Captain of the Guard

WAVE  10 9/10

Lokum Ralgishgil, Fish Farmer/Marksdwarf
Ingishlogemseng, Blacksmith/Marksdwarf
Dakost Oshtarashmon, Spinner
Tholtig Tongusoken, Miller/Researcher
Dishmab Kirustuth, Cavern Speardwarf
Cog Zotirzangin, Fishery Worker
Becor Uroshshomad, Bone Doctor/Daggerdwarf
Monom Rigothilash, Mason/Marksdwarf
Meng Salulgasis, Fish Farmer
Sutham Atoriton, 2nd Captain of the Guard

WAVE 11 9/10

Uzol Thomal, Sorcerer
Urist Alathsombith, Toolmaker
Thelbil Tuntudrug, Physician/Cook
Nalthish Emtanthemor, Army Representative (Farmworker/Legionnaire)
Unib Tangaknish, Hunter
Ducim Eshtandan, Cook
Ineth Regnonub, Herbalist/Duke's Brother
Kivish Ashmonfongbez, Siege Operator
Uzol Estilmedtob, Fish Cleaner
Led Urdimdotir, Lumberjack

WAVE 12 9/9
Saneb Atirkulin, Ranger
Roduk Nasodkiguk, Hunter
Geshud Ibeshlitast, Surgeon/Stealmansion Veteran
Borik Odaban, Trader
Edir Angrireral, Fortress Guard
Led Elcur, Fortress Guard
Nil Nuglushfazis, Siege Operator
Unib Odgast, Fortress Guard
Cerol Estrithbesmar, Swordsdwarf

Fortressborn 30/37

Urist Kibzasgim, Furnace Operator
Edem Kebmakstakud, Trash Burner
Ablel Nglaktizot, Thunderguard Sergeant
Lupanian Fathecut, Thunderguard Rifledwarf [Claimed by: The Lupanian]
Erith Uristtomem, Thunderguard Rifledwarf
Erib Lulordostust, Furnace Operator
Kiror Kokdathshusug, Furnace Operator
Bot Thikutid, Bone Carver
Assog Nikotdugan, Potter & Stonecrafter
Dotust Ardeszeng, Mechanic
Jet Oslanthemor, Farmhand
Gesith Oslanmingus, Stoneworker
Angzak Sobirassog, Mason/Stonecrafter
Dostust Ardeszeg, Legendary Mechanic
Cilob Vancobtarem, Furnace Operator
Zanmuth Datlad, Child
Bashnom Amidshusug, Child
Shusug Gebardoduk, Child
Shem Genlathnobot, Child
Shusug Tomonatir, Child
Asob Duscimmugshith, Child
Shusug Ushanglinem, Baby
Id Sarveshborlon, Baby
Alina Tirdugtazik, Baby
Tedaz Sulusidos, Baby
Vukrig Nonshutmothram, Baby
Unib Moshnunzuntir, Baby
Bomrek Olervildang, Baby
Edem Ertalnalthish, Baby
Tedaz Tekkudrisid, Baby
Ravod Ducimkastol, Baby

Kogan Idenacob, Child
Medtob Botmoshnun, Child
Zagel Uzoltotmon, Child
Muthkat Unilkoshosh, Miner
Kib Litast, Baby
Unib Akrulenog, Child

That's as many as I have track of at present.



  • Bay Watcher
  • War is a valid form of diplomacy.
    • View Profile
Re: Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress (yes, another.)
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2014, 02:31:10 pm »

Here we have all who die to whatever cause. Kiddies who get nabbed are listed as casualties as well. Causes of death consist of several categories, each color coded! Out of respect for the dead, visiting merchants and their guards as well as normal dwarves of goblin cultural heritage will also be included. They're dwarves too after all.

People killed as of Update 17b may be found here.

INSANITY: Ah, good ol' madness. Dwarves who died as a result of madness (be it berserker rage, gibbering loonery, schizophrenic delusion, or a severe case of emo-itis,) will be listed in Orange here.

Eitan Nix Keska, Toolmaker: Schizophrenic Outburst
Tulon Atekushrir, Carpenter: Schizophrenic Outburst
Lolfail Vumsharmeng, Metalworker: Schizophrenic Outburst
Dobar Zodendolek, Gemcutter: Schizophrenic Outburst
Kokdath Umomberim, Woodcrafter: Schizophrenic Outburst
Sosh Ovusashob, Outpost Liaison: Berserk
Reg Asteshnoglesh, Tailor: Stark Raving Mad
Elcur Olonoshot, Engraver: Stark Raving Mad
Lulor Cilobanuz, Visiting Merchant: Schizophrenic Outburst
Edem Kebmakstakud, Trash Burner: Stark Raving Mad

ACCIDENTAL: A common staple of many forts is deaths caused by accidents, such as poor scaffold removal, falling into irrigation ditches and drowning, accidents involving a pelican and a bucket of magma, that sort of thing. Such deaths will be listed accordingly as Construction Accident, Drowning, etc. Such deaths will be colored in Red. This also includes Tantrum related deaths, "Unfortunate Accidents," and those caused by berserk dwarves.

Kogan Idenacob, Child: Killed by Berserk Dwarf
Kubuk Becordalzat, Researcher: Killed by Giant Badger
Kigok Ozerdum, 1st Mayor: Dehydration
Arcvasti Dakaslibash, Demented Inventor: Killed by Cave Crocodile
Ingtak Damellened, Toolmaker: Killed by Cave Crocodile
Amost Ustuthsitheb, Hunter: Killed by Frogman
Shumik Uzolzamoth, Mechanic: Killed by Cauchemar
As Zevutibmat, Fish Farmer: Unknown, presumed accident until body is recovered
Zagel Uzoltotmon, Child: Killed by Shadowbeast
Emtan Vagushzamnuth, Founder/CMD/Miner: Friendly Fire (Red Dragon Matriarch Pyro The Obeyed/Efreet Breach)
Eral Umombumbal, 1st Captain of the Guard: Friendly Fire (Red Dragon Matriarch Pyro The Obeyed/Efreet Breach)
Zagith Lolokral, Legendary Butcher:Friendly Fire (Red Dragon Tyrus Whimwaters/Frost Giant Attack)
Itur Solondugan, Engraver: Murdered by Tholtig Tongusoken
Zoden Memrutmeng, Miner: Murdered by Tholtig Tongusoken
Tholtig Tongusoken, Serial Killer: Executed via dehydration
Muthkat Unilkoshosh, Miner: Friendly Fire (Red Dragon Matriarch Pyro The Obeyed/Kobold Intrusion)
Kib Litast, Baby: Accidental Suicide by weapon trap (blacked out due to prior injury)
Edir Bashnomor, Ranger: Friendly Fire (Red Dragon/Giant Fly Intrusion)

INVADERS: Probably the main cause of countless disasters is some form of invader, from the humble kobold up to demonic incursions. Anyone who dies as a result of enemy action (including medical neglect, drowning deaths, that sort of thing,) will be listed here in Red, as will soldiers who died on animal extermination missions.

Kiror Kudbecor, Swordsdwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Ducim Ongosducim, Swordslord: KIA (Goblin)
Urist Knightcatered, Blind Fisherdwarf: Killed by Frost Giant
Zon Arusttishen, Caravan Swordsdwarf, KIA: (Black Barghest)
Morul Vunomurist, Bowdwarf Sergeant: KIA (Goblin)
Fel Ignobleh, Caravan Hammerdwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Melbil Birutsarvesh:Caravan Hammerdwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Cog Umarmest, Caravan Axedwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Roduk Genlathabsam, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Goblin
Adil Angzakzafal, 1st Broker: Killed by Goblin
Urist Eirthostar, Farmworker: Killed by Bandit Rifleman (poison-dipped musket ball)
Ngalak Fersodel, Caravan Macedwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Tezad Mimkotmorul, Caravan Macedwarf: KIA (Black Barghest)
Geshud Kabatzevut, Caravan Swordsdwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Cog Daralreksas, Caravan Hammerdwarf:KIA (Goblin)
Domas Nakuthzulban, Caravan Speardwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Nuglush Unillibruk, Caravan Speardwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Tholtig Umomosed, Caravan Axedwarf: KIA (Black Barghest)
Akrul Sulus, Caravan Swordsdwarf: KIA (Scavanger Troll)
Solon Keskalfath, Caravan Macedwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Zevut Abolkilrud, Caravan Axedwarf: KIA (Goblin)
Avuz Dudgothkol, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Goblin
Muthkat Kenkigok, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Black Barghest
Thadum Mosusigris, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Goblin
Rith Kirorbobur, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Black Barghest
Thikut Uvashtorir, Visiting Merchant:Killed by Black Barghest
Rimtar Etaringtak, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Goblin
Kib Nuromkikrost, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Goblin
Thabum Isdenuthgur, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Scavanger Troll
Mosus Luasdug, Visiting Merchant: Killed by Black Barghest
Lorbam Likotenol, Oven Operator: Killed by Goblin
Assog Thaddumed, Farmworker: Killed by Goblin
Mr Frog Oramsigun, Sergeant: KIA (Giant Drowspider)
Medtob Nuglushmozir, Caravan Axedwarf: Divine Striking (spammed combat logs with regain consciousness, removed via DFHack)
Cerol Vostazshash, Cavern Swordsdwarf: Killed by Cauchemar/botched surgery (meta-caused accident due to wounded recovery bug)
Lokum Asbekar, Cavern Speardwarf: Killed by Voracious Cave Crawler
Snodub  Dostngospuslur, Invader Swordsdwarf: Slain by Pyro Ustogamoxo, Red Dragon Matriarch (Bitten in half)
Olngo Uzaspuz, Invader Lasherdwarf: Slain by Commander Splint (Bisection)
Uko Unuuksos, Invader Pikedwarf: Slain by Swordlord Dailm (Decapitation)
Zust Neklosed, Caravan Macedwarf: KIA (Giant Tick)
Udir Zagithgithol, Fortress Guard: Cave Crocodile Alchemyadored
Ilral Udiritnet, Fortress Guard/Legendary Mason: Cave Crocodile Alchemyadored
Angzak Lokumiggal, Fortress Guard: Cave Crocodile Alchemyadored
Unib Akrulenog, Child: Cave Crocodile Facestranger
Unib Tangaknish, Hunter: Cave Crocodile Mirthfulvermillion

DISEASE: Since diseases sans one are active, death by disease will probably be a problem and claim us by the score where enemy soldiers fail. Deaths by disease will have the disease that killed them and thier name listed in Lime Green.

Nobgost Fenokinol, Beast Dissector: Liver Cancer

Old Age: Now, believe it or not this could potentially happen, as odd as it sounds. Happy dwarves live long lives, but they aren't immortal. Dwarves who die of old age peacfully will be listed in Cyan.

Abduction: Kids are bound to be grabbed eventually. They'll be listed here in Purple.

Medtob Botmoshnun, Child


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Re: Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress (yes, another.)
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2014, 02:34:31 pm »

1st Granite, 138

Happy fucking new year.

We arrived at the spot on the map, found the gods-forsaken stream absolutely infested with otter shaped things and something resembling some kind of alligator or crocodile. Sure as hell not gonna volunteer to be the fisherdwarf in this place.

Nobgost (worst name ever; sounds like a damned goblin or one of those whatchamacallits.... I wanna say snaba, snaza, something like that,) set about to having a go at the trees around us. Emtan and Urir are grabbing the picks to dig out what will probably amount to a filthy little hovel in the ground as well as some defensive dry moats.

Who the fuck am I kidding, they're just gonna be ditches.

2nd Granite, 138. Also known as why the hell are there plump helmet men here.

Seriously, who the fuck invited the gods damned purple smurfs? This can only end badly. Speaking of things ending badly I need to find something to do. I'm technically just a peasant, and if I have to go on and off duty that'd be bad... Meh, guess I can pick through plants until I'm good enough to be called a novice.

5th Granite, 138

Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. If I hear Julius make that joke about the orcs again I'm going to stab him. Bored. Bored. Bored.

Oh, and turns out we're sitting on a shitload of fire clay. Yay? Yay.

6th granite, 138

While I was picking through the bushes I realized the smurfs were following me. I know the little bastards plot against us constantly but why the hell are they following me? Do they know something I don't?? WHY ARE THEY FOLLOWING ME!?!?


11th Granite, 138

Good enough. Now to continue cowering in the wagon from those little purple freaks.

13th Granite, 138

Found sand. Lovely lovely, piss yellow sand. I predict windows in our future.

11th Slate, 138

A month and a half's worth of work and we got a clay-sand pit to hide in, some ditches, and a bunch of wood. Not bad for a bunch of convicts, bankrupt guildsdwarves, and some smurfs. Speaking of smurfs...

They scare me.

And lo, did the first update cometh! The plump helmet men really did follow Splint around while he collected berries and whatnot, we do have those freakish gator cousins nearby, and there's a very real chance that the first wave of migrants we get will kill us all with pneumonia or small pox. But still, first update!

And it starts with a nice healthy topping of mushroom man paranoia too. This is gonna be a fun fort.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2014, 04:04:37 pm »

This one seems rather interesting... Can I be dorfed? Name's Vector (or Vex for short), preferably male (if female, name her Vexxy). Any profession will do (if talking abot starting dwarves, i'd rather choose the woodworker).

Vex used to live in a small dwarven town to the north. He spent a year hunting for large beasts in local marshes. That earned him his nickname: Vector the Crocodile. A calm and rational dwarf, he enjoys telling stories by the campfire. Although he may not look like it, he's quite endure and strong. A keen historian and biologist, he also knows a thing or two about use of firearms and throwing weapons. I'll provide some more backstory later.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 04:07:50 pm by Monitor Lisard »
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2014, 09:20:01 pm »

Ah, it begins!

I shiver with anticipation


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2014, 10:05:50 pm »

Heck to the yes! Wonderful OP, and wonderful first post, Splint!


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2014, 01:29:38 am »

12th Slate, 138

Well I'll be a son of a sober elf! Coal!

17th Slate, 138

Saw some giant red pandas. I'm worried about such large animals being near us, but thankfully Emtan and Urir finished making the ditch largely impassable... Red pandas can't fly can they? No... Course they can't.

7th Felsite, 138

Reudh drew up some plans for a big dining room, and a food storage about the same size below that. Not sure why his plans look so... Fancy. I mean who the hell is gonna see it from above?

12th Felsite, 138

Those stupid little shrooms are still following me around like lost dogs. Why the hell are they doing this, I don't even like plump helmet men!!

17th Felsite, 138

Julius hauling rocks

We've all taken up the time honored role as rock hauler. Reudh needs something to do and a diseased-turd colored wall is better than no wall at all. That and Urir needs to make a lever to control the drawbridge.

23rd Felsite, 138

I got an armor stand to train at! And by train I mean basically whack it until I get bored or sleepy. And Cerol told Urir to quit digging long enough to get the bridge finished. Evidently she's a little paranoid about disease, and wants to be able to lock the inevitable group of fellow societal fuck-ups that will show up in a month or two out until they prove they're clean. Or they all die of whatever horrible contagion they brought with them.

Y'know, whichever happens first.

Oh, and we also got some beds and Reudh's making some tables, so... There's that.



7th Hematite

-The next couple pages appear to have suffered some minor water damage, but it's still legible.- Of fucking course.

21st Hematite, 138

So it turns out the smurfs are trying to be helpful. Caught one beating the life out of something and when I ran over it spun around and held up a dead rhino lizard like it was trying to say “I killed you a thing!”

Also, some fellow dregs have arrived, led by a guy I heard about in the army, Erith Shomadstigaz. Who brought another damned smurf. One of the migrants also brought what looked like a genie if I'm not mistaken. And while we were out telling them they'd have to wait a little while to see if anyone was sick, someone carrying a toolmaker's kit and wearing Fisher Guild colors was acting a little strange.

Nothing too serious though. I mean she's a Fisher, so weirdness is expected from them. Unless she starts killing people. Then there's a problem, and the solution is in my sheath.

28th Hematite, 138

Karkov tossed out a bag of Reudh's spare masonry tools and her hatchet with some sandstone blocks and told the new people to clear a space for a depot.

12th Malachite, 138

Nobody's coughing up their lungs or vomiting uncontrollably outside. In fact, the new people are doing pretty well! They're clearing the soon-to-be depot area and seem content to survive on fish that one dwarf, Urist I think his name was, catches in a nearby pond and off of river water. Probably due to having to live on that stuff on the way here.

Hell, I'm amazed we had any booze left considering how fuckin' hot is is up north.

End of the moth rolls around, they'll be let in with a clean bill of health though.

1st Galena, 138

All safe, all clear, and all annoyed as hell with us for locking them out last month! One of them said if we were so worried about disease we should build an apothecary’s lab to make medicine out of the plants we don't need.

So I whacked Julius in the back of the head and told him to make the tools for it and told him I'd feed him to the smurfs if he gave me any lip about it.

18th Galena, 138

Turns out Urist is blinder than a bat! I found  out that harpoon of his is actually his “tappin' stick,” which apparently means he jabs it into the ground to figure out If there's something in his way and if there's food or booze in any barrels he pokes.



So, here's a second update! We got migrants who amazingly enough didn't kill us all with meningitis, small pox, Spanish flu or what have you. Instead, we got a Great level toolmaker with schizophrenia that likes to shoot snakes and a blind fisherdwarf. Not a bad start for the first half of the year, but we do need to make some weapons; I'm rather paranoid about what may come upon us before the year is out.

Also, as you can see this fort I'm going to try (and probably fail) at including a few little doodles per update, mostly probably pertaining to the PH Men. Because the little freaks are still following Splint around despite an actual friend of the things being in play now. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

So yeah! Whole new crop of dwarves to pick from, get'em while they're not riddled with disease and mushroom man bites!


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2014, 01:35:16 am »

Actually, can I change my dwarf request to the schizophrenic one?

Name: Eitan Nix

She can keep her current job/ect.


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2014, 01:38:37 am »

Actually, can I change my dwarf request to the schizophrenic one?

Name: Eitan Nix

She can keep her current job/ect.

Done and done, she's yours.


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2014, 01:49:49 am »

Sweet, I'll get done with my dealings with the government and the tertiary education system, then I'll write something for her.


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2014, 02:13:42 am »

Posting to watch and claim a Dwarf if possible. Call him Fergus and make 'im a Sword or Spear dorf, whichever you prefer.


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Re: ☼Riverrun, a Masterwork Community Dwarf Fortress☼
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2014, 02:15:01 am »

Also that "I killed you something" picture is fucking adorable lol.
Hell of a lot less creepy than I usually envision the Plump Helmet men as being.
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